Ramana Raja add46c036b ganesha: store exports and export counter in RADOS
Allow the ganesha driver to store ganesha exports
and export counter as Ceph RADOS objects. This enables
highly available(HA) Ganesha servers in manila deployments
to store their config in a HA storage.

Implements: blueprint ganesha-ha-rados
Change-Id: Ia51156055fa10d0661e662c9c998829864f1a204
2017-12-08 10:33:44 +05:30

962 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Manila base exception handling.
Includes decorator for re-raising Manila-type exceptions.
SHOULD include dedicated exception logging.
import re
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six
import webob.exc
from manila.i18n import _
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
exc_log_opts = [
help='Whether to make exception message format errors fatal.'),
ProcessExecutionError = processutils.ProcessExecutionError
class ConvertedException(webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException):
def __init__(self, code=400, title="", explanation=""):
self.code = code
self.title = title
self.explanation = explanation
super(ConvertedException, self).__init__()
class Error(Exception):
class ManilaException(Exception):
"""Base Manila Exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
code = 500
headers = {}
safe = False
def __init__(self, message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.detail_data = detail_data
if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
except AttributeError:
for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
if isinstance(v, Exception):
self.kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v)
if not message:
message = self.message % kwargs
except Exception:
# kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
# log the issue and the kwargs
LOG.exception('Exception in string format operation.')
for name, value in kwargs.items():
LOG.error("%(name)s: %(value)s", {
'name': name, 'value': value})
if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors:
# at least get the core message out if something happened
message = self.message
elif isinstance(message, Exception):
message = six.text_type(message)
if re.match('.*[^\.]\.\.$', message):
message = message[:-1]
self.msg = message
super(ManilaException, self).__init__(message)
class NetworkException(ManilaException):
message = _("Exception due to network failure.")
class NetworkBindException(ManilaException):
message = _("Exception due to failed port status in binding.")
class NetworkBadConfigurationException(NetworkException):
message = _("Bad network configuration: %(reason)s.")
class BadConfigurationException(ManilaException):
message = _("Bad configuration: %(reason)s.")
class NotAuthorized(ManilaException):
message = _("Not authorized.")
code = 403
class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized):
message = _("User does not have admin privileges.")
class PolicyNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized):
message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.")
class Conflict(ManilaException):
message = _("%(err)s")
code = 409
class Invalid(ManilaException):
message = _("Unacceptable parameters.")
code = 400
class InvalidRequest(Invalid):
message = _("The request is invalid.")
class InvalidResults(Invalid):
message = _("The results are invalid.")
class InvalidInput(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid input received: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidContentType(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s.")
class InvalidHost(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid host: %(reason)s")
# Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies.
# msg needs to be constructed when raised.
class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class InvalidUUID(Invalid):
message = _("Expected a uuid but received %(uuid)s.")
class InvalidDriverMode(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid driver mode: %(driver_mode)s.")
class InvalidAPIVersionString(Invalid):
message = _("API Version String %(version)s is of invalid format. Must "
"be of format MajorNum.MinorNum.")
class VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(Invalid):
message = _("API version %(version)s is not supported on this method.")
class InvalidGlobalAPIVersion(Invalid):
message = _("Version %(req_ver)s is not supported by the API. Minimum "
"is %(min_ver)s and maximum is %(max_ver)s.")
class InvalidCapacity(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid capacity: %(name)s = %(value)s.")
class NotFound(ManilaException):
message = _("Resource could not be found.")
code = 404
safe = True
class MessageNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Message %(message_id)s could not be found.")
class Found(ManilaException):
message = _("Resource was found.")
code = 302
safe = True
class InUse(ManilaException):
message = _("Resource is in use.")
class AvailabilityZoneNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Availability zone %(id)s could not be found.")
class ShareNetworkNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share network %(share_network_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareServerNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share server %(share_server_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareServerNotFoundByFilters(ShareServerNotFound):
message = _("Share server could not be found by "
"filters: %(filters_description)s.")
class ShareServerInUse(InUse):
message = _("Share server %(share_server_id)s is in use.")
class InvalidShareServer(Invalid):
message = _("Share server %(share_server_id)s is not valid.")
class ShareMigrationError(ManilaException):
message = _("Error in share migration: %(reason)s")
class ShareMigrationFailed(ManilaException):
message = _("Share migration failed: %(reason)s")
class ShareDataCopyFailed(ManilaException):
message = _("Share Data copy failed: %(reason)s")
class ShareDataCopyCancelled(ManilaException):
message = _("Copy of contents from share instance %(src_instance)s "
"to share instance %(dest_instance)s was cancelled.")
class ServiceIPNotFound(ManilaException):
message = _("Service IP for instance not found: %(reason)s")
class AdminIPNotFound(ManilaException):
message = _("Admin port IP for service instance not found: %(reason)s")
class ShareServerNotCreated(ManilaException):
message = _("Share server %(share_server_id)s failed on creation.")
class ShareServerNotReady(ManilaException):
message = _("Share server %(share_server_id)s failed to reach '%(state)s' "
"within %(time)s seconds.")
class ServiceNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Service %(service_id)s could not be found.")
class ServiceIsDown(Invalid):
message = _("Service %(service)s is down.")
class HostNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Host %(host)s could not be found.")
class SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Scheduler host filter %(filter_name)s could not be found.")
class SchedulerHostWeigherNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Scheduler host weigher %(weigher_name)s could not be found.")
class HostBinaryNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Could not find binary %(binary)s on host %(host)s.")
class InvalidReservationExpiration(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid reservation expiration %(expire)s.")
class InvalidQuotaValue(Invalid):
message = _("Change would make usage less than 0 for the following "
"resources: %(unders)s.")
class QuotaNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Quota could not be found.")
class QuotaExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Quota exists for project %(project_id)s, "
"resource %(resource)s.")
class QuotaResourceUnknown(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Unknown quota resources %(unknown)s.")
class ProjectUserQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota for user %(user_id)s in project %(project_id)s "
"could not be found.")
class ProjectShareTypeQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota for share_type %(share_type)s in "
"project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
class ProjectQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
class QuotaClassNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota class %(class_name)s could not be found.")
class QuotaUsageNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota usage for project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
class ReservationNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota reservation %(uuid)s could not be found.")
class OverQuota(ManilaException):
message = _("Quota exceeded for resources: %(overs)s.")
class MigrationNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Migration %(migration_id)s could not be found.")
class MigrationNotFoundByStatus(MigrationNotFound):
message = _("Migration not found for instance %(instance_id)s "
"with status %(status)s.")
class FileNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("File %(file_path)s could not be found.")
class MigrationError(ManilaException):
message = _("Migration error: %(reason)s.")
class MalformedRequestBody(ManilaException):
message = _("Malformed message body: %(reason)s.")
class ConfigNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Could not find config at %(path)s.")
class PasteAppNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Could not load paste app '%(name)s' from %(path)s.")
class NoValidHost(ManilaException):
message = _("No valid host was found. %(reason)s.")
class WillNotSchedule(ManilaException):
message = _("Host %(host)s is not up or doesn't exist.")
class QuotaError(ManilaException):
message = _("Quota exceeded: code=%(code)s.")
code = 413
headers = {'Retry-After': '0'}
safe = True
class ShareSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Requested share exceeds allowed project/user or share type "
"gigabytes quota.")
class SnapshotSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Requested snapshot exceeds allowed project/user or share type "
"gigabytes quota.")
class ShareLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Maximum number of shares allowed (%(allowed)d) either per "
"project/user or share type quota is exceeded.")
class SnapshotLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Maximum number of snapshots allowed (%(allowed)d) either per "
"project/user or share type quota is exceeded.")
class ShareNetworksLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _("Maximum number of share-networks "
"allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded.")
class ShareGroupsLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Maximum number of allowed share-groups is exceeded.")
class ShareGroupSnapshotsLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _(
"Maximum number of allowed share-group-snapshots is exceeded.")
class GlusterfsException(ManilaException):
message = _("Unknown Gluster exception.")
class InvalidShare(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share: %(reason)s.")
class ShareBusyException(Invalid):
message = _("Share is busy with an active task: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidShareInstance(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share instance: %(reason)s.")
class ManageInvalidShare(InvalidShare):
message = _("Manage existing share failed due to "
"invalid share: %(reason)s")
class UnmanageInvalidShare(InvalidShare):
message = _("Unmanage existing share failed due to "
"invalid share: %(reason)s")
class PortLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _("Maximum number of ports exceeded.")
class ShareAccessExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Share access %(access_type)s:%(access)s exists.")
class ShareSnapshotAccessExists(InvalidInput):
message = _("Share snapshot access %(access_type)s:%(access)s exists.")
class InvalidSnapshotAccess(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid access rule: %(reason)s")
class InvalidShareAccess(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid access rule: %(reason)s")
class InvalidShareAccessLevel(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid or unsupported share access level: %(level)s.")
class ShareBackendException(ManilaException):
message = _("Share backend error: %(msg)s.")
class ExportLocationNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Export location %(uuid)s could not be found.")
class ShareNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share %(share_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareSnapshotNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareSnapshotInstanceNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Snapshot instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareSnapshotNotSupported(ManilaException):
message = _("Share %(share_name)s does not support snapshots.")
class ShareGroupSnapshotNotSupported(ManilaException):
message = _("Share group %(share_group)s does not support snapshots.")
class ShareSnapshotIsBusy(ManilaException):
message = _("Deleting snapshot %(snapshot_name)s that has "
"dependent shares.")
class InvalidShareSnapshot(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidShareSnapshotInstance(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share snapshot instance: %(reason)s.")
class ManageInvalidShareSnapshot(InvalidShareSnapshot):
message = _("Manage existing share snapshot failed due to "
"invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.")
class UnmanageInvalidShareSnapshot(InvalidShareSnapshot):
message = _("Unmanage existing share snapshot failed due to "
"invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.")
class ShareMetadataNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Metadata item is not found.")
class InvalidShareMetadata(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid metadata.")
class InvalidShareMetadataSize(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid metadata size.")
class SecurityServiceNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Security service %(security_service_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareNetworkSecurityServiceAssociationError(ManilaException):
message = _("Failed to associate share network %(share_network_id)s"
" and security service %(security_service_id)s: %(reason)s.")
class ShareNetworkSecurityServiceDissociationError(ManilaException):
message = _("Failed to dissociate share network %(share_network_id)s"
" and security service %(security_service_id)s: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidVolume(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid volume.")
class InvalidShareType(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share type: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidShareGroupType(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share group type: %(reason)s.")
class InvalidExtraSpec(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid extra_spec: %(reason)s.")
class VolumeNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.")
class VolumeSnapshotNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareTypeNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share type %(share_type_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareGroupTypeNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share group type %(type_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareTypeAccessNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share type access not found for %(share_type_id)s / "
"%(project_id)s combination.")
class ShareGroupTypeAccessNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share group type access not found for %(type_id)s / "
"%(project_id)s combination.")
class ShareTypeNotFoundByName(ShareTypeNotFound):
message = _("Share type with name %(share_type_name)s "
"could not be found.")
class ShareGroupTypeNotFoundByName(ShareTypeNotFound):
message = _("Share group type with name %(type_name)s "
"could not be found.")
class ShareTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share Type %(share_type_id)s has no extra specs with "
"key %(extra_specs_key)s.")
class ShareGroupTypeSpecsNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share group type %(type_id)s has no group specs with "
"key %(specs_key)s.")
class ShareTypeInUse(ManilaException):
message = _("Share Type %(share_type_id)s deletion is not allowed with "
"shares present with the type.")
class IPAddressInUse(InUse):
message = _("IP address %(ip)s is already used.")
class ShareGroupTypeInUse(ManilaException):
message = _("Share group Type %(type_id)s deletion is not allowed "
"with groups present with the type.")
class ShareTypeExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Share Type %(id)s already exists.")
class ShareTypeDoesNotExist(NotFound):
message = _("Share Type %(share_type)s does not exist.")
class DefaultShareTypeNotConfigured(NotFound):
message = _("No default share type is configured. Either configure a "
"default share type or explicitly specify a share type.")
class ShareGroupTypeExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Share group type %(type_id)s already exists.")
class ShareTypeAccessExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Share type access for %(share_type_id)s / "
"%(project_id)s combination already exists.")
class ShareGroupTypeAccessExists(ManilaException):
message = _("Share group type access for %(type_id)s / "
"%(project_id)s combination already exists.")
class ShareTypeCreateFailed(ManilaException):
message = _("Cannot create share_type with "
"name %(name)s and specs %(extra_specs)s.")
class ShareGroupTypeCreateFailed(ManilaException):
message = _("Cannot create share group type with "
"name %(name)s and specs %(group_specs)s.")
class ManageExistingShareTypeMismatch(ManilaException):
message = _("Manage existing share failed due to share type mismatch: "
class ShareExtendingError(ManilaException):
message = _("Share %(share_id)s could not be extended due to error "
"in the driver: %(reason)s")
class ShareShrinkingError(ManilaException):
message = _("Share %(share_id)s could not be shrunk due to error "
"in the driver: %(reason)s")
class ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss(ManilaException):
message = _("Share %(share_id)s could not be shrunk due to "
"possible data loss")
class InstanceNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.")
class BridgeDoesNotExist(ManilaException):
message = _("Bridge %(bridge)s does not exist.")
class ServiceInstanceException(ManilaException):
message = _("Exception in service instance manager occurred.")
class ServiceInstanceUnavailable(ServiceInstanceException):
message = _("Service instance is not available.")
class StorageResourceException(ManilaException):
message = _("Storage resource exception.")
class StorageResourceNotFound(StorageResourceException):
message = _("Storage resource %(name)s not found.")
code = 404
class SnapshotResourceNotFound(StorageResourceNotFound):
message = _("Snapshot %(name)s not found.")
class SnapshotUnavailable(StorageResourceException):
message = _("Snapshot %(name)s info not available.")
class NetAppException(ManilaException):
message = _("Exception due to NetApp failure.")
class VserverNotFound(NetAppException):
message = _("Vserver %(vserver)s not found.")
class VserverNotSpecified(NetAppException):
message = _("Vserver not specified.")
class EMCVmaxXMLAPIError(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class EMCVmaxLockRequiredException(ManilaException):
message = _("Unable to acquire lock(s).")
class EMCVmaxInvalidMoverID(ManilaException):
message = _("Invalid mover or vdm %(id)s.")
class EMCVnxXMLAPIError(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class EMCVnxLockRequiredException(ManilaException):
message = _("Unable to acquire lock(s).")
class EMCVnxInvalidMoverID(ManilaException):
message = _("Invalid mover or vdm %(id)s.")
class EMCUnityError(ShareBackendException):
message = _("%(err)s")
class HPE3ParInvalidClient(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class HPE3ParInvalid(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class HPE3ParUnexpectedError(ManilaException):
message = _("%(err)s")
class GPFSException(ManilaException):
message = _("GPFS exception occurred.")
class GPFSGaneshaException(ManilaException):
message = _("GPFS Ganesha exception occurred.")
class GaneshaCommandFailure(ProcessExecutionError):
_description = _("Ganesha management command failed.")
def __init__(self, **kw):
if 'description' not in kw:
kw['description'] = self._description
super(GaneshaCommandFailure, self).__init__(**kw)
class InvalidSqliteDB(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid Sqlite database.")
class SSHException(ManilaException):
message = _("Exception in SSH protocol negotiation or logic.")
class HDFSException(ManilaException):
message = _("HDFS exception occurred!")
class MapRFSException(ManilaException):
message = _("MapRFS exception occurred: %(msg)s")
class ZFSonLinuxException(ManilaException):
message = _("ZFSonLinux exception occurred: %(msg)s")
class QBException(ManilaException):
message = _("Quobyte exception occurred: %(msg)s")
class QBRpcException(ManilaException):
"""Quobyte backend specific exception."""
message = _("Quobyte JsonRpc call to backend raised "
"an exception: %(result)s, Quobyte error"
" code %(qbcode)s")
class SSHInjectionThreat(ManilaException):
message = _("SSH command injection detected: %(command)s")
class HNASBackendException(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS Backend Exception: %(msg)s")
class HNASConnException(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS Connection Exception: %(msg)s")
class HNASSSCIsBusy(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS SSC is busy and cannot execute the command: %(msg)s")
class HNASSSCContextChange(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS SSC Context has been changed unexpectedly: %(msg)s")
class HNASDirectoryNotEmpty(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS Directory is not empty: %(msg)s")
class HNASItemNotFoundException(StorageResourceNotFound):
message = _("HNAS Item Not Found Exception: %(msg)s")
class HNASNothingToCloneException(ManilaException):
message = _("HNAS Nothing To Clone Exception: %(msg)s")
# ShareGroup
class ShareGroupNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share group %(share_group_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareGroupSnapshotNotFound(NotFound):
message = _(
"Share group snapshot %(share_group_snapshot_id)s could not be found.")
class ShareGroupSnapshotMemberNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share group snapshot member %(member_id)s could not be "
class InvalidShareGroup(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share group: %(reason)s")
class InvalidShareGroupSnapshot(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid share group snapshot: %(reason)s")
class DriverNotInitialized(ManilaException):
message = _("Share driver '%(driver)s' not initialized.")
class ShareResourceNotFound(StorageResourceNotFound):
message = _("Share id %(share_id)s could not be found "
"in storage backend.")
class ShareUmountException(ManilaException):
message = _("Failed to unmount share: %(reason)s")
class ShareMountException(ManilaException):
message = _("Failed to mount share: %(reason)s")
class ShareCopyDataException(ManilaException):
message = _("Failed to copy data: %(reason)s")
# Replication
class ReplicationException(ManilaException):
message = _("Unable to perform a replication action: %(reason)s.")
class ShareReplicaNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Share Replica %(replica_id)s could not be found.")
# Tegile Storage drivers
class TegileAPIException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("Unexpected response from Tegile IntelliFlash API: "
class StorageCommunicationException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("Could not communicate with storage array.")
class EvaluatorParseException(ManilaException):
message = _("Error during evaluator parsing: %(reason)s")
# Hitachi Scaleout Platform driver
class HSPBackendException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("HSP Backend Exception: %(msg)s")
class HSPTimeoutException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("HSP Timeout Exception: %(msg)s")
class HSPItemNotFoundException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("HSP Item Not Found Exception: %(msg)s")
class NexentaException(ShareBackendException):
message = _("Exception due to Nexenta failure. %(reason)s")
# Tooz locking
class LockCreationFailed(ManilaException):
message = _('Unable to create lock. Coordination backend not started.')
class LockingFailed(ManilaException):
message = _('Lock acquisition failed.')
# Ganesha library
class GaneshaException(ManilaException):
message = _("Unknown NFS-Ganesha library exception.")