The recent inclusion of Fluentd 1.12.x in Centos/Ubuntu packages causes a significant number of logs to fail to appear in the Elasticsearch or Monasca output plugins. The logs appear to sit in a local buffer, and are only flushed when Fluentd is restarted. The same issue persists in the most recent release (1.13.0), so for now we pin the td-agent package to 4.0.* which should restrict Fluentd to the 1.11.x release where we don't see this issue. Backport to Victoria. Change-Id: Iefcdd3100b7e3c5320bc5f1286a18251bdeab885 Closes-Bug: #1930867
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FROM {{ namespace }}/{{ infra_image_prefix }}base:{{ tag }}
{% block labels %}
LABEL maintainer="{{ maintainer }}" name="{{ image_name }}" build-date="{{ build_date }}"
{% endblock %}
{% if base_package_type == 'rpm' and base_arch not in ['aarch64', 'x86_64'] %}
LABEL fluentd_version="0.12" fluentd_binary="fluentd"
{% set fluentd_user = 'fluentd' %}
{% elif base_package_type == 'deb' and base_arch not in ['aarch64', 'x86_64'] %}
LABEL fluentd_version="0.14" fluentd_binary="fluentd"
{% set fluentd_user = 'fluentd' %}
{% else %}
LABEL fluentd_version="0.14" fluentd_binary="td-agent"
{% set fluentd_user = 'td-agent' %}
{% endif %}
{% block fluentd_header %}{% endblock %}
{% import "macros.j2" as macros with context %}
{{ macros.enable_extra_repos(['td-agent']) }}
{% if base_package_type == 'rpm' %}
{% set fluentd_packages = [
] %}
{% if base_arch in ['aarch64', 'x86_64'] %}
# FIXME(mgoddard): Pinning to 4.0.* to avoid bug 1930867.
{% set fluentd_packages = fluentd_packages + [
] %}
{% else %}
{% set fluentd_packages = fluentd_packages + [
] %}
{% endif %}
{% elif base_package_type == 'deb' %}
{% set fluentd_packages = [
] %}
{% if base_arch in ['aarch64', 'x86_64'] %}
{% set fluentd_packages = fluentd_packages + [
] %}
{% else %}
{% set fluentd_packages = fluentd_packages + [
] %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ macros.configure_user(name=fluentd_user, groups='mysql') }}
{{ macros.install_packages(fluentd_packages | customizable("packages")) }}
# Distro specific files and operations
# Fluentd on rpm-based non-x86_64 is installed from rpm
{% if base_package_type == 'deb' and fluentd_binary == 'fluentd' %}
RUN /usr/bin/gem install fluentd --no-rdoc --no-ri
{% endif %}
COPY fluentd_sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_fluentd_sudoers
RUN chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_fluentd_sudoers \
&& mkdir -p /etc/{{ fluentd_user }} \
&& mkdir -p /var/run/{{ fluentd_user }} \
&& chown -R {{ fluentd_user }}: /etc/{{ fluentd_user }} /var/run/{{ fluentd_user }}
COPY extend_start.sh /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start
RUN chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start
{% block fluentd_plugins_install %}
{% if not (base_package_type == 'rpm' and base_arch != 'x86_64') %}
{% set fluentd_plugins = [
] %}
{% endif %}
# NOTE(hrw): one of plugins fetches 'string-scrub' which tries to use
# /usr/bin/mkdir directly while in Debian it is in /bin
{% if base_distro == 'debian' and base_arch == 'x86_64' %}
RUN ln -s /bin/mkdir /usr/bin/mkdir
{% endif %}
{{ macros.install_fluent_plugins(fluentd_user, fluentd_plugins | customizable("plugins")) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block fluentd_monasca_plugin_install %}
# Build and install Fluentd output plugin for Monasca API
ARG monasca_output_plugin_tag=1.0.2
ARG monasca_output_plugin_url=https://github.com/monasca/fluentd-monasca/archive/$monasca_output_plugin_tag.tar.gz
RUN curl $monasca_output_plugin_url -o /tmp/fluentd-monasca.tar.gz \
&& tar -xvf /tmp/fluentd-monasca.tar.gz -C /tmp \
&& cd /tmp/fluentd-monasca-* \
{%- if fluentd_user == 'fluentd' %}
&& gem build fluentd-monasca-output.gemspec \
{%- else %}
&& td-agent-gem build fluentd-monasca-output.gemspec \
{%- endif %}
&& {{ macros.install_fluent_plugins(fluentd_user, ['fluentd-monasca-output-*.gem'], chain=True) }} \
&& rm -rf /tmp/fluentd*
{% endblock %}
{% block fluentd_footer %}{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}{% endblock %}
USER {{ fluentd_user }}