In case of running mariadb role with --limit the group_by module will only include the limited hosts and other hosts that are not limited by ansible will not be included. Using add_host will add all hosts in mariadb group to their shards group Signed-off-by: Seena Fallah <seenafallah@gmail.com> Change-Id: I1331698e313bd714a16fc35f38fb579d75b56370 Closes-Bug: #1947589
10 lines
240 B
10 lines
240 B
- name: Group MariaDB hosts based on shards
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: "{{ hostvars[item]['mariadb_shard_group'] }}"
loop: "{{ groups['mariadb'] }}"
changed_when: false
- include_tasks: "{{ kolla_action }}.yml"