# Copyright 2015 - Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import collections import inspect import json import os from aodhclient.v2 import base as aodh_base from aodhclient.v2 import client as aodhclient from barbicanclient import base as barbican_base from barbicanclient import client as barbicanclient from ceilometerclient.v2 import client as ceilometerclient from cinderclient.apiclient import base as cinder_base from cinderclient.v2 import client as cinderclient from designateclient import client as designateclient from glanceclient.v2 import client as glanceclient from gnocchiclient.v1 import base as gnocchi_base from gnocchiclient.v1 import client as gnocchiclient from heatclient.common import base as heat_base from heatclient.v1 import client as heatclient from ironicclient.common import base as ironic_base from ironicclient.v1 import client as ironicclient from keystoneclient import base as keystone_base from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystoneclient from magnumclient.common import base as magnum_base from magnumclient.v1 import client as magnumclient from mistralclient.api import base as mistral_base from mistralclient.api.v2 import client as mistralclient from muranoclient.common import base as murano_base from muranoclient.v1 import client as muranoclient from novaclient import base as nova_base from novaclient import client as novaclient from troveclient import base as trove_base from troveclient.v1 import client as troveclient # TODO(nmakhotkin): Find a rational way to do it for neutron. # TODO(nmakhotkin): Implement recursive way of searching for managers # TODO(nmakhotkin): (e.g. keystone). # TODO(dprince): Need to update ironic_inspector_client before we can # plug it in cleanly here. # TODO(dprince): Swiftclient doesn't currently support discovery # like we do in this class. # TODO(therve): Zaqarclient doesn't currently support discovery # like we do in this class. # TODO(sa709c): Tackerclient doesn't currently support discovery # like we do in this class. """It is simple CLI tool which allows to see and update mapping.json file if needed. mapping.json contains all allowing OpenStack actions sorted by service name. Usage example: python tools/get_action_list.py nova The result will be simple JSON containing action name as a key and method path as a value. For updating mapping.json it is need to copy all keys and values of the result to corresponding section of mapping.json: ...mapping.json... "nova": { }, ...mapping.json... Note: in case of Keystone service, correct OS_AUTH_URL v3 and the rest auth info must be provided. It can be provided either via environment variables or CLI arguments. See --help for details. """ BASE_HEAT_MANAGER = heat_base.HookableMixin BASE_NOVA_MANAGER = nova_base.HookableMixin BASE_KEYSTONE_MANAGER = keystone_base.Manager BASE_CINDER_MANAGER = cinder_base.HookableMixin BASE_MISTRAL_MANAGER = mistral_base.ResourceManager BASE_TROVE_MANAGER = trove_base.Manager BASE_IRONIC_MANAGER = ironic_base.Manager BASE_BARBICAN_MANAGER = barbican_base.BaseEntityManager BASE_MAGNUM_MANAGER = magnum_base.Manager BASE_MURANO_MANAGER = murano_base.Manager BASE_AODH_MANAGER = aodh_base.Manager BASE_GNOCCHI_MANAGER = gnocchi_base.Manager def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Gets All needed methods of OpenStack clients.', usage="python get_action_list.py " ) parser.add_argument( 'service', choices=CLIENTS.keys(), help='Service name which methods need to be found.' ) parser.add_argument( '--os-username', dest='username', default=os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', 'admin'), help='Authentication username (Env: OS_USERNAME)' ) parser.add_argument( '--os-password', dest='password', default=os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD', 'openstack'), help='Authentication password (Env: OS_PASSWORD)' ) parser.add_argument( '--os-tenant-name', dest='tenant_name', default=os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME', 'Default'), help='Authentication tenant name (Env: OS_TENANT_NAME)' ) parser.add_argument( '--os-auth-url', dest='auth_url', default=os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL'), help='Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)' ) return parser GLANCE_NAMESPACE_LIST = [ 'image_members', 'image_tags', 'images', 'schemas', 'tasks', 'metadefs_resource_type', 'metadefs_property', 'metadefs_object', 'metadefs_tag', 'metadefs_namespace', 'versions' ] CEILOMETER_NAMESPACE_LIST = [ 'alarms', 'capabilities', 'event_types', 'events', 'meters', 'new_samples', 'query_alarm_history', 'query_alarms', 'query_samples', 'resources', 'samples', 'statistics', 'trait_descriptions', 'traits' ] DESIGNATE_NAMESPACE_LIST = [ 'diagnostics', 'domains', 'quotas', 'records', 'reports', 'servers', 'sync', 'touch' ] def get_nova_client(**kwargs): return novaclient.Client(2) def get_keystone_client(**kwargs): return keystoneclient.Client(**kwargs) def get_glance_client(**kwargs): return glanceclient.Client(kwargs.get('auth_url')) def get_heat_client(**kwargs): return heatclient.Client('') def get_ceilometer_client(**kwargs): return ceilometerclient.Client('') def get_cinder_client(**kwargs): return cinderclient.Client() def get_mistral_client(**kwargs): return mistralclient.Client() def get_trove_client(**kwargs): return troveclient.Client('username', 'password') def get_ironic_client(**kwargs): return ironicclient.Client("") def get_barbican_client(**kwargs): return barbicanclient.Client( project_id="1", endpoint="" ) def get_designate_client(**kwargs): return designateclient.Client('1') def get_magnum_client(**kwargs): return magnumclient.Client() def get_murano_client(**kwargs): return muranoclient.Client('') def get_aodh_client(**kwargs): return aodhclient.Client('') def get_gnocchi_client(**kwargs): return gnocchiclient.Client() CLIENTS = { 'nova': get_nova_client, 'heat': get_heat_client, 'ceilometer': get_ceilometer_client, 'cinder': get_cinder_client, 'keystone': get_keystone_client, 'glance': get_glance_client, 'trove': get_trove_client, 'ironic': get_ironic_client, 'barbican': get_barbican_client, 'mistral': get_mistral_client, 'designate': get_designate_client, 'magnum': get_magnum_client, 'murano': get_murano_client, 'aodh': get_aodh_client, 'gnocchi': get_gnocchi_client, # 'neutron': get_nova_client # 'baremetal_introspection': ... # 'swift': ... # 'zaqar': ... } BASE_MANAGERS = { 'nova': BASE_NOVA_MANAGER, 'heat': BASE_HEAT_MANAGER, 'ceilometer': None, 'cinder': BASE_CINDER_MANAGER, 'keystone': BASE_KEYSTONE_MANAGER, 'glance': None, 'trove': BASE_TROVE_MANAGER, 'ironic': BASE_IRONIC_MANAGER, 'barbican': BASE_BARBICAN_MANAGER, 'mistral': BASE_MISTRAL_MANAGER, 'designate': None, 'magnum': BASE_MAGNUM_MANAGER, 'murano': BASE_MURANO_MANAGER, 'aodh': BASE_AODH_MANAGER, 'gnocchi': BASE_GNOCCHI_MANAGER, # 'neutron': BASE_NOVA_MANAGER # 'baremetal_introspection': ... # 'swift': ... # 'zaqar': ... } NAMESPACES = { 'glance': GLANCE_NAMESPACE_LIST, 'ceilometer': CEILOMETER_NAMESPACE_LIST, 'designate': DESIGNATE_NAMESPACE_LIST } ALLOWED_ATTRS = ['service_catalog', 'catalog'] FORBIDDEN_METHODS = [ 'add_hook', 'alternate_service_type', 'completion_cache', 'run_hooks', 'write_to_completion_cache', 'model', 'build_key_only_query', 'build_url', 'head', 'put', 'unvalidated_model' ] def get_public_attrs(obj): all_attrs = dir(obj) return [a for a in all_attrs if not a.startswith('_')] def get_public_methods(attr, client): hierarchy_list = attr.split('.') attribute = client for attr in hierarchy_list: attribute = getattr(attribute, attr) all_attributes_list = get_public_attrs(attribute) methods = [] for a in all_attributes_list: allowed = a in ALLOWED_ATTRS forbidden = a in FORBIDDEN_METHODS if (not forbidden and (allowed or inspect.ismethod(getattr(attribute, a)))): methods.append(a) return methods def get_manager_list(service_name, client): base_manager = BASE_MANAGERS[service_name] if not base_manager: return NAMESPACES[service_name] public_attrs = get_public_attrs(client) manager_list = [] for attr in public_attrs: if (isinstance(getattr(client, attr), base_manager) or attr in ALLOWED_ATTRS): manager_list.append(attr) return manager_list def get_mapping_for_service(service, client): mapping = collections.OrderedDict() for man in get_manager_list(service, client): public_methods = get_public_methods(man, client) for method in public_methods: key = "%s_%s" % (man, method) value = "%s.%s" % (man, method) mapping[key] = value return mapping def print_mapping(mapping): print(json.dumps(mapping, indent=8, separators=(',', ': '))) if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_parser().parse_args() auth_info = { 'username': args.username, 'tenant_name': args.tenant_name, 'password': args.password, 'auth_url': args.auth_url } service = args.service client = CLIENTS.get(service)(**auth_info) print("Find methods for service: %s..." % service) print_mapping(get_mapping_for_service(service, client))