Rework the CLI Guide
The previous version contained badly formatted reStructuredText which caused rendering issues. It also contained the help output for commands, but it wasn't updated or complete. This new document tells used how to view and use the CLI so they can get the help output easily themselves. This removes the rendering issues and the need to keep this page updated. Change-Id: Ic97185035ef22a9d6d291b9f396488139e8a7e2d
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,658 +1,87 @@
Mistral Client Commands Guide
The Mistral CLI can be used with ``mistral`` command or via `OpenStackClient
Mistral Client
mistral workbook-create <definition>
The best way to learn about all the commands and arguements that are expected
is to use the ``mistral help`` comand.
Create new workbook.
.. code-block:: bash
positional arguments:
definition - Workbook definition file.
$ mistral help
usage: mistral [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-q] [-h] [--debug]
[--os-mistral-url MISTRAL_URL]
[--os-mistral-version MISTRAL_VERSION]
[--os-mistral-service-type SERVICE_TYPE]
It can also be used with the name of a sub-command.
mistral workbook-delete <name> [<name> ...]
.. code-block:: bash
Delete workbook.
$ mistral help execution-create
usage: mistral execution-create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
[--print-empty] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
workflow_identifier [workflow_input] [params]
positional arguments:
name - Name of workbook(s).
Create new execution.
positional arguments:
workflow_identifier Workflow ID or name. Workflow name will be deprecated
mistral workbook-get <name>
Show specific workbook.
OpenStack Client
positional arguments:
name - Workbook name.
OpenStack client works in a similar way, the command ``openstack help`` shows
all the available commands and then ``openstack help <sub-command>`` will show
the detailed usage.
The full list of Mistral commands that are registered with OpenStack client
can be listed with ``openstack command list``. By default it will list all
commands grouped togehter, but we can specify only the Mistral command group.
mistral workbook-get-definition <workbook_identifier>
.. code-block:: bash
Show workbook definition.
$ openstack command list --group openstack.workflow_engine.v2
| Command Group | Commands |
| openstack.workflow_engine.v2 | action definition create |
| | action definition definition show |
| | action definition delete |
| | action definition list |
| | action definition show |
| | action definition update |
| | action execution delete |
positional arguments:
workbook_identifier - Workbook name or ID.
Then detailed help output can be requested for an individual command.
.. code-block:: bash
mistral workbook-list
$ openstack help workflow execution create
usage: openstack workflow execution create [-h]
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
[--print-empty] [--noindent]
[--prefix PREFIX] [-d DESCRIPTION]
[workflow_input] [params]
List all workbooks.
Create new execution.
positional arguments:
workflow_identifier Workflow ID or name. Workflow name will be deprecated
workflow_input Workflow input
params Workflow additional parameters
mistral workbook-update <definition>
Update workbook.
positional arguments:
definition - Workbook definition file.
mistral workbook-validate <definition>
Validate workbook.
positional arguments:
definition - Workbook definition file.
mistral workflow-create <definition> [--public]
Create new workflow.
positional arguments:
definition - Workflow definition file.
optional arguments:
--public - With this flag workflow will be marked as "public".
mistral workflow-delete <name> [<name> ...]
Delete workflow.
positional arguments:
name - Name of workflow(s).
mistral workflow-get <name>
Show specific workflow.
positional arguments:
name - Workflow name.
mistral workflow-get-definition <name>
Show workflow definition.
positional arguments:
name - Workflow name.
mistral workflow-list
List all workflows.
mistral workflow-update <definition>
Update workflow.
positional arguments:
definition - Workflow definition.
mistral workflow-validate <definition>
Validate workflow.
positional arguments:
definition - Workflow definition file.
mistral action-create <definition> [--public]
Create new action.
positional arguments:
definition - Action definition file.
optional arguments:
--public - With this flag action will be marked as "public".
mistral action-delete action [action ...]
Delete action.
positional arguments:
action - Name or ID of action(s).
mistral action-get <action>
Show specific action.
positional arguments:
action - Action (name or ID).
mistral action-get-definition <name>
Show action definition.
positional arguments:
name - Action name.
mistral action-list
List all actions.
mistral action-update [--public] [--id ID] <definition>
Update action.
positional arguments:
definition - Action definition file.
optional arguments:
--id ID Action ID.
--public With this flag, action will be marked as "public".
mistral action-validate <definition>
Validate action.
positional arguments:
definition - Action definition file.
Workflow executions
mistral execution-create [-d DESCRIPTION]
<workflow_identifier> [<workflow_input>] [<params>]
Create a new execution.
positional arguments:
workflow_identifier - Workflow ID or name. Workflow name has been deprecated
since Mitaka.
workflow_input - Workflow input.
params - Workflow additional parameters.
optional arguments:
Execution description
mistral execution-delete <execution> [<execution> ...]
Delete execution.
positional arguments:
execution - Id of execution identifier(s).
mistral execution-get <execution>
Show specific execution.
positional arguments:
execution - Execution identifier.
mistral execution-get-input <id>
Show execution input data.
positional arguments:
id - Execution ID.
mistral execution-get-output [-h] id
Show execution output data.
positional arguments:
id - Execution ID.
mistral execution-list [--marker [MARKER]] [--limit [LIMIT]]
[--sort_keys [SORT_KEYS]]
[--sort_dirs [SORT_DIRS]]
List all executions.
optional arguments:
--marker [MARKER] The last execution uuid of the previous page, displays
list of executions after "marker".
--limit [LIMIT] Maximum number of executions to return in a single
--sort_keys [SORT_KEYS]
Comma-separated list of sort keys to sort results by.
Default: created_at. Example: mistral execution-list
--sort_dirs [SORT_DIRS]
Comma-separated list of sort directions. Default: asc.
Example: mistral execution-list
--sort_keys=id,description --sort_dirs=asc,desc
mistral execution-update [-s {RUNNING,PAUSED,SUCCESS,ERROR,CANCELLED}]
[-e ENV] [-d DESCRIPTION] <id>
Update execution.
positional arguments:
id - Execution identifier.
optional arguments:
Execution state
-e ENV, --env ENV Environment variables
Execution description
Task executions
mistral task-get <id>
Show specific task.
positional arguments:
id - Task identifier.
mistral task-get-published <id>
Show task published variables.
positional arguments:
id - Task ID.
mistral task-get-result <id>
Show task output data.
positional arguments:
id - Task ID.
mistral task-list [<workflow_execution>]
List all tasks.
positional arguments:
workflow_execution - Workflow execution ID associated with list of Tasks.
mistral task-rerun [--resume] [-e ENV] <id>
Rerun an existing task.
positional arguments:
id - Task identifier.
optional arguments:
--resume rerun only failed or unstarted action executions for
with-items task.
-e ENV, --env ENV Environment variables.
Action executions
mistral action-execution-delete <action_execution> [<action_execution> ...]
Delete action execution.
positional arguments:
action_execution - Action execution ID.
mistral action-execution-get <action_execution>
Show specific Action execution.
positional arguments:
action_execution - Action execution ID.
mistral action-execution-get-input <id>
Show Action execution input data.
positional arguments:
id - Action execution ID.
mistral action-execution-get-output <id>
Show Action execution output data.
positional arguments:
id - Action execution ID.
mistral action-execution-list [<task-execution-id>]
List all Action executions.
positional arguments:
task-execution-id - Task execution ID.
mistral action-execution-update [--state {IDLE,RUNNING,SUCCESS,ERROR}] [--output <OUTPUT>] <id>
Update specific Action execution.
positional arguments:
id - Action execution ID.
optional arguments:
Action execution state
--output OUTPUT - Action execution output
mistral run-action <name> [<input>] [-t <TARGET>]
Create new Action execution or just run specific action.
positional arguments:
name - Action name to execute.
input - Action input.
optional arguments:
-s, --save-result - Save the result into DB.
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Action will be executed on <target> executor.
mistral cron-trigger-create [--params <PARAMS>] [--pattern <* * * * *>]
[--first-time <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM>]
[--count <integer>]
<name> <workflow_identifier> [<workflow_input>]
Create new trigger.
positional arguments:
name - Cron trigger name.
workflow_identifier - Workflow name or ID.
workflow_input - Workflow input.
optional arguments:
--params PARAMS - Workflow params.
--pattern <* * * * *>
Cron trigger pattern.
--first-time <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM>
Date and time of the first execution.
--count <integer> Number of wanted executions.
mistral cron-trigger-delete <name> [<name> ...]
Delete trigger.
positional arguments:
name - Name of cron trigger(s).
mistral cron-trigger-get <name>
Show specific cron trigger.
positional arguments:
name - Cron trigger name.
mistral cron-trigger-list
List all cron triggers.
mistral environment-create <file>
Create new environment.
positional arguments:
file - Environment configuration file in JSON or YAML.
mistral environment-delete <environment> [<environment> ...]
Delete environment.
positional arguments:
environment - Name of environment(s).
mistral environment-get <name>
Show specific environment.
positional arguments:
name - Environment name.
mistral environment-list
List all environments.
mistral environment-update <file>
Update environment.
positional arguments:
file - Environment configuration file in JSON or YAML.
mistral member-create <resource_id> <resource_type> <member_id>
Shares a resource to another tenant.
positional arguments:
resource_id - Resource ID to be shared.
resource_type - Resource type.
member_id - Project ID to whom the resource is shared to.
mistral member-delete <resource> <resource_type> <member_id>
Delete a resource sharing relationship.
positional arguments:
resource - Resource ID to be shared.
resource_type - Resource type.
member_id - Project ID to whom the resource is shared to.
mistral member-get [-m MEMBER_ID]
<resource> <resource_type>
Show specific member information.
positional arguments:
resource - Resource ID to be shared.
resource_type - Resource type.
optional arguments:
-m MEMBER_ID, --member-id MEMBER_ID
Project ID to whom the resource is shared to. No need
to provide this param if you are the resource member.
mistral member-list <resource_id> <resource_type>
List all members.
positional arguments:
resource_id - Resource id to be shared.
resource_type - Resource type.
mistral member-update [-m MEMBER_ID]
[-s {pending,accepted,rejected}]
<resource_id> <resource_type>
Update resource sharing status.
positional arguments:
resource_id - Resource ID to be shared.
resource_type - Resource type.
optional arguments:
-m MEMBER_ID, --member-id MEMBER_ID
Project ID to whom the resource is shared to. No need
to provide this param if you are the resource member.
-s {pending,accepted,rejected}, --status {pending,accepted,rejected}
status of the sharing.
Services API
mistral service-list
List all services.
.. seealso::
`Workflow service command-line client <>`_.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user