- import_tasks: config.yml

- import_tasks: cleanup.yml

- import_tasks: check-containers.yml

- import_tasks: register.yml

- import_tasks: bootstrap_service.yml

# NOTE(sshambar): We don't want pre-upgrade monasca-thresh instances
# running in local mode after an upgrade, so stop them.
# The first node will be replaced with the submission container in the
# handlers below.
- name: Stopping all monasca-thresh instances but the first node
  become: true
    action: "stop_container"
    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
    name: "{{ monasca_services['monasca-thresh']['container_name'] }}"
    - inventory_hostname in groups['monasca-thresh']
    - inventory_hostname != groups['monasca-thresh'] | first

- name: Flush handlers
  meta: flush_handlers