Image building ============== The ``tools/`` script in this repository is responsible for building docker images. Guide ----- In general, you will build images like this: :: $ tools/ By default, the above command would build all images based on centos image. If you want to change the base distro image, add ``-b``: :: $ tools/ -b ubuntu There are following distros available for building images: - fedora - centos - oraclelinux - ubuntu To push the image after building, add ``--push``: :: $ tools/ --push If you want to build only keystone image, use the following command: :: $ tools/ keystone If you want to build multiple images e.g. keystone and nova, use the following command: :: $ tools/ keystone nova ``tools/`` use ``kollaglue`` as default namespace. If you want to push images to your dockerhub, change the namespace like: :: $ tools/ -n yourusername --push Build Openstack from Source --------------------------- When building images, there are two methods of the Openstack install. One is ``binary``. Another is ``source``. The ``binary`` means that Openstack will be installed from apt/yum. And the ``source`` means that Openstack will be installed from source code. The default method of the Openstack install is ``binary``. You can change it to ``source`` using the following command: :: tools/ -t source The locations of Opentack source code are written in ``build.ini``. Now the source type support ``url`` and ``git``. The ``build.ini`` looks like: :: [glance-base] type = url location = [keystone] type = git location = reference = stable/kilo To build RHEL containers, it is necessary to use the -i (include header) feature to include registration with RHN of the container runtime operating system. To obtain a RHN username/password/pool id, contact Red Hat. First create a file called rhel-include: :: RUN subscription-manager register --user= --password= \ && subscription-manager attach --pool Then build RHEL containers: :: build -b rhel -i ./rhel-include