Jeremy Stanley cceb466f30 Move from stackforge to openstack
Change-Id: Ib72886b1a5dd658c5c500d17498ca1a5d0732a7d
2014-09-19 21:23:02 +00:00
2014-09-19 21:23:02 +00:00

Devstack Integration

This directory contains the files necessary to integrate Manila with devstack.

To install:

$ DEVSTACK_DIR=/path/to/devstack

$ cp lib/manila ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib

$ cp extras.d/ ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/extras.d

To configure devstack to run manila:


$ services=(manila m-api m-shr m-sch); for item in ${services[*]}; do echo "enable_service $item" >> localrc; done