diff --git a/contrib/ci/common.sh b/contrib/ci/common.sh
index df85a3b9af..f7652c9f2d 100755
--- a/contrib/ci/common.sh
+++ b/contrib/ci/common.sh
@@ -74,3 +74,62 @@ function manila_wait_for_drivers_init {
     # its capabilities on time.
     sleep 10
+function archive_file {
+    # First argument is expected to be filename
+    local filename=$1
+    sudo gzip -9 $filename
+    sudo chown jenkins:jenkins $filename.gz
+    sudo chmod a+r $filename.gz
+function save_tempest_results {
+    # First argument is expected to be number or tempest run
+    local src_dirname
+    local dst_dirname
+    src_dirname="$BASE/new/tempest"
+    dst_dirname="$BASE/logs/tempest_$1"
+    # 1. Create destination directory
+    sudo mkdir $dst_dirname
+    sudo chown jenkins:jenkins $dst_dirname
+    sudo chmod 755 $dst_dirname
+    # 2. Save tempest configuration file
+    sudo cp $src_dirname/etc/tempest.conf $dst_dirname/tempest_conf.txt
+    # 3. Save tempest log file
+    cp $src_dirname/tempest.log $src_dirname/tempest.txt
+    echo '' > $src_dirname/tempest.log
+    archive_file $src_dirname/tempest.txt
+    sudo mv $src_dirname/tempest.txt.gz $dst_dirname/tempest.txt.gz
+    # 4. Save tempest testr results
+    # Check for an interrupted run first
+    if [ -f $src_dirname/.testrepository/tmp* ]; then
+        sudo cat $src_dirname/.testrepository/tmp* >> $src_dirname/tempest.subunit
+    elif [ -f $src_dirname/.testrepository/0 ]; then
+        pushd $src_dirname
+        sudo testr last --subunit > $src_dirname/tempest.subunit
+        popd
+    fi
+    if [ -f $src_dirname/tempest.subunit ]; then
+        sudo /usr/os-testr-env/bin/subunit2html \
+            $src_dirname/tempest.subunit $src_dirname/testr_results.html
+        archive_file $src_dirname/tempest.subunit
+        sudo mv $src_dirname/tempest.subunit.gz $dst_dirname/tempest.subunit.gz
+        archive_file $src_dirname/testr_results.html
+        sudo mv $src_dirname/testr_results.html.gz $dst_dirname/testr_results.html.gz
+        # 5. Cleanup
+        sudo rm -rf $src_dirname/.testrepository
+    else
+        echo "No 'testr' results available for saving. File '$src_dirname/tempest.subunit' is absent."
+    fi
diff --git a/contrib/ci/post_test_hook.sh b/contrib/ci/post_test_hook.sh
index f37cecd2f2..7171cf4f8c 100755
--- a/contrib/ci/post_test_hook.sh
+++ b/contrib/ci/post_test_hook.sh
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ TEST_TYPE=$3
-if [[ "$BACK_END_TYPE" == "multibackend" ]]; then
+if [[ "$DRIVER" == "dummy" ]]; then
+elif [[ "$BACK_END_TYPE" == "multibackend" ]]; then
     iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multi_backend True
     iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_migration_tests $(trueorfalse True RUN_MANILA_MIGRATION_TESTS)
@@ -185,6 +187,26 @@ elif [[ "$DRIVER" == "zfsonlinux" ]]; then
     iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multitenancy_enabled False
     iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multi_backend True
     iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share backend_replication_type 'readable'
+elif [[ "$DRIVER" == "dummy" ]]; then
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_migration_tests False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_quota_tests True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_replication_tests False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_shrink_tests True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share enable_ip_rules_for_protocols 'nfs'
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share enable_user_rules_for_protocols 'cifs'
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share enable_cert_rules_for_protocols ''
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share enable_ro_access_level_for_protocols 'nfs,cifs'
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share build_timeout 180
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share share_creation_retry_number 0
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share capability_storage_protocol 'NFS_CIFS'
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share enable_protocols 'nfs,cifs'
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share suppress_errors_in_cleanup False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multitenancy_enabled True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multi_backend True
 # Enable consistency group tests
@@ -213,3 +235,37 @@ manila_wait_for_drivers_init $MANILA_CONF
 echo "Running tempest manila test suites"
 sudo -H -u jenkins tox -eall-plugin $MANILA_TESTS -- --concurrency=$MANILA_TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY
+if [[ "$DRIVER" == "dummy" ]]; then
+    save_tempest_results 1
+    echo "First tempest run (DHSS=True) returned '$RETVAL'"
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share backend_names "GAMMA,DELTA"
+    # NOTE(vponomaryov): enable migration tests when its support added to
+    # dummy driver.
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_migration_tests False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_manage_unmanage_tests True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_manage_unmanage_snapshot_tests True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share run_replication_tests True
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share multitenancy_enabled False
+    iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG share backend_replication_type 'readable'
+    # Change driver mode for default share type to make tempest use
+    # DHSS=False backends.
+    source $BASE/new/devstack/openrc admin demo
+    manila type-key default set driver_handles_share_servers=False
+    echo "Running tempest manila test suites for DHSS=False mode"
+    sudo -H -u jenkins tox -eall-plugin $MANILA_TESTS -- --concurrency=$MANILA_TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY
+    RETVAL2=$?
+    save_tempest_results 2
+    # Exit with last code if first succeeded else exit with first error code
+    if [[ "$RETVAL" == "0" ]]; then
+        RETVAL=$RETVAL2
+    fi
+    echo "Second tempest run (DHSS=False) returned '$RETVAL2'"
+exit $RETVAL
diff --git a/contrib/ci/pre_test_hook.sh b/contrib/ci/pre_test_hook.sh
index 111a515757..f30406b9e7 100755
--- a/contrib/ci/pre_test_hook.sh
+++ b/contrib/ci/pre_test_hook.sh
@@ -75,6 +75,55 @@ if [[ "$DRIVER" == "generic" ]]; then
 elif [[ "$DRIVER" == "windows" ]]; then
     echo "SHARE_DRIVER=manila.share.drivers.windows.windows_smb_driver.WindowsSMBDriver" >> $localrc_path
+elif [[ "$DRIVER" == "dummy" ]]; then
+    driver_path="manila.tests.share.drivers.dummy.DummyDriver"
+    echo "MANILA_SERVICE_IMAGE_ENABLED=False" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "SHARE_DRIVER=$driver_path" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "SUPPRESS_ERRORS_IN_CLEANUP=False" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_REPLICA_STATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL=10" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_ENABLED_BACKENDS=alpha,beta,gamma,delta" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_CONFIGURE_GROUPS=alpha,beta,gamma,delta,membernet,adminnet" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_alpha_share_driver=$driver_path" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_alpha_driver_handles_share_servers=True" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_alpha_share_backend_name=ALPHA" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_alpha_network_config_group=membernet" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_alpha_admin_network_config_group=adminnet" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_beta_share_driver=$driver_path" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_beta_driver_handles_share_servers=True" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_beta_share_backend_name=BETA" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_beta_network_config_group=membernet" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_beta_admin_network_config_group=adminnet" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_gamma_share_driver=$driver_path" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_gamma_driver_handles_share_servers=False" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_gamma_share_backend_name=GAMMA" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_gamma_replication_domain=DUMMY_DOMAIN" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_delta_share_driver=$driver_path" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_delta_driver_handles_share_servers=False" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_delta_share_backend_name=DELTA" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_delta_replication_domain=DUMMY_DOMAIN" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_network_api_class=manila.network.standalone_network_plugin.StandaloneNetworkPlugin" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_gateway=" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_mask=24" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_network_type=vlan" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_segmentation_id=1010" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_allowed_ip_ranges=" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_membernet_standalone_network_plugin_ip_version=4" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_network_api_class=manila.network.standalone_network_plugin.StandaloneNetworkPlugin" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_gateway=" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_mask=24" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_network_type=vlan" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_segmentation_id=1011" >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_allowed_ip_ranges=,," >> $localrc_path
+    echo "MANILA_OPTGROUP_adminnet_standalone_network_plugin_ip_version=4" >> $localrc_path
 elif [[ "$DRIVER" == "lvm" ]]; then
     echo "SHARE_DRIVER=manila.share.drivers.lvm.LVMShareDriver" >> $localrc_path
     echo "SHARE_BACKING_FILE_SIZE=32000M" >> $localrc_path
@@ -98,7 +147,7 @@ echo 'ENABLE_ISOLATED_METADATA=True' >> $localrc_path
 echo "TEMPEST_USE_TEST_ACCOUNTS=True" >> $localrc_path
 echo "TEMPEST_ALLOW_TENANT_ISOLATION=False" >> $localrc_path
-echo "TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY=8" >> $localrc_path
 # Go to Tempest dir and checkout stable commit to avoid possible
 # incompatibilities for plugin stored in Manila repo.
diff --git a/manila/tests/share/drivers/dummy.py b/manila/tests/share/drivers/dummy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d1b0a8e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manila/tests/share/drivers/dummy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Mirantis inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Dummy share driver for testing Manila APIs and other interfaces.
+This driver simulates support of:
+- Both available driver modes: DHSS=True/False
+- NFS and CIFS protocols
+- IP access for NFS shares and USER access for CIFS shares
+- CIFS shares in DHSS=True driver mode
+- Creation and deletion of share snapshots
+- Share replication (readable)
+- Consistency groups
+- Resize of a share (extend/shrink)
+from oslo_log import log
+from manila.common import constants
+from manila import exception
+from manila.i18n import _
+from manila.share import driver
+from manila.share import utils as share_utils
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+class DummyDriver(driver.ShareDriver):
+    """Dummy share driver that implements all share driver interfaces."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Do initialization."""
+        super(self.__class__, self).__init__([False, True], *args, **kwargs)
+        self.private_storage = kwargs.get('private_storage')
+        self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get(
+            "share_backend_name") or "DummyDriver"
+    def _get_share_name(self, share):
+        return "share_%(s_id)s_%(si_id)s" % {
+            "s_id": share["share_id"].replace("-", "_"),
+            "si_id": share["id"].replace("-", "_")}
+    def _get_snapshot_name(self, snapshot):
+        return "snapshot_%(s_id)s_%(si_id)s" % {
+            "s_id": snapshot["snapshot_id"].replace("-", "_"),
+            "si_id": snapshot["id"].replace("-", "_")}
+    def _generate_export_locations(self, mountpoint, share_server=None):
+        details = share_server["backend_details"] if share_server else {
+            "primary_public_ip": "",
+            "secondary_public_ip": "",
+            "service_ip": "",
+        }
+        return [
+            {
+                "path": "%(ip)s:%(mp)s" % {"ip": ip, "mp": mountpoint},
+                "metadata": {
+                    "preferred": preferred,
+                },
+                "is_admin_only": is_admin_only,
+            } for ip, is_admin_only, preferred in (
+                (details["primary_public_ip"], False, True),
+                (details["secondary_public_ip"], False, False),
+                (details["service_ip"], True, False))
+        ]
+    def _create_share(self, share, share_server=None):
+        share_proto = share["share_proto"]
+        if share_proto not in ("NFS", "CIFS"):
+            msg = _("Unsupported share protocol provided - %s.") % share_proto
+            raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=msg)
+        share_name = self._get_share_name(share)
+        mountpoint = "/path/to/fake/share/%s" % share_name
+        self.private_storage.update(
+            share["id"], {
+                "fake_provider_share_name": share_name,
+                "fake_provider_location": mountpoint,
+            }
+        )
+        return self._generate_export_locations(
+            mountpoint, share_server=share_server)
+    def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
+        """Is called to create share."""
+        return self._create_share(share, share_server=share_server)
+    def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot,
+                                   share_server=None):
+        """Is called to create share from snapshot."""
+        return self._create_share(share, share_server=share_server)
+    def _create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        snapshot_name = self._get_snapshot_name(snapshot)
+        self.private_storage.update(
+            snapshot["id"], {
+                "fake_provider_snapshot_name": snapshot_name,
+            }
+        )
+        return {"provider_location": snapshot_name}
+    def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
+        """Is called to create snapshot."""
+        return self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
+    def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
+        """Is called to remove share."""
+        self.private_storage.delete(share["id"])
+    def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
+        """Is called to remove snapshot."""
+        self.private_storage.delete(snapshot["id"])
+    def get_pool(self, share):
+        """Return pool name where the share resides on."""
+        pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share["host"], level="pool")
+        return pool_name
+    def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
+        """Invoked to ensure that share is exported."""
+    def update_access(self, context, share, access_rules, add_rules,
+                      delete_rules, share_server=None):
+        """Update access rules for given share."""
+        for rule in add_rules + access_rules:
+            share_proto = share["share_proto"].lower()
+            access_type = rule["access_type"].lower()
+            if not (
+                    (share_proto == "nfs" and access_type == "ip") or
+                    (share_proto == "cifs" and access_type == "user")):
+                msg = _("Unsupported '%(access_type)s' access type provided "
+                        "for '%(share_proto)s' share protocol.") % {
+                    "access_type": access_type, "share_proto": share_proto}
+                raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=msg)
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        """Any initialization the share driver does while starting."""
+    def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options):
+        """Brings an existing share under Manila management."""
+        return {"size": 1, "export_locations": self._create_share(share)}
+    def unmanage(self, share):
+        """Removes the specified share from Manila management."""
+    def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, driver_options):
+        """Brings an existing snapshot under Manila management."""
+        self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
+        return {"size": 1, "provider_location": snapshot["provider_location"]}
+    def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Removes the specified snapshot from Manila management."""
+    def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
+        """Extends size of existing share."""
+    def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
+        """Shrinks size of existing share."""
+    def get_network_allocations_number(self):
+        """Returns number of network allocations for creating VIFs."""
+        return 2
+    def get_admin_network_allocations_number(self):
+        return 1
+    def _setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None):
+        """Sets up and configures share server with given network parameters.
+        Redefine it within share driver when it is going to handle share
+        servers.
+        """
+        server_details = {
+            "primary_public_ip": network_info[
+                "network_allocations"][0]["ip_address"],
+            "secondary_public_ip": network_info[
+                "network_allocations"][1]["ip_address"],
+            "service_ip": network_info[
+                "admin_network_allocations"][0]["ip_address"],
+            "username": "fake_username",
+        }
+        return server_details
+    def _teardown_server(self, server_details, security_services=None):
+        """Tears down share server."""
+    def _get_pools_info(self):
+        pools = [{
+            "pool_name": "fake_pool_for_%s" % self.backend_name,
+            "total_capacity_gb": 1230.0,
+            "free_capacity_gb": 1210.0,
+            "reserved_percentage": self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage
+        }]
+        if self.configuration.replication_domain:
+            pools[0]["replication_type"] = "readable"
+        return pools
+    def _update_share_stats(self, data=None):
+        """Retrieve stats info from share group."""
+        data = {
+            "share_backend_name": self.backend_name,
+            "storage_protocol": "NFS_CIFS",
+            "reserved_percentage":
+                self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage,
+            "consistency_group_support": "pool",
+            "snapshot_support": True,
+            "driver_name": "Dummy",
+            "pools": self._get_pools_info(),
+        }
+        if self.configuration.replication_domain:
+            data["replication_type"] = "readable"
+        super(self.__class__, self)._update_share_stats(data)
+    def get_share_server_pools(self, share_server):
+        """Return list of pools related to a particular share server."""
+        return []
+    def create_consistency_group(self, context, cg_dict, share_server=None):
+        """Create a consistency group."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            "Successfully created dummy Consistency Group with ID: %s.",
+            cg_dict["id"])
+    def delete_consistency_group(self, context, cg_dict, share_server=None):
+        """Delete a consistency group."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            "Successfully deleted dummy consistency group with ID %s.",
+            cg_dict["id"])
+    def create_cgsnapshot(self, context, snap_dict, share_server=None):
+        """Create a consistency group snapshot."""
+        LOG.debug("Successfully created CG snapshot %s." % snap_dict["id"])
+        return None, None
+    def delete_cgsnapshot(self, context, snap_dict, share_server=None):
+        """Delete a consistency group snapshot."""
+        LOG.debug("Successfully deleted CG snapshot %s." % snap_dict["id"])
+        return None, None
+    def create_consistency_group_from_cgsnapshot(
+            self, context, cg_dict, cgsnapshot_dict, share_server=None):
+        """Create a consistency group from a cgsnapshot."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            ("Successfully created dummy Consistency Group (%(cg_id)s) "
+             "from CG snapshot (%(cg_snap_id)s)."),
+            {"cg_id": cg_dict["id"], "cg_snap_id": cgsnapshot_dict["id"]})
+        return None, []
+    def create_replica(self, context, replica_list, new_replica,
+                       access_rules, replica_snapshots, share_server=None):
+        """Replicate the active replica to a new replica on this backend."""
+        replica_name = self._get_share_name(new_replica)
+        mountpoint = "/path/to/fake/share/%s" % replica_name
+        self.private_storage.update(
+            new_replica["id"], {
+                "fake_provider_replica_name": replica_name,
+                "fake_provider_location": mountpoint,
+            }
+        )
+        return {
+            "export_locations": self._generate_export_locations(
+                mountpoint, share_server=share_server),
+            "replica_state": constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC,
+            "access_rules_status": constants.STATUS_ACTIVE,
+        }
+    def delete_replica(self, context, replica_list, replica_snapshots,
+                       replica, share_server=None):
+        """Delete a replica."""
+        self.private_storage.delete(replica["id"])
+    def promote_replica(self, context, replica_list, replica, access_rules,
+                        share_server=None):
+        """Promote a replica to 'active' replica state."""
+        return_replica_list = []
+        for r in replica_list:
+            if r["id"] == replica["id"]:
+                replica_state = constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE
+            else:
+                replica_state = constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC
+            return_replica_list.append(
+                {"id": r["id"], "replica_state": replica_state})
+        return return_replica_list
+    def update_replica_state(self, context, replica_list, replica,
+                             access_rules, replica_snapshots,
+                             share_server=None):
+        """Update the replica_state of a replica."""
+        return constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC
+    def create_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list,
+                                   replica_snapshots, share_server=None):
+        """Create a snapshot on active instance and update across the replicas.
+        """
+        return_replica_snapshots = []
+        for r in replica_snapshots:
+            return_replica_snapshots.append(
+                {"id": r["id"], "status": constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE})
+        return return_replica_snapshots
+    def delete_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list,
+                                   replica_snapshots, share_server=None):
+        """Delete a snapshot by deleting its instances across the replicas."""
+        return_replica_snapshots = []
+        for r in replica_snapshots:
+            return_replica_snapshots.append(
+                {"id": r["id"], "status": constants.STATUS_DELETED})
+        return return_replica_snapshots
+    def update_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list,
+                                   share_replica, replica_snapshots,
+                                   replica_snapshot, share_server=None):
+        """Update the status of a snapshot instance that lives on a replica."""
+        return {
+            "id": replica_snapshot["id"], "status": constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE}
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/config.py b/manila_tempest_tests/config.py
index 7a7ee6f211..4b394c64f6 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/config.py
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/config.py
@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ ShareGroup = [
                 help="This option used to determine backend driver type, "
                      "multitenant driver uses share-networks, but "
                      "single-tenant doesn't."),
+    cfg.BoolOpt("create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled",
+                default=True,
+                help="This option is used only when other "
+                     "'multitenancy_enabled' option is set to 'True'. "
+                     "If this one is set to True, then tempest will create "
+                     "neutron networks for each new manila share-network "
+                     "it creates. Else it will use manila share-networks with "
+                     "empty values (case of StandAloneNetworkPlugin and "
+                     "NeutronSingleNetworkPlugin)."),
                 default=["nfs", "cifs"],
                 help="First value of list is protocol by default, "
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/base.py b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/base.py
index a599196cee..79c8673cc1 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/base.py
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/base.py
@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ class BaseSharesTest(test.BaseTestCase):
         # Provide share network
         if CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled:
-            if not CONF.service_available.neutron:
+            if (not CONF.service_available.neutron and
+                    CONF.share.create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled):
                 raise cls.skipException("Neutron support is required")
             nc = os.networks_client
             share_network_id = cls.provide_share_network(client, nc, ic)
@@ -235,7 +236,8 @@ class BaseSharesTest(test.BaseTestCase):
         cls.shares_v2_client = os.shares_v2_client
         if CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled:
-            if not CONF.service_available.neutron:
+            if (not CONF.service_available.neutron and
+                    CONF.share.create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled):
                 raise cls.skipException("Neutron support is required")
             share_network_id = cls.provide_share_network(
                 cls.shares_v2_client, os.networks_client)
@@ -282,6 +284,8 @@ class BaseSharesTest(test.BaseTestCase):
         sc = shares_client
+        search_word = "reusable"
+        sn_name = "autogenerated_by_tempest_%s" % search_word
         if not CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled:
             # Assumed usage of a single-tenant driver
@@ -289,13 +293,28 @@ class BaseSharesTest(test.BaseTestCase):
         elif sc.share_network_id:
             # Share-network already exists, use it
             share_network_id = sc.share_network_id
+        elif not CONF.share.create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled:
+            share_network_id = None
+            # Try get suitable share-network
+            share_networks = sc.list_share_networks_with_detail()
+            for sn in share_networks:
+                if (sn["neutron_net_id"] is None and
+                        sn["neutron_subnet_id"] is None and
+                        sn["name"] and search_word in sn["name"]):
+                    share_network_id = sn["id"]
+                    break
+            # Create new share-network if one was not found
+            if share_network_id is None:
+                sn_desc = "This share-network was created by tempest"
+                sn = sc.create_share_network(name=sn_name, description=sn_desc)
+                share_network_id = sn["id"]
             net_id = subnet_id = share_network_id = None
             if not isolated_creds_client:
                 # Search for networks, created in previous runs
-                search_word = "reusable"
-                sn_name = "autogenerated_by_tempest_%s" % search_word
                 service_net_name = "share-service"
                 networks = networks_client.list_networks()
                 if "networks" in networks.keys():
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/test_shares.py b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/test_shares.py
index 2acd81a8e1..f7ff194f64 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/test_shares.py
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/test_shares.py
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ class SharesNFSTest(base.BaseSharesTest):
             self.protocol, snapshot_id=snap["id"], cleanup_in_class=False)
         # The 'status' of the share returned by the create API must be
-        # the default value - 'creating'.
-        self.assertEqual('creating', s2['status'])
+        # set and have value either 'creating' or
+        # 'available' (if share creation is really fast as in
+        # case of Dummy driver).
+        self.assertIn(s2['status'], ('creating', 'available'))
         # verify share, created from snapshot
         get = self.shares_client.get_share(s2["id"])