  - |
    Neutron now locates the root resource provider of the resource provider
    tree it creates by using the hypervisor name instead of the hostname.
    These are different in rare cases only. The hypervisor name can be set
    per physical network device in config option
    ``resource_provider_hypervisors`` which is located in the ``[ovs]``
    ini-section for ``ovs-agent`` and ``[sriov_nic]`` ini-section for
    ``sriov-agent``. Hypervisor names default to ``socket.gethostname()``
    which works out of the box with ``libvirt`` even when the ``DEFAULT.host``
    config option is set to a non-default value. We believe this change fixes
    `bug 1853840 <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853840>`_.
  - |
    For users affected by `bug 1853840
    <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853840>`_ the hypervisor name
    now can be set per physical network device in config option
    ``resource_provider_hypervisors`` which is located in the ``[ovs]``
    ini-section for ``ovs-agent`` and ``[sriov_nic]`` ini-section for
    ``sriov-agent``. Hypervisor names default to ``socket.gethostname()``
    which works out of the box with ``libvirt`` even when the
    ``DEFAULT.host`` config option is set to a non-default value.