LinPeiWen 8a206699d4 mariadb container name variable
mariadb container name variable is fixed in some places,
but in the defaults directory, mariadb container_name variable
is variable. If the mariadb container_name variable is changed
during deployment, it will not be assigned to container_name,
but a fixed 'mariadb' name.

Change-Id: Ie8efa509953d5efa5c3073c9b550be051a7f4f9b
2020-03-25 01:17:29 -04:00

10 lines
321 B

- name: Waiting for MariaDB service to be ready through VIP
become: true
command: "docker exec {{ mariadb_service.container_name }} mysql -h {{ database_address }} -P {{ database_port }} -u haproxy -e 'show databases;'"
register: result
until: result is success
changed_when: False
retries: 6
delay: 10