Imported Translations from Zanata
For more information about this automatic import see: Change-Id: I1a3739b70f60b84ab409fbf1c85f8e0609f337c2
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
# Frank Kloeker <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-16 09:19+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Monika Wolf <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-03 01:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andreas Jaeger <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
"%(branch)s-HEAD-Datei stimmt nicht mit Migrationszeitplan für HEAD überein. "
"Erwartet: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: Interner Treiberfehler."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s ist keine gültige ID für %(type)s"
@ -108,18 +104,10 @@ msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr ""
"%(name)s '%(addr)s' stimmt nicht mit 'ip_version' '%(ip_version)s' überein"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s muss im Bereich %(range)s liegen."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s kann nicht im Offlinemodus aufgerufen werden"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s ist ein ungültiges Attribut für 'sort_key'"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s ist ein ungültiges Attribut für 'sort_keys'"
@ -128,10 +116,6 @@ msgstr "%s ist ein ungültiges Attribut für 'sort_keys'"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s ist kein gültiger VLAN-Tag"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s muss angegeben werden."
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr ""
@ -167,56 +151,15 @@ msgstr ""
"wird die maximal zulässige Länge für einen FQDN von '%(max_len)s' "
"überschritten. "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' überschreitet die Höchstlänge von %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' ist keine akzeptierte IP-Adresse. '%(ip)s' wird empfohlen."
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' befindet sich nicht in %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' ist zu groß - darf höchstens '%(limit)d' sein"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' ist zu klein - muss mindestens '%(limit)d' sein"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' ist keine erkannte IP-Teilnetz-CIDR, '%(cidr)s' wird empfohlen"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' ist kein gültiger PQDN oder FQDN. Grund: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' ist kein gültiger Namensserver. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' leere Zeichenfolgen sind nicht zulässig"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' kann nicht in boolesche Zahl umgewandelt werden"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr ""
"'%s' kann nicht in eine Zeichenfolge in Kleinschreibung konvertiert werden"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' enthält Leerzeichen"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' überschreitet den FQDN-Grenzwert von 255 Zeichen"
@ -229,70 +172,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' ist ein FQDN. Es muss ein relativer Domänenname sein."
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' ist kein FQDN."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "%s ist kein Verzeichnis"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine Liste"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige IP-Adresse"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiges IP-Teilnetz"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger RBAC-Objekttyp"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger boolescher Wert"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige Eingabe"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige Zeichenfolge"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine Ganzzahl"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' ist keine Ganzzahl und keine UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' ist nicht in der Form <key>=[value]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' wird für die Filterung nicht unterstützt"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' muss eine nicht negative Dezimalzahl sein."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' sollte nicht negativ sein"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "'.'-Suchen sind nicht implementiert"
@ -313,13 +204,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0 ist als Länge für CIDR-Präfix nicht zulässig"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"32-Bit-BGP-Bezeichner, in der Regel eine IPv4-Adresse, deren Eigner das "
"System ist, das den BGP-DrAgent ausführt."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "Ein QoS-Treiber muss angegeben werden"
@ -347,19 +231,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
"network MTU value that differs from the default global_physnet_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Eine Liste der Zuordnungen von physischen Netzen zu MTU-Werten. Das Format "
"der Zuordnung ist <physnet>:<mtu val>. Diese Zuordnung lässt die Angabe "
"eines physischen Netz-MTU-Werts zu, der sich vom Standardwert für "
"segment_mtu unterscheidet."
"global_physnet_mtu unterscheidet."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Ein Messungstreiber muss angegeben sein"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "Bei Verwendung von 'auth_type md5' muss ein Kennwort angegeben werden."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "API zum Abrufen von Diensteanbietern für erweiterte Neutron-Dienste"
@ -416,9 +297,6 @@ msgstr "Agent %(id)s ist kein L3-Agent oder wurde inaktiviert"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "Agent %(id)s ist kein gültiger DHCP-Agent oder wurde inaktiviert"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "Der Agent wurde gerade erneut aktiviert."
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -500,22 +378,6 @@ msgstr ""
"einen Router erreichen können. Diese Option setzt die Einstellung "
"'enable_isolated_metadata = True' voraus."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Es wird bereits ein BGP-Speaker für local_as=%(current_as)d mit router_id="
"%(rtid)s gehostet."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Maximale Anzahl an BGP-Speakern wird bereits gehostet. Zulässige geplante "
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Es ist bereits eine RBAC-Richtlinie mit diesen Werten vorhanden."
@ -542,9 +404,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Sortierte Liste der Eingangspunkte für Netzmechanismustreiber die aus dem "
"Namensbereich neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers geladen werden."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Ein unerwarteter interner Fehler ist aufgetreten."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr ""
"Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Stellen Sie Ihre Anforderung erneut."
@ -556,12 +415,6 @@ msgstr "Der asynchrone Prozess hat keinen erneuten Prozess erstellt."
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "Attribut %s in POST nicht zulässig"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr ""
"Authentifizierungstyp wird nicht unterstützt. Angeforderter Typ "
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"Autorisierungs-URL zum Herstellen einer Verbindung zu Designate im "
@ -587,60 +440,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Verfügbare Befehle"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Der BGP-Peer %(peer_ip)s für remote_as=%(remote_as)s, ausgeführt für BGP-"
"Speaker %(speaker_as)d wurde noch nicht hinzugefügt."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP-Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s ist bereits als Peer für einen BGP-Peer an "
"%(peer_ip)s konfiguriert, daher kann er nicht als Peer für den BGP-Peer "
"%(bgp_peer_id)s fungieren."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Der BGP-Speaker für local_as=%(local_as)s mit router_id=%(rtid)s wurde noch "
"nicht hinzugefügt."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"BGP-Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s ist dem BGP-Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s nicht "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "BGP-Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s ist nicht authentifiziert."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP-Peer %(id)s konnte nicht gefunden werden."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP-Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s wird nicht von BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP-Speaker %(id)s konnte nicht gefunden werden."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Die zu instanziierende Treiberklasse des BGP-Speakers."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "Backend unterstützt keine VLAN-Transparenz."
@ -671,18 +470,6 @@ msgstr ""
"mit DHCP oder DNS nützlich. Wenn dieser Abschnitt null ist, dann "
"deaktivieren Sie das dnsmasq-Protokoll."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s ist bereits einem BGP-Speaker zugeordnet."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s ist ungültig oder wurde inaktiviert."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent aktualisiert: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "Hauptteil enthält ungültige Daten"
@ -942,8 +729,7 @@ msgid ""
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore."
msgstr ""
"Liste mit durch Kommas voneinander getrennten Tuplen vom Typ "
"<physical_network>:<bridge>, in der die physischen Netznamen den "
@ -955,7 +741,7 @@ msgstr ""
"entsprechenden Brücken in jedem Agenten haben. Hinweis: Wenn Sie aus dieser "
"Zuordnung eine Brücke entfernen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Verbindung "
"der Brücke zur Integrationsbrücke unterbrechen, da sie nicht mehr vom "
"Agenten verwaltet wird. Veraltet für ofagent."
"Agenten verwaltet wird."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
@ -1157,8 +943,8 @@ msgstr ""
"der Beschreibung für die Einstellung 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool'. Diese "
"Option ist veraltet und wird im N-Release entfernt."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Standardtreiber zur Verwendung für Kontingentprüfungen"
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks."
msgstr "Standardtreiber zur Verwendung für Kontingentprüfungen."
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "Externe Standardnetze müssen für alle freigegeben werden."
@ -1323,18 +1109,11 @@ msgstr ""
"definiert ist. In setup.cfg finden Sie die Einstiegspunkte, die in der "
"Neutron-Quelle enthalten sind."
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "Treiber, der verwendet wird, um BGP-Speaker für BGP DrAgent zu planen."
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr ""
"Liste der Treiber, die zum Senden der Benachrichtigung zur Aktualisierung "
"verwendet werden soll"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Doppelte IP-Adresse '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1354,18 +1133,6 @@ msgstr "Doppelte Sicherheitsgruppenregel in POST."
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Doppelte Adresse erkannt."
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Doppelte Hostroute '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Doppelte Elemente in der Liste: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Doppelter Namensserver '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Doppelter Segmenteintrag in Anforderung."
@ -1397,9 +1164,6 @@ msgstr "Leerer Name für physisches Netz."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Leere Präfixliste für Subnetzpool"
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "FWaaS aktivieren"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Hochverfügbarkeitsmodus für virtuelle Router aktivieren."
@ -1425,6 +1189,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Anforderung zu reagieren, ohne einen aufwändigen ARP-Broadcast in das "
"Overlay durchzuführen."
msgid ""
"Enable local ARP responder which provides local responses instead of "
"performing ARP broadcast into the overlay. Enabling local ARP responder is "
"not fully compatible with the allowed-address-pairs extension."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie den lokalen ARP-Responder, der lokale Antworten bereitstellt "
"anstatt ARP-Broadcasts im Overlay durchzuführen. Die Aktivierung eines "
"lokalen ARP-Responders ist nicht vollständig kompatibel mit der Erweiterung "
"zulässiger Adresspaare."
msgid ""
"Enable services on an agent with admin_state_up False. If this option is "
"False, when admin_state_up of an agent is turned False, services on it will "
@ -1447,7 +1221,7 @@ msgid ""
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"headers. This option will be removed in Ocata so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie die Unterdrückung von ARP-Antworten, die nicht mit einer IP-"
@ -1459,7 +1233,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Spoofing-Regeln werden Ports, bei denen die Portsicherheit inaktiviert "
"wurde, nicht hinzugefügt. Bei LinuxBridge erfordert dies ebtables. Bei OVS "
"erfordert dies eine Version, die übereinstimmende ARP-Header unterstützt. "
"Diese Option wird in Newton entfernt, sodass der Schutz nur über die "
"Diese Option wird in Ocata entfernt, sodass der Schutz nur über die "
"Portsicherheitserweiterung inaktiviert werden kann."
msgid ""
@ -1524,10 +1298,6 @@ msgstr "Verwendung einer Dateistruktur mit getrennten Zweigen erzwingen."
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Fehler %(reason)s beim Ausführen der Operation."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Importieren von FWaas-Treiber: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Fehler bei Auswertung der DNS-Adresse %s"
@ -1618,13 +1388,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s konnte nicht gefunden werden"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"FWaaS-Plug-in ist auf der Serverseite konfiguriert, aber FWaaS ist für L3-"
"Agent inaktiviert."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1864,14 +1627,6 @@ msgstr "IP-Adresse %(ip)s bereits in Teilnetz %(subnet_id)s zugeordnet"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP-Adresse %(ip)s gehört nicht zu Teilnetz %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"IP-Adresse %(ip_address)s ist keine gültige IP für die Teilnetze im "
"angegebenen Netz."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Von Nova-Metadatenserver verwendete IP-Adresse."
@ -2095,30 +1850,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Authentifizierungstyp: %(auth_type)s, gültige Typen sind: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Ungültiger Inhaltstyp %(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Ungültiges Datenformat für IP-Pool: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Ungültiges Datenformat für extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Ungültiges Datenformat für statische IP: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Ungültiges Datenformat für Hostroute: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Ungültiges Datenformat für Namensserver: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "Ungültiger Ethernet-Typ %(ethertype)s für Protokoll %(protocol)s."
@ -2139,14 +1874,6 @@ msgstr "Ungültiges Format: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Ungültige Eingabe für %(attr)s. Grund: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Ungültige Eingabe. '%(target_dict)s' muss ein Verzeichnis mit Schlüsseln "
"sein: %(expected_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2216,8 +1943,8 @@ msgstr ""
"unteren 16 Bits verwendet werden."
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
"Keep in track in the database of current resource quota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False."
msgstr ""
"Überwachen der aktuellen Kontingentnutzung in der Datenbank. Bei Plugins, "
"die die Neutron-Datenbank nicht verwenden, sollte dieses Flag auf False "
@ -2287,9 +2014,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Lokale IP-Adresse von VXLAN-Endpunkten."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Lokale IP-Adresse von Tunnelendpunkt."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Position für UNIX-Domänensocket von Metadaten-Proxy."
@ -2387,27 +2111,6 @@ msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Hostroutes pro Subnetz"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Routen pro Router"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Maximale Größe eines IP-Pakets (MTU), das die zugrunde liegende physische "
"Netzinfrastruktur ohne Fragmentierung traversieren kann. Bei Instanzen, die "
"ein Self-Service-/privates Netz verwenden, zieht Neutron den Overhead des "
"Overlay-Protokolls von diesem Wert ab und stellt ihn den Instanzen über die "
"DHCP-Option 26 bereit. So stellt beispielsweise DHCP bei einem Wert von 9000 "
"den Instanzen, die ein VXLAN-Netz mit einem Overhead von 50 Bytes verwenden, "
"den Wert 8950 bereit. Bei einem Wert von 0 wird dieses Feature inaktiviert "
"und die Instanzen nehmen standardmäßig 1500 MTU an. Betrifft nur Instanzen "
"und keine Neutron-Netzkomponenten, wie z. B. Brücken und Router."
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2458,13 +2161,6 @@ msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr ""
"Abfrage minimieren durch Überwachung von ovsdb auf Schnittstellenänderungen."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"Mindestanzahl an L3-Agenten, für die ein HA-Router geplant wird. Bei Angabe "
"von 0 wird der Router für jeden Agenten geplant."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Fehlender Schlüssel in Zuordnung: '%s'"
@ -2572,9 +2268,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Name der zu verwendenden Nova-Region. Nützlich, wenn Keystone mehrere "
"Regionen verwaltet. "
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Name des FWaaS-Treibers"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Namensbereich des Routers"
@ -2597,30 +2290,6 @@ msgstr "Negatives Delta (Herabstufung) nicht unterstützt"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "Negative relative Revision (Herabstufung) nicht unterstützt"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Das Netz %(network_id)s ist bereits an den BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Das Netz %(network_id)s ist dem BGP-Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s nicht "
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Das Netz %(network_id)s ist nicht an einen BgpSpeaker gebunden."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"Das Netz %(network_id)s ist nicht an einen IPv%(ip_version)s-BgpSpeaker "
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "Netz %s enthält kein IPv4-Teilnetz"
@ -2674,9 +2343,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron-'core_plugin' nicht konfiguriert!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Provider-Modul für Neutron-Plugin"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron-Quotentreiberklasse"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "Der neue Wert für 'first_ip' oder 'last_ip' muss angegeben werden."
@ -2698,6 +2364,9 @@ msgstr "Kein auswählbarer dem externen Netz %s zugeordneter L3-Agent gefunden"
msgid "No more IP addresses available for subnet %(subnet_id)s."
msgstr "Keine weiteren IP-Adressen für Teilnetz %(subnet_id)s verfügbar."
msgid "No more IP addresses available."
msgstr "Keine weiteren IP-Adressen verfügbar."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"No more Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) available when creating router "
@ -2750,13 +2419,13 @@ msgstr ""
"mehrere DHCP-Agenten für ein angegebenes Nutzernetz zu, wodurch "
"Hochverfügbarkeit für den DHCP-Service erreicht wird."
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue."
msgstr ""
"Anzahl der RPC-Worker-Prozesse, die der Statusberichtswarteschlange "
"zugewiesen ist."
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Anzahl der RPC-Verarbeitungsprozesse für den Dienst"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service."
msgstr "Anzahl der RPC-Verarbeitungsprozesse für den Dienst."
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
@ -2949,10 +2618,6 @@ msgstr "POST-Anforderungen werden auf dieser Ressource nicht unterstützt."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "Paket %s nicht installiert"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "Der Parameter %(param)s muss vom Typ %(param_type)s sein."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "Analysieren von 'bridge_mappings' fehlgeschlagen: %s."
@ -2965,12 +2630,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Kennwort zum Herstellen einer Verbindung zu Designate im "
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr ""
"Es wurde kein Kennwort für den Authentifizierungsstyp %(auth_type)s "
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Pfad zur PID-Datei für diesen Prozess"
@ -3127,6 +2786,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Die QoS-Regel %(rule_id)s für die Richtlinie %(policy_id)s konnte nicht "
"gefunden werden."
#, python-format
msgid "Quota for tenant %(tenant_id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Das Kontingent für Tenant %(tenant_id)s wurde nicht gefunden."
#, python-format
msgid "RBAC policy of type %(object_type)s with ID %(id)s not found"
msgstr "RBAC-Richtlinie des Typs %(object_type)s mit ID %(id)s nicht gefunden"
@ -3293,11 +2956,6 @@ msgstr "Wenn möglich, Dämonanwendung für Roothilfeprogramm verwenden."
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "Rootberechtigungen sind zum Löschen von Berechtigungen erforderlich."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr ""
"Route %(cidr)s wurde BGP-Speaker %(speaker_as)d nicht zugänglich gemacht."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3385,8 +3043,8 @@ msgstr ""
"sein als agent_down_time; am besten sollte es die Hälfte oder weniger von "
"agent_down_time betragen."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Sekunden zwischen Ausführungen regelmäßiger Tasks"
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks."
msgstr "Sekunden zwischen Ausführungen regelmäßig wiederkehrender Tasks."
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
@ -3696,14 +3354,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Der Zuordnungspool %(pool)s geht über das Teilnetz-CIDR %(subnet_cidr)s "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"Das Attribut %(attr)s ist ein Verweis auf eine andere Ressource und kann bei "
"der Sortierung von %(resource)s nicht verwendet werden"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4326,18 +3976,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP-Authentifizierungstyp"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "VXLAN-Netzwerk nicht unterstützt."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"Überprüfung der Schlüssel für das Verzeichnis ist fehlgeschlagen. Erwartete "
"Schlüssel: %(expected_keys)s Angegebene Schlüssel: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "Der Validator '%s' ist nicht vorhanden."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Wert %(value)s in Zuordnung: '%(mapping)s' nicht eindeutig"
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ msgstr ""
"El archivo HEAD de %(branch)s no coincide con el head de la línea de tiempo "
"de migración, se esperaba: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: Error de controlador interno."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s no es un identificador %(type)s válido"
@ -106,18 +102,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s ha fallado."
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' no coincide con la versión de IP '%(ip_version)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s debe estar dentro del rango %(range)s."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s no puede invocarse en la modalidad fuera de línea"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s es un atributo no válido para sort_key"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s es un atributo no válido para sort_keys"
@ -126,10 +114,6 @@ msgstr "%s es un atributo no válido para sort_keys"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s no es una etiqueta VLAN válida"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "Se debe especificar %s"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s debe implementar get_port_from_device o get_ports_from_devices."
@ -162,55 +146,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' contiene '%(length)s' caracteres. Si se añade un subdominio se "
"superará la longitud máxima de un FQDN, que es de '%(max_len)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' supera la longitud máxima de %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' no es una dirección IP aceptada, se recomienda '%(ip)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' no está en %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' es muy grande, no debe ser más grande que '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' es muy pequeño, debe ser al menos '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' no es un cidr de subred IP reconocido, se recomienda '%(cidr)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' no es un PQDN o FQDN válido. Razón: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' no es un servidor de nombres válido. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "No se permiten '%s' series en blanco"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' no se puede convertir a booleano"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' no se puede convertir a serie en minúscula"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' contiene espacios en blanco"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' supera el límite FQDN de 255 caracteres"
@ -223,70 +166,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' es un FQDN. Debería ser un nombre de dominio relativo"
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' no es un FQDN"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' no es un diccionario"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' no es una lista"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección IP válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' no es una subred IP válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección MAC válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' no es un tipo de objeto RBAC válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' no es un UUID válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' no es un valor booleano"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' no es una entrada válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' no es una serie válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' no es un entero"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' no es un entero o uuid"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' no tiene el formato <clave>=[valor]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' no está admitido para filtrar"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' debe ser un decimal no negativo."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' debe ser no negativo"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "Las búsquedas '.' no se implementan"
@ -307,13 +198,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0 no está permitido como longitud del prefijo de CIDR"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"Identificador de BGP de 32 bits, generalmente una dirección IPv4 propiedad "
"del sistema que ejecuta el DrAgent de BGP."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "Debe especificar un controlador de calidad de servicio"
@ -339,22 +223,9 @@ msgstr ""
"familia de IP. Solo puede haber un valor predeterminado por cada familia de "
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Una lista de correlaciones de redes físicas para valores MTU. El formato de "
"la correlación es <physnet>:<mtu val>. Esta correlación permite especificar "
"un valor de MUT de red físca que difiere del valor segment_mtu "
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Se debe especificar un controlador de medición"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "Se debe especificar una contraseña al utilizar auth_type md5."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr ""
"API para recuperar los proveedores de servicio para servicios avanzados de "
@ -410,9 +281,6 @@ msgstr "El agente %(id)s no es un agente L3 válido o se ha inhabilitado"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "El agente %(id)s no es un agente DHCP válido o se ha inhabilitado"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "El agente acaba de revivir"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -492,22 +360,6 @@ msgstr ""
"las VM, porqué podrán alcanzar mediante un direccionador. "
"Esta opción requiere enable_isolated_metadata = True."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Ya se está alojando el hablante de para local_as=%(current_as)d con "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Ya se está alojando el número máximo de hablantes de BGP. Recuento "
"planificado permitido=%(count)d"
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Ya existe una política RBAC con esos valores."
@ -533,9 +385,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Una lista ordenada de puntos de entrada de controlador de mecanismo de red a "
"cargar desde el espacio de nombres neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Se ha producido un error interno inesperado."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "Se ha producido un error desconocido. Intente la solicitud otra vez."
@ -546,10 +395,6 @@ msgstr "El proceso de asignación no se ha vuelto a generar"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "El atributo '%s' no está permitido en POST"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo de autenticación no soportada. Tipo solicitado=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"URL de autorización para establecer conexión con el designado en el contexto "
@ -575,60 +420,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Mandatos disponibles"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Todavía no se ha añadido el igual de BGP %(peer_ip)s para remote_as="
"%(remote_as)s que se ejecuta para el hablante de BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"El hablante de BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s ya está configurado para emparejarse "
"con un igual de BGP en %(peer_ip)s, no se puede emparejar con el igual de "
"BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Todavía no se ha añadido el hablante de BGP para local_as=%(local_as)s con "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"El igual de BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s no está asociado al hablante de BGP "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "El igual de BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s no está autenticado."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "No se ha podido encontrar el igual de BGP %(id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"El hablante de BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s no está alojado por el BgpDrAgent "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "No se ha podido encontrar el hablante de BGP %(id)s."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Clase de controlador de hablante de BGP a instanciar."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "El programa de fondo no soporta la transparencia de VLAN."
@ -657,18 +448,6 @@ msgstr ""
"información de registro DHCP y DNS y es útil para problemas de depuración "
"con DHCP o DNS. Si esta sección es nula, inhabilite el registro dnsmasq."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "El BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s ya está alsociado a un hablante de BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s no es válido o se ha deshabiltado."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent actualizado: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "El cuerpo contiene datos no válidos"
@ -916,27 +695,6 @@ msgstr ""
"a excluir de network_device. El dispositivo de red (network_device) de la "
"correlación debe aparecer en la lista physical_device_mappings."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"Lista separada por comas de tuplas <physical_network>:<bridge>para "
"correlacionar nombres de red física con los nombres de puente Open vSwitch "
"específicos de nodo del agente a utilizar para redes simples y VLAN. Todos "
"los puentes deben existir y deben tener una interfaz de red física "
"configurada como puerto. Todas las redes físicas configuradas en el servidor "
"deben tener correlaciones a los puentes adecuados en cada uno de los "
"agentes. Nota: si elimina un puente de esta correlación, asegúrese de "
"desconectarlo del puente de integración puesto que dejará de estar "
"gestionado por el agente. En desuso para ofagent."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1132,9 +890,6 @@ msgstr ""
"subred. Consulte la descripción de default_ipv4_subnet_pool para obtener más "
"información. Esta opción está en desuso, para ser eliminada en el relesase N."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Controlador predeterminado a utilizar para comprobaciones de cuota"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr ""
"Las redes externas predeterminadas se deben compartir con todo el mundo."
@ -1303,19 +1058,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Consulte setup.cfg para ver los puntos de entrada incluidos con el origen de "
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr ""
"Controlador utilizado para planificar hablantes de BGP a un DrAgent de BGP"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr ""
"Lista de controladores que se va a utilizar para enviar la notificación de "
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Dirección IP duplicada '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1335,18 +1082,6 @@ msgstr "Regla de grupo de seguridad duplicada en POST."
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Se ha detectado una dirección duplicada"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Ruta de host '%s' duplicada"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Elementos duplicados en la lista: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Servidor de nombres '%s' duplicado"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Entrada de segmento duplicada en la solicitud."
@ -1376,9 +1111,6 @@ msgstr "Nombre de red física vacío."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Lista de prefijos de agrupación de subred vacía."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "Habilitar FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Habilitar modo HA para direccionadores virtuales."
@ -1417,28 +1149,6 @@ msgstr ""
"opción. No obstante, la planificación manual paraestos agentes está "
"disponible si esta opción es True."
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Habilite la supresión de respuestas ARP que no coincidan con una dirección "
"IP que pertenezca al puerto en donde se originan. Nota: Esto evita la "
"suplantación de las VM conectadas a este agente, no los protege de otros "
"dispositivos con la capacidad de suplantar (por ejemplo, bare metal o VM "
"conectadas a agentes sin este distintivo establecido en True). Las reglas de "
"suplantación no se añadirán a los puertos con la seguridad de puerto "
"inhabilitada. Para LinuxBridge, esto requiere ebtables. Para OVS, requiere "
"una versión que dé soporte a las cabeceras ARP coincidentes. Esta opción se "
"eliminará en Newton de forma que la única forma de deshabilitar la "
"protección será a través de la extensión de seguridad del puerto."
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1500,10 +1210,6 @@ msgstr "Imponer utilizando la estructura del archivo de ramas de división."
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Error %(reason)s al intentar realizar la operación."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Error al importar controlador de dispositivo FWaaS: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Error al analizar la dirección dns %s"
@ -1594,13 +1300,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s no se ha podido encontrar"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"El plug-in FWaaS está configurado en el lado del servidor, pero FWasS está "
"inhabilitado en el agente L3."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1839,14 +1538,6 @@ msgstr "La dirección IP %(ip)s ya está asignada en la subred %(subnet_id)s"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "La dirección IP %(ip)s no pertenece a la subred %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"La dirección IP %(ip_address)s no es una IP válida para las subredes en la "
"red especificada."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Dirección IP utilizada por servidor de metadatos de Nova."
@ -2072,30 +1763,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Tipo de autenticación no válida: %(auth_type)s, los tipos válidos son: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo de contenido no válido %(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de datos no válido para agrupación de IP: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Formato de datos no válido para extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de datos no válido para IP fija: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de datos no válido para ruta de host: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de datos no válido para servidor de nombres: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "Ethertype no válido %(ethertype)s para el protocolo %(protocol)s."
@ -2116,14 +1787,6 @@ msgstr "Formato no válido: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Entrada no válida para %(attr)s. Razón: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Entrada no válida. '%(target_dict)s' debe ser un diccionario con claves: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2193,14 +1856,6 @@ msgstr ""
"metadatos. Esta marca se enmascara con 0xffff de modo que sólo se utilizarán "
"los 16 bits inferiores."
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"Realizar seguimiento en la base de datos del uso de cuota de recursos "
"actual. Los plugins que no aprovechan la base de datos neutron deben "
"establecer este distintivo en False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Keepalived no se ha vuelto a generar"
@ -2263,9 +1918,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Dirección IP local de puntos finales VXLAN."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Dirección IP local del punto final de túnel."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Ubicación para socket de dominio UNIX de proxy de metadatos."
@ -2365,29 +2017,6 @@ msgstr "Número máximo de rutas de host por subred"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Número máximo de rutas por direccionador"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Tamaño máximo de un paquete de IP (MTU) que puede atravesar la "
"infraestructura de red física subyacente sin fragmentación. Por ejemplo, "
"utilizando una red privada de autoservicio, Neutron sustrae el protocolo de "
"superposición por encima de este valor y lo proporciona a las instancias "
"mediante la opción 26 de DHCP. Por ejemplo, utilizando el valor 9000, DHCP "
"proporciona 8950 a instancias que utilizan una red VXLAN que contiene 50 "
"bytes de sobrecarga. Si se utiliza el valor 0, se deshabilita esta "
"caracteristica y las instancias generalmente utilizan como valor "
"predeterminado un valor de 1500 MTU. Esto sólo tiene impacto sobre las "
"instancias, no sobre los componentes de red de Neutron tales como puentes o "
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2437,14 +2066,6 @@ msgstr "Parámetro MinRtrAdvInterval para radvd.conf"
msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr "Minimizar sondeo supervisando ovsdb para cambios de interfaz."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"Número mínimo de agentes L3 a los que se replanificará un direccionador HA. "
"Si está definido a 0, se replanificará el direccionador a cada uno de los "
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Falta clave en correlación: '%s'"
@ -2549,9 +2170,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nombre de región de nova a utilizar. Es útil si keystone gestiona más de una "
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Nombre del controlador FWasS"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Espacio de nombres del direccionador"
@ -2574,29 +2192,6 @@ msgstr "El delta negativo (degradación) no está soportado"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "La revisión relativa negativa (degradación) no está soportada"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"La red %(network_id)s ya está vinculada a un hablante de BGP"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"La red %(network_id)s no está asociada al hablante de BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "La red %(network_id)s no está vinculada a un hablante de BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"La red %(network_id)s no está vinculada a un hablante de BGP de IPv"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "La red %s no contiene ninguna subred IPv4"
@ -2649,9 +2244,6 @@ msgstr "¡Neutron core_plugin no está configurado!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Módulo de proveedor de plugin de Neutron"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Clase de controlador de cuota Neutron"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "Se debe especificar un nuevo valor para first_ip o last_ip."
@ -2728,14 +2320,6 @@ msgstr ""
"agentes DHCP de una red de arrendatarios dada y proporciona alta "
"disponibilidad para el servicio DHCP."
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr ""
"Número de procesos de trabajador RPC dedicados a la cola de informes de "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Número de procesos de trabajador RPC para servicio"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
"Número de solicitudes de retraso para configurar el socket de servidor de "
@ -2921,10 +2505,6 @@ msgstr "Las solicitudes de POST no son admitidas en este recurso."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "El paquete %s no se ha instalado"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "El parámetro %(param)s debe ser de tipo %(param_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "El análisis de bridge_mappings ha fallado: %s."
@ -2937,12 +2517,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Contraseña para establecer conexión con el designado en el contexto de "
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr ""
"No se ha especificado la contraseña para el tipo de autenticación="
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Vía de acceso al archivo de PID para este proceso"
@ -3273,11 +2847,6 @@ msgstr "Aplicación de daemon de ayudante raíz a utilizar cuando sea posible."
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "Se necesitan permisos de root para descartar privilegios."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr ""
"No se ha anunciado la ruta %(cidr)s para el hablante de BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Direccionador %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3364,9 +2933,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Segundos entre nodos que informan del estado al servidor; debe ser menor que "
"agent_down_time, mejor si es la mitad o menos que agent_down_time."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Segundos entre tareas periódicas en ejecución"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3674,14 +3240,6 @@ msgstr ""
"La agrupación de asignación %(pool)s abarca más allá de cidr de subred "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"Otro recurso hace referencia al atributo '%(attr)s', la ordenación "
"'%(resource)s no puede usarlo'"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4289,18 +3847,6 @@ msgstr "Tipo de autenticación VRRP"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "Red VXLAN no soportada."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"La validación de las claves del diccionario ha fallado. Claves esperadas: "
"%(expected_keys)s Claves proporcionadas: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "El validador '%s' no existe."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Valor %(value)s en correlación: '%(mapping)s' no exclusiva"
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Le fichier HEAD %(branch)s ne correspond pas à l'élément Head de calendrier "
"de migration, attendu : %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: erreur pilote interne."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s n'est pas un identificateur %(type)s valide"
@ -108,18 +104,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s a échoué."
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' ne correspond pas à ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s doit figurer dans la plage %(range)s."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s ne peut pas être appelé en mode hors ligne"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s est un attribut non valide pour sort_key"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s est un attribut non valide pour sort_keys"
@ -128,10 +116,6 @@ msgstr "%s est un attribut non valide pour sort_keys"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s n'est pas une balise VLAN (réseau local virtuel) valide"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s doit être spécifié"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s doit implémenter get_port_from_device ou get_ports_from_devices."
@ -166,58 +150,16 @@ msgstr ""
"entraîner le dépassement de la longueur maximum de '%(max_len)s' pour un nom "
"de domaine complet"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' dépasse la longueur maximale de %(max_len)s."
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' n'est pas une adresse IP acceptée, '%(ip)s' recommandée"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' n'est pas dans %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' est trop grand - ne doit pas être supérieur à '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' est trop petit - doit être au moins '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' n'est pas un routage CIDR de sous-réseau IP reconnu, '%(cidr)s' "
"est recommandé"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' n'est pas un nom PQDN ou un nom de domaine complet valide. "
"Motif : %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' n'est pas un serveur de noms valide. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' les chaines de caractères vides ne sont pas autorisés"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être converti en valeur booléenne."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être converti en une chaîne minuscule "
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' contient des espaces blanc"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' dépasse la limite de nom de domaine complet (255 caractères)"
@ -232,70 +174,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un nom de domaine complet"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un dictionnaire."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une liste."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une adresse IP valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un sous-réseau IP valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une adresse MAC valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un type d'objet RBAC valide"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un identificateur unique universel valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une valeur booléen valide "
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une entrée valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une chaîne valide."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un entier."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un entier ou un identificateur unique universel."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s'n'a pas la forme <key> = [value]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas pris en charge pour le filtrage "
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' doit être un nombre décimal non négatif."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' ne doit pas être négatif."
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "'.' recherches ne sont pas implémentées. "
@ -316,13 +206,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "La longueur 0 n'est pas autorisée pour le préfixe CIDR"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"Identificateur BGP sur 32 bits, généralement une adresse IPv4 appartenant au "
"système qui exécute BGP DrAgent."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "Un pilote QoS doit être spécifié"
@ -348,23 +231,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Un pool de sous-réseau par défaut pour cette famille IP est déjà défini. Il "
"ne peut y avoir qu'un seul pool par défaut par famille IP."
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Liste de mappages de réseaux physiques en valeurs d'unité de transmission "
"maximale. Le format du mappage est <physnet>:<mtu val>. Ce mappage permet de "
"définir une valeur d'unité de transmission maximale de réseau physique "
"différente de la valeur segment_mtu par défaut."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Un pilote de mesure doit être spécifié."
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr ""
"Un mot de passe doit être fourni lors de l'utilisation de auth_type md5."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr ""
"API d'extraction des fournisseurs de service pour les services avancés de "
@ -420,9 +289,6 @@ msgstr "L'agent %(id)s n'est pas un agent L3 ou a été désactivé"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "L'agent %(id)s n'est pas un agent DHCP valide ou a été désactivé"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "L'agent vient d'être réactivé"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -503,22 +369,6 @@ msgstr ""
"pourront accéder à l'adresse via un routeur. Cette option "
"requiert enable_isolated_metadata = True."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Routeur BGP déjà hébergé pour local_as=%(current_as)d avec router_id="
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Un nombre maximum de routeurs BGP est déjà hébergé. Nombre planifié autorisé="
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Une stratégie RBAC existe déjà avec ces valeurs."
@ -545,9 +395,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Liste ordonnée de points d'entrée de pilote de mécanisme à charger à partir "
"de l'espace de nom neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite. Renouvelez votre demande."
@ -558,11 +405,6 @@ msgstr "Le processus Async n'a pas été relancé"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "Attribut '%s non autorisé dans l'autotest à la mise sous tension"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr ""
"Type d'authentification non pris en charge. Type demandé=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"URL d'autorisation pour la connexion au réseau désigné dans un contexte admin"
@ -586,60 +428,6 @@ msgstr "AvailabilityZone %(availability_zone)s est introuvable."
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Commandes disponibles"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Homologue BGP %(peer_ip)s pour remote_as=%(remote_as)s, en cours d'exécution "
"pour routeur BGP %(speaker_as)d non encore ajouté."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Le routeur BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s est déjà configuré pour communiquer avec "
"un homologue BGP à l'adresse %(peer_ip)s, il ne peut pas communiquer avec "
"l'homologue BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Routeur BGP pour local_as=%(local_as)s avec router_id=%(rtid)s non encore "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"L'homologue BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s n'est pas associé à un routeur BGP "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "Homologue BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s non authentifié."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "L'homologue BGP %(id)s est introuvable."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Le routeur BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s n'est pas hébergé par BgpDrAgent "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Le routeur BGP %(id)s est introuvable."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Classe de pilote de routeur BGP à instancier."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "Le backend ne prend pas en charge la transparence VLAN."
@ -670,18 +458,6 @@ msgstr ""
"déboguer les problèmes liés à DHCP ou DNS. Si cette section est NULL, "
"désactivez la consignation dnsmasq. "
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s est déjà associé à un routeur BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s n'est pas valide ou il a été désactivé."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent mis à jour : %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "Le corps contient des données non valides"
@ -932,27 +708,6 @@ msgstr ""
"network_device dans le mappage doit figurer dans la liste "
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"Liste des uplets <physical_network>:<bridge>, séparés par des virgules, qui "
"mappent les noms de réseau physique au noms de pont Open vSwitch spécifiques "
"à un nœud d'agent à utiliser pour les réseaux centralisés et VLAN. La "
"longueur des noms de pont ne doit pas dépasser 11. Chaque pont doit exister "
"et doit comporter une interface réseau physique configurée en tant que port. "
"Tous les réseaux physiques configurés sur le serveur doivent avoir des "
"mappages aux ponts appropriés sur chaque agent. Remarque : Si vous retirez "
"un pont de ces mappages, assurez-vous de le déconnecter du pont "
"d'intégration car il ne sera plus géré par l'agent. Obsolète pour ofagent."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1149,9 +904,6 @@ msgstr ""
"default_ipv4_subnet_pool for more information. This option is deprecated for "
"removal in the N release."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Pilote par défaut à utiliser pour les vérifications de quota"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "Les réseaux externes par défaut doivent être partagés par tous."
@ -1320,17 +1072,10 @@ msgstr ""
"setup.cfg pour connaître les points d'entrée inclus avec la source de "
"neutron. "
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "Pilote utilisé pour la planification des routeurs BGP dans BGP DrAgent"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr ""
"Liste de pilotes à utiliser pour envoyer la notification de mise à jour"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Adresse IP en double '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1352,18 +1097,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Adresse en double détectée"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Route hôte en double '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Elément en double dans la liste : '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Serveur de noms en double '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Entrée de segment en double dans la demande."
@ -1395,9 +1128,6 @@ msgstr "Nom du Réseau Physique vide."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Liste de préfixes de pool de sous-réseau vide."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "Activer FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Activer le mode haute disponibilité pour les routeurs virtuels."
@ -1437,29 +1167,6 @@ msgstr ""
"soit la valeur de cette option. Toutefois, il est possible de procéder à une "
"planification manuelle pour ces agents si cette option a pour valeur True."
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Activez la suppression des réponses ARP qui ne correspondent pas à une "
"adresse IP appartenant au port dont elles proviennent. Remarque : Cela "
"permet d'éviter l'usurpation des machines virtuelles connectées à cet agent, "
"cela ne les protège pas d'autres unités capables d'usurpation (par exemple, "
"des unités virtualisées ou des machines virtuelles connectées à des agents "
"sans cet indicateur défini sur True). Aucune règle d'usurpation ne sera "
"ajoutée aux ports dont la sécurité est désactivée. Pour LinuxBridge, "
"ebtables est requis. Pour OVS, il est nécessaire de disposer d'une version "
"prenant en charge les en-têtes ARP correspondants. Cette option va être "
"retirée dans Newton, l'unique façon de désactiver la protection sera donc "
"via l'extension de port de sécurité."
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1523,10 +1230,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Erreur %(reason)s lors de la tentative d'exécution de l'opération."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Erreur d'importation du pilote de périphérique FWaaS : %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'analyse syntaxique de l'adresse DNS %s"
@ -1617,13 +1320,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s introuvable"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"Le plug-in FWaaS est configuré côté serveur, mais FWaaS est désactivé dans "
"l'agent L3."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1864,14 +1560,6 @@ msgstr "L'adresse IP %(ip)s est déjà dans le sous-réseaux %(subnet_id)s"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "L'adresse IP %(ip)s n'appartient pas au sous-réseau %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"L'adresse IP %(ip_address)s n'est pas une adresse IP valide pour les sous-"
"réseaux du réseau indiqué."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Adresse IP utilisée par le serveur de métadonnées Nova"
@ -2095,30 +1783,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Type d'authentification non valide : %(auth_type)s, les types valides sont : "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Le type de contenu %(content_type)s est invalide."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Format de données non valide pour le pool IP : '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Format de données non valide pour extra-dhcp-opt : %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Format de données non valide pour l'adresse IP fixe : '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Format de données non valide pour la route hôte : '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Format de données non valide pour le serveur de noms : '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "ethertype %(ethertype)s non valide pour le protocole %(protocol)s."
@ -2139,14 +1807,6 @@ msgstr "Format non valide : %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Entrée non valide pour %(attr)s. Cause : %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Entrée non valide. '%(target_dict)s' doit être un dictionnaire avec les "
"clés : %(expected_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2217,14 +1877,6 @@ msgstr ""
"métadonnées. Cette marque sera masquée avec 0xffff de sorte que seuls les 16 "
"bits les plus bas soient utilisés. "
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"Assurer le suivi de l'utilisation en cours du quota de ressources dans la "
"base de données. Les plug-ins qui n'optimisent pas la base de données de "
"neutron doivent affecter la valeur False à cet indicateur. "
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Keepalived n'a pas été relancée"
@ -2289,9 +1941,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Adresse IP locale des points de terminaison VXLAN."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Adresse IP locale de noeud final de tunnel."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Emplacement du socket de domaine UNIX du proxy de métadonnées."
@ -2390,28 +2039,6 @@ msgstr "Nombre maximal de routes hôte par sous-réseau"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de routes par routeur"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Taille maximum d'un paquet IP (MTU) qui peut traverser l'infrastructure de "
"réseau physique sous-jacente sans fragmentation. Pour les instances "
"utilisant un réseau en libre service/privé, Neutron soustrait la valeur de "
"surcharge du protocole de superposition de cette valeur et la fournit aux "
"instances via DHCP option 26. Par exemple, si la valeur 9000 est utilisée, "
"DHCP fournit la valeur 8950 aux instances utilisant un réseau VXLAN qui "
"contient 50 octets de surcharge. La valeur 0 désactive cette fonction et les "
"instances utilisent généralement par défaut la valeur 1500 MTU. Seules les "
"instances sont impactées et non les composants réseau Neutron comme les "
"ponts et les routeurs."
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2465,13 +2092,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Réduire au minimum l'interrogation en surveillant les changements "
"d'interface de l'ovsdb."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"Nombre minimum d'agents L3 sur lesquels un routeur HA sera planifié. Si ce "
"paramètre est défini sur 0, le routeur sera planifié sur chaque agent."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Clé manquante dans le mappage : '%s'"
@ -2576,9 +2196,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Nom de la région nova à utiliser. Utile si keystone gère plusieurs régions."
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Nom du pilote FWaaS"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Espace de nom du routeur"
@ -2601,28 +2218,6 @@ msgstr "Delta négatif (rétromigration) non pris en charge"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "Révision relative négative (rétromigration) non prise en charge"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Le réseau %(network_id)s est déjà lié au routeur BgpSpeaker "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Le réseau %(network_id)s n'est pas associé au routeur BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Le réseau %(network_id)s n'est pas lié à un routeur BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"Le réseau %(network_id)s n'est pas lié à un routeur BGP IPv%(ip_version)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "Le réseau %s ne contient pas de sous-réseau IPv4 "
@ -2675,9 +2270,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron core_plugin n'est pas configuré ! "
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Module du fournisseur de plug-in Neutron"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Classe de pilote du quota Neutron"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "Une nouvelle valeur doit être spécifiée pour first_ip ou last_ip."
@ -2749,13 +2341,6 @@ msgstr ""
"agents DHCP pour un réseau titulaire donné, ce qui fournit de la haute "
"disponibilité au service DHCP. "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr ""
"Nombre de processus worker RPC dédiés à la file d'attente des rapports d'état"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Nombre de processus RPC pour le service"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
"Nombre de demandes en attente avec lequel configurer le socket du serveur de "
@ -2941,10 +2526,6 @@ msgstr "Les requêtes POST ne sont pas prises en charge sur cette ressource."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "Le package %s n'est pas installé"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "Le paramètre %(param)s doit être de type %(param_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "Echec de l'analyse syntaxique bridge_mappings : %s."
@ -2956,11 +2537,6 @@ msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"Mot de passe pour la connexion au réseau désigné dans un contexte admin"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr ""
"Mot de passe non spécifié pour le type d'authentification=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Chemin d'accès au fichier PID pour ce processus"
@ -3290,10 +2866,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "Les droits root sont obligatoires pour supprimer des privilèges."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr "Route %(cidr)s non publiée pour le routeur BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Routeur %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3379,9 +2951,6 @@ msgstr ""
"être inférieure à agent_down_time, et au mieux, inférieure ou égale à la "
"moitié de agent_down_time."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Temps en secondes entre deux tâches périodiques"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3690,14 +3259,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Le pool d'allocation %(pool)s s'étend au-delà du routage CIDR de sous-réseau "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"L'attribut '%(attr)s' fait référence à une autre ressource, impossible de "
"l'utiliser pour le type '%(resource)s'"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4310,18 +3871,6 @@ msgstr "Type d'authentification VRRP"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "Réseau VXLAN non supporté."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"Echec de la validation des clés du dictionnaire. Clés attendues : "
"%(expected_keys)s Clés fournies : %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "Le validateur '%s' n'existe pas."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Valeur %(value)s non unique dans le mappage '%(mapping)s'"
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Il file HEAD %(branch)s non corrisponde all'head di durata della migrazione, "
"previsto: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: errore di driver interno."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s non è un identificativo %(type)s valido"
@ -105,18 +101,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s non riuscito."
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' non corrisponde alla ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s deve essere nell'intervallo %(range)s."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s Impossibile chiamare durante la modalità offline"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s è un attributo non valido per sort_key"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s è un attributo non valido per sort_keys"
@ -125,10 +113,6 @@ msgstr "%s è un attributo non valido per sort_keys"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s non un tag VLAN valido"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s deve essere specificato"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s deve implementare get_port_from_device o get_ports_from_devices."
@ -161,56 +145,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' contiene caratteri di '%(length)s'. Con l'aggiunta di un "
"sottodominio la lunghezza massima di un FQDN di '%(max_len)s' verrà superata"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' supera la lunghezza massima di %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' non è un indirizzo IP accettato, è consigliato '%(ip)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' non è valido in %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' è troppo esteso - non deve superare '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' è troppo piccolo - deve essere almeno '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' non è un cidr della sottorete IP riconosciuto, si consiglia "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' non è PQDN o FQDN valido. Motivo: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' non è un nameserver valido. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' stringhe vuote non consentite"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' impossibile convertirlo in booleano"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' non può essere convertito in stringa di caratteri minuscoli"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' contiene spazi vuoti"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' supera il limite FQDN di 255 caratteri"
@ -223,70 +165,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' è un FQDN. Deve essere un nome dominio relativo"
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' non è un FQDN"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' non è un dizionario"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' non è un elenco"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' non è un indirizzo IP valido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' non è una sottorete IP valida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' non è un'indirizzo MAC valido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' non è un tipo di oggetto valido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' non è un valido UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' non è un valore booleano valido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' non è un input valido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' non è una stringa valida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' non è un numero intero"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' non è un numero intero o uuid"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' non è nel formato <key>=[value]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' non è supportata per il filtro"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' deve essere un decimale non negativo."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' non dovrebbe essere negativo"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "Le ricerche '.' non sono implementate"
@ -307,13 +197,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0 non è consentito come lunghezza del prefisso CIDR"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"Identificativo BGP da 32-bit, in genere un indirizzo IPv4 di proprietà del "
"sistema su cui è in esecuzione BGP DrAgent."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "È necessario specificare un driver QoS"
@ -338,22 +221,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Un pool di sottorete predefinito per questa famiglia IP è già stato "
"impostato. Solo un valore predefinito può esistere per famiglia IP"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Un elenco di associazioni di reti fisiche ai valori MTU. Il formato "
"dell'associazione è <physnet>:<mtu val>. Questa associazione consente di "
"specificare un valore MTU di rete fisica che differisce dal valore "
"segment_mtu predefinito."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Specificare un driver di misurazione"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "Una password deve essere fornita quando si utilizza auth_type md5."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr ""
"API per il richiamo dei provider del servizio per i servizi Neutron avanzati"
@ -408,9 +278,6 @@ msgstr "L'agent %(id)s non è un agent L3 oppure è stato disabilitato"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "Agent %(id)s non è un agent DHCP valido oppure è stato disabilitato"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "L'agent è già stato ripristinato"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -489,22 +356,6 @@ msgstr ""
"quanto non saranno in grado di raggiungere tramite un "
"router. Questa opzione richiede enable_isolated_metadata = True."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Numero massimo di speaker BGP per local_as=%(current_as)d con router_id="
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Numero massimo di speaker BGP già ospitato. Numero pianificato consentito="
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Una politica RBAC esiste già con questi valori."
@ -532,9 +383,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Un elenco ordinato dei punti di ingresso del driver del meccanismo di rete "
"da caricare dallo spazio dei nomi neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore interno imprevisto."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto. Ritentare la richiesta."
@ -545,10 +393,6 @@ msgstr "Il processo async non ha eseguito la nuova generazione"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "Attributo '%s' non consentito in POST"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo di autenticazione non supportato. Tipo richiesto=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "URL autorizzazione per la connessione da designare nel contesto admin"
@ -571,58 +415,6 @@ msgstr "Impossibile trovare la zona di disponibilità %(availability_zone)s."
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Comandi disponibili"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Peer BGP %(peer_ip)s per remote_as=%(remote_as)s, in esecuzione per speaker "
"BGP %(speaker_as)d non ancora aggiunto."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s già configurato per l'associazione con un "
"peer BGP su %(peer_ip)s, non può essere associato al peer BGP "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Speaker BGP per local_as=%(local_as)s con router_id=%(rtid)s non ancora "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"Peer BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s non associato allo speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "Peer BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s non autenticato."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare il peer BGP %(id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Lo speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s non è ospitato dal BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare lo speaker BGP %(id)s."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Classe del driver dello speaker BGP da istanziare."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "Il backend non supporta la trasparenza VLAN."
@ -652,18 +444,6 @@ msgstr ""
"log DHCP e DNS ed è utile per il debug dei problemi con DHCP o DNS. Se "
"questa sezione è null, disabilitare il log dnsmasq."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s già associato a uno speaker BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s non è valido o è stato disabilitato."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent aggiornato: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "Il corpo contiene dati non validi"
@ -905,27 +685,6 @@ msgstr ""
"virtuali da escludere da network_device. Il network_device nell'associazione "
"deve essere presente nell'elenco physical_device_mappings."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"Elenco di tuple <physical_network>:<bridge> separate da virgole che "
"associano i nomi della rete fisica ai nomi dei bridge Open vSwitch specifici "
"del nodo dell'agent da utilizzare per le reti flat e VLAN. La lunghezza dei "
"nomi dei bridge non deve essere superiore a 11. Ciascun bridge deve esistere "
"e deve avere un'interfaccia di rete fisica configurata come una porta. Tutte "
"le reti fisiche configurate sul server devono avere associazioni ai bridge "
"appropriati su ciascun agent. Nota: se si rimuove un bridge da questa "
"associazione, disconnetterlo dal bridge di integrazione in quanto non verrà "
"gestito dall'agent. Obsoleto per ofagent."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1119,9 +878,6 @@ msgstr ""
"descrizione per default_ipv4_subnet_pool. Questa opzione è obsoleta per la "
"rimozione nella release N."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Driver predefinito da utilizzare per i controlli di quota"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "Le reti esterne predefinite devono essere condivise con chiunque."
@ -1286,17 +1042,10 @@ msgstr ""
"immissione definito nello spazio dei nomi neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers. "
"Consultare setup.cfg per i punti di immissione inclusi con l'origine neutron."
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "Driver utilizzato per la pianificazione di speaker BGP su BGP DrAgent"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr ""
"Elenco di driver da utilizzare per inviare la notifica di aggiornamento"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Indirizzo IP duplicato '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1316,18 +1065,6 @@ msgstr "Regola del gruppo di sicurezza duplicata in POST."
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Rilevato indirizzo duplicato"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Hostroute duplicato '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Elementi duplicati nell'elenco: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Nameserver duplicato '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Voce del segmento duplicata nella richiesta."
@ -1359,9 +1096,6 @@ msgstr "Nome rete fisica vuoto."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Elenco prefisso pool di sottorete vuoto."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "Abilita FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Abilitare la modalità HA per i router virtuali."
@ -1400,28 +1134,6 @@ msgstr ""
"opzione. Ma è disponibile la pianificazione manuale di tali agent se questa "
"opzione è impostata su True."
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Abilitare la soppressione delle risposte ARP che non corrispondono a un "
"indirizzo IP che appartiene alla porta da cui provengono. Nota: ciò previene "
"lo spoofing sulle VM collegate a questo agent, non le protegge da altri "
"dispositivi che hanno la capacità di spoofing (ad es. baremetal o VM "
"collegate ad agent senza questo indicatore impostato su True). Le regole di "
"spoofing non verranno aggiunte alle porte che hanno la sicurezza "
"disabilitata. Per LinuxBridge, ciò richiede ebtables. Per OVS, richiede una "
"versione che supporti la corrispondenza con intestazioni ARP. Questa opzione "
"verrà rimossa in Newton, per cui l'unico modo per disabilitare la protezione "
"sarà mediante l'estensione di sicurezza della porta."
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1484,10 +1196,6 @@ msgstr "Applicare l'uso di struttura file con rami suddivisi."
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Errore %(reason)s durante l'operazione."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Errore durante l'importazione del driver dell'unità FWaaS: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Errore durante l'analisi dell'indirizzo dns %s"
@ -1577,13 +1285,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "Impossibile trovare ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"Il plugin FWaaS è configurato sul lato server, ma FWaaS è disabilitato "
"nell'agent L3."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1820,14 +1521,6 @@ msgstr "Indirizzo IP %(ip)s già assegnato nella sottorete %(subnet_id)s"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "L'indirizzo IP %(ip)s non appartiene alla sottorete %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"L'indirizzo IP %(ip_address)s non è un IP valido per nessuna delle sottoreti "
"sulla rete specificata."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Indirizzo IP utilizzato dal server di metadati Nova."
@ -2051,30 +1744,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Tipo di autenticazione non valido: %(auth_type)s, i tipi validi sono: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo di contenuto non valido%(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato dati invalido per il pool IP: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Formato di dati non valido per extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato dati invalido per l'IP fisso: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato dati invalido per hostroute: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato dati invalido per il nameserver: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "ethertype %(ethertype)s non valido per il protocollo %(protocol)s."
@ -2095,14 +1768,6 @@ msgstr "Formato non valido: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Input non valido per %(attr)s. Motivo: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Input non valido. '%(target_dict)s' deve essere un dizionario con chiavi: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2172,14 +1837,6 @@ msgstr ""
"metadati. Tale indicatore verràmascherato con 0xffff in modo che verranno "
"utilizzati solo i 16 bit inferiori. "
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"Tenere traccia nel database dell'utilizzo corrente della quota di risorsa. I "
"plugin che non usano il database neutron devono impostare questo indicatore "
"su False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Keepalived non ha eseguito la nuova generazione"
@ -2244,9 +1901,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Indirizzo IP locale degli endpoint VXLAN."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Indirizzo IP locale dell'endpoint tunnel."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Ubicazione per il socket del dominio UNIX del proxy di metadati."
@ -2343,27 +1997,6 @@ msgstr "Numero massimo di route host per la sottorete"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Numero massimo di instradamenti per router"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"La dimensione massima di un pacchetto IP (MTU) che può attraversare la rete "
"fisica sottostante senza frammentazione. Per le istanze che utilizzano una "
"rete self-service/privata, neutron sottrae l'overhead del protocollo di "
"sovrapposizione da questo valore e lo fornisce alle istanze mediante DHCP "
"opzione 26. Ad esempio, utilizzando un valore di 9000, DHCP fornisce 8950 "
"alle istanze che utilizzano una rete VXLAN che contiene 50 byte di overhead. "
"L'utilizzo di un valore 0 disabilita questa funzione e le istanze vengono in "
"genere impostate per valore predefinito su una MTU di 1500. Ha impatto solo "
"sulle istanze e non sui componenti di rete neutron come bridge e router."
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2415,13 +2048,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Ridurre al minimo il polling controllando ovsdb per le modifiche "
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"Numero minimo di agent L3 su cui verrà pianificato un router HA. Se è "
"impostato su 0, il router verrà pianificato su ciascun agent."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Chiave mancante nell'associazione: '%s'"
@ -2524,9 +2150,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nome della regione nova da utilizzare. Utile nel caso in cui keystone "
"gestisce più di una regione."
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Nome del driver FWaaS"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Spazio dei nomi del router"
@ -2549,24 +2172,6 @@ msgstr "Delta negativo (riduzione) non supportato"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "Revisione relativa negativa (riduzione) non suportata"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "Rete %(network_id)s già associata a BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "Rete %(network_id)s non associata allo speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Rete %(network_id)s non associata a un BgpSpeaker."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Rete %(network_id)s non associata a un BgpSpeaker IPv%(ip_version)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "La rete %s non contiene alcuna sottorete IPv4"
@ -2619,9 +2224,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron core_plugin non configurato!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Modulo del provider di plugin Neutron"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Classe driver quota Neutron"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "È necessario specificare un nuovo valore per first_ip o last_ip."
@ -2695,12 +2297,6 @@ msgstr ""
"per una data rete titolare, fornendo l'alta disponibilità per il servizio "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "Numero di processi RPC worker dedicati per indicare la coda di report"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Numero di processi RPC worker per servizio"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
"Numero di richieste di backlog con cui configurare il socket server dei "
@ -2883,10 +2479,6 @@ msgstr "Le richieste POST non sono supportate su questa risorsa."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "Pacchetto %s non installato"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "Il parametro %(param)s deve essere di tipo %(param_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "Analisi bridge_mappings non riuscita: %s."
@ -2897,10 +2489,6 @@ msgstr "Analisi pci_vendor_devs supportati non riuscita"
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "Password per la connessione da designare nel contesto admin"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Password non specificata per il tipo di autenticazione=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Percorso per il file PID per questo processo"
@ -3222,11 +2810,6 @@ msgstr "Applicazione daemon root helper da utilizzare quando possibile."
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "Per rilasciare i privilegi sono necessarie le autorizzazioni root."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr ""
"Instradamento %(cidr)s non annunciato per lo speaker BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3312,9 +2895,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Secondi tra lo stato riportato dai nodi al server; deve essere inferiore di "
"agent_down_time, è preferibile che sia la metà o meno di agent_down_time."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Secondi tra l'esecuzione delle attività periodiche"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3611,14 +3191,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Il pool di allocazione %(pool)s si estende oltre il cidr della sottorete "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"L'attributo '%(attr)s' è di riferimento ad altre risorse, non può essere "
"utilizzato dall'ordinamento '%(resource)s'"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4223,18 +3795,6 @@ msgstr "Tipo di autenticazione VRRP"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "Rete VXLAN non supportata."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"La convalida delle chiavi del dizionario non è riuscita. Chiavi previste: "
"%(expected_keys)s Chiavi fornite: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "Il programma di convalida '%s' non eiste."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Valore %(value)s nell'associazione: '%(mapping)s' non univoco"
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
# 笹原 昌美 <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ msgstr ""
"%(branch)s の HEAD ファイルが予期される移行のタイムラインヘッドと合致しませ"
"ん: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: 内部ドライバーエラー。"
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s は、有効な %(type)s ID ではありません"
@ -113,18 +109,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s が失敗しました。"
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' が ip_version '%(ip_version)s' と一致しません"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s は %(range)s の範囲内である必要があります。"
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "オフラインモードでは、%s を呼び出せません"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s は、sort_key には無効な属性です"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%sは、sort_keys には無効な属性です"
@ -133,10 +121,6 @@ msgstr "%sは、sort_keys には無効な属性です"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s は有効な VLAN タグではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s を指定する必要があります"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr ""
@ -171,57 +155,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' には '%(length)s' 文字が含まれます。サブドメインを追加すると、"
"FQDN の最大長である '%(max_len)s' を超えます"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s が最大長 %(max_len)s を超えています"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' は許容可能な IP アドレスではありません。'%(ip)s' を推奨します。"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s が %(valid_values)s の中にありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' は大きすぎます。'%(limit)d' を超えてはなりません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' は小さすぎます。少なくとも '%(limit)d' でなければなりません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' は認識される IP サブネット cidr ではありません。'%(cidr)s' が推奨"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' は有効な PQDN でも FQDN でもありません。理由: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' は有効なネームサーバーではありません。%(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' のブランク文字列は許可されていません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' はブール値に変換できません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' は小文字の文字列に変換することはできません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' に空白が含まれています"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' は FQDN の最大長である 255 文字を超えます"
@ -234,70 +175,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' は FQDN です。相対ドメイン名である必要がありま
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' は FQDN ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' はディクショナリーではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' はリストではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' が有効な IP アドレスではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' は有効な IP サブネットではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' が有効な MAC アドレスではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' は RBAC の有効なオブジェクトタイプではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' は有効な UUID ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' は有効なブール値ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' は有効な入力ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' が有効な文字列ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' は整数ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' は整数または UUID ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' は <key>=[value] 形式ではありません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' はフィルタリングではサポートされません"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' は負の値ではない 10 進数値である必要があります。"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' は負の値以外でなければなりません"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "'.' 検索は実装されていません"
@ -318,13 +207,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0 は CIDR プレフィックス長として許可されていません"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"32 ビットの BGP ID。通常は、BGP DrAgent を実行するシステムが所有する IPv4 ア"
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "QoS ドライバーを指定する必要があります"
@ -347,21 +229,9 @@ msgstr ""
"この IP ファミリーに対するデフォルトのサブネットプールが既に設定されていま"
"す。IP ファミリーごとにデフォルトは 1 つしか設定できません。"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"物理ネットワークから MTU 値へのマッピングのリスト。このマッピングの形式は"
"<physnet>:<mtu val> です。このマッピングを使用して、デフォルトのsegment_mtu "
"値とは異なる物理ネットワーク MTU 値を指定できます。"
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "計測ドライバーを指定する必要があります"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "auth_type md5 を使用する場合は、パスワードを提供する必要があります。"
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "Neutron 拡張サービス用のサービスプロバイダーを取得するための API"
@ -418,9 +288,6 @@ msgstr ""
"エージェント %(id)s は、有効な DHCP エージェントでないか、使用不可になってい"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "エージェントが復活したばかりです"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -502,22 +369,6 @@ msgstr ""
"れません。このオプションを設定するには enable_isolated_metadata = True と設定"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"既に router_id=%(rtid)s で local_as=%(current_as)d の BGP スピーカーをホスト"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"既に最大数の BGP スピーカーをホストしています。スケジュール済みの count="
"%(count)d が許容されます"
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "これらの値に関して RBAC ポリシーが既に存在します。"
@ -543,9 +394,6 @@ msgstr ""
"neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers 名前空間からロードされるネットワーキングメカニ"
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "予期しない内部エラーが発生しました。"
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "不明なエラーが発生しました。要求を再試行してください。"
@ -556,10 +404,6 @@ msgstr "非同期プロセスが再生成されませんでした"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "属性 '%s' は POST では許可されません"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "認証タイプがサポートされません。type=%(auth_type)s が要求されました。"
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "管理者のコンテキストにおける designate への接続用認証 URL"
@ -583,59 +427,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "使用可能なコマンド"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"まだ追加されていない BGP スピーカー %(speaker_as)d のために実行する、"
"remote_as=%(remote_as)s の BGP ピア %(peer_ip)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP スピーカー %(bgp_speaker_id)s は %(peer_ip)s で BGP ピアと連携するよう設"
"定されているため、BGP ピア %(bgp_peer_id)s と連携することはできません。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"router_id=%(rtid)s がまだ追加されていない local_as=%(local_as)s のBGP スピー"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"BGP ピア %(bgp_peer_id)s が BGP スピーカー %(bgp_speaker_id)s と関連付けられ"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "BGP ピア %(bgp_peer_id)s が認証されていません。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP ピア %(id)s が見つかりませんでした。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP スピーカー %(bgp_speaker_id)s は BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s によってホストさ"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP スピーカー %(id)s が見つかりませんでした。"
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "インスタンス化される BGP スピーカーのドライバークラス。"
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "バックエンドでは VLAN Transparency はサポートされていません。"
@ -665,18 +456,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ログ情報が含まれ、DHCP または DNS のデバッグを行うために役立ちます。このセク"
"ションに何の値も設定しない場合は、dnsmasq ログを無効化します。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s は既に BGP スピーカーと関連付けられています。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s が無効であるか、使用不可にされています。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "更新された BgpDrAgent : %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "本文に無効なデータが含まれています"
@ -917,27 +696,6 @@ msgstr ""
"れた network_device から除外される仮想機能のリストです。マッピングに含まれる "
"network_device は、physical_device_mappings リストに表示されます。"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"コンマで区切られた <physical_network> のリスト:<bridge> タプルは物理ネット"
"ワーク名をエージェントのノード固有の Open vSwitch ブリッジ名にマッピングし、"
"フラットネットワークと VLAN ネットワークで使用できます。ブリッジ名の長さは "
"11 を超えることはできません。各ブリッジが存在する必要があり、ポートとして設定"
"される必要があります。注意: 統合ブリッジはエージェントによって管理されないた"
"ください。ofagent では使用できません。"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1116,9 +874,6 @@ msgstr ""
"default_ipv4_subnet_pool の説明を参照してください。このオプションは N リリー"
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "割り当て量の検査に使用するデフォルトのドライバー"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "デフォルトの外部ネットワークは全メンバーに共有する必要があります"
@ -1281,17 +1036,9 @@ msgstr ""
"neutron のソースに含まれるエントリーポイントについては、setup.cfg を参照して"
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr ""
"BGP DrAgent に対する BGP スピーカーのスケジューリングに使用するドライバー"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr "更新の通知を送信するために使用するドライバーリスト"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "重複 IP アドレス '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1311,18 +1058,6 @@ msgstr "POST に重複するセキュリティーグループルールがあり
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "検出された重複アドレス"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "重複するホスト経路 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "リスト内で重複する項目: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "重複するネームサーバー '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "重複するセグメントエントリーが要求に含まれています。"
@ -1353,9 +1088,6 @@ msgstr "物理ネットワーク名が空です。"
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "サブネットプールのプレフィックスリストが空です。"
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "FWaaS を有効にします"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "仮想ルーターのために HA モードを有効化します。"
@ -1395,28 +1127,6 @@ msgstr ""
"せん。ただし、このオプションが True の場合、このようなエージェントに対しては"
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"ARP レスポンスが最初に発生したポートに関連するIP アドレスにマッチしない ARP "
"レスポンスを消去します。注意: この結果、このエージェントに追加されたする VM "
"きる他のデバイス (このフラグを Trueに設定せずにエージェントに追加されたベアメ"
"タルや VM など) からこれらの VM を保護することはできません。スプーフィング"
"LinuxBridge の場合、このためには ebtables が必要です。OVS の場合は、マッチす"
"る ARP ヘッダーをサポートするバージョンが必要です。このオプションは Newtron "
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1476,10 +1186,6 @@ msgstr "分岐ファイル構造を必ず使用するようにします。"
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "操作の試行中に発生したエラー %(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "FWaaS デバイスドライバーのインポート中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "DNS アドレス %s の解析中にエラーが発生しました"
@ -1570,13 +1276,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s が見つかりませんでした"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"FWaaS プラグインがサーバー側で設定されていますが、 L3 エージェントでは FWaaS "
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1806,14 +1505,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP アドレス %(ip)s がサブネット %(subnet_id)s に属していません"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"IP アドレス %(ip_address)s は、指定されたネットワーク上のどのサブネットに対し"
"ても有効な IP ではありません。"
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Nova メタデータサーバーによって使用される IP アドレス。"
@ -2029,30 +1720,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"認証タイプ %(auth_type)s は無効です。有効なタイプは %(valid_auth_types)s です"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "無効なコンテンツタイプ %(content_type)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "IP プールに無効なデータ形式: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "extra-dhcp-opt のデータ形式が無効です: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Fixed IP に無効なデータ形式: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "ホスト経路の無効なデータ形式: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "ネームサーバーに無効なデータ形式: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "プロトコル %(protocol)s に関する無効なイーサタイプ %(ethertype)s。"
@ -2073,14 +1744,6 @@ msgstr "無効な形式: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "%(attr)s に無効な入力です。理由: %(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"無効な入力です。'%(target_dict)s' は、キー %(expected_keys)s を持つディクショ"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2149,13 +1812,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Iptables はメタデータの適切な要求を示すために使用されるマークを分割します。こ"
"のマークを 0xffff でマスキングすることで、後半の 16 ビットのみを使用します。"
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"現在のリソースのクォータの使用状況に関するデータベースを管理します。neutron "
"データベースを使用しないプラグインはこのフラグを False に設定します。"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "keepalived が再作成されませんでした"
@ -2218,9 +1874,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "VXLAN エンドポイントのローカル IP アドレス。"
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "トンネルエンドポイントのローカル IP アドレス。"
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "メタデータプロキシー UNIX ドメインソケットのロケーション。"
@ -2318,27 +1971,6 @@ msgstr "サブネットごとのホスト経路の最大数"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "ルーターごとに設定可能な経路の最大数"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"フラグメント化することなく基盤となる物理ネットワークインフラを通過する IP パ"
"ケットの最大サイズ (MTU)。セルフサービスネットワークやプライベートネットワー"
"クを使用するインスタンスの場合、neutron はこの値からオーバーレイプロトコルの"
"オーバーヘッドを減算し、DHCP のオプション 26 経由でインスタンスに提供します。"
"例えば、9000 の値を使用すると、50 バイトのオーバーヘッドを含む VXLAN ネット"
"ワークを使用するインスタンスに対して、DHCP は 8950 を提供します。0 の値を使用"
"するとこの機能は無効化され、インスタンスは通常 MTU のデフォルト値として 1500 "
"を使用します。MTU はインスタンスにのみ影響し、ブリッジやルーターのような "
"neutron ネットワークのコンポーネントには影響しません。"
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2389,13 +2021,6 @@ msgstr ""
"インターフェース変更の検出に関して ovsdb をモニターすることでポーリングが最小"
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"HA ルーターがスケジュール設定される L3 エージェントの最小数。この値を 0 に設"
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "マッピングにキーがありません: '%s'"
@ -2498,9 +2123,6 @@ msgstr ""
"使用する nova リージョンの名前。Keystone で複数のリージョンを管理する場合に役"
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "FWaaS ドライバーの名前"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "ルーターの名前空間"
@ -2523,31 +2145,6 @@ msgstr "負のデルタ (ダウングレード) はサポートされていま
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "負の相対的な変更 (ダウングレード) はサポートされていません"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"ネットワーク %(network_id)s は既に BGP スピーカー %(bgp_speaker_id)s とバイン"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"ネットワーク %(network_id)s が BGP スピーカー %(bgp_speaker_id)s と関連付けら"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"ネットワーク %(network_id)s が BGP スピーカーとバインドされていません。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"ネットワーク %(network_id)s は IPv%(ip_version)s の BGP スピーカーにバインド"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "ネットワーク %s には IPv4 サブネットが含まれません"
@ -2602,9 +2199,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron の core_plugin が設定されていません。"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Neutron プラグインプロバイダーモジュール"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron 割り当て量ドライバークラス"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "first_ip または last_ip に対して新規の値を指定する必要があります。"
@ -2675,12 +2269,6 @@ msgstr ""
"トワークに複数の DHCP エージェントを割り当てるため、DHCP サービスの高可用性が"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "レポートのキューを報告するためにのみ機能する RPC ワーカープロセスの数"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "RPC サービスのワーカープロセス数"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr "メタデータサーバーソケットの構成に使用されるバックログ要求の数"
@ -2848,10 +2436,6 @@ msgstr "POST 要求は、このリソースではサポートされていませ
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていません"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "パラメーター %(param)s は %(param_type)s タイプである必要があります。"
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "bridge_mappings の解析に失敗しました: %s。"
@ -2862,10 +2446,6 @@ msgstr "サポートされている pci_vendor_devs の解析に失敗しまし
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "管理者のコンテキストにおける designate への接続用パスワード"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "パスワードは認証の type=%(auth_type)s で指定されていません。"
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "このプロセスの PID ファイルのパス"
@ -3188,11 +2768,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "特権を除去するにはルート許可が必要です。"
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr ""
"BGP スピーカー %(speaker_as)d のためにアドバタイズされない経路 %(cidr)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "ルーター %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3276,9 +2851,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ノード状態をサーバーに報告する間隔 (秒)。agent_down_time 未満である必要があ"
"ります。agent_down_time の半分以下であれば最適です。"
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "定期タスクの実行間隔 (秒)"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3573,14 +3145,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"割り当てプール %(pool)s がサブネット CIDR %(subnet_cidr)s を越えています。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"属性 '%(attr)s' は他のリソースへの参照であり、ソート '%(resource)s' によって"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4179,18 +3743,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP 認証タイプ"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "VXLAN ネットワークはサポートされていません。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"ディクショナリーのキーの検証に失敗しました。想定されたキー: "
"%(expected_keys)s、提供されたキー: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "バリデーター '%s' は存在しません。"
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "マッピング '%(mapping)s' 内の値 %(value)s が固有ではありません"
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
# Sungjin Kang <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:08+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -84,21 +84,6 @@ msgstr "%(resource)s:%(item)s을(를) 작성하는 중에 예외 발생"
msgid "An interface driver must be specified"
msgstr "인터페이스 드라이버가 지정되어야 함"
#, python-format
msgid "An unexpected exception was caught: %s"
msgstr "예상치 못한 예외가 발생함: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker)s info call failed with reason=%(e)s."
msgstr "BGP스피커 %(bgp_speaker)s 정보 호출에 실패했으며, 이유=%(e)s입니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer)s info call failed with reason=%(e)s."
msgstr "BGP 피어 %(bgp_peer)s 정보 호출에 실패했으며, 이유=%(e)s입니다."
msgid "BGP router-id MUST be specified for the correct functional working."
msgstr "기능적으로 올바르게 작동하도록 BGP router-id를 지정해야 합니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Binding info for DVR port %s not found"
msgstr "DVR 포트 %s에대한 바인딩 정보를 찾을 수 없음"
@ -118,14 +103,6 @@ msgstr ""
"실제 네트워크 %(net)s에 브릿지 %(brq)s이(가) 없습니다. 에이전트가 종료되었습"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Call to driver for BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker)s %(method)s has failed with "
"exception %(driver_exec)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP 스피커 %(bgp_speaker)s %(method)s 드라이버를 호출했지만 예외 "
"%(driver_exec)s이(가) 발생하며 실패했습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot clean up created object %(obj)s. Exception: %(exc)s"
msgstr "작성된 오브젝트 %(obj)s을(를) 정리할 수 없습니다. 예외: %(exc)s"
@ -405,10 +382,6 @@ msgstr "라우터 %s을(를) 삭제하는 중에 오류 발생"
msgid "Error while handling pidfile: %s"
msgstr "Pidfile을 처리하는 중에 오류 발생: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error while importing BGP speaker driver %s"
msgstr "BGP 스피커 드라이버 %s을(를) 가져오는 중 오류 발생"
msgid "Error while processing VIF ports"
msgstr "VIF 포트를 처리하는 중에 오류 발생"
@ -484,14 +457,6 @@ msgstr "확장 드라이버 '%(name)s'이(가) %(method)s에서 실패"
msgid "Extension path '%s' doesn't exist!"
msgstr "확장 경로 '%s'이(가) 존재하지 않습니다!"
#, python-format
msgid "FWaaS RPC failure in %(func_name)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr "FW %(fwid)s의 %(func_name)s에서 FWaaS RPC 실패"
#, python-format
msgid "FWaaS RPC info call failed for '%s'."
msgstr "'%s' FWaaS RPC 정보 호출에 실패했습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed creating vxlan interface for %(segmentation_id)s"
msgstr "%(segmentation_id)s에서 vxlan 인터페이스를 작성하는 데 실패"
@ -515,9 +480,6 @@ msgstr "IP 명령 실행 실패"
msgid "Failed executing ip command: %s"
msgstr "IP 명령 실행 실패: %s"
msgid "Failed fwaas process services sync"
msgstr "FWaaS 프로세스 서비스 동기화에 실패"
msgid "Failed on Agent configuration parse. Agent terminated!"
msgstr "에이전트 구성 구문 분석에 실패했습니다. 에이전트가 종료되었습니다!"
@ -664,14 +626,6 @@ msgstr "네임스페이스 삭제 실패: %s"
msgid "Failed unplugging interface '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' 인터페이스 연결 해제 실패"
#, python-format
msgid "Firewall Driver Error for %(func_name)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr "FW %(fwid)s의 %(func_name)s에서 방화벽 드라이버 오류 발생"
#, python-format
msgid "Firewall Driver Error on fw state %(fwmsg)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr "FW %(fwid)s의 fw 상태 %(fwmsg)s에서 방화벽 드라이버 오류 발생"
msgid "Fork failed"
msgstr "포크 실패"
@ -851,9 +805,6 @@ msgstr "알려진 API 애플리케이션이 구성되지 않았습니다. "
msgid "No local VLAN available for net-id=%s"
msgstr "net-id=%s에 대해 사용 가능한 로컬 VLAN이 없음"
msgid "No plugin for BGP routing registered"
msgstr "BGP 라우팅에 플러그인이 등록되지 않음"
msgid "No plugin for L3 routing registered to handle router scheduling"
msgstr ""
"라우터 재스케줄링을 처리하기 위한 L3 라우팅의 플러그인이 등록되지 않았습니다."
@ -1010,9 +961,6 @@ msgstr ""
"활성 유지된(keepalived) 설치 버전에서 IPv6을 지원하지 않습니다. IPv6 지원을 "
"위해 최소 1.2.10 버전으로 업데이트하십시오."
msgid "The resource could not be found."
msgstr "자원을 찾을 수 없습니다. "
msgid ""
"The user that is executing neutron does not have permissions to read the "
"namespaces. Enable the use_helper_for_ns_read configuration option."
@ -1145,9 +1093,6 @@ msgstr ""
"구성된 플러그인이 요구 사항을 만족하지 않으므로 확장(%s)을 처리할 수 없습니"
"다. 일부 기능이 제대로 작동하지 않습니다."
msgid "Unable to sync BGP speaker state."
msgstr "BGP 스피커 상태를 동기화할 수 없습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to sync network state on deleted network %s"
msgstr "삭제된 네트워크 %s에서 네트워크 상태를 동기화할 수 없음"
@ -1187,16 +1132,6 @@ msgstr "네트워크 %(network_id)s에서 알 수 없는 network_type %(network_
msgid "Unrecoverable error: please check log for details."
msgstr "복구할 수 없는 오류: 세부 사항은 로그를 확인하십시오."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unsupported configuration option for \"SECURITYGROUP.firewall_driver\"! Only "
"\"neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver\" is supported by macvtap agent, "
"but\"%s\" is configured. Agent terminated!"
msgstr ""
"\"SECURITYGROUP.firewall_driver\"에 지원되지 않는 구성 옵션입니다! macvtap 에"
"이전트에서는 \"neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver\"만 지원되지만 \"%s"
"\"이(가) 구성되었습니다. 에이전트가 종료되었습니다!"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Will not send event %(method)s for network %(net_id)s: no agent available. "
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Sungjin Kang <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -62,25 +62,6 @@ msgstr "%s 에이전트가 다시 활성화되었습니다. 전체 동기화를
msgid "%s Agent out of sync with plugin!"
msgstr "%s 에이전트가 플러그인과 동기화되지 않았습니다!"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Added BGP Peer %(peer)s for remote_as=%(as)d to BGP Speaker running for "
msgstr ""
"local_as=%(local_as)d에 대해 실행 중인 BGP 스피커에 remote_as=%(as)d의 BGP 피"
"어 %(peer)s이(가) 추가되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Added BGP Speaker for local_as=%(as)d with router_id= %(rtid)s."
msgstr "router_id= %(rtid)s인 local_as=%(as)d의 BGP 스피커가 추가되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Added controller for resource %(resource)s via URI path segment:"
msgstr ""
"URI 경로 세그먼트를 통해 자원 %(resource)s의 컨트롤러 추가: %(collection)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Added segment %(id)s of type %(network_type)s for network %(network_id)s"
@ -174,33 +155,6 @@ msgstr "필터링된 %r이(가) 아닌 포트 필터를 제거하려고 시도
msgid "Attempted to update port filter which is not filtered %s"
msgstr "필터링된 %s이(가) 아닌 포트 필터를 업데이트하려고 시도함"
msgid "BGP Dynamic Routing agent started"
msgstr "BGP 동적 라우팅 에이전트가 시작됨"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(peer_as)d is UP."
msgstr "remote_as=%(peer_as)d의 BGP 피어 %(peer_ip)s이(가) 작동됩니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(peer_as)d went DOWN."
msgstr ""
"remote_as=%(peer_as)d의 BGP 피어 %(peer_ip)s이(가) 작동 중단되었습니다."
msgid "BGP dynamic routing agent started"
msgstr "BGP 동적 라우팅 에이전트가 시작됨"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Best path change observed. cidr=%(prefix)s, nexthop=%(nexthop)s, remote_as="
"%(remote_as)d, is_withdraw=%(is_withdraw)s"
msgstr ""
"최적의 패치 변경사항이 관찰되었습니다. cidr=%(prefix)s, nexthop=%(nexthop)s, "
"remote_as=%(remote_as)d, is_withdraw=%(is_withdraw)s"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %s already present"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %s이(가) 이미 있음"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Binding info for port %s was not found, it might have been deleted already."
@ -246,17 +200,6 @@ msgstr "시간 경과된 %s 플로우 정리"
msgid "Clearing orphaned ARP spoofing entries for devices %s"
msgstr "장치 %s의 orphan ARP 위조 항목 지우기"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Collecting BGP Peer statistics for peer_ip=%(peer)s, running in speaker_as="
"%(speaker_as)d "
msgstr ""
"speaker_as=%(speaker_as)d에서 실행 중인 peer_ip=%(peer)s의 BGP 피어 통계 수집"
#, python-format
msgid "Collecting BGP Speaker statistics for local_as=%d."
msgstr "local_as=%d의 BGP 스피커 통계를 수집합니다."
msgid ""
"ConfDriver is used as quota_driver because the loaded plugin does not "
"support 'quotas' table."
@ -281,9 +224,6 @@ msgstr "매커니즘 드라이버 이름을 설정했습니다: %s"
msgid "Configured type driver names: %s"
msgstr "형식 드라이버 이름을 설정했습니다: %s"
msgid "Configuring tunnel endpoints to other OVS agents"
msgstr "다른 OVS 에이전트에대한 커널 엔드포인트 구성"
#, python-format
msgid "Creating instance of CountableResource for resource:%s"
msgstr "자원에대한 CountableResource 인스턴스 작성:%s"
@ -350,10 +290,6 @@ msgstr "Eventlet 기반 AMQP RPC 서버를 시작 중..."
msgid "Exclude Devices: %s"
msgstr "장치 제외: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Extension %s is pecan-aware. Fetching resources and controllers"
msgstr "확장 %s이(가) pecan을 인지합니다. 자원 및 컨트롤러를 가져오는 중"
#, python-format
msgid "Extension driver '%(name)s' failed in %(method)s"
msgstr "확장 드라이버 '%(name)s'이(가) %(method)s에서 실패"
@ -427,16 +363,9 @@ msgstr "IPset 정리가 완료됨"
msgid "IPv6 is not enabled on this system."
msgstr "이 시스템에서 IPv6이 사용되지 않습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Initialized Ryu BGP Speaker driver interface with bgp_router_id=%s"
msgstr "bgp_router_id=%s인 Ryu BGP 스피커 드라이버 인터페이스가 초기화됨"
msgid "Initializing Linux bridge QoS extension"
msgstr "Linux 브릿지 QoS 확장 초기화"
msgid "Initializing Ryu driver for BGP Speaker functionality."
msgstr "BGP 스피커 기능에서 Ryu 드라이버를 초기화합니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Initializing agent extension '%s'"
msgstr "에이전트 확장 '%s' 초기화"
@ -679,17 +608,6 @@ msgstr "등록된 형식: %s"
msgid "Remove device filter for %r"
msgstr "%r 에대한 디바이스 필터 제거"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Removed BGP Peer %(peer)s from BGP Speaker running for local_as=%(local_as)d."
msgstr ""
"local_as=%(local_as)d에 대해 실행 중인 BGP 스피커에서 BGP 피어 %(peer)s을"
"(를) 제거했습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Removed BGP Speaker for local_as=%(as)d with router_id=%(rtid)s."
msgstr "router_id=%(rtid)s인 local_as=%(as)d의 BGP 스피커가 제거되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Removing device with MAC address %(mac)s and PCI slot %(pci_slot)s"
msgstr "MAC 주소가 %(mac)s이고 PCI 슬롯이 %(pci_slot)s인 장치 제거"
@ -698,22 +616,6 @@ msgstr "MAC 주소가 %(mac)s이고 PCI 슬롯이 %(pci_slot)s인 장치 제거"
msgid "Removing iptables rule for IPset: %s"
msgstr "IPset의 iptables 규칙 제거: %s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Route cidr=%(prefix)s is withdrawn from BGP Speaker running for local_as="
msgstr ""
"local_as=%(local_as)d에 대해 실행 중인 BGP 스피커에서 경로 cidr=%(prefix)s이 "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Route cidr=%(prefix)s, nexthop=%(nexthop)s is advertised for BGP Speaker "
"running for local_as=%(local_as)d."
msgstr ""
"local_as=%(local_as)d에 대해 실행 중인 BGP 스피커의 경로 cidr=%(prefix)s, "
"nexthop=%(nexthop)s이(가) 광고됩니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s transitioned to %(state)s"
msgstr "라우터 %(router_id)s이(가) %(state)s(으)로 전이됨"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Sungjin Kang <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -68,24 +68,6 @@ msgstr "존재하지 않는 %s 체인의 트래픽 카운터를 가져오려고
msgid "Attempting to bind with dead agent: %s"
msgstr "작동하지 않는 에이전트와 바인드하려고 시도: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Peer %s has been deleted."
msgstr "BGP 피어 %s이(가) 삭제되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Speaker %s has been deleted."
msgstr "BGP 스피커 %s이(가) 삭제되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %s may have been deleted and its resources may have already been "
msgstr "BGP 스피커 %s이(가) 삭제되었으며 해당 자원이 이미 삭제되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %s is down"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %s이(가) 작동 중지됨"
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot find vf index for pci slot %s"
msgstr "PCI 슬롯 %s에대한 vf 인덱스를 찾을 수 없음"
@ -94,11 +76,6 @@ msgstr "PCI 슬롯 %s에대한 vf 인덱스를 찾을 수 없음"
msgid "Cannot find vfs %(vfs)s in device %(dev_name)s"
msgstr "장치 %(dev_name)s에서 vfs %(vfs)s을(를) 찾을 수 없음"
msgid "Cannot schedule BgpSpeaker to DrAgent. Reason: No scheduler registered."
msgstr ""
"DrAgent에 대해 BgpSpeaker를 스케줄링할 수 없습니다. 이유: 스케줄러가 등록되"
"지 않았습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Clearing cache of registered ports, retries to resync were > %s"
msgstr "등록된 포트의 캐시 삭제, 재동기화 시도 수가 %s보다 큼"
@ -202,14 +179,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to delete namespace %s"
msgstr "%s 네임스페이스 삭제 실패"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to notify L3 agent on host %(host)s about added router. Attempt "
"%(attempt)d out of %(max_attempts)d"
msgstr ""
"호스트 %(host)s에서 L3 에이전트에 추가된 라우터에 대해 알리는 데 실패했습니"
"다. %(max_attempts)d 중 %(attempt)d번 시도했습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to set device %s state"
msgstr "장치 %s 상태를 설정하는 데 실패"
@ -316,17 +285,6 @@ msgstr "실제 네트워크 %s에서 플랫 네트워크를 찾을 수 없음"
msgid "No more DHCP agents"
msgstr "추가 DHCP 에이전트가 없음"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"No plugin found for resource:%s. API calls may not be correctly dispatched"
msgstr ""
"%s 자원 플러그인을 찾을 수 없습니다. API 호출이 올바르게 디스패치되지 않을 "
"수 있습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "No plugin found for: %s"
msgstr "%s 플러그인을 찾을 수 없음"
#, python-format
msgid "No routers compatible with L3 agent configuration on host %s"
msgstr "호스트 %s에서 L3 에이전트 구성과 호환 가능한 라우터가 없음"
@ -520,11 +478,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unsupported QoS rule type for %(rule_id)s: %(rule_type)s; skipping"
msgstr "%(rule_id)s 지원되지 않는 QoS 규칙 유형: %(rule_type)s. 건너뜁니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Updating lease expiration is now deprecated. Issued from host %s."
msgstr ""
"임대 만기 업데이트는 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 호스트 %s에서 실행됩니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"VF with PCI slot %(pci_slot)s is already assigned; skipping reset maximum "
@ -573,14 +526,6 @@ msgstr ""
"합니다. 오류가 UnsupportedVersion인 경우 이 경고를 무시할 수 있습니다. 자세"
"한 메시지: %s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"l3-agent cannot check service plugins enabled on the neutron server. "
"Retrying. Detail message: %s"
msgstr ""
"l3 에이전트가 neutron 서버에서 사용된 서비스 플러그인을 확인할 수 없습니다. "
"재시도 중입니다. 자세한 메시지: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "ofport: %(ofport)s for VIF: %(vif)s is not a positive integer"
msgstr "VIF: %(vif)s fport: %(ofport)s이(가) 양수가 아님"
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ msgstr ""
"%(branch)s HEAD 파일이 마이그레이션 타임라인 헤드와 일치하지 않음, 예상값: "
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: 내부 드라이버 오류."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s이(가) 올바른 %(type)s ID가 아님"
@ -110,18 +106,10 @@ msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr ""
"%(name)s '%(addr)s'이(가) ip_version '%(ip_version)s'과(와) 일치하지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s의 범위는 %(range)s이어야 합니다."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s은(는) 오프라인 모드 중 호출할 수 없습니다. "
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s이(는) sort_keys에 대해 올바르지 않은 속성입니다. "
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s이(는) sort_keys에 대해 올바르지 않은 속성입니다. "
@ -130,10 +118,6 @@ msgstr "%s이(는) sort_keys에 대해 올바르지 않은 속성입니다. "
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s이(가) 올바른 VLAN 태그가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s을(를) 지정해야 함"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr ""
@ -167,56 +151,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s'에 '%(length)s'개의 문자가 포함됩니다. 하위 도메인을 추가하면 FQDN"
"의 최대 길이인 '%(max_len)s'이(가) 초과됩니다."
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s'이(가) %(max_len)s의 최대 길이를 초과함"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s'은(는) 허용되는 IP 주소가 아님, '%(ip)s'이(가) 권장됨"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s'이(가) %(valid_values)s에 없음"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s'이(가) 너무 큼 - '%(limit)d' 이하여야 함"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s'이(가) 너무 작음 - 최소 '%(limit)d'이어야 함 "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"'%(data)s'이(가) 인식된 IP 서브넷 cidr이 아닙니다. '%(cidr)s'이(가) 권장됩니"
"다. "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s'이(가) 올바른 PQDN 또는 FQDN이 아님, 이유: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s'은(는) 올바른 이름 서버가 아닙니다. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' 공백 문자열이 허용되지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 부울로 변환될 수 없음"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 소문자 문자열로 변환할 수 없음"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s'에 공백 문자가 있습니다"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 255자 FQDN 한계를 초과함"
@ -229,70 +171,18 @@ msgstr "'%s'이(가) FQDN입니다. 상대적 도메인 이름이어야 합니
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) FQDN이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 사전이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 목록이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 IP 주소가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 IP 서브넷이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 MAC 주소가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 올바른 RBAC 오브젝트 유형이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 UUID가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 올바른 부울린 값이 아닙니다"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 입력이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 올바른 문자열이 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 정수가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s'이(가) 정수 또는 uuid가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s'의 양식이 <key>=[value]가 아님"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 필터링을 위해 지원되지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 음수가 아닌 10진수여야 합니다. "
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s'은(는) 음수가 아니어야 함"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "'.' 검색이 구현되지 않음"
@ -313,13 +203,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0은 CIDR 접두부 길이로 허용되지 않음"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"32비트 BGP 식별자로서, 일반적으로 BGP DrAgent를 실행 중인 시스템에서 소유한 "
"IPv4 주소입니다."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "QoS 드라이버를 지정해야 함"
@ -344,21 +227,9 @@ msgstr ""
"이 IP 제품군의 기본 subnetpool이 이미 설정되었습니다. IP 제품군당 기본값은 하"
"나만 있을 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"MTU 값에 대한 실제 네트워크의 맵핑 목록입니다. 맵핑 형식은 <physnet>:<mtu "
"val>입니다. 이 맵핑을 사용하면 기본 segment_mtu 값과 다른 실제 네트워크 MTU "
"값을 지정할 수 있습니다."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "측정 드라이버를 지정해야 함"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "auth_type md5를 사용할 때 암호를 제공해야 합니다."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "Neutron 고급 서비스에 대한 서비스 제공자를 검색하기 위한 API"
@ -410,9 +281,6 @@ msgstr "%(id)s 에이전트가 L3 에이전트가 아니거나 사용 안함 상
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "%(id)s 에이전트가 올바른 DHCP 에이전트가 아니거나 사용 안함 상태임"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "에이전트가 다시 활성화됨"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -486,21 +354,6 @@ msgstr ""
"에 연결할 수 있으므로 DHCP 옵션 121은 VM에 삽입되지 않습니다. "
"이 옵션에는 enable_isolated_metadata = True가 필요합니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"router_id=%(rtid)s인 local_as=%(current_as)d의 BGP 스피커를 이미 호스트 중입"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"이미 BGP 스피커의 최대 수를 호스팅 중입니다. 허용된 스케줄 수=%(count)d"
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "해당 값의 RBAC 정책이 이미 있습니다."
@ -525,9 +378,6 @@ msgstr ""
"neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers 네임스페이스로부터 로드할 네트워킹 메커니즘 드"
"라이버 시작점의 정렬된 목록입니다."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "예상치 않은 내부 오류가 발생했습니다."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 요청을 다시 시도하십시오. "
@ -538,10 +388,6 @@ msgstr "비동기 프로세스가 다시 파생되지 않음"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "'%s' 속성은 POST에서 허용되지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "인증 유형이 지원되지 않습니다. 요청된 유형=%(auth_type)s입니다."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "관리 컨텍스트에서 지정하기 위해 연결할 인증 URL"
@ -564,59 +410,6 @@ msgstr "AvailabilityZone %(availability_zone)s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "사용 가능한 명령"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"BGP 스피커 %(speaker_as)d에 대해 실행 중인 remote_as=%(remote_as)s의 BGP 피"
"어 %(peer_ip)s이(가) 아직 추가되지 않았습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"%(peer_ip)s의 BGP 피어로 감시하도록 BGP 스피커 %(bgp_speaker_id)s이(가) 이"
"미 구성되어 있습니다. BGP 피어 %(bgp_peer_id)s(으)로 감시할 수 없습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"router_id=%(rtid)s인 local_as=%(local_as)s의 BGP 스피커가 아직 추가되지 않았"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"BGP 피어 %(bgp_peer_id)s이(가) BGP 스피커 %(bgp_speaker_id)s과(와) 연관되지 "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "BGP 피어 %(bgp_peer_id)s이(가) 인증되지 않았습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP 피어 %(id)s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s에서 BGP 스피커 %(bgp_speaker_id)s을(를) 호스트하지 않"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "BGP 스피커 %(id)s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "인스턴스화할 BGP 스피커 드라이버 클래스."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "백엔드는 VLAN 투명도를 지원하지 않습니다."
@ -645,19 +438,6 @@ msgstr ""
"를 포함하고 있으며 DHCP 또는 DNS에 대한 문제를 디버깅하는 데 유용합니다. 이 "
"섹션이 널인 경우에는 dnsmasq 로그를 사용 안함으로 설정하십시오. "
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr ""
"BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s이(가) 이미 BGP 스피커에 이미 연관되어 있습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s이(가) 올바르지 않거나 비활성화되었습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent가 업데이트됨: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "본문에 올바르지 않은 데이터가 포함되어 있음"
@ -885,25 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
"된 가상 함수 목록입니다. 맵핑에 사용된 network_device는 "
"physical_device_mappings 목록에 표시되어야 합니다."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"플랫 및 VLAN 네트워크에 사용할 에이전트 노드별 Open vSwitch 브리짓 이름에 실"
"제 네트워크 이름을 맵핑하는 쉼표로 구분된 <physical_network>:<bridge> 튜플 목"
"록입니다. 브릿지 이름의 길이는 11보다 커야 합니다. 각 브릿지가 있어야 하며, "
"실제 네트워크 인터페이스가 포트로 구성되어야 합니다. 서버에 구성된 모든 실제 "
"네트워크는 각 에이전트의 적절한 브릿지에 맵핑되어야 합니다. 참고: 이 맵핑에"
"서 브릿지를 제거하면 더 이상 에이전트에서 관리하지 않으므로 통합 브릿지에서 "
"연결을 끊으십시오. ofagent에서는 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1073,9 +834,6 @@ msgstr ""
"default_ipv4_subnet_pool의 설명을 참조하십시오. 이 옵션은 N 릴리스에서 제거"
"를 위해 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "할당량 검사에 사용할 기본 드라이버"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "기본 외부 네트워크를 모든 사용자와 공유해야 합니다."
@ -1229,16 +987,9 @@ msgstr ""
"pd_drivers 네임스페이스에서 정의된 시작점이어야 합니다. neutron 소스와 함께 "
"포함된 시작점은 setup.cfg를 참조하십시오. "
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "BGP 스피커를 BGP DrAgent로 스케줄링하는 데 사용하는 드라이버"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr "업데이트 알림을 전송하기 위해 사용할 드라이버 목록"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "중복 IP 주소 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1258,18 +1009,6 @@ msgstr "POST에 중복 보안 그룹 규칙이 있습니다. "
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "중복 주소 발견"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "중복 호스트 라우트 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "목록의 중복 항목: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "중복 이름 서버 '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "요청에 중복되는 세그먼트 항목이 있음."
@ -1300,9 +1039,6 @@ msgstr "실제 네트워크 이름이 비어 있습니다."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "서브넷 풀 접두부 목록이 비어 있습니다."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "FWaaS 사용"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "가상 라우터에 대해 HA 모드를 사용합니다."
@ -1340,26 +1076,6 @@ msgstr ""
"도록 선택하지 않습니다. 그러나 이 옵션이 True이면 이러한 에이전트에 수동 스케"
"줄링을 사용할 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"시작되는 포트에 속하는 IP 주소와 일치하지 않는 ARP 응답의 억제를 사용으로 설"
"정하십시오. 참고: 이는 이 에이전트에 연결된 VM의 위조를 방지하지만 위조 기능"
"을 가진 다른 디바이스(예: 이 플래그가 True로 설정되지 않는 에이전트에 연결된 "
"베어메탈 또는 VM)로부터 보호하지는 않습니다. 위조 규칙은 포트 보안이 사용 안"
"함으로 설정된 포트에는 추가되지 않습니다. LinuxBridge의 경우에는 ebtables가 "
"필요합니다. OVS의 경우에는 일치하는 ARP 헤더를 지원하는 버전이 필요합니다. "
"이 옵션은 Newton에서 제거되므로, 포트 보안 확장을 통해서만 보호를 사용하지 않"
"게 설정할 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1416,10 +1132,6 @@ msgstr "분할 분기 파일 구조 사용을 적용하십시오. "
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "조작 시도 중 오류 %(reason)s이(가) 발생했습니다. "
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "FWaaS 디바이스 드라이버를 가져오는 중에 오류 발생: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "DNS 주소 %s 구문 분석 오류"
@ -1507,13 +1219,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s을(를) 찾을 수 없음"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"서버측에 FWaaS 플러그인이 구성되어 있지만 L3-agent에서 FWaaS가 사용되지 않습"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1733,14 +1438,6 @@ msgstr "IP 주소 %(ip)s이(가) 이미 서브넷 %(subnet_id)s에서 할당되
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP 주소 %(ip)s이(가) 서브넷 %(subnet_id)s에 속하지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"IP 주소 %(ip_address)s이(가) 지정된 네트워크의 서브넷에 대해 올바른 IP가아닙"
"니다. "
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Nova 메타데이터 서버가 사용한 IP 주소입니다. "
@ -1950,30 +1647,10 @@ msgstr ""
"올바르지 않은 인증 유형임: %(auth_type)s, 올바른 유형은 다음과 같음: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "올바르지 않은 컨텐츠 유형 %(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "IP 풀에 대한 올바르지 않은 데이터 형식: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "extra-dhcp-opt의 올바르지 않은 데이터 형식: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "고정 IP에 대한 올바르지 않은 데이터 형식: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "호스트 라우트에 대한 올바르지 않은 데이터 형식: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "이름 서버에 대한 올바르지 않은 데이터 형식: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr ""
@ -1995,14 +1672,6 @@ msgstr "올바르지 않은 형식: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "%(attr)s에 대한 올바르지 않은 입력입니다. 이유: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"올바르지 않은 입력. '%(target_dict)s'은(는) %(expected_keys)s 키가 있는 사전"
"이어야 함"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2069,13 +1738,6 @@ msgstr ""
"메타데이터 올바른 요청을 표시하는 데 사용되는 Iptables mangle 표시입니다. 이 "
"표시는 하위 16비트만 사용되도록 0xffff로 마스크됩니다. "
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"현재 자원 할당량 사용량의 데이터베이스를 추적하십시오. Neutron 데이터베이스"
"를 활용하지 않는 플러그인은 이 플래그를 False로 설정해야 합니다. "
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "유휴되면 다시 파생되지 않음"
@ -2138,9 +1800,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "VXLAN 엔드포인트의 로컬 IP 주소."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "터널 엔드포인트의 로컬 IP 주소입니다."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "메타데이터 프록시 UNIX 도메인 소켓의 위치입니다."
@ -2234,24 +1893,6 @@ msgstr "서브넷당 호스트 라우트의 최대 수"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "라우터당 최대 경로 수"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"단편화를 사용하지 않고 기본 물리 네트워크 인프라를 횡단할 수 있는 IP 패킷"
"(MTU)의 최대 크기입니다. 셀프 서비스/개인 네트워크를 사용하는 인스턴스의 경"
"우 neutron이 이 값에서 오버레이 프로토콜 오버헤드를 빼고 DHCP 옵션 26을 통해 "
"인스턴스에 제공합니다. 예를 들어, 9000이라는 값을 사용하는 경우 DHCP는 50바이"
"트의 오버헤드가 포함된 VXLAN 네트워크를 사용하는 인스턴스에 8950을 제공합니"
"다. "
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2298,13 +1939,6 @@ msgstr "radvd.conf의 MinRtrAdvInterval 설정"
msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr "인터페이스 변경사항에 대한 ovsdb를 모니터링하여 폴링을 최소화합니다."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"HA 라우터가 스케줄될 최소 L3 에이전트 수입니다. 이 수가 0으로 설정되면 라우터"
"가 모든 에이전트에서 스케줄됩니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "맵핑에서 키 누락: '%s'"
@ -2398,9 +2032,6 @@ msgstr ""
"사용할 nova 리젼의 이름입니다. 키스톤이 둘 이상의 리젼을 관리할 경우 유용합니"
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "FWaaS 드라이버 이름"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "라우터의 네임스페이스"
@ -2422,30 +2053,6 @@ msgstr "음수의 델타(다운그레이드)는 지원하지 않음"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "음수의 상대적 개정판(다운그레이드)은 지원하지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"네트워크 %(network_id)s이(가) 이미 BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s에 바인드되"
"어 있습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"네트워크 %(network_id)s이(가) BGP 스피커 %(bgp_speaker_id)s과(와) 연관되지 않"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "네트워크 %(network_id)s이(가) BgpSpeaker에 바인드되지 않습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"네트워크 %(network_id)s이(가) IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker에 바인드되지 않습"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "네트워크 %s에 IPv4 서브넷이 포함되어 있지 않음"
@ -2497,9 +2104,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron core_plugin이 구성되지 않았습니다!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Neutron 플러그인 제공자 모듈"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron 할당량 드라이버 클래스"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "first_ip 또는 last_ip의 새 값을 지정해야 합니다."
@ -2566,12 +2170,6 @@ msgstr ""
"가 1보다 크면 스케줄러는 지정된 테넌트 네트워크에 대해 다중 DHCP 에이전트를 "
"자동으로 지정하여 DHCP 서비스에 대한 고가용성을 제공합니다. "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "상태 보고서 큐 전용 RPC 작업자 프로세스 수"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "서비스에 대한 RPC 작업자 프로세스 수"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr "메타데이터 서버 소켓을 구성하기 위한 백로그 요청 수"
@ -2727,10 +2325,6 @@ msgstr "이 자원에서 POST 요청이 지원되지 않습니다."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "패키지 %s이(가) 설치되지 않음"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "%(param)s 매개변수의 유형은 %(param_type)s이어야 합니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "bridge_mappings 구문 분석 실패: %s."
@ -2741,10 +2335,6 @@ msgstr "지원되는 pci_vendor_devs 구문 분석 실패"
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "관리 컨텍스트에서 지정하기 위해 연결할 암호"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "인증 유형=%(auth_type)s에 암호가 지정되지 않았습니다."
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "이 프로세스에 대한 PID 파일의 경로"
@ -3051,11 +2641,6 @@ msgstr "가능한 경우 사용할 루트 헬퍼 디먼 애플리케이션."
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "권한을 삭제하려면 루트 권한이 필요합니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr ""
"BGP 스피커 %(speaker_as)d에 대해 경로 %(cidr)s이(가) 광고되지 않았습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "라우터 %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3135,9 +2720,6 @@ msgstr ""
"서버에 대한 상태를 보고하는 노드 사이의 시간(초)이며 agent_down_time보다 짧아"
"야 하며 절반이거나 agent_down_time보다 짧은 경우 최적입니다."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "주기적 태스크 실행 사이의 시간(초)"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3424,14 +3006,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"할당 풀 %(pool)s이(가) 서브넷 cidr %(subnet_cidr)s 이상으로 확장합니다. "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"속성 '%(attr)s'은(는) 다른 자원에 대한 참조이지만 정렬 '%(resource)s'에서 사"
"용될 수는 없습니다."
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4011,18 +3585,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP 인증 유형"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "VXLAN 네트워크가 지원되지 않습니다."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"사전의 키를 유효성 검증하지 못했습니다. 예상 키: %(expected_keys)s 제공된 "
"키: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "유효성 검증기 '%s'이(가) 없습니다. "
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "'%(mapping)s' 맵핑의 %(value)s 값이 고유하지 않음"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
# Translations template for neutron.
# Copyright (C) 2016 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the neutron project.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 06:56+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.2.0\n"
#: neutron/
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to find data type descriptor for attribute %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/
msgid "DVR functionality requires a server upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/
msgid "Tunnel synchronization requires a server upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/
#: neutron/agent/
msgid "Driver configuration doesn't match with enable_security_group"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/
msgid ""
"security_group_info_for_devices rpc call not supported by the server, "
"falling back to old security_group_rules_for_devices which scales worse."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/common/
#, python-format
msgid "Found not yet ready openvswitch port: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/common/
#, python-format
msgid "Found failed openvswitch port: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/common/
#, python-format
msgid "ofport: %(ofport)s for VIF: %(vif)s is not a positive integer"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/dhcp/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to %(action)s dhcp for %(net_id)s: there is a conflict with its "
"current state; please check that the network and/or its subnet(s) still "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/dhcp/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %s may have been deleted and its resources may have already been "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/dhcp/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(port_num)d router ports found on the metadata access network. Only the "
"port %(port_id)s, for router %(router_id)s will be considered"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/dhcp/ neutron/agent/l3/
#: neutron/agent/metadata/
#: neutron/services/bgp/agent/
#: neutron/services/metering/agents/
msgid ""
"Neutron server does not support state report. State report for this agent"
" will be disabled."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l2/extensions/
#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported QoS rule type for %(rule_id)s: %(rule_type)s; skipping"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l3/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"l3-agent cannot check service plugins enabled at the neutron server when "
"startup due to RPC error. It happens when the server does not support "
"this RPC API. If the error is UnsupportedVersion you can ignore this "
"warning. Detail message: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l3/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"l3-agent cannot check service plugins enabled on the neutron server. "
"Retrying. Detail message: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l3/
#, python-format
msgid "Info for router %s was not found. Performing router cleanup"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l3/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Device %s does not exist so ARP entry cannot be updated, will cache "
"information to be applied later when the device exists"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/l3/
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to configure IP address for floating IP: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed trying to delete interface: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed trying to delete namespace: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid "Respawning %(service)s for uuid %(uuid)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/ neutron/agent/linux/
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid "No MTU configured for port %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Tried to remove rule that was not there: %(chain)r %(rule)r %(wrap)r "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate iptables %(thing)s detected. This may indicate a bug in the the"
" iptables %(thing)s generation code. Line: %(line)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/
#, python-format
msgid "Attempted to get traffic counters of chain %s which does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/linux/openvswitch_firewall/
#, python-format
msgid "Can't get tag for port %(port_id)s from its other_config: %(other_config)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/agent/metadata/
msgid ""
"The remote metadata server responded with Forbidden. This response "
"usually occurs when shared secrets do not match."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid value for pagination_max_limit: %s. It should be an integer "
"greater to 0"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/
#, python-format
msgid "Did not find expected name \"%(ext_name)s\" in %(file)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/
#, python-format
msgid "Extension file %(f)s wasn't loaded due to %(exception)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/
#, python-format
msgid "Extension %s not supported by any of loaded plugins"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/
#, python-format
msgid "Loaded plugins do not implement extension %s interface"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/rpc/agentnotifiers/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to schedule network %s: no agents available; will retry on "
"subsequent port and subnet creation events."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/rpc/agentnotifiers/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Only %(active)d of %(total)d DHCP agents associated with network "
"'%(net_id)s' are marked as active, so notifications may be sent to "
"inactive agents."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/rpc/handlers/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Action %(action)s for network %(net_id)s could not complete successfully:"
" %(reason)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/rpc/handlers/
#, python-format
msgid "Updating lease expiration is now deprecated. Issued from host %s."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/api/rpc/handlers/
msgid ""
"Security group agent binding currently not set. This should be set by the"
" end of the init process."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/cmd/
msgid ""
"The user that is executing neutron can read the namespaces without using "
"the root_helper. Disable the use_helper_for_ns_read option to avoid a "
"performance impact."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid "%(agent_type)s agent %(agent_id)s is not active"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dictionary %(dict_name)s for agent %(agent_type)s on host %(host)s is "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Agent healthcheck: found %(count)s dead agents out of %(total)s:\n"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Time since last %s agent reschedule check has exceeded the interval "
"between checks. Waiting before check to allow agents to send a heartbeat "
"in case there was a clock adjustment."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
msgid "No DHCP agents available, skipping rescheduling"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Removing network %(network)s from agent %(agent)s because the agent did "
"not report to the server in the last %(dead_time)s seconds."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#: neutron/db/
msgid "Cannot schedule BgpSpeaker to DrAgent. Reason: No scheduler registered."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Rescheduling router %(router)s from agent %(agent)s because the agent did"
" not report to the server in the last %(dead_time)s seconds."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to notify L3 agent on host %(host)s about added router. Attempt "
"%(attempt)d out of %(max_attempts)d"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid "Router %s was not found. Skipping agent notification."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/db/
#, python-format
msgid "No valid gateway port on subnet %s is found for IPv6 RA"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/debug/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to delete namespace %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/notifiers/
msgid "Port ID not set! Nova will not be notified of port status change."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/notifiers/
#, python-format
msgid "Nova event: %s returned with failed status"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/pecan_wsgi/
#, python-format
msgid "No plugin found for: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/pecan_wsgi/
#, python-format
msgid "No plugin found for resource:%s. API calls may not be correctly dispatched"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/pecan_wsgi/controllers/
#: neutron/pecan_wsgi/controllers/
#, python-format
msgid "No controller found for: %s - returning response code 404"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/hyperv/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You are using the deprecated firewall driver: %(deprecated)s.Use the "
"recommended driver %(new)s instead."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
#, python-format
msgid "Could not expand segment %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
msgid ""
"Host filtering is disabled because at least one mechanism doesn't support"
" it."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
#, python-format
msgid "%s does not support QoS; no rule types available"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to bind port %(port)s on host %(host)s at level %(lvl)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
msgid "A concurrent port creation has occurred"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
#, python-format
msgid "Port %s not found during update"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Device %(device)s requested by agent %(agent_id)s on network "
"%(network_id)s not bound, vif_type: %(vif_type)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Port %(pid)s on network %(network)s not bound, no agent registered on "
"host %(host)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "Refusing to bind port %(pid)s to dead agent: %(agent)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "No flat network found on physical network %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "%(type)s tunnel %(id)s not found"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "Endpoint with ip %s already exists"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "No vlan_id %(vlan_id)s found on physical network %(physical_network)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/l2pop/
#, python-format
msgid "unable to modify mac_address of ACTIVE port %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/l2pop/
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to retrieve active L2 agent on host %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
msgid "Invalid Network ID, will lead to incorrect bridge name"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
msgid "Invalid VLAN ID, will lead to incorrect subinterface name"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
msgid "Invalid Interface ID, will lead to incorrect tap device name"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid Segmentation ID: %s, will lead to incorrect vxlan device name"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Option \"%(option)s\" must be supported by command \"%(command)s\" to "
"enable %(mode)s mode"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge/agent/
msgid ""
"VXLAN muticast group(s) must be provided in vxlan_group option to enable "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot find vf index for pci slot %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "device pci mismatch: %(device_mac)s - %(pci_slot)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"VF with PCI slot %(pci_slot)s is already assigned; skipping reset maximum"
" rate"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot find vfs %(vfs)s in device %(dev_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "failed to parse vf link show line %(line)s: for %(device)s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to set spoofcheck for device %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Device %s does not support state change"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to set device %s state"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "port_id to device with MAC %s not found"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/mech_driver/
#, python-format
msgid "Attempting to bind with dead agent: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"L2 agent could not get DVR MAC address from server. Retrying. Detailed "
"message: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"DVR: Unable to retrieve subnet information for subnet_id %s. The subnet "
"or the gateway may have already been deleted"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Action %s not supported"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "VIF port: %s has no ofport configured, and might not be able to transmit"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Device %s not defined on plugin or binding failed"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid remote IP: %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
msgid "OVS is restarted. OVSNeutronAgent will reset bridges and recover ports."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
msgid ""
"OVS is dead. OVSNeutronAgent will keep running and checking OVS status "
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Clearing cache of registered ports, retries to resync were > %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "Device %(dev)s failed for %(times)s times and won't be retried anymore"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/openflow/native/
#, python-format
msgid "Deleting flow with cookie 0x%(cookie)x"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/openflow/ovs_ofctl/
#, python-format
msgid "Deleting flow %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/quota/
msgid ""
"The quota driver neutron.quota.ConfDriver is deprecated as of Liberty. "
"neutron.db.quota.driver.DbQuotaDriver should be used in its place"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/quota/ neutron/services/timestamp/
#, python-format
msgid "No sqlalchemy event for resource %s found"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/quota/
#, python-format
msgid "%s is already registered"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/scheduler/
#, python-format
msgid "DHCP agent %s is not active"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/scheduler/
msgid "No more DHCP agents"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/scheduler/
#, python-format
msgid "No routers compatible with L3 agent configuration on host %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/scheduler/
msgid "No active L3 agents"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/scheduler/
#, python-format
msgid "No L3 agents can host the router %s"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The configured driver %(driver)s has been moved, automatically using "
"%(new_driver)s instead. Please update your config files, as this "
"automatic fixup will be removed in a future release."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/bgp/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Speaker %s has been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/bgp/agent/
#, python-format
msgid "BGP Peer %s has been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/bgp/agent/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %s may have been deleted and its resources may have already "
"been disposed."
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/bgp/scheduler/
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %s is down"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/qos/notification_drivers/
#, python-format
msgid "Received %(resource)s %(policy_id)s without context"
msgstr ""
#: neutron/services/timestamp/
msgid ""
"The input changed_since must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-"
msgstr ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ msgstr ""
"O arquivo HEAD %(branch)s não corresponde ao cabeçalho da linha de tempo de "
"migração, esperado: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: erro interno de driver."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s não é um identificador %(type)s válido"
@ -106,18 +102,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s falhou."
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' não corresponde à ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s deve estar no intervalo %(range)s."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s não pode ser chamado durante o modo offline"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s é um atributo inválido para sort_key"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s é um atributo inválido para sort_keys"
@ -126,10 +114,6 @@ msgstr "%s é um atributo inválido para sort_keys"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s não é um tag de VLAN válido"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "%s deve ser especificado"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s deve implementar get_port_from_device ou get_ports_from_devices."
@ -162,54 +146,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' contém '%(length)s' caracteres. Incluir um subdomínio excederá o "
"comprimento máximo de um FQDN de '%(max_len)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' excede o comprimento máximo de %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' não é um endereço IP aceitável, '%(ip)s' é recomendado"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' não está em %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' é muito grande - não deve ser maior que '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' é muito pequeno - deve ser pelo menos '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' não é um IP do CIDR da sub-rede, '%(cidr)s' é recomendado"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' não é um PQDN ou FQDN válido. Motivo: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' não é um nameserver válido. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' Sequências em branco não são permitidas"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' não pode ser convertido em booleano"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' não pode ser convertido em sequência minúscula"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' contém espaços em branco"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' excede o limite de 255 caracteres para FQDN"
@ -222,70 +166,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' é um FQDN. Ele deve ser um nome de domínio relativo."
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' não é um FQDN"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' não é um dicionário"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' não é uma lista"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' não é um endereço IP válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' não é uma sub-rede de IP válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' não é um endereço MAC válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' não é um tipo de objeto RBAC válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' não é um UUID válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' não é um booleano válido"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' não é uma entrada válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' não é uma sequência válida"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' não é um número inteiro"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' não é um número inteiro ou um uuid"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' não do formato <key>=[value]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' não é suportado para filtragem"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' deve ser um decimal não negativo."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' deve ser não negativo"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "procuras '.' não são implementadas"
@ -306,13 +198,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0 não é permitido como um comprimento do prefixo CIDR"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"Identificador BGP de 32 bits, normalmente um endereço IPv4 de propriedade do "
"sistema que executa o BGP DrAgent."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "Um driver QoS deve ser especificado"
@ -337,21 +222,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Um conjunto de sub-redes padrão para essa família de IP já foi configurado. "
"Apenas um padrão pode existir por família de IP."
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Uma lista de mapeamentos de redes físicas para valores da MTU. O formato do "
"mapeamento é <physnet>:<mtu val>. Esse mapeamento permite especificar um "
"valor de MTU de rede física que difere do valor segment_mtu padrão."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Um driver de medição deve ser especificado"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "Uma senha deve ser fornecida ao usar auth_type md5."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr ""
"API para recuperação de provedores de serviço para serviços avançados do "
@ -406,9 +279,6 @@ msgstr "O agente %(id)s não é um agente L3 ou foi desativado"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "O agente %(id)s não é um Agente DHCP válido ou foi desativado"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "O agente acabou de ser reativado"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -488,22 +358,6 @@ msgstr ""
"nas MVs já que elas poderão acessar por meio de um roteador. "
"Essa opção requer enable_isolated_metadata = True."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Já hospedando o Speaker BGP para local_as=%(current_as)d com router_id="
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Já hospedando o número máximo de Speaker BGP. Contagem planejada permitida="
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Uma política RBAC já existe com esses valores."
@ -529,9 +383,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Lista ordenada de pontos de entrada do driver de mecanismo de rede que será "
"carregada do namespace neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro interno inesperado."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Tente a solicitação novamente."
@ -542,10 +393,6 @@ msgstr "O processo assíncrono não sofreu spawn novamente"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "Atributo '%s' não permitido no autoteste inicial"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo de autenticação não suportado. Tipo solicitado=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"URL de autorização para conexão ao Designate no contexto de admnistrador"
@ -569,60 +416,6 @@ msgstr "O AvailabilityZone %(availability_zone)s não pôde ser localizada."
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Comandos disponíveis"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Peer BGP %(peer_ip)s para remote_as=%(remote_as)s, em execução para Speaker "
"BGP %(speaker_as)d ainda não incluído."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"O Speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s já está configurado para estar no mesmo "
"nível de um Peer BGP em %(peer_ip)s, ele não pode estar no mesmo nível do "
"Peer BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Speaker BGP para local_as=%(local_as)s com router_id=%(rtid)s ainda não "
"incluído. "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"O peer BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s não está associado ao speaker BGP "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "O peer BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s não está autenticado."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "O peer %(id)s não pôde ser localizado."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr ""
"O speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s não é hospedado pelo BgpDrAgent "
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "O speaker %(id)s não pôde ser localizado."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Classe do driver do speaker BGP a ser instanciada."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "O backend não suporta a Transparência da VLAN."
@ -651,18 +444,6 @@ msgstr ""
"de log DHCP e DNS e é útil para depurar problemas com DHCP ou DNS. Se esta "
"seção for nula, desative o log dnsmasq."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "O BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s já está associado a um speaker BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s é inválido ou foi desativado."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent atualizado: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "O corpo contém dados inválidos"
@ -907,27 +688,6 @@ msgstr ""
"network_device. O network_device no mapeamento deve aparecer na lista "
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"Lista separada por vírgula de <physical_network>:<bridge> tuplas que mapeiam "
"nomes de rede física para os nomes de ponte do Open vSwitch específicos do "
"nó do agente a serem usados para redes simples e de VLAN. O comprimento dos "
"nomes de ponte deve ser de no máximo 11 caracteres. Cada ponte deve existir "
"e possuir uma interface de rede física configurada como uma porta. Todas as "
"redes físicas configuradas no servidor devem ter mapeamentos para pontes "
"apropriadas em cada agente. Nota: Se você remover uma ponte desse "
"mapeamento, assegure-se de desconectá-la da ponte de integração, já que ela "
"não será gerenciada mais pelo agente. Descontinuado para ofagent. "
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1122,9 +882,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Consulte a descrição de default_ipv4_subnet_pool para obter mais "
"informações. Essa opção foi descontinuada e será removida na liberação N."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Driver padrão para uso por verificações de cota"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "Redes externas padrão devem ser compartilhadas para todos."
@ -1288,17 +1045,10 @@ msgstr ""
"entrada definido no namespace neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers. Consulte setup."
"cfg para pontos de entrada incluídos com a origem neutron."
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "Driver a ser usado para planejar os speakers BGP para o DrAgent BGP"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr ""
"Lista de drivers a serem usados para enviar a notificação de atualização"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Endereço IP duplicado '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1318,18 +1068,6 @@ msgstr "Regra do Grupo de Segurança Duplicada no Autoteste Inicial."
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Endereço duplicado detectado"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Hostroute duplicado '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Itens duplicados na lista: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Servidor de nomes duplicado '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Entrada duplicada de segmento na requisição."
@ -1361,9 +1099,6 @@ msgstr "Nome da rede física vazio."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Lista do prefixo do conjunto de sub-rede vazia."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "Habilitar FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Ative o modo de alta disponibilidade para roteadores virtuais."
@ -1402,28 +1137,6 @@ msgstr ""
"planejamento manual para tais agentes estará disponível se essa opção for "
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Ative a supressão de respostas ARP que não correspondem a um endereço IP que "
"pertence à porta da qual elas se originam. Nota: Isso evita que as MVs "
"conectadas a esse agente realizem spoof, mas não as protege de outros "
"dispositivos que têm a capacidade de realizar spoof (por exemplo, bare metal "
"ou MVs conectadas a agentes sem essa sinalização configurada para True). "
"Regras de spoofing não serão incluídas em nenhuma porta que tenha a "
"segurança de porta desativada. Para LinuxBridge, isso requer ebtables. Para "
"OVS, requer uma versão que suporte cabeçalhos de ARP correspondentes. Essa "
"opção será removida do Newton, de modo que a única maneira de desativar a "
"proteção será por meio da extensão de segurança da porta. "
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1484,10 +1197,6 @@ msgstr "Impingir usando a estrutura do arquivo de ramificações divididas."
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Erro %(reason)s ao tentar a operação."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Erro importando driver de dispositivo FWaaS: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Erro ao analisar endereço dns %s"
@ -1577,13 +1286,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s não pôde ser encontrado"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"Plug-in FWaaS está configurado no lado do servidor, mas está desativado em "
"FWaaS L3-agent."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1813,14 +1515,6 @@ msgstr "Endereço IP %(ip)s já alocado na sub-rede %(subnet_id)s"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "O endereço IP %(ip)s não pertence à sub-rede %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"O endereço IP %(ip_address)s não é um IP válido para nenhuma das sub-redes "
"na rede especificada."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Endereço IP usado pelo servidor de metadados Nova."
@ -2038,30 +1732,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Tipo de autenticação inválido: %(auth_type)s, os tipos válidos são: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Tipo de conteúdo %(content_type)s inválido."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de dados inválido para o pool de IPs: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Formato de dados inválido para extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de dados inválido para o IP fixo: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de dados inválido para hostroute: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Formato de dados inválido para servidor de nomes: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "Ethertype %(ethertype)s inválido para o protocolo %(protocol)s."
@ -2082,14 +1756,6 @@ msgstr "Formato inválido: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Entrada inválida para %(attr)s. Motivo: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Entrada inválida. '%(target_dict)s' deve ser um dicionário com chaves: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2158,14 +1824,6 @@ msgstr ""
"metadados. Essa marca será mascarada com 0xffff, de modo que apenas os 16 "
"bits inferiores serão usados."
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"Mantenha o controle no banco de dados do uso de cota de recursos atual. Plug-"
"ins que não utilizam o banco de dados neutron devem configurar essa "
"sinalização como False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Keepalived não sofreu spawn novamente"
@ -2228,9 +1886,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Endereço IP local dos terminais VXLAN."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Endereço IP local do terminal de túnel."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Local para soquete de domínio UNIX de Proxy de Metadados."
@ -2325,27 +1980,6 @@ msgstr "Número máximo de rotas do host por sub-rede"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Número máximo de rotas por roteador"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Tamanho máximo de um pacote de IP (MTU) que pode atravessar a infraestrutura "
"de rede física subjacente sem fragmentação. Para instâncias que usam uma "
"rede de autoserviço ou privada, o Neutron subtrai a sobrecarga do protocolo "
"sobreposta desse valor e a fornece para instâncias por meio da opção 26 do "
"DHCP. Por exemplo, usando um valor de 9000, o DHCP fornece 8950 para "
"instâncias usando uma rede VXLAN que contém 50 bytes de sobrecarga. Usar um "
"valor de 0 desativa esse recurso e as instâncias são padronizadas "
"normalmente para um MTU de 1500. Isso impacta somente instâncias, e não "
"componentes de rede Neutron como pontes e roteadores."
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2392,13 +2026,6 @@ msgstr "Configuração de MinRtrAdvInterval para o radvd.conf"
msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr "Minimizar pesquisa monitorando ovsdb para alterações da interface."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"O número mínimo de agentes L3 em que um roteador de HA será planejado. Se "
"configurado para 0, o roteador será planejado em cada agente."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Chave ausente no mapeamento: '%s'"
@ -2501,9 +2128,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nome da região do nova para utilização. Útil se keystone gerencia mais de "
"uma região."
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Nome do driver FWaaS"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Namespace do roteador"
@ -2526,26 +2150,6 @@ msgstr "Delta negativo (downgrade) não suportado"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "Revisão relativa negativa (downgrade) não suportada"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "A rede %(network_id)s já está ligada ao BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr ""
"A rede %(network_id)s não está associada ao speaker BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "A rede %(network_id)s não está ligada ao BgpSpeaker."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr ""
"A rede %(network_id)s não está ligada a um IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker ."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "A rede %s não contém nenhuma sub-rede IPv4"
@ -2598,9 +2202,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron core_plugin não configurado!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Módulo do provedor de plug-in Neutron"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Classe do driver de cota Neutron"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "Novo valor para first_ip ur last_ip deve ser especificado."
@ -2673,14 +2274,6 @@ msgstr ""
"agentes DHCP para uma determinada rede locatária, fornecendo alta "
"disponibilidade para o serviço DHCP."
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr ""
"Número de processos trabalhadores RPC dedicados a filas de informes de "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Número de processos do trabalhador RPC para o serviço"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
"Número de solicitações de lista não processada para configurar o soquete do "
@ -2864,10 +2457,6 @@ msgstr "Requisições POST não são suportadas neste recurso."
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "Pacote %s não instalado"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "O parâmetro %(param)s deve ser do tipo %(param_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "Falha na análise de bridge_mappings: %s."
@ -2878,10 +2467,6 @@ msgstr "Análise de pci_vendor_devs suportada com falha"
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "Senha para conexão ao Designate no contexto de admnistrador"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Senha não especificada para o tipo de autenticação=%(auth_type)s."
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Caminho para o arquivo PID para este processo"
@ -3204,10 +2789,6 @@ msgstr "Daemon do aplicativo ajudante de root para usar quando possível."
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "As permissões de raiz são necessárias para descartar privilégios."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr "Rota %(cidr)s não informada para o Speaker BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Roteador %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3290,9 +2871,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Segundos entre os nós que relatam o estado para o servidor; deve ser menor "
"que agent_down_time, melhor se for metade ou menos do que agent_down_time."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Segundos entre execução de tarefas periódicas"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3586,14 +3164,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"O pool de alocações %(pool)s abrange além da sub-rede CIDR %(subnet_cidr)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"O atributo '%(attr)s' é referência a outro recurso, não pode ser usado pela "
"classificação '%(resource)s'"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4188,18 +3758,6 @@ msgstr "Tipo de autenticação do VRRP"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "Rede VXLAN não suportada."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"A validação de chaves do dicionário falhou. Chaves esperadas: "
"%(expected_keys)s Chaves fornecidas: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "O validador '%s' não existe."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Valor %(value)s no mapeamento: '%(mapping)s' não exclusivo"
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Файл HEAD %(branch)s отличается от ожидаемого для графика миграции: %(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: Внутренняя ошибка драйвера."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s не является допустимым идентификатором %(type)s"
@ -105,18 +101,10 @@ msgstr "Не удалось выполнить %(method)s."
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' не соответствует версии IP '%(ip_version)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s должен быть в диапазоне %(range)s."
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s нельзя вызывать в режиме без подключения"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "Атрибут %s недопустим для sort_key"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "Атрибут %s недопустим для sort_keys"
@ -125,10 +113,6 @@ msgstr "Атрибут %s недопустим для sort_keys"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s не является допустимым тегом VLAN"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "Необходимо указать %s"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s должен реализовать get_port_from_device или get_ports_from_devices."
@ -162,59 +146,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Длина '%(data)s' составляет '%(length)s' символов. Добавление поддомена "
"приведет к превышению максимальной длины полного имени домена, '%(max_len)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' превышает максимальную длину %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "IP-адрес '%(data)s' неприемлем, рекомендуется использовать '%(ip)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' отсутствует в %(valid_values)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr ""
"Слишком большое значение '%(data)s' - требуется значение не больше "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr ""
"Слишком низкое значение '%(data)s' - требуется значение не меньше '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr ""
"Данные '%(data)s' не распознаются как cidr IP-подсети; рекомендуется "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' не является допустимым PQDN или FQDN. Причина: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' не является допустимым сервером имен. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' - Пустые строки недопустимы"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' невозможно преобразовать в булевский тип"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' невозможно преобразовать в строку в нижнем регистре"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' содержит пробел, символ табуляции или пустой строки"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "Длина '%s' превышает ограничение FQDN в 255 символов"
@ -228,70 +167,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' - это не полное имя домена"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' не является словарем"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' не является списком"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимым IP-адресом"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимой IP-подсетью"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимым MAC-адресом"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимым типом объекта RBAC"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимым UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимым булевским значением"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "Недопустимые входные параметры: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' не является допустимой строкой"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' не является целым"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' не является целым или uuid"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' не в форме <ключ>=[значение]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' не поддерживает фильтрацию"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "Значение '%s' должно быть неотрицательным десятичным числом."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "Значение '%s' должно быть неотрицательным"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "Поиск '.' не реализован"
@ -312,13 +199,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "Нулевое значение запрещено в качестве длины префикса CIDR"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr ""
"32-разрядный идентификатор BGP, обычно - адрес IPv4, принадлежащий системе, "
"в которой работает BGP DrAgent."
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "Должен быть указан драйвер QoS"
@ -343,21 +223,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Пул подсетей по умолчанию уже задан для этой версии IP. Для версии IP может "
"быть задан только один пул по умолчанию"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Списки карт связей физических сетей со значениями MTU. Формат карты связей: "
"<физическая-сеть>:<значение-MTU>. Эта карта связей позволяет, указать "
"значение MTU физической сети, отличное от значения segment_mtu по умолчанию."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Необходимо указать драйвер измерений"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "При использовании auth_type md5 необходимо указать пароль."
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "API для получения поставщиков служб для расширенных служб Neutron"
@ -411,9 +279,6 @@ msgstr "Агент %(id)s выключен или не является аген
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "Агент %(id)s выключен или не является допустимым агентом DHCP"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "Агент был только что заново включен"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -490,21 +355,6 @@ msgstr ""
"сети через машрутизатор. Для этой опции необходимо указать "
"enable_isolated_metadata = True."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"Уже развернут источник BGP для local_as=%(current_as)d с router_id=%(rtid)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr ""
"Уже развернуто максимальное число источников BGP. Разрешено запланировать "
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "Стратегия RBAC с такими параметрами уже существует."
@ -530,9 +380,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Упорядоченный список конечных точек драйверов механизмов создания сетей, "
"загружаемых из пространства имен neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers."
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "Произошла непредвиденная внутренняя ошибка."
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr ""
"Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Пожалуйста, попытайтесь повторить ваш запрос."
@ -544,10 +391,6 @@ msgstr "Асинхронный процесс не перезапустился"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "Атрибут '%s' недопустим в POST"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Тип идентификации не поддерживается. Запрошенный тип: %(auth_type)s."
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"URL авторизации для подключения к назначенному объекту в административном "
@ -572,55 +415,6 @@ msgstr "Не найдена зона доступности %(availability_zone)
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "Доступные команды"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Партнер BGP %(peer_ip)s для remote_as=%(remote_as)s, работающий для "
"источника BGP %(speaker_as)d, еще не добавлен."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"Источник BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s уже настроен как партнер BGP для "
"%(peer_ip)s, он не может быть партнером BGP для %(bgp_peer_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"Источник BGP для local_as=%(local_as)s с router_id=%(rtid)s еще не добавлен."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr ""
"Партнер BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s не связан с источником BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "Партнер BGP %(bgp_peer_id)s не идентифицирован."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Не найден партнер BGP %(id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr "Источник BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s не работает в BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "Не найден источник BGP %(id)s."
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "Класс драйвера источника BGP для создания экземпляра."
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "Базовый сервер не поддерживает прозрачный режим VLAN."
@ -649,18 +443,6 @@ msgstr ""
"DHCP и DNS и используется для отладки ошибок в DHCP или DNS. Если этот "
"раздел пуст, протокол dnsmasq отключен."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s уже связан с источником BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s недопустим или выключен."
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent обновлен: %s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "В теле содержатся недопустимые данные"
@ -902,27 +684,6 @@ msgstr ""
"разделенный точкой с запятой. Связанное сетевое устройство должно входить в "
"список physical_device_mappings."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"Список записей, разделенных запятыми, вида <физическая-сеть>:<мост>, "
"связывающих имена физических сетей с именами мостов Open vSwitch узла "
"агента для одноуровневых сетей и сетей VLAN. Длина имени моста не должна "
"превышать 11 символов. Все мосты должны существовать, и на каждом должен "
"быть настроен физический сетевой интерфейс как порт. Все физические сети, "
"настроенные на сервере, должны быть связаны с соответствующими мостами в "
"каждом агенте. Примечание: если мост удален из этой карты связей, то его "
"необходимо отключить от моста интеграции, так как он более не будет "
"управляться агентом. Устарело для ofagent."
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1114,9 +875,6 @@ msgstr ""
"создается без указания ИД пула подсетей. См. описание опции "
"default_ipv4_subnet_pool. Эта опция устарела и будет удалена в выпуске N. "
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Драйвер по умолчанию, применяемый для проверки квоты"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "Внешняя сеть по умолчанию должна быть общедоступной."
@ -1278,16 +1036,9 @@ msgstr ""
"определенной в пространстве имен neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers. См. файл "
"setup.cfg на наличие точек входа, включенных в исходный код neutron."
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "Драйвер, используемый для планирования источников BGP для BGP DrAgent"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr "Список драйверов, применяемых для отправки уведомление об обновлении"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Одинаковые IP-адреса: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1307,18 +1058,6 @@ msgstr "Совпадающие правила группы защиты в POST.
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "Повторяющийся адрес"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Одинаковые маршруты к хосту: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Список содержит одинаковые элементы: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Одинаковые серверы имен: '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "Дубликат записи сегмента в запросе."
@ -1349,9 +1088,6 @@ msgstr "Пустое имя физической сети."
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "Пустой список префиксов пула подсетей."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "Включить FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Включить режим высокой готовности для виртуальных маршрутизаторов."
@ -1389,28 +1125,6 @@ msgstr ""
"автоматического планирования независимо от этой опции. Но ручное "
"планирование для таких агентов доступно, если опция равна True."
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"Включить подавление ответов ARP, которые не соответствуют IP-адресу, "
"относящемуся к порту-источнику этих ответов. Примечание: эта функция "
"запрещает VM подключение к этому агенту для защиты от имитации, она не "
"защищает от других устройств, совместимых с методами имитации (например "
"компьютеров без установленной операционной системы или VM, подключенных к "
"агентам, в которых этому флагу присвоено значение Fakse). Правила имитации "
"будут добавлены не для всех портов с отключенной защитой. Для LinuxBridge "
"требуется ebtables. Для OVS требуется версия, поддерживающая сопоставление "
"заголовков ARP. Эта опция будет удалена в Newton, поэтому защиту можно будет "
"выключить только через расширение защиты портов."
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1471,10 +1185,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "Ошибка %(reason)s во время выполнения операции."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка при импорте драйвера устройства FWaaS: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "Ошибка при анализе адреса dns %s"
@ -1563,12 +1273,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "Не удалось найти ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"Модуль FWaaS настроен на стороне сервера, но FWaaS выключен в агенте L3."
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -1798,14 +1502,6 @@ msgstr "IP-адрес %(ip)s уже выделен в подсети %(subnet_id
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP-адрес %(ip)s не принадлежит подсети %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"IP-адрес %(ip_address)s не является допустимым IP-адресом ни для одной "
"подсети в указанной сети."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "IP-адрес, используемый сервером метаданных Nova."
@ -2025,30 +1721,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Недопустимый тип идентификации: %(auth_type)s. Допустимые типы: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Недопустимый тип содержимого %(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат данных для пула IP: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат данных для extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат данных для фиксированного IP: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат данных для маршрута к хосту: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат данных сервера имен: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "Недопустимый тип %(ethertype)s для протокола %(protocol)s."
@ -2069,14 +1745,6 @@ msgstr "Неправильный формат: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "Недопустимые входные данные для %(attr)s. Причина: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Недопустимые входные параметры. '%(target_dict)s' должен быть словарем с "
"ключами %(expected_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr ""
@ -2147,14 +1815,6 @@ msgstr ""
"метаданных. Эта пометка будет применяться с маской 0xffff для использования "
"только младших 16 бит."
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"Отслеживает в базе данных текущее использование квоты ресурсов. Модули, "
"которые не используют базу данных neutron, должны присваивать этому флагу "
"значение False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Демон keepalived не выполнил повторное порождение"
@ -2217,9 +1877,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "Локальный IP-адрес конечных точек VXLAN."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Локальный IP-адрес конечной точки туннеля."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Расположение сокета домена UNIX прокси метаданных. "
@ -2314,27 +1971,6 @@ msgstr "Максимальное количество маршрутов хос
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "Максимальное количество маршрутов на маршрутизатор"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Максимальный размер (MTU) пакета IP, который может передаваться по "
"физической сети без фрагментации. Для экземпляров, работающих в сети "
"самообслуживания или частной сети, Neutron вычитает из этого значения длину "
"заголовка протокола перекрытия и сообщает это значение посредством DHCP "
"option 26. Например, для значения 9000 DHCP передаст значение 8950 "
"экземплярам, работающим в сети VXLAN, где длина заголовка составляет 50 "
"байт. Значение 0 выключает эту функцию, и экземпляры, как правило, "
"используют MTU по умолчанию (1500). Влияет только на экземпляры, но не на "
"сетевые компоненты Neutron, такие как мосты или маршрутизаторы."
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2386,14 +2022,6 @@ msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr ""
"Минимизировать опрос путем мониторинга ovsdb на предмет изменений интерфейса."
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"Минимальное число агентов L3, где будет запланирован маршрутизатор высокой "
"готовности. Если параметр равен 0, то маршрутизатор будет запланирован на "
"каждом агенте."
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "Отсутствует ключ в отображении: '%s'"
@ -2496,9 +2124,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Имя используемого региона nova. Необходимо, если keystone управляет "
"несколькими регионами."
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "Имя драйвера FWaaS"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Пространство имен маршрутизатора"
@ -2520,24 +2145,6 @@ msgstr "Отрицательная дельта (понижение) не под
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "Отрицательная относительная ревизия (понижение) не поддерживается"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "Сеть %(network_id)s уже связана с источником BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "Сеть %(network_id)s не связана с источником BGP %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Сеть %(network_id)s не связана с источником BGP."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "Сеть %(network_id)s не связана с источником BGP IPv%(ip_version)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "Сеть %s не содержит подсетей IPv4"
@ -2590,9 +2197,6 @@ msgstr "Не настроен core_plugin Neutron!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Модуль провайдера модулей Neutron"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Класс драйвера квоты Neutron"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "Необходимо указать значение для first_ip или last_ip."
@ -2661,12 +2265,6 @@ msgstr ""
"DHCP для заданной сети арендатора, обеспечивая высокую готовность службы "
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "Количество процессов обработчика RPC для очереди отчетов о состоянии"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Количество процессов обработчика RPC для службы"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr ""
"Количество непереданных запросов для настройки сокета сервера метаданных"
@ -2848,10 +2446,6 @@ msgstr "Запросы POST не поддерживаются этим ресу
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "Пакет %s не установлен"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "Параметр %(param)s должен иметь тип %(param_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "Синтаксический анализ bridge_mappings не выполнен: %s."
@ -2863,10 +2457,6 @@ msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr ""
"Пароль для подключения к назначенному объекту в административном контексте"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "Пароль для идентификации типа %(auth_type)s не указан."
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "Путь к файлу PID для этого процесса"
@ -3183,10 +2773,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "Для сброса прав доступа требуются права доступа пользователя Root."
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr "Маршрут %(cidr)s не анонсируется для источника BGP %(speaker_as)d."
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "Маршрутизатор %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -3271,9 +2857,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Значение должно быть меньше, чем agent_down_time, оптимально - не больше "
"половины значения agent_down_time."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Интервал запуска периодических задач (в секундах)"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3563,14 +3146,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Пул выделения %(pool)s выходит за пределы cidr подсети %(subnet_cidr)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"Атрибут '%(attr)s' является ссылкой на другой ресурс и не может "
"использоваться для сортировки '%(resource)s'"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -4162,18 +3737,6 @@ msgstr "Тип идентификации VRRP"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "Сеть VXLAN не поддерживается."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"Проверка ключей словаря не выполнена. Ожидаемые ключи: %(expected_keys)s "
"Заданные ключи: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "Валидатор '%s' не существует."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "Значение %(value)s в отображении '%(mapping)s' не уникально"
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:08+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -313,14 +313,6 @@ msgstr "Eklenti sürücüsü '%(name)s' %(method)s içerisinde başarısız"
msgid "Extension path '%s' doesn't exist!"
msgstr "'%s' Uzantı dizini bulunamıyor."
#, python-format
msgid "FWaaS RPC failure in %(func_name)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr "fw: %(fwid)s için %(func_name)s içinde FWaaS RPC hatası"
#, python-format
msgid "FWaaS RPC info call failed for '%s'."
msgstr "'%s' için FWaaS RPC bilgi çağrısı başarısız"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed creating vxlan interface for %(segmentation_id)s"
msgstr "%(segmentation_id)s için vxlan arayüzü oluşturma başarısız"
@ -340,9 +332,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed executing ip command"
msgstr "IP comutu çalıştırılamadı"
msgid "Failed fwaas process services sync"
msgstr "fwaas süreç servisleri eş zamanlama başarısız"
msgid "Failed on Agent configuration parse. Agent terminated!"
msgstr "Ajan yapılandırma aşamasında başarısız olundu. Ajan sonlandırıldı!"
@ -449,15 +438,6 @@ msgstr "Bilinirlik alanı silme hatası: %s"
msgid "Failed unplugging interface '%s'"
msgstr "%s arayuzu devre dışı bırakılamadı."
#, python-format
msgid "Firewall Driver Error for %(func_name)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr "fw: %(fwid)s için %(func_name)s için Güvenlik Duvarı Hatası"
#, python-format
msgid "Firewall Driver Error on fw state %(fwmsg)s for fw: %(fwid)s"
msgstr ""
"fw: %(fwid)s için %(fwmsg)s fw durumunda Güvenlik Duvarı Sürücüsü Hatası"
msgid "Fork failed"
msgstr "Fork yapılırken hata ile karşılaşıldı."
@ -639,9 +619,6 @@ msgid ""
"version %s."
msgstr "Yüklü dnsmasq sürümü çok eski. Lütfen en az %s sürümüne güncelleyin."
msgid "The resource could not be found."
msgstr "Kaynak bulunamadı."
msgid ""
"The user that is executing neutron does not have permissions to read the "
"namespaces. Enable the use_helper_for_ns_read configuration option."
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# OpenStack Infra <>, 2015. #zanata
# Alex Eng <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-03 05:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Alex Eng <>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey)\n"
"Language: tr-TR\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.3\n"
@ -350,12 +351,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Ağ %s zamanlanamadı: hiçbir ajan uygun değil; sonraki bağlantı noktası "
"üzerinden ve alt ağ oluşturma olayları tekrar denenecek."
#, python-format
msgid "Updating lease expiration is now deprecated. Issued from host %s."
msgstr ""
"Kira sona erme tarihlerini güncelleme artık kullanılmıyor. %s istemcisinden "
#, python-format
msgid ""
"VIF port: %s has no ofport configured, and might not be able to transmit"
@ -384,14 +379,6 @@ msgstr ""
"desteklemediğinde olabilir. Hata UnsupportedVersion ise bu uyarıyı göz ardı "
"edebilirsiniz. Detaylı ileti: %s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"l3-agent cannot check service plugins enabled on the neutron server. "
"Retrying. Detail message: %s"
msgstr ""
"l3-agent neutron sunucusunda etkin servis eklentilerini kontrol edemiyor. "
"Tekrar deneniyor. Detaylı ileti: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "ofport: %(ofport)s for VIF: %(vif)s is not a positive integer"
msgstr "VIF: %(vif)s için ofport: %(ofport)s pozitif tam sayı değil"
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Stdout: %(stdout)s\n"
"Stderr: %(stderr)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: Dahili sürücü hatası."
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s geçerli bir %(type)s tanımlayıcı değil"
@ -103,10 +99,6 @@ msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' ip_version '%(ip_version)s' ile eşleşmiyor"
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "%s çevrim dışı kipte çağrılamaz"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s sort_key için geçersiz özniteliktir"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s sort_keys için geçersiz öznitelik"
@ -131,98 +123,10 @@ msgstr "%s düz sağlayıcı ağı için yasaklanmış"
msgid "%s prohibited for local provider network"
msgstr "%s yerel sağlayıcı ağı için yasaklanmış"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' %(max_len)s azami uzunluğunu aşıyor"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' %(valid_values)s içinde değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' çok büyük - en çok '%(limit)d' olmalı"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' çok küçük - en az '%(limit)d' olmalı"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' tanınan bir IP alt ağı cidr'i değil, '%(cidr)s' öneriliyor"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' geçerli bir isim sunucu değil. %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' boş karakter dizilerine izin verilmez"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "'%s' bool değere çevrilemez"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' boşluk içeriyor"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' bir dizin değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' liste değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir IP adresi değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli IP alt ağ değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir MAC adresi değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir UUID değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir bool değer değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir girdi değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' geçerli karakter dizisi değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' tam sayı değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' bir tam sayı ya da uuid değil"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' <anahtar>=[değer] biçiminde olmalı"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' negatif olmayan ondalık olmalı."
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' negatif olmamalı"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "'.' aramaları uygulanmamış"
@ -232,15 +136,6 @@ msgstr "0 CIDR önek uzunluğuna izin verilmez"
msgid "A cidr must be specified in the absence of a subnet pool"
msgstr "Alt ağ havuzu olmadığında bir cidr belirtilmelidir"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"Fiziksel ağların MTU değerlerine eşleştirilme listesi. Eşleştirme biçimi "
"<physnet>:<mtu val>. Bu eşleştirme varsayılan segment_mtu değerinden farklı "
"bir fiziksel ağ MTU değeri belirtmeye izin verir."
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "Bir ölçme sürücüsü belirtilmeli"
@ -554,9 +449,6 @@ msgstr ""
"DHCP kira süresi (saniye olarak). Dnsmasq'a süresiz kira zamanları "
"kullanmasını söylemek için -1 kullanın."
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "Kota kontrolleri için kullanılacak varsayılan sürücü"
msgid ""
"Default network type for external networks when no provider attributes are "
"specified. By default it is None, which means that if provider attributes "
@ -658,28 +550,12 @@ msgstr "Ağın DHCP ajanlarına zamanlanması için kullanılacak sürücü"
msgid "Driver to use for scheduling router to a default L3 agent"
msgstr "Yönlendiriciyi bir L3 ajanına zamanlamak için gerekli sürücü"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "Kopya IP adresi '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate Metering Rule in POST."
msgstr "POST'da kopya ölçme kuralı."
msgid "Duplicate Security Group Rule in POST."
msgstr "POST'da Kopya Güvenlik Grubu Kuralı."
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "Kopya istemci rotası '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "Listede kopya öğeler: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "Kopya isim sunucu '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "İstekte kopya dilim girdisi."
@ -707,9 +583,6 @@ msgstr "subnet_id veya port_id belirtilmeli"
msgid "Empty physical network name."
msgstr "Boş fiziksel ağ ismi."
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "FWaaS'ı etkinleştir"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "Sanal yönlendiriciler için HA kipini etkinleştir."
@ -772,10 +645,6 @@ msgstr "Tünel aralığı sonu tünel aralığı başından daha küçük"
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "İşlem denenirken %(reason)s hatası."
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "FWaaS aygıt sürücüsünü içe aktarmada hata: %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "%s dns adresinin ayrıştırılmasında hata"
@ -830,13 +699,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s bulunamadı"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr ""
"FWaaS eklentisi sunucu tarafında yapılandırılmış, ama FWaaS L3-agent'de "
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr ""
@ -977,14 +839,6 @@ msgstr "%(ip)s IP adresi %(subnet_id)s alt ağında zaten ayrılmış"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "%(ip)s IP adresi %(subnet_id)s alt ağına ait değil"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr ""
"%(ip_address)s IP adresi belirtilen ağdaki alt ağlardan hiçbiri için geçerli "
"bir IP değil."
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Nova metadata sunucusu tarafından kullanılan IP adresi."
@ -1077,30 +931,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Geçersiz kimlik doğrulama türü: %(auth_type)s, geçerli türler: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "Geçersiz içerik türü %(content_type)s."
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "IP havuzu: '%s' için geçersiz veri biçimi"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "extra-dhcp-opt için geçersiz veri biçimi: %(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "Sabit IP için geçersiz veri biçimi: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "İstemci rotası için geçersiz veri biçimi: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "İsim sunucu için geçersiz veri biçimi: '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid format for routes: %(routes)s, %(reason)s"
msgstr "Rotalar için geçersiz biçim: %(routes)s, %(reason)s"
@ -1113,14 +947,6 @@ msgstr "Geçersiz biçim: %s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "%(attr)s için geçersiz girdi. Sebep: %(reason)s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"Geçersiz girdi. '%(target_dict)s' şu anahtarları içeren bir sözlük olmalı: "
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr "Geçersiz sunucu durumu: %(state)s, geçerli durumlar: %(valid_states)s"
@ -1190,9 +1016,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "VXLAN son uçlarının yerel IP adresi."
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "Tünel uç noktasının yerel IP adresi."
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "Metadata Vekil UNIX alan soketi için konum."
@ -1294,9 +1117,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Kullanılacak nova gölgesinin ismi. Keystone birden fazla bölgeyi yönetiyorsa "
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "FWaaS Sürücüsü ismi"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "Yönetici isim uzayı"
@ -1347,9 +1167,6 @@ msgstr "Neutron core_plugin yapılandırılmamış!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Neutron eklenti sağlayıcı modülü"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron kota sürücü sınıf"
#, python-format
msgid "No eligible l3 agent associated with external network %s found"
msgstr "%s harici ağıyla ilişkilendirilmiş uygun l3 ajanı bulunamadı"
@ -1388,9 +1205,6 @@ msgstr ""
"büyükse, zamanlayıcı verilen bir kiracı ağa otomatik olarak birden çok DHCP "
"ajanı atar, ve DHCP servisi için yüksek kullanılabilirlik sağlar."
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "Servis için RPC işçi süreçlerinin sayısı"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr "Metadata sunucu soketinin yapılandırılacağı birikmiş isteklerin sayısı"
@ -1719,9 +1533,6 @@ msgstr ""
"agent_down_time'dan az olmalı, en iyisi agent_down_time'ın yarısı ya da daha "
"azı olmasıdır."
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "Devresel görevleri çalıştırma arasındaki saniye"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -1900,14 +1711,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Ayırma havuzu %(pool)s %(subnet_cidr)s alt ağ cidr'inin ötesine uzanıyor."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr ""
"'%(attr)s' özniteliği başka kaynağa referans, '%(resource)s' sıralama "
"tarafından kullanılamaz"
msgid "The core plugin Neutron will use"
msgstr "Neutron'un kullanacağı çekirdek eklenti"
@ -2232,18 +2035,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP kimlik doğrulama parolası"
msgid "VRRP authentication type"
msgstr "VRRP kimlik doğrulama türü"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"Sözlük anahtarlarının doğrulanması başarısız. Beklenen anahtarlar: "
"%(expected_keys)s Sağlanan anahtarlar: %(provided_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "Onaylayan '%s' mevcut değil."
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "'%(mapping)s' eşleştirmesindeki %(value)s değeri benzersiz değil"
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "%(branch)s HEAD 文件与迁移时间线头不匹配,需要:%(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s: 内部驱动错误。"
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s 不是有效的 %(type)s 标识"
@ -108,18 +104,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s 失败。"
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s“%(addr)s”与 ip_version“%(ip_version)s”不匹配"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s 必须在 %(range)s 范围内。"
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "在 %s 处于脱机方式时,无法对其进行调用"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "%s 对于 sort_key 是无效属性"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "%s 对于 sort_keys 是无效属性"
@ -128,10 +116,6 @@ msgstr "%s 对于 sort_keys 是无效属性"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s 不是一个有效的标签"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "必须指定 %s"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s 必须实现 get_port_from_device 或 get_ports_from_devices。"
@ -164,54 +148,14 @@ msgstr ""
"“%(data)s”包含“%(length)s”个字符。添加子域将导致它超出 FQDN 的最大长"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "“%(data)s”超过最大长度 %(max_len)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "“%(data)s”并非已接受 IP 地址。建议使用“%(ip)s”"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "“%(data)s”没有在 %(valid_values)s 中"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 太大 - 必须不能大于 '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 太小 - 必须至少 '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 不是一个可识别的IP子网CIDR, 建议'%(cidr)s' "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "“%(data)s”不是有效的 PQDN 或 FQDN。原因:%(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' 不是合法的nameserver %(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s' 不允许空白字符串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "无法将“%s”转换为布尔值"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "无法将“%s”转换为小写字符串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' 包含空格"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "“%s”超过了 255 个字符这一 FQDN 限制"
@ -224,70 +168,18 @@ msgstr "“%s”为 FQDN。它应该是相对域名"
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "“%s”并非 FQDN"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "“%s”不是字典"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "“%s”不是列表"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "“%s”是无效 IP 地址"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "“%s”是无效 IP 子网"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "“%s”是无效 MAC 地址"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 RBAC 对象类型"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "“%s”是无效 UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' 不是一个有效的布尔值"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "“%s”不是有效的输入"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "“%s”是无效字符串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "“%s”不是整数"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "“%s”不是整数或 uuid"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "“%s”没有采用格式 <键>=[值]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "“%s”不支持进行过滤"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "“%s”必须为一个非负十进制数。"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "“%s”应该为非负"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "未实现“.”搜索"
@ -308,11 +200,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "0不允许作为CIDR前缀长度"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr "32 位 BGP 标识,通常是运行 BGP DrAgent 的系统所拥有的 IPv4 地址。"
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "必须指定 QoS 驱动程序"
@ -333,20 +220,9 @@ msgid ""
"default may exist per IP family"
msgstr "已对此 IP 系列设置缺省子网池。对于每个 IP 系列,只能有一个缺省子网池。"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"物理网络至 MTU 值的映射的列表。映射的格式为 <physnet>:<mtu val>。此映射允许指"
"定不同于缺省 segment_mtu 值的物理网络 MTU 值。"
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "必须指定测量驱动程序"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "使用 auth_type md5 时,必须提供密码。"
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "用于为 Neutron 高级服务检索服务提供程序的 API"
@ -396,9 +272,6 @@ msgstr "代理 %(id)s 不是 L3 代理或已禁用"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "代理 %(id)s 是无效 DHCP 代理或已禁用"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "代理程序已苏醒"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -471,19 +344,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Neutron 路由器。在此情况下,不会在 VM 中插入 DHCP 选项 121,因为它们能够通过"
"路由器到达。此选项要求 enable_isolated_metadata = True。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"已托管对应 local_as=%(current_as)d 和 router_id=%(rtid)s 的 BGP Speaker。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr "托管的 BGP Speaker 已达到最大数目。允许安排数为 %(count)d"
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "已存在带有这些值的 RBAC 策略。"
@ -508,9 +368,6 @@ msgstr ""
"要从 neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers 名称空间装入的联网机制驱动程序入口点的已排"
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "发生了意外内部错误。"
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "发生未知错误。请再次尝试您的请求。"
@ -521,10 +378,6 @@ msgstr "同步进程未重新衍生"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "在 POST 中,不允许属性“%s”"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "不受支持的认证类型。请求的类型为 %(auth_type)s。"
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "管理员上下文中要指定的连接授权 URL"
@ -545,54 +398,6 @@ msgstr "找不到 AvailabilityZone %(availability_zone)s。"
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "可用的命令"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"未添加对应 remote_as=%(remote_as)s 且正针对 BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d 运行"
"的 BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s 已配置为与 BGP Peer(位于 %(peer_ip)s)同级。"
"它不能与 BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s 同级。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"尚未添加对应 local_as=%(local_as)s 和 router_id=%(rtid)s 的 BGP Speaker。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr "BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s 未与 BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s 关联。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "未认证 BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "找不到 BGP Peer %(id)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr "BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s 未由 BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s 托管。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "找不到 BGP Speaker %(id)s。"
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "要实例化的 BGP Speaker 驱动程序类。"
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "后端不支持 VLAN 透明。"
@ -620,18 +425,6 @@ msgstr ""
"用于 dnsmasq 日志记录的基本日志目录。日志包含 DHCP 和 DNS 日志信息,对于调试 "
"DHCP 或 DNS 存在的问题很有用。如果此部分为空,请禁用 dnsmasq 日志。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s 已与 BGP Speaker 相关联。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s 无效或已禁用。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent 已更新:%s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "主体中包含无效数据"
@ -853,24 +646,6 @@ msgstr ""
"vfs_to_exclude 是要从 network_device 中排除的虚拟功能的分号分隔列表。映射中"
"的 network_vlan_ranges 应出现在 physical_device_mappings 列表中。"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"<physical_network>:<bridge> 元组的逗号分隔列表,这些元组将物理网络名称映射至"
"代理程序的特定于节点的 Open vSwitch 网桥名(将用于平面网络和 VLAN 网络)。网"
"桥名称的长度不应超过 11。每个网桥必须存在,并且应具有配置为端口的物理网络接"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1028,9 +803,6 @@ msgstr ""
"的情况下调用创建子网操作时使用的池。请参阅 default_ipv4_subnet_pool 的描述以"
"获取更多信息。此选项已不推荐使用,将在 N 发行版中移除。"
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "存在要用于配额检查的缺省驱动程序"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "缺省外部网络必须共享给每个人。"
@ -1177,16 +949,9 @@ msgstr ""
"用于 IPv6 前缀授权的驱动程序。这需要是 neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers 名称空"
"间中定义的入口点。请参阅 setup.cfg 以了解 Neutron 源随附的入口点。"
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "用于对 BGP DrAgent 调度 BGP Speaker 的驱动程序"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr "要用来发送更新通知的驱动程序列表"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "IP 地址“%s”重复"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1205,18 +970,6 @@ msgstr "POST 中的安全组规则重复。"
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "检测到重复地址。"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "主机路由“%s”重复"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "列表“%s”中的项重复"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "名称服务器“%s”重复"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "请求中的段条目重复。"
@ -1245,9 +998,6 @@ msgstr "空的物理网络名。"
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "子网池前缀列表为空。"
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "请启用 FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "为虚拟路由器启用HA模式。"
@ -1283,25 +1033,6 @@ msgstr ""
"选择 admin_state_up 为 False 的代理进行自动调度。但是,如果此选项为 True,那"
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"启用阻止符合以下条件的 APR 响应的功能:这些响应与属于发出这些响应的端口的 IP "
"地址不匹配。 注意:这可避免附加至此代理程序的 VM 遭受电子诈骗,它无法保护 VM "
"抵御来自能够进行电子诈骗的其他设备(例如,裸机或附加至未将此标记设置为 True "
"的代理程序的 VM)的攻击。系统不会将电子诈骗规则添加至已禁用端口安全性的任何端"
"口。对于 LinuxBridge,这需要 ebtables。对于 OVS,它需要支持匹配 ARP 头的版"
"本。此选项在 Newton 中将被移除,所以禁用保护的唯一方法将是通过端口安全性扩展"
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1354,10 +1085,6 @@ msgstr "强制使用拆分分支文件结构。"
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "尝试执行该操作时发生错误 %(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "导入 FWaaS 设备驱动程序时出错:%s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "解析 dns 地址 %s 时出错"
@ -1441,11 +1168,6 @@ msgstr "无法将外部网络 %(net_id)s 更新为非外部网络,因为它包
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "找不到 ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr "FWaaS 插件是在服务器端配置的,但 FWaaS 在L3 代理中被禁用。"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr "重新安排路由器 %(router_id)s 失败:找不到合格 L3 代理。"
@ -1657,12 +1379,6 @@ msgstr "在子网 %(subnet_id)s 中已分配 IP 地址 %(ip)s"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP 地址 %(ip)s 不属于子网 %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr "对于所指定网络上的任何子网,IP 地址 %(ip_address)s 不是有效 IP。"
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Nova 元数据服务器使用的 IP 地址。"
@ -1855,30 +1571,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "认证类型 %(auth_type)s 无效,以下是有效类型:%(valid_auth_types)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "无效内容类型:%(content_type)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "IP 池的数据格式无效:“%s”"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "extra-dhcp-opt 的数据格式无效:%(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "固定 IP 的数据格式无效:“%s”"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "主机路由“%s”的数据格式无效"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "名称服务器“%s”的数据格式无效"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "ethertype %(ethertype)s 对协议 %(protocol)s 无效。"
@ -1899,12 +1595,6 @@ msgstr "格式无效:%s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "输入对于 %(attr)s 无效。原因:%(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr "输入无效。“%(target_dict)s”必须是具有以下键的字典:%(expected_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr "实例状态 %(state)s 无效,以下是有效状态:%(valid_states)s"
@ -1967,13 +1657,6 @@ msgstr ""
"用来标记元数据有效请求的 Iptables mangle 标记。将使用 0xffff 来屏蔽此标记,以"
"便将仅使用低位的 16 位。"
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"在当前资源配额使用量的数据库中保存跟踪。那些不利用 Neutron 数据库的插件应将此"
"标志设置为 False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "保持活动的未重新衍生"
@ -2032,9 +1715,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "VXLAN 端点的本地 IP 地址。"
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "隧道端点的本地 IP 地址。"
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "元数据代理 UNIX 域套接字的位置。"
@ -2125,23 +1805,6 @@ msgstr "每个子网的最大主机路由数"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "每个路由器的最大路由数目"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"可遍历底层物理网络基础设施而无需分段的 IP 包 (MTU) 的最大大小。对于使用独立/"
"专用网络的实例,neutron 从此值减去重叠网络开销,并将其提供给基于 DHCP 选项 "
"26 的实例。例如,如果使用值 9000,那么 DHCP 提供 8950 给使用包含 50 字节开销"
"的 VXLAN 网络的实例。如果使用值 0,那么将禁用此功能部件,并且实例通常缺省为使"
"用 1500 MTU。此项仅影响实例,不影响网桥和路由器之类的网络组件。"
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2188,13 +1851,6 @@ msgstr "radvd.conf 的 MinRtrAdvInterval 设置"
msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr "请通过监视 ovsdb 以获取接口更改来最大程度地减少轮询。"
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"将对其调度 HA 路由器的 L3 代理程序的最小数目。如果设置为 0,那么将对每个代理"
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "映射中缺少键:“%s”"
@ -2284,9 +1940,6 @@ msgid ""
"Name of nova region to use. Useful if keystone manages more than one region."
msgstr "要使用的 nova 区域的名称。如果 keystone 管理多个区域,那么这很有用。"
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "FWaaS 驱动程序的名称"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "路由器名字空间"
@ -2308,24 +1961,6 @@ msgstr "不支持为负数的增量修订版(降级)"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "不支持为负数的相关修订版(降级)"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "网络 %(network_id)s 已绑定至 BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "网络 %(network_id)s 未与 BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s 关联。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "网络 %(network_id)s 未绑定至 BgpSpeaker。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "网络 %(network_id)s 未绑定至 IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "网络 %s 中不包含任何 IPv4 子网"
@ -2377,9 +2012,6 @@ msgstr "未配置 Neutron core_plugin!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Neutron 插件提供程序模块"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron 配额驱动程序类"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "必须对 first_ip 或 last_ip 指定新值。"
@ -2445,12 +2077,6 @@ msgstr ""
"已调度的主管租户网络的 DHCP 代理数。如果此数目大于 1,那么调度程序会自动为所"
"给定的租户网络分配多个 DHCP 代理,从而为 DHCP 服务提供高可用性。"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "专用于状态报告队列的 RPC 工作程序进程数"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "针对服务的RPC执行程序编号。"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr "关于配置元数据服务器套接字的储备请求数"
@ -2599,10 +2225,6 @@ msgstr "POST 请求在此资源上不受支持。"
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "未安装软件包 %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "参数 %(param)s 必须为 %(param_type)s 类型。"
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "解析 bridge_mappings 失败:%s。"
@ -2613,10 +2235,6 @@ msgstr "解析受支持的 pci_vendor_devs 失败"
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "管理员上下文中要指定的连接密码"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "未对认证类型 %(auth_type)s 指定密码。"
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "此进程的 PID 文件的路径"
@ -2898,10 +2516,6 @@ msgstr "在可能的情况下,要使用的 Root Helper 守护程序应用程
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "删除特权需要 root 用户许可权。"
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr "未针对 BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d 通告路由 %(cidr)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "路由器 %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -2981,9 +2595,6 @@ msgstr ""
"节点向服务器报告状态的间隔秒数;应该小于 agent_down_time,最好小于 "
"agent_down_time 或是它的一半。"
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "运行定期任务之间的秒数"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3245,12 +2856,6 @@ msgid ""
"The allocation pool %(pool)s spans beyond the subnet cidr %(subnet_cidr)s."
msgstr "分配池 %(pool)s 范围超出子网 cidr %(subnet_cidr)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr "属性“%(attr)s”是对其他资源的引用,无法由排序“%(resource)s”使用"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -3788,18 +3393,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP认证类型"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "VXLAN 网络不受支持。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
"对字典的键进行的验证失败。期望的键是 %(expected_keys)s,提供的键是 "
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "验证器“%s”不存在。"
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "映射“%(mapping)s”中的值 %(value)s 不唯一"
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron 8.0.1.dev189\n"
"Project-Id-Version: neutron\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 05:07+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-06 07:43+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "%(branch)s HEAD 檔與移轉時間表表頭不符,預期為:%(head)s"
#, python-format
msgid "%(driver)s: Internal driver error."
msgstr "%(driver)s:內部驅動程式錯誤。"
#, python-format
msgid "%(id)s is not a valid %(type)s identifier"
msgstr "%(id)s 不是有效的 %(type)s ID"
@ -101,18 +97,10 @@ msgstr "%(method)s 失敗。"
msgid "%(name)s '%(addr)s' does not match the ip_version '%(ip_version)s'"
msgstr "%(name)s '%(addr)s' 與 ip_version '%(ip_version)s' 不符"
#, python-format
msgid "%(param)s must be in %(range)s range."
msgstr "%(param)s 必須在 %(range)s 範圍內。"
#, python-format
msgid "%s cannot be called while in offline mode"
msgstr "當 %s 處於離線模式時,無法對其進行呼叫"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_key"
msgstr "對於 sort_key 來說,%s 是無效的屬性"
#, python-format
msgid "%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys"
msgstr "對於 sort_key 來說,%s 是無效的屬性"
@ -121,10 +109,6 @@ msgstr "對於 sort_key 來說,%s 是無效的屬性"
msgid "%s is not a valid VLAN tag"
msgstr "%s 不是有效的 VLAN 標籤"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must be specified"
msgstr "必須指定 %s"
#, python-format
msgid "%s must implement get_port_from_device or get_ports_from_devices."
msgstr "%s 必須實作 get_port_from_device 或 get_ports_from_devices。"
@ -157,54 +141,14 @@ msgstr ""
"'%(data)s' 包含 '%(length)s' 個字元。新增子網域將導致它超出 FQDN 長度上限 "
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 超出 %(max_len)s 的長度上限"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not an accepted IP address, '%(ip)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 不是可接受的 IP 位址,建議使用 '%(ip)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 不在 %(valid_values)s 中"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 太大 - 不得大於 '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least '%(limit)d'"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 太小 - 必須至少為 '%(limit)d'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr, '%(cidr)s' is recommended"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 不是可以辨識的 IP 子網路 CIDR,建議使用 '%(cidr)s'"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(data)s' not a valid PQDN or FQDN. Reason: %(reason)s"
msgstr "'%(data)s' 不是有效的 PQDN 或 FQDN。原因:%(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%(host)s' is not a valid nameserver. %(msg)s"
msgstr "'%(host)s' 不是有效的命名伺服器。%(msg)s"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' Blank strings are not permitted"
msgstr "'%s',不允許空白字串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to boolean"
msgstr "無法將 '%s' 轉換為布林值"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be converted to lowercase string"
msgstr "'%s' 無法轉換為小寫字串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' contains whitespace"
msgstr "'%s' 包含空格"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' exceeds the 255 character FQDN limit"
msgstr "'%s' 超過了 255 字元 FQDN 限制"
@ -217,70 +161,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' 是 FQDN。它應該是相對網域名稱"
msgid "'%s' is not a FQDN"
msgstr "'%s' 不是 FQDN"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a dictionary"
msgstr "'%s' 不是字典"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a list"
msgstr "'%s' 不是清單"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 IP 位址"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP subnet"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 IP 子網路"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 MAC 位址"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid RBAC object type"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 RBAC 物件類型"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid boolean value"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的布林值"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid input"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的輸入"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid string"
msgstr "'%s' 不是有效字串"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer"
msgstr "'%s' 不是整數"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not an integer or uuid"
msgstr "'%s' 不是整數或 UUID"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]"
msgstr "'%s' 的格式不是 <key>=[value]"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not supported for filtering"
msgstr "'%s' 不支援過濾"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' must be a non negative decimal."
msgstr "'%s' 必須是非負小數。"
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' should be non-negative"
msgstr "'%s' 應該為非負數"
msgid "'.' searches are not implemented"
msgstr "未實作 '.' 搜尋"
@ -301,11 +193,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "0 is not allowed as CIDR prefix length"
msgstr "不接受 0 作為 CIDR 字首長度"
msgid ""
"32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running "
"the BGP DrAgent."
msgstr "32 位元 BGP ID,通常是執行 BGP DrAgent 之系統所擁有的 IPv4 位址。"
msgid "A QoS driver must be specified"
msgstr "必須指定服務品質驅動程式"
@ -326,20 +213,9 @@ msgid ""
"default may exist per IP family"
msgstr "已經設定了此 IP 系列的預設子網路儲存區。每個 IP 系列只能存在一個預設值"
msgid ""
"A list of mappings of physical networks to MTU values. The format of the "
"mapping is <physnet>:<mtu val>. This mapping allows specifying a physical "
"network MTU value that differs from the default segment_mtu value."
msgstr ""
"實體網路與 MTU 值的對映清單。對映格式為<physnet>:<mtu val>。此對映容許指定不"
"同於預設 segment_mtu 值的實體網路 MTU 值。"
msgid "A metering driver must be specified"
msgstr "必須指定計量驅動程式"
msgid "A password must be supplied when using auth_type md5."
msgstr "使用 auth_type MD5 時,必須提供密碼。"
msgid "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
msgstr "此 API 用於擷取 Neutron 進階服務的服務提供者"
@ -389,9 +265,6 @@ msgstr "代理程式 %(id)s 不是 L3 代理程式或者已停用"
msgid "Agent %(id)s is not a valid DHCP Agent or has been disabled"
msgstr "代理程式 %(id)s 不是有效的 DHCP 代理程式或者已停用"
msgid "Agent has just been revived"
msgstr "代理程式剛剛恢復"
msgid ""
"Agent starts with admin_state_up=False when enable_new_agents=False. In the "
"case, user's resources will not be scheduled automatically to the agent "
@ -465,19 +338,6 @@ msgstr ""
"們能夠透過路由器呼叫到。這個選項需要 "
"enable_isolated_metadata = True。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting BGP Speaker for local_as=%(current_as)d with router_id="
msgstr ""
"針對包含 router_id=%(rtid)s 的 local_as=%(current_as)d,已經管理 BGP 喇叭。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Already hosting maximum number of BGP Speakers. Allowed scheduled count="
msgstr "所管理的 BGP 喇叭數目已經達到上限。所容許的已排程計數 = %(count)d"
msgid "An RBAC policy already exists with those values."
msgstr "包含那些值的 RBAC 原則已經存在。"
@ -502,9 +362,6 @@ msgstr ""
"要從 neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers 名稱空間載入的網路機制驅動程式進入點有序清"
msgid "An unexpected internal error occurred."
msgstr "發生非預期的內部錯誤。"
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again."
msgstr "發生不明錯誤。請重試要求。"
@ -515,10 +372,6 @@ msgstr "同步程序未再次大量產生"
msgid "Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST"
msgstr "POST 中不接受屬性 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication type not supported. Requested type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "鑑別類型不受支援。要求的類型 = %(auth_type)s。"
msgid "Authorization URL for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "用於連接以在管理環境定義中指定的授權 URL"
@ -539,54 +392,6 @@ msgstr "找不到可用性區域 %(availability_zone)s。"
msgid "Available commands"
msgstr "可用的指令"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(remote_as)s, running for BGP Speaker "
"%(speaker_as)d not added yet."
msgstr ""
"針對 remote_as=%(remote_as)s,尚未新增針對 BGP 喇叭 %(speaker_as)d 執行的 "
"BGP 對等項 %(peer_ip)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is already configured to peer with a BGP Peer "
"at %(peer_ip)s, it cannot peer with BGP Peer %(bgp_peer_id)s."
msgstr ""
"BGP 喇叭 %(bgp_speaker_id)s 已經配置成與 %(peer_ip)s 處的 BGP 對等項對等,它"
"無法與 %(bgp_peer_id)s 處的 BGP 對等項對等。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP Speaker for local_as=%(local_as)s with router_id=%(rtid)s not added yet."
msgstr ""
"針對包含 router_id=%(rtid)s 的 local_as=%(local_as)s,尚未新增 BGP 喇叭。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker "
msgstr "BGP 對等項 %(bgp_peer_id)s 未與 BGP 喇叭 %(bgp_speaker_id)s 建立關聯。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(bgp_peer_id)s not authenticated."
msgstr "BGP 對等項 %(bgp_peer_id)s 沒有進行鑑別。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP peer %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "找不到 BGP 對等項 %(id)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s is not hosted by the BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s."
msgstr "BGP 喇叭 %(bgp_speaker_id)s 不由 BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s 進行管理。"
#, python-format
msgid "BGP speaker %(id)s could not be found."
msgstr "找不到 BGP 喇叭 %(id)s。"
msgid "BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated."
msgstr "要實例化的 BGP 喇叭驅動程式類別。"
msgid "Backend does not support VLAN Transparency."
msgstr "後端不支援 VLAN 透通性。"
@ -614,18 +419,6 @@ msgstr ""
"DHCP 或 DNS 方面的問題進行除錯時很有用。如果此區段是空值,則將停用 dnsmasq 日"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s is already associated to a BGP speaker."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(agent_id)s 已經與 BGP 喇叭建立關聯。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent %(id)s is invalid or has been disabled."
msgstr "BgpDrAgent %(id)s 無效,或者已停用。"
#, python-format
msgid "BgpDrAgent updated: %s"
msgstr "BgpDrAgent 已更新:%s"
msgid "Body contains invalid data"
msgstr "內文包含無效資料"
@ -847,24 +640,6 @@ msgstr ""
"vfs_to_exclude 是要從 network_device 中排除之虛擬函數的分號區隔清單。對映中"
"的 network_device 應該出現在 physical_device_mappings 清單中。"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<bridge> tuples mapping physical "
"network names to the agent's node-specific Open vSwitch bridge names to be "
"used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no "
"more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network "
"interface configured as a port. All physical networks configured on the "
"server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent. Note: If "
"you remove a bridge from this mapping, make sure to disconnect it from the "
"integration bridge as it won't be managed by the agent anymore. Deprecated "
"for ofagent."
msgstr ""
"實體網路名稱與要用於平面網路及 VLAN 網路之代理程式節點專用 Open vSwitch 橋接"
"器名稱的 <physical_network>:<bridge> 值組對映清單(使用逗點區隔)。橋接器名稱"
"的長度不應超過 11。每一個橋接器都必須存在,並且應該已配置一個實體網路介面作為"
"將不再由代理程式進行管理。已針對 OF 代理程式淘汰。"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<network_device> tuples mapping "
"physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network device "
@ -1024,9 +799,6 @@ msgstr ""
"區,以便於在沒有子網路儲存區 ID 的情況下呼叫建立子網路。如需相關資訊,請參閱 "
"default_ipv4_subnet_pool 的說明。這個選項已遭到淘汰,以在 N 版本中予以移除。"
msgid "Default driver to use for quota checks"
msgstr "要用於配額檢查的預設驅動程式"
msgid "Default external networks must be shared to everyone."
msgstr "必須將預設外部網路與所有使用者共用。"
@ -1171,16 +943,9 @@ msgstr ""
"用於 IPv6 字首委派的驅動程式。這需要是 neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers 中定義"
"的一個進入點。請參閱 setup.cfg,以取得Neutron 來源隨附的進入點。"
msgid "Driver used for scheduling BGP speakers to BGP DrAgent"
msgstr "用於將 BGP 喇叭排程至 BGP DrAgent 的驅動程式"
msgid "Drivers list to use to send the update notification"
msgstr "用於傳送更新通知的驅動程式清單"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate IP address '%s'"
msgstr "重複的 IP 位址 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate L3HARouterAgentPortBinding is created for router(s) %(router)s. "
@ -1199,18 +964,6 @@ msgstr "POST 中的安全群組規則重複。"
msgid "Duplicate address detected"
msgstr "偵測到重複位址"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate hostroute '%s'"
msgstr "重複的主機路徑 '%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate items in the list: '%s'"
msgstr "清單中的重複項目:'%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Duplicate nameserver '%s'"
msgstr "重複的名稱伺服器 '%s'"
msgid "Duplicate segment entry in request."
msgstr "要求中的區段項目重複。"
@ -1239,9 +992,6 @@ msgstr "空的實體網路名稱。"
msgid "Empty subnet pool prefix list."
msgstr "空的子網路儲存區字首清單。"
msgid "Enable FWaaS"
msgstr "啟用 FWaaS"
msgid "Enable HA mode for virtual routers."
msgstr "啟用虛擬路由器的 HA 模式。"
@ -1277,24 +1027,6 @@ msgstr ""
"取 admin_state_up 為 False的代理程式以進行自動排程。但如果此選項為 True,則可"
msgid ""
"Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that "
"belongs to the port from which they originate. Note: This prevents the VMs "
"attached to this agent from spoofing, it doesn't protect them from other "
"devices which have the capability to spoof (e.g. bare metal or VMs attached "
"to agents without this flag set to True). Spoofing rules will not be added "
"to any ports that have port security disabled. For LinuxBridge, this "
"requires ebtables. For OVS, it requires a version that supports matching ARP "
"headers. This option will be removed in Newton so the only way to disable "
"protection will be via the port security extension."
msgstr ""
"容許抑制與 IP 位址不符的 ARP 回應,該 IP 位址屬於這些回應所源自的埠。附註:這"
"會防止盜用已連接至此代理程式的 VM,它不會保護這些代理程式被具備功能的其他裝置"
"盜用(例如:裸機或已連接至代理程式且未將此旗標設定為 True 的 VM)。盜用規則將"
"不被新增至已停用埠安全的任何埠。針對 LinuxBridge,這需要 ebtables。針對 OVS,"
"它需要支援相符 ARP 標頭的版本。這個選項將在 Newton 中予以移除,因此透過埠安全"
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable log watch by metadata proxy. It should be disabled when "
"metadata_proxy_user/group is not allowed to read/write its log file and "
@ -1348,10 +1080,6 @@ msgstr "使用分割分支檔案結構來施行。"
msgid "Error %(reason)s while attempting the operation."
msgstr "嘗試執行作業時發生錯誤 %(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s"
msgstr "匯入 FWaaS 裝置驅動程式時發生錯誤:%s"
#, python-format
msgid "Error parsing dns address %s"
msgstr "剖析 DNS 位址 %s 時發生錯誤"
@ -1434,11 +1162,6 @@ msgstr "無法將外部網路 %(net_id)s 更新成非外部網路,因為它具
msgid "ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s could not be found"
msgstr "找不到 ExtraDhcpOpt %(id)s"
msgid ""
"FWaaS plugin is configured in the server side, but FWaaS is disabled in L3-"
msgstr "FWaaS 外掛程式已在伺服器端進行配置,但在 L3 代理程式中已停用 FWaaS。"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed rescheduling router %(router_id)s: no eligible l3 agent found."
msgstr "無法重新排定路由器 %(router_id)s:找不到適用的 L3 代理程式。"
@ -1652,12 +1375,6 @@ msgstr "IP 位址 %(ip)s 已經在子網路 %(subnet_id)s 中得到配置"
msgid "IP address %(ip)s does not belong to subnet %(subnet_id)s"
msgstr "IP 位址 %(ip)s 不屬於子網路 %(subnet_id)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the "
"specified network."
msgstr "IP 位址 %(ip_address)s 不是所指定網路上任何子網路的有效 IP。"
msgid "IP address used by Nova metadata server."
msgstr "Nova meta 資料伺服器所使用的 IP 位址。"
@ -1851,30 +1568,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "無效的鑑別類型:%(auth_type)s,有效的類型為:%(valid_auth_types)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid content type %(content_type)s."
msgstr "無效的內容類型 %(content_type)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'"
msgstr "IP 儲存區的資料格式無效:'%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for extra-dhcp-opt: %(data)s"
msgstr "extra-dhcp-opt 的資料格式無效:%(data)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'"
msgstr "固定 IP 的資料格式無效:'%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'"
msgstr "主機路徑的資料格式無效:'%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'"
msgstr "名稱伺服器的資料格式無效:'%s'"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid ethertype %(ethertype)s for protocol %(protocol)s."
msgstr "通訊協定 %(protocol)s 的乙太網路類型 %(ethertype)s 無效。"
@ -1895,13 +1592,6 @@ msgstr "無效的格式:%s"
msgid "Invalid input for %(attr)s. Reason: %(reason)s."
msgstr "%(attr)s 的輸入無效。原因:%(reason)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary with keys: "
msgstr ""
"無效的輸入。'%(target_dict)s' 必須是含有下列索引鍵的字典:%(expected_keys)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid instance state: %(state)s, valid states are: %(valid_states)s"
msgstr "無效的實例狀態:%(state)s,有效的狀態為:%(valid_states)s"
@ -1965,13 +1655,6 @@ msgstr ""
"用於標示 meta 資料有效要求的 iptables 破壞標記。此標記將以 0xffff 進行遮罩,"
"以便只使用較低的 16 位元。"
msgid ""
"Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which "
"do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False"
msgstr ""
"保持追蹤資料庫中的現行 resourcequota 使用情形。不利用Neutron 資料庫的外掛程式"
"應該將此旗標設定為 False"
msgid "Keepalived didn't respawn"
msgstr "Keepalived 未再次大量產生"
@ -2030,9 +1713,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Local IP address of the VXLAN endpoints."
msgstr "VXLAN 端點的本端 IP 位址。"
msgid "Local IP address of tunnel endpoint."
msgstr "通道端點的本端 IP 位址。"
msgid "Location for Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket."
msgstr "meta 資料 Proxy UNIX 網域 Socket 的位置"
@ -2124,23 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "每個子網路的主機路徑數目上限"
msgid "Maximum number of routes per router"
msgstr "每個路由器的路徑數目上限"
msgid ""
"Maximum size of an IP packet (MTU) that can traverse the underlying physical "
"network infrastructure without fragmentation. For instances using a self-"
"service/private network, neutron subtracts the overlay protocol overhead "
"from this value and provides it to instances via DHCP option 26. For "
"example, using a value of 9000, DHCP provides 8950 to instances using a "
"VXLAN network that contains 50 bytes of overhead. Using a value of 0 "
"disables this feature and instances typically default to a 1500 MTU. Only "
"impacts instances, not neutron network components such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"可遍訪基礎實體網路基礎架構而無需片段化的 IP 封包 (MTU) 大小上限。針對使用自"
"助/專用網路的實例,Neutron 從此值中扣除套版通訊協定額外負擔,並透過 DHCP 選"
"項 26 將其提供給實例。例如,使用值 9000 時,DHCP 向使用 VXLAN 網路(包含 50 "
"個位元組的額外負擔)的實例提供 8950。使用值 0 可停用此功能,並且實例通常預設"
"為 1500 MTU。只影響實例,不影響 Neutron 網路元件(例如橋接器和路由器)。"
msgid ""
"Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket mode, 4 values allowed: 'deduce': deduce "
"mode from metadata_proxy_user/group values, 'user': set metadata proxy "
@ -2187,13 +1850,6 @@ msgstr "radvd.conf 的 MinRtrAdvInterval 設定"
msgid "Minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes."
msgstr "透過監視 OVSDB 是否有介面變更,將輪詢減至最少。"
msgid ""
"Minimum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be scheduled on. If it is "
"set to 0 then the router will be scheduled on every agent."
msgstr ""
"將在其中排程 HA 路由器的 L3 代理程式數目下限。如果將其設為 0,則將在每一個代"
#, python-format
msgid "Missing key in mapping: '%s'"
msgstr "對映中遺漏了索引鍵:'%s'"
@ -2282,9 +1938,6 @@ msgid ""
"Name of nova region to use. Useful if keystone manages more than one region."
msgstr "要使用的 Nova 區域名稱。如果 Keystone 管理多個區域,則很有用。"
msgid "Name of the FWaaS Driver"
msgstr "FWaaS 驅動程式的名稱"
msgid "Namespace of the router"
msgstr "路由器名稱空間"
@ -2306,24 +1959,6 @@ msgstr "不支援負數差異(降級)"
msgid "Negative relative revision (downgrade) not supported"
msgstr "不支援負面的相對修訂(降級)"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is already bound to BgpSpeaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "網路 %(network_id)s 已連結至 BGP 喇叭 %(bgp_speaker_id)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Network %(network_id)s is not associated with BGP speaker %(bgp_speaker_id)s."
msgstr "網路 %(network_id)s 未與 BGP 喇叭 %(bgp_speaker_id)s 建立關聯。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "網路 %(network_id)s 未連結至 BGP 喇叭。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %(network_id)s is not bound to a IPv%(ip_version)s BgpSpeaker."
msgstr "網路 %(network_id)s 未連結至 IPv%(ip_version)s BGP 喇叭。"
#, python-format
msgid "Network %s does not contain any IPv4 subnet"
msgstr "網路 %s 不包含任何 IPv4 子網路"
@ -2375,9 +2010,6 @@ msgstr "未配置 Neutron core_plugin!"
msgid "Neutron plugin provider module"
msgstr "Neutron 外掛程式提供者模組"
msgid "Neutron quota driver class"
msgstr "Neutron 配額驅動程式類別"
msgid "New value for first_ip or last_ip has to be specified."
msgstr "必須指定 first_ip 或 last_ip 的新值。"
@ -2443,12 +2075,6 @@ msgstr ""
"已排程管理承租人網路的 DHCP 代理程式數目。如果此數目大於 1,則排程器會自動為"
"給定的承租人網路指派多個 DHCP 代理程式,為 DHCP 服務提供高可用性。"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue"
msgstr "專用於說明報告佇列的 RPC 工作者處理程序數目"
msgid "Number of RPC worker processes for service"
msgstr "服務的 RPC 工作者處理程序數目"
msgid "Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with"
msgstr "要配置給 meta 資料伺服器 Socket 的待辦事項要求數目"
@ -2597,10 +2223,6 @@ msgstr "此資源上不支援 POST 要求。"
msgid "Package %s not installed"
msgstr "未安裝套件 %s"
#, python-format
msgid "Parameter %(param)s must be of %(param_type)s type."
msgstr "參數 %(param)s 必須是 %(param_type)s 類型。"
#, python-format
msgid "Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s."
msgstr "剖析 bridge_mappings 時失敗:%s。"
@ -2611,10 +2233,6 @@ msgstr "剖析受支援的 pci_vendor_devs 失敗"
msgid "Password for connecting to designate in admin context"
msgstr "用於連接以在管理環境定義中指定的密碼"
#, python-format
msgid "Password not specified for authentication type=%(auth_type)s."
msgstr "針對鑑別類型 = %(auth_type)s,未指定密碼。"
msgid "Path to PID file for this process"
msgstr "用於此程序的 PID 檔案路徑"
@ -2896,10 +2514,6 @@ msgstr "可能時要使用的根說明程式常駐程式應用程式。"
msgid "Root permissions are required to drop privileges."
msgstr "需要 root 權限才能捨棄專用權。"
#, python-format
msgid "Route %(cidr)s not advertised for BGP Speaker %(speaker_as)d."
msgstr "未針對 BGP 喇叭 %(speaker_as)d 通告路徑 %(cidr)s。"
#, python-format
msgid "Router %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
msgstr "路由器 %(router_id)s %(reason)s"
@ -2979,9 +2593,6 @@ msgstr ""
"兩個節點將狀態報告給伺服器的間隔秒數;應該小於 agent_down_time;如果是 "
"agent_down_time 的一半或者小於 agent_down_time,則最佳。"
msgid "Seconds between running periodic tasks"
msgstr "執行定期作業的間隔秒數"
msgid ""
"Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice "
"report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good."
@ -3248,12 +2859,6 @@ msgid ""
"The allocation pool %(pool)s spans beyond the subnet cidr %(subnet_cidr)s."
msgstr "配置儲存區 %(pool)s 跨越了子網路 CIDR %(subnet_cidr)s。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The attribute '%(attr)s' is reference to other resource, can't used by sort "
msgstr "屬性 '%(attr)s' 是對其他資源的參照,無法由排序 '%(resource)s' 使用"
msgid ""
"The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. The first 3 octets will "
"remain unchanged. If the 4th octet is not 00, it will also be used. The "
@ -3799,18 +3404,6 @@ msgstr "VRRP 鑑別類型"
msgid "VXLAN network unsupported."
msgstr "不支援 VXLAN 網路。"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Validation of dictionary's keys failed. Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s"
msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid "Validator '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "驗證器 '%s' 不存在。"
#, python-format
msgid "Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not unique"
msgstr "對映 '%(mapping)s' 中的值 %(value)s 不是唯一的"
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