.. -*- rst -*- ====== Shares ====== A share is a remote, mountable file system. You can mount a share to and access a share from several hosts by several users at a time. You can create a share and associate it with a network, list shares, and show information for, update, and delete a share. To create a share, specify one of these supported protocols: - ``NFS``. Network File System (NFS). - ``CIFS``. Common Internet File System (CIFS). - ``GLUSTERFS``. Gluster file system (GlusterFS). - ``HDFS``. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). - ``CEPHFS``. Ceph File System (CephFS). You can also create snapshots of shares. To create a snapshot, you specify the ID of the share that you want to snapshot. A share has one of these status values: **Share statuses** +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Status | Description | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``creating`` | The share is being created. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``deleting`` | The share is being deleted. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``deleted`` | The share was deleted. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``error`` | An error occurred during share creation. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``error_deleting`` | An error occurred during share deletion. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``available`` | The share is ready to use. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``inactive`` | The share is inactive. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``manage_starting`` | Share manage started. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``manage_error`` | Share manage failed. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``unmanage_starting`` | Share unmanage started. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``unmanage_error`` | Share cannot be unmanaged. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``unmanaged`` | Share was unmanaged. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``extending`` | The extend, or increase, share size request was issued | | | successfully. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``extending_error`` | Extend share failed. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``shrinking`` | Share is being shrunk. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``shrinking_error`` | Failed to update quota on share shrinking. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``shrinking_possible_data_loss_error`` | Shrink share failed due to possible data loss. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``migrating`` | Share is currently migrating. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``migrating_to`` | Share is a migration destination. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``replication_change`` | The share is undergoing a replication change. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``reverting`` | Share is being reverted to a snapshot. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ``reverting_error`` | Share revert to snapshot failed. | +----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ List shares =========== .. rest_method:: GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares Lists all shares. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 - all_tenants: all_tenants - name: name_5 - status: status_6 - share_server_id: share_server_id - metadata: metadata - extra_specs: extra_specs - share_type_id: share_type_id - limit: limit - offset: offset - sort_key: sort_key - sort_dir: sort_dir - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_query - host: host_1 - share_network_id: share_network_id - project_id: project_id_6 - is_public: is_public - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - id: id_4 - links: links - name: name Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/shares-list-response.json :language: javascript List shares with details ======================== .. rest_method:: GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/detail Lists all shares, with details. Normal response codes: 202 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 - all_tenants: all_tenants - name: name_5 - status: status_6 - share_server_id: share_server_id - metadata: metadata - extra_specs: extra_specs - share_type_id: share_type_id - limit: limit - offset: offset - sort_key: sort_key - sort_dir: sort_dir - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_query - host: host_1 - share_network_id: share_network_id - project_id: project_id_6 - is_public: is_public - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share_type_name: share_type_name - links: links - availability_zone: availability_zone - share_network_id: share_network_id - export_locations: export_locations - share_server_id: share_server_id - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_share_response - id: id_4 - size: size_2 - share_type: share_type_1 - export_location: export_location - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_3 - project_id: project_id_4 - metadata: metadata - status: status - description: description_5 - host: host_1 - access_rules_status: access_rules_status - is_public: is_public - task_state: task_state - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - name: name_5 - has_replicas: has_replicas - replication_type: replication_type - created_at: created_at_4 - share_proto: share_proto - volume_type: volume_type - source_cgsnapshot_member_id: source_cgsnapshot_member_id Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/shares-list-detailed-response.json :language: javascript Show share details ================== .. rest_method:: GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id} Shows details for a share. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share_id: share_id_4 - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share_type_name: share_type_name - links: links - availability_zone: availability_zone_1 - share_network_id: share_network_id - export_locations: export_locations - share_server_id: share_server_id - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_share_response - id: id_4 - size: size_2 - share_type: share_type_1 - export_location: export_location - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 - project_id: project_id_4 - metadata: metadata - status: status_16 - description: description_5 - host: host_9 - access_rules_status: access_rules_status - is_public: is_public - task_state: task_state - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - name: name_5 - has_replicas: has_replicas - replication_type: replication_type - created_at: created_at_4 - share_proto: share_proto - volume_type: volume_type - source_cgsnapshot_member_id: source_cgsnapshot_member_id Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-show-response.json :language: javascript Create share ============ .. rest_method:: POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares Creates a share. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), unprocessableEntity(422) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 - share_proto: share_proto - size: size - name: name_5 - description: description_5 - display_name: display_name - display_description: display_description - share_type: share_type - volume_type: volume_type - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_request - is_public: is_public - metadata: metadata - share_network_id: share_network_id_2 - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_1 - availability_zone: availability_zone Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-create-request.json :language: javascript Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - id: id_4 - status: status_3 - links: links - project_id: project_id_6 - share_proto: share_proto - size: size - name: name_5 - description: description_5 - display_name: display_name - display_description: display_description - share_type: share_type_1 - share_type_name: share_type_name - has_replicas: has_replicas - replication_type: replication_type - volume_type: volume_type - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_share_response - is_public: is_public - metadata: metadata - share_network_id: share_network_id - availability_zone: availability_zone_1 - export_location: export_location - export_locations: export_locations - host: host_1 - task_state: task_state - share_server_id: share_server_id - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - source_cgsnapshot_member_id: source_cgsnapshot_member_id - created_at: created_at_4 Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-create-response.json :language: javascript Manage share ============ .. rest_method:: GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/manage Configures Shared File Systems to manage a share. This API is available for API versions later than or equal to 2.7 Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), unprocessableEntity(422) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 - share: share - protocol: protocol - name: name_5 - share_type: share_type_2 - driver_options: driver_options - export_path: export_path - service_host: service_host - is_public: is_public - description: description_5 Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-manage-request.json :language: javascript Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share: share - links: links - availability_zone: availability_zone_1 - share_network_id: share_network_id - export_locations: export_locations - share_server_id: share_server_id - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_share_response - id: id_4 - size: size_2 - share_type: share_type_1 - share_type_name: share_type_name - has_replicas: has_replicas - replication_type: replication_type - export_location: export_location - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 - project_id: project_id_4 - metadata: metadata - status: status_8 - description: description_5 - host: host_9 - is_public: is_public - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - name: name_5 - created_at: created_at_4 - share_proto: share_proto - volume_type: volume_type - source_cgsnapshot_member_id: source_cgsnapshot_member_id Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-manage-response.json :language: javascript Update share ============ .. rest_method:: PUT /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id} Updates a share. You can update these attributes: - ``display_name``, which also changes the ``name`` of the share. - ``display_description``, which also changes the ``description`` of the share. - ``is_public``. Changes the level of visibility. If you try to update other attributes, they retain their previous values. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), unprocessableEntity(422) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - is_public: is_public - display_name: display_name_3 - display_description: display_description_3 - share_id: share_id_4 - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-update-request.json :language: javascript Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share_type_name: share_type_name - links: links - availability_zone: availability_zone_1 - share_network_id: share_network_id - export_locations: export_locations - share_server_id: share_server_id - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_share_response - id: id_4 - size: size_2 - share_type: share_type_1 - export_location: export_location - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_6 - project_id: project_id_4 - metadata: metadata - status: status_16 - description: description_5 - host: host_9 - access_rules_status: access_rules_status - is_public: is_public - task_state: task_state - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - name: name_5 - has_replicas: has_replicas - replication_type: replication_type - created_at: created_at_4 - share_proto: share_proto - volume_type: volume_type - source_cgsnapshot_member_id: source_cgsnapshot_member_id Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-update-response.json :language: javascript Delete share ============ .. rest_method:: DELETE /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id} Deletes a share. Normal response codes: 202 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share_id: share_id - tenant_id: tenant_id_1 - consistency_group_id: consistency_group_id_3