Valeriy Ponomaryov 0fa609e2f2 [Tempest] Fix concurrency in "test_show_share_server" test
In test "test_show_share_server" that is located in
"manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/admin/" module
we can (rarely) face concurrency issue, when first share_server from
list of share servers gets deleted between "taking list of servers" call and
"getting its first element". It can be any share server of any concurrent test.
So, fix it by usage of share server that is being hold by its class and will
always exist while this test runs.

Change-Id: I7675a201bcd1eb33f1214ba9837f28a5295f54fc
Closes-Bug: #1608600
2016-08-01 19:59:24 +03:00

275 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import six
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest import test
from manila_tempest_tests.tests.api import base
CONF = config.CONF
class ShareServersAdminTest(base.BaseSharesAdminTest):
def resource_setup(cls):
super(ShareServersAdminTest, cls).resource_setup()
if not CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled:
msg = ("Share servers can be tested only with multitenant drivers."
" Skipping.")
raise cls.skipException(msg)
cls.share = cls.create_share()
cls.share_network = cls.shares_client.get_share_network(
if not cls.share_network["name"]:
sn_id = cls.share_network["id"]
cls.share_network = cls.shares_client.update_share_network(
sn_id, name="sn_%s" % sn_id)
cls.sn_name_and_id = [
# Date should be like '2014-13-12T11:10:09.000000'
cls.date_re = re.compile("^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}"
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_without_filters(self):
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers()
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
keys = [
for server in servers:
# All expected keys are present
for key in keys:
self.assertIn(key, server.keys())
# 'Updated at' is valid date if set
if server["updated_at"]:
# Host is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["host"]) > 0)
# Id is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["id"]) > 0)
# Project id is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["project_id"]) > 0)
# Do not verify statuses because we get all share servers from whole
# cluster and here can be servers with any state.
# Server we used is present.
any(s["share_network_name"] in self.sn_name_and_id for s in servers)
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_with_host_filter(self):
# Get list of share servers and remember 'host' name
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers()
# Remember name of server that was used by this test suite
# to be sure it will be still existing.
host = ""
for server in servers:
if server["share_network_name"] in self.sn_name_and_id:
if not server["host"]:
msg = ("Server '%s' has wrong value for host - "
"'%s'.") % (server["id"], server["host"])
raise lib_exc.InvalidContentType(message=msg)
host = server["host"]
if not host:
msg = ("Appropriate server was not found. Its share_network_data"
": '%s'. List of servers: '%s'.") % (self.sn_name_and_id,
raise lib_exc.NotFound(message=msg)
search_opts = {"host": host}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
for server in servers:
self.assertEqual(server["host"], host)
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_with_status_filter(self):
# Get list of share servers
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers()
# Remember status of server that was used by this test suite
# to be sure it will be still existing.
status = ""
for server in servers:
if server["share_network_name"] in self.sn_name_and_id:
if not server["status"]:
msg = ("Server '%s' has wrong value for status - "
"'%s'.") % (server["id"], server["host"])
raise lib_exc.InvalidContentType(message=msg)
status = server["status"]
if not status:
msg = ("Appropriate server was not found. Its share_network_data"
": '%s'. List of servers: '%s'.") % (self.sn_name_and_id,
raise lib_exc.NotFound(message=msg)
search_opts = {"status": status}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
for server in servers:
self.assertEqual(server["status"], status)
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_with_project_id_filter(self):
search_opts = {"project_id": self.share_network["project_id"]}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
# Should exist, at least, one share server, used by this test suite.
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
for server in servers:
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_with_share_network_name_filter(self):
search_opts = {"share_network": self.share_network["name"]}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
# Should exist, at least, one share server, used by this test suite.
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
for server in servers:
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_list_share_servers_with_share_network_id_filter(self):
search_opts = {"share_network": self.share_network["id"]}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
# Should exist, at least, one share server, used by this test suite.
self.assertTrue(len(servers) > 0)
for server in servers:
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_show_share_server(self):
share = self.shares_client.get_share(self.share["id"])
server = self.shares_client.show_share_server(share["share_server_id"])
keys = [
# all expected keys are present
for key in keys:
self.assertIn(key, server.keys())
# 'created_at' is valid date
# 'updated_at' is valid date if set
if server["updated_at"]:
# Host is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["host"]) > 0)
# Id is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["id"]) > 0)
# Project id is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["project_id"]) > 0)
# Status is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["status"]) > 0)
# share_network_name is not empty
self.assertTrue(len(server["share_network_name"]) > 0)
# backend_details should be a dict
self.assertIsInstance(server["backend_details"], dict)
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_show_share_server_details(self):
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers()
details = self.shares_client.show_share_server_details(
# If details are present they and their values should be only strings
for k, v in details.iteritems():
self.assertIsInstance(k, six.string_types)
self.assertIsInstance(v, six.string_types)
def _delete_share_server(self, delete_share_network):
# Get network and subnet from existing share_network and reuse it
# to be able to delete share_server after test ends.
# TODO(vponomaryov): attach security-services too. If any exist from
# donor share-network.
new_sn = self.create_share_network(
# Create server with share
# List share servers, filtered by share_network_id
search_opts = {"share_network": new_sn["id"]}
servers = self.shares_client.list_share_servers(search_opts)
# There can be more than one share server for share network when retry
# was used and share was created successfully not from first time.
# So, iterate all share-servers, release all created resources. It will
# allow share network to be deleted in cleanup.
for serv in servers:
# Verify that filtering worked as expected.
self.assertEqual(new_sn["id"], serv["share_network_id"])
# List shares by share server id
params = {"share_server_id": serv["id"]}
shares = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
for s in shares:
self.assertEqual(new_sn["id"], s["share_network_id"])
# Delete shares, so we will have share server without shares
for s in shares:
# Wait for shares deletion
for s in shares:
# List shares by share server id, we expect empty list
params = {"share_server_id": serv["id"]}
empty = self.shares_client.list_shares_with_detail(params)
self.assertEqual(0, len(empty))
if delete_share_network:
# Delete share network, it should trigger share server deletion
# Delete share server
# Wait for share server deletion
if delete_share_network:
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_delete_share_server(self):
@test.attr(type=[base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_API_WITH_BACKEND])
def test_delete_share_server_by_deletion_of_share_network(self):