Enable the jobboard feature for the Octavia amphora provider. This requires Redis as a dependency, a precheck is added to ensure proper configuration. https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/latest/install/install-amphorav2.html Change-Id: Iec3c8a4b4e257557dc8ec995c41d0ad7e88e13e2
163 lines
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163 lines
5.8 KiB
debug = {{ octavia_logging_debug }}
log_dir = /var/log/kolla/octavia
{% if service_name == "octavia-api" %}
log_file = octavia-api.log
{% endif %}
transport_url = {{ rpc_transport_url }}
bind_host = {{ api_interface_address }}
bind_port = {{ octavia_api_listen_port }}
enabled_provider_drivers = '{{ octavia_provider_drivers }}'
ca_private_key_passphrase = {{ octavia_ca_password }}
ca_private_key = /etc/octavia/certs/server_ca.key.pem
ca_certificate = /etc/octavia/certs/server_ca.cert.pem
{% if enable_barbican | bool %}
region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
endpoint_type = internal
ca_certificates_file = {{ openstack_cacert }}
{% endif %}
enabled_provider_agents = {{ octavia_provider_agents }}
{% if neutron_plugin_agent == 'ovn' %}
ovn_nb_connection = {{ ovn_nb_connection }}
ovn_sb_connection = {{ ovn_sb_connection }}
{% endif %}
server_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/server_ca.cert.pem
client_cert = /etc/octavia/certs/client.cert-and-key.pem
bind_port = {{ octavia_amp_listen_port }}
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ octavia_database_user }}:{{ octavia_database_password }}@{{ octavia_database_address }}/{{ octavia_database_name }}
connection_recycle_time = {{ database_connection_recycle_time }}
max_pool_size = {{ database_max_pool_size }}
max_retries = -1
auth_url = {{ keystone_internal_url }}
auth_type = password
username = {{ octavia_keystone_user }}
password = {{ octavia_keystone_password }}
user_domain_name = {{ default_user_domain_name }}
project_name = {{ octavia_service_auth_project }}
project_domain_name = {{ default_project_domain_name }}
cafile = {{ openstack_cacert }}
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcache_secret_key }}
memcached_servers = {% for host in groups['memcached'] %}{{ 'api' | kolla_address(host) | put_address_in_context('memcache') }}:{{ memcached_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
service_type = load-balancer
www_authenticate_uri = {{ keystone_internal_url }}
auth_url = {{ keystone_internal_url }}
auth_type = password
project_domain_id = {{ default_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ default_user_domain_id }}
project_name = service
username = {{ octavia_keystone_user }}
password = {{ octavia_keystone_password }}
cafile = {{ openstack_cacert }}
region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcache_secret_key }}
memcached_servers = {% for host in groups['memcached'] %}{{ 'api' | kolla_address(host) | put_address_in_context('memcache') }}:{{ memcached_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
bind_port = {{ octavia_health_manager_port }}
bind_ip = {{ octavia_network_interface_address }}
heartbeat_key = insecure
controller_ip_port_list = {% for host in groups['octavia-health-manager'] %}{{ 'octavia_network' | kolla_address(host) | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ octavia_health_manager_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
stats_update_threads = {{ octavia_healthmanager_stats_workers }}
health_update_threads = {{ octavia_healthmanager_health_workers }}
amp_ssh_key_name = {{ octavia_amp_ssh_key_name }}
amp_image_tag = {{ octavia_amp_image_tag }}
{% if not octavia_auto_configure | bool %}
{% if octavia_amp_image_owner_id is defined %}
amp_image_owner_id = {{ octavia_amp_image_owner_id }}
{% endif %}
{% if octavia_amp_boot_network_list is defined %}
amp_boot_network_list = {{ octavia_amp_boot_network_list }}
{% endif %}
{% if octavia_amp_secgroup_list is defined %}
amp_secgroup_list = {{ octavia_amp_secgroup_list }}
{% endif %}
{% if octavia_amp_flavor_id is defined %}
amp_flavor_id = {{ octavia_amp_flavor_id }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
amp_image_owner_id = {{ project_info.projects.0.id }}
amp_boot_network_list = {{ network_info.id }}
amp_secgroup_list = {{ (sec_grp_info.results | selectattr('item.name', 'equalto', octavia_amp_security_groups['mgmt-sec-grp'].name) | list).0.security_group.id }}
amp_flavor_id = {{ amphora_flavor_info.id }}
{% endif %}
client_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.cert.pem
network_driver = allowed_address_pairs_driver
compute_driver = compute_nova_driver
amphora_driver = amphora_haproxy_rest_driver
amp_active_retries = 100
amp_active_wait_sec = 2
loadbalancer_topology = {{ octavia_loadbalancer_topology }}
topic = octavia_prov
rpc_thread_pool_size = 2
transport_url = {{ notify_transport_url }}
heartbeat_in_pthread = {{ service_name == 'octavia-api' }}
{% if om_enable_rabbitmq_tls | bool %}
ssl = true
ssl_ca_file = {{ om_rabbitmq_cacert }}
{% endif %}
{% if om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability | bool %}
amqp_durable_queues = true
{% endif %}
{% if octavia_policy_file is defined %}
policy_file = {{ octavia_policy_file }}
{% endif %}
region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
endpoint_type = internal
ca_certificates_file = {{ openstack_cacert }}
region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
endpoint_type = internal
ca_certificates_file = {{ openstack_cacert }}
region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
endpoint_type = internal
ca_certificates_file = {{ openstack_cacert }}
{% if enable_octavia_jobboard %}
persistence_connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ octavia_persistence_database_user }}:{{ octavia_persistence_database_password }}@{{ octavia_persistence_database_address }}/{{ octavia_persistence_database_name }}
jobboard_enabled = true
jobboard_backend_password = "{{ redis_master_password }}"
jobboard_backend_port = "{{ redis_port }}"
jobboard_backend_hosts = {% for host in groups['redis'] %}{{ 'api' | kolla_address(host) | put_address_in_context('url') }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}