- Test Zun on CentOS too - Make etcd change also trigger Zun jobs (like kuryr and zun) - Test multinode Zun deployments instead of AIO (more likely to break) - In Zun scenario, stop configuring docker for legacy swarm mode (Zun is no swarm) - Separate test-zun.sh testing script - Show appcontainer to see which node it has been started on Change-Id: I289b1009fe00aedb9b78cbd83298b14da5fd9670 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/676736 Signed-off-by: Radosław Piliszek <radoslaw.piliszek@gmail.com>
90 lines
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90 lines
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kolla_base_distro: "{{ base_distro }}"
kolla_install_type: "{{ install_type }}"
network_interface: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
docker_restart_policy: "no"
# Use a random router id, otherwise it may result in the same router id
# in the CI gate.
keepalived_virtual_router_id: "{{ 250 | random(1) }}"
{% if enable_core_openstack | bool %}
kolla_internal_vip_address: "{{ api_interface_address if hostvars | length > 2 else '' }}"
enable_haproxy: "{{ 'no' if hostvars | length > 2 else 'yes' }}"
neutron_external_interface: "fake_interface"
openstack_logging_debug: "True"
openstack_service_workers: "1"
{% endif %}
{% if need_build_image and not is_previous_release %}
# NOTE(Jeffrey4l): use different a docker namespace name in case it pull image from hub.docker.io when deplying
docker_namespace: "lokolla"
docker_registry: "{{ api_interface_address }}:4000"
openstack_release: "{{ build_image_tag }}"
{% else %}
# use docker hub images
docker_namespace: "kolla"
{% if need_build_image and is_previous_release %}
# NOTE(mgoddard): Ensure that the insecure local registry is trusted, since it
# will be the source of images during the upgrade.
# NOTE(yoctozepto): this is required here for CI because we run templating
# of docker systemd command only once, using the previous release when upgrading
# also note: atm upgrade would conflict with the zun profile which uses this var
docker_custom_option: "--insecure-registry {{ api_interface_address }}:4000"
{% endif %}
{% if not is_previous_release %}
openstack_release: "{{ zuul.branch | basename }}"
{% else %}
openstack_release: "{{ previous_release }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_ceph %}
enable_ceph: "yes"
enable_ceph_mds: "yes"
enable_ceph_rgw: "yes"
enable_ceph_rgw_keystone: "yes"
enable_ceph_nfs: "yes"
enable_cinder: "yes"
ceph_pool_pg_num: 8
ceph_pool_pgp_num: 8
# This is experimental feature, disable if gate fail.
# In multinode jobs without ceph rolling upgrade fails.
glance_enable_rolling_upgrade: "yes"
{% else %}
# NOTE(yoctozepto): in case ceph is *not* used, we have to use the ansible node (primary)
# to avoid random errors due to inventory randomness in Zuul (YAML format)
# because we use primary as the API endpoint and there is currently no HAProxy in CI
# and the default behavior is to pick the "first" node (issue affects only multinode)
glance_api_hosts: ["{{ inventory_hostname }}"]
{% endif %}
{% if scenario == "cinder-lvm" %}
enable_cinder: "yes"
enable_cinder_backend_lvm: "yes"
{% endif %}
{% if scenario == "zun" %}
enable_zun: "yes"
enable_kuryr: "yes"
enable_etcd: "yes"
docker_configure_for_zun: "yes"
{% endif %}
{% if scenario == "scenario_nfv" %}
enable_tacker: "yes"
enable_neutron_sfc: "yes"
enable_mistral: "yes"
enable_redis: "yes"
enable_barbican: "yes"
{% endif %}
{% if scenario == "ironic" %}
enable_ironic: "yes"
ironic_dnsmasq_dhcp_range: ","
{% endif %}
{% if scenario == "masakari" %}
enable_masakari: "yes"
{% endif %}