
This way we can test the service api later on gate In order to use etcd in gate few changes were made: * All identifiers must be byte type (group type, member id) * Tooz has a built-in mechanizm for heartbeat no need to implement it * Need to use eventlet monkey patch since etcd client uses blocking methods * Services name must be identical to LAUNCH_OPTIONS used in cli * Gate coordination url should be define with a schema of etcd+http which is the etcd gateway and works better then just etcd Change-Id: I772651e33eada4a5c2149bfa867095c277eddeed
Team and repository tags
Workflow Service for OpenStack cloud. This project aims to provide a mechanism to define tasks and workflows without writing code, manage and execute them in the cloud environment.
Project Resources
Mistral Official Documentation
Project status, bugs, and blueprints are tracked on Launchpad
CloudFlow: visualization tool for workflow executions on https://github.com/nokia/CloudFlow
Additional resources are linked from the project Wiki page
Apache License Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Release notes for the project can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/mistral/
Source for the project can be found at: https://opendev.org/openstack/mistral