The snapshot_support extra spec has always meant two things: a driver can take snapshots and create shares from snapshots. As we add alternate snapshot semantics, it is likely that some drivers will want to support snapshots and some of the new semantics while being unable to create new shares from snapshots. This work adds a new extra spec, create_share_from_snapshot_support, that removes the overloading on snapshot_support. It also makes the existing snapshot_support extra spec optional, allowing admins to create types without setting snapshot_support; shares created with such types will not support snapshots. APIImpact DocImpact Co-Authored-By: Goutham Pacha Ravi <gouthamr@netapp.com> Implements: blueprint add-create-share-from-snapshot-extra-spec Change-Id: Ib0ad5fbfdf6297665c208149b08c8d21b3c232be
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376 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
import testtools
from testtools import testcase as tc
from manila_tempest_tests.tests.api import base
CONF = config.CONF
class SharesActionsAdminTest(base.BaseSharesAdminTest):
"""Covers share functionality, that doesn't related to share type."""
def resource_setup(cls):
super(SharesActionsAdminTest, cls).resource_setup()
cls.shares = []
# create share type for share filtering purposes
cls.st_name = data_utils.rand_name("tempest-st-name")
cls.extra_specs = cls.add_extra_specs_to_dict(
{'storage_protocol': CONF.share.capability_storage_protocol})
cls.st = cls.create_share_type(
# create share
cls.share_name = data_utils.rand_name("tempest-share-name")
cls.share_desc = data_utils.rand_name("tempest-share-description")
cls.metadata = {
'foo_key_share_1': 'foo_value_share_1',
'bar_key_share_1': 'foo_value_share_1',
if CONF.share.run_snapshot_tests:
# create snapshot
cls.snap_name = data_utils.rand_name("tempest-snapshot-name")
cls.snap_desc = data_utils.rand_name(
cls.snap = cls.create_snapshot_wait_for_active(
cls.shares[0]["id"], cls.snap_name, cls.snap_desc)
if CONF.share.capability_create_share_from_snapshot_support:
# create second share from snapshot for purposes of sorting and
# snapshot filtering
cls.share_name2 = data_utils.rand_name("tempest-share-name")
cls.share_desc2 = data_utils.rand_name(
cls.metadata2 = {
'foo_key_share_2': 'foo_value_share_2',
'bar_key_share_2': 'foo_value_share_2',
def test_get_share(self):
# get share
share = self.shares_client.get_share(self.shares[0]['id'])
# verify keys
expected_keys = ["status", "description", "links", "availability_zone",
"created_at", "export_location", "share_proto",
"name", "snapshot_id", "id", "size"]
actual_keys = share.keys()
[self.assertIn(key, actual_keys) for key in expected_keys]
# verify values
msg = "Expected name: '%s', actual name: '%s'" % (self.share_name,
self.assertEqual(self.share_name, str(share["name"]), msg)
msg = "Expected description: '%s', "\
"actual description: '%s'" % (self.share_desc,
self.assertEqual(self.share_desc, str(share["description"]), msg)
msg = "Expected size: '%s', actual size: '%s'" % (
CONF.share.share_size, share["size"])
self.assertEqual(CONF.share.share_size, int(share["size"]), msg)
def test_list_shares(self):
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares()
# verify keys
keys = ["name", "id", "links"]
[self.assertIn(key, sh.keys()) for sh in shares for key in keys]
# our share id in list and have no duplicates
for share in self.shares:
gen = [sid["id"] for sid in shares if sid["id"] in share["id"]]
msg = "expected id lists %s times in share list" % (len(gen))
self.assertEqual(1, len(gen), msg)
def test_list_shares_with_detail(self):
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail()
# verify keys
keys = [
"status", "description", "links", "availability_zone",
"created_at", "export_location", "share_proto", "host",
"name", "snapshot_id", "id", "size", "project_id",
[self.assertIn(key, sh.keys()) for sh in shares for key in keys]
# our shares in list and have no duplicates
for share in self.shares:
gen = [sid["id"] for sid in shares if sid["id"] in share["id"]]
msg = "expected id lists %s times in share list" % (len(gen))
self.assertEqual(1, len(gen), msg)
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_metadata(self):
filters = {'metadata': self.metadata}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
filters['metadata'], share['metadata'])
if CONF.share.capability_create_share_from_snapshot_support:
self.assertFalse(self.shares[1]['id'] in [s['id'] for s in shares])
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_extra_specs(self):
filters = {
"extra_specs": {
"storage_protocol": CONF.share.capability_storage_protocol,
share_type_list = self.shares_client.list_share_types()["share_types"]
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
shares_ids = [s["id"] for s in shares]
for share in self.shares:
self.assertIn(share["id"], shares_ids)
for share in shares:
# find its name or id, get id
st_id = None
for st in share_type_list:
if share["share_type"] in (st["id"], st["name"]):
st_id = st["id"]
if st_id is None:
raise ValueError(
"Share '%(s_id)s' listed with extra_specs filter has "
"nonexistent share type '%(st)s'." % {
"s_id": share["id"], "st": share["share_type"]}
extra_specs = self.shares_client.get_share_type_extra_specs(st_id)
self.assertDictContainsSubset(filters["extra_specs"], extra_specs)
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_share_type_id(self):
filters = {'share_type_id': self.st['share_type']['id']}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
st_list = self.shares_client.list_share_types()
# find its name or id, get id
sts = st_list["share_types"]
st_id = None
for st in sts:
if share["share_type"] in [st["id"], st["name"]]:
st_id = st["id"]
if st_id is None:
raise ValueError(
"Share '%(s_id)s' listed with share_type_id filter has "
"nonexistent share type '%(st)s'." % {
"s_id": share["id"], "st": share["share_type"]}
filters['share_type_id'], st_id)
share_ids = [share['id'] for share in shares]
for share in self.shares:
self.assertIn(share['id'], share_ids)
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_host(self):
base_share = self.shares_client.get_share(self.shares[0]['id'])
filters = {'host': base_share['host']}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
self.assertEqual(filters['host'], share['host'])
not CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled, "Only for multitenancy.")
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_share_network_id(self):
base_share = self.shares_client.get_share(self.shares[0]['id'])
filters = {'share_network_id': base_share['share_network_id']}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
filters['share_network_id'], share['share_network_id'])
"Create share from snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_snapshot_id(self):
filters = {'snapshot_id': self.snap['id']}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
self.assertEqual(filters['snapshot_id'], share['snapshot_id'])
self.assertFalse(self.shares[0]['id'] in [s['id'] for s in shares])
def test_list_shares_with_detail_with_asc_sorting(self):
filters = {'sort_key': 'created_at', 'sort_dir': 'asc'}
# list shares
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params=filters)
# verify response
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
sorted_list = [share['created_at'] for share in shares]
self.assertEqual(sorted(sorted_list), sorted_list)
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_existed_name(self):
# list shares by name, at least one share is expected
params = {"name": self.share_name}
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
self.assertEqual(self.share_name, shares[0]["name"])
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_fake_name(self):
# list shares by fake name, no shares are expected
params = {"name": data_utils.rand_name("fake-nonexistent-name")}
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
self.assertEqual(0, len(shares))
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_active_status(self):
# list shares by active status, at least one share is expected
params = {"status": "available"}
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
self.assertGreater(len(shares), 0)
for share in shares:
self.assertEqual(params["status"], share["status"])
def test_list_shares_with_detail_filter_by_fake_status(self):
# list shares by fake status, no shares are expected
params = {"status": 'fake'}
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
self.assertEqual(0, len(shares))
"Snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_get_snapshot(self):
# get snapshot
get = self.shares_client.get_snapshot(self.snap["id"])
# verify keys
expected_keys = ["status", "links", "share_id", "name",
"share_proto", "created_at",
"description", "id", "share_size"]
actual_keys = get.keys()
[self.assertIn(key, actual_keys) for key in expected_keys]
# verify data
msg = "Expected name: '%s', actual name: '%s'" % (self.snap_name,
self.assertEqual(self.snap_name, get["name"], msg)
msg = "Expected description: '%s', "\
"actual description: '%s'" % (self.snap_desc, get["description"])
self.assertEqual(self.snap_desc, get["description"], msg)
msg = "Expected share_id: '%s', "\
"actual share_id: '%s'" % (self.shares[0]["id"], get["share_id"])
self.assertEqual(self.shares[0]["id"], get["share_id"], msg)
"Snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_list_snapshots(self):
# list share snapshots
snaps = self.shares_client.list_snapshots()
# verify keys
keys = ["id", "name", "links"]
[self.assertIn(key, sn.keys()) for sn in snaps for key in keys]
# our share id in list and have no duplicates
gen = [sid["id"] for sid in snaps if sid["id"] in self.snap["id"]]
msg = "expected id lists %s times in share list" % (len(gen))
self.assertEqual(1, len(gen), msg)
"Snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_list_snapshots_with_detail(self):
# list share snapshots
snaps = self.shares_client.list_snapshots_with_detail()
# verify keys
keys = ["status", "links", "share_id", "name",
"share_proto", "created_at",
"description", "id", "share_size"]
[self.assertIn(key, sn.keys()) for sn in snaps for key in keys]
# our share id in list and have no duplicates
gen = [sid["id"] for sid in snaps if sid["id"] in self.snap["id"]]
msg = "expected id lists %s times in share list" % (len(gen))
self.assertEqual(1, len(gen), msg)