====================== Plug-in configurations ====================== For configurations options, see `Networking configuration options `__ in Configuration Reference. These sections explain how to configure specific plug-ins. Configure Big Switch (Floodlight REST Proxy) plug-in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and add this line: .. code-block:: ini core_plugin = bigswitch #. In the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file, set the ``service_plugins`` option: .. code-block:: ini service_plugins = neutron.plugins.bigswitch.l3_router_plugin.L3RestProxy #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/bigswitch/restproxy.ini`` file for the plug-in and specify a comma-separated list of controller\_ip:port pairs: .. code-block:: ini server = CONTROLLER_IP:PORT For database configuration, see `Install Networking Services `__ in the Installation Tutorials and Guides. (The link defaults to the Ubuntu version.) #. Restart the ``neutron-server`` to apply the settings: .. code-block:: console # service neutron-server restart Configure Brocade plug-in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Install the Brocade-modified Python netconf client (ncclient) library, which is available at https://github.com/brocade/ncclient: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/brocade/ncclient #. As root, run this command: .. code-block:: console # cd ncclient;python setup.py install #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and set the following option: .. code-block:: ini core_plugin = brocade #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/brocade/brocade.ini`` file for the Brocade plug-in and specify the admin user name, password, and IP address of the Brocade switch: .. code-block:: ini [SWITCH] username = ADMIN password = PASSWORD address = SWITCH_MGMT_IP_ADDRESS ostype = NOS For database configuration, see `Install Networking Services `__ in any of the Installation Tutorials and Guides in the `OpenStack Documentation index `__. (The link defaults to the Ubuntu version.) #. Restart the ``neutron-server`` service to apply the settings: .. code-block:: console # service neutron-server restart Configure NSX-mh plug-in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The instructions in this section refer to the VMware NSX-mh platform, formerly known as Nicira NVP. #. Install the NSX plug-in: .. code-block:: console # apt-get install python-vmware-nsx #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and set this line: .. code-block:: ini core_plugin = vmware Example ``neutron.conf`` file for NSX-mh integration: .. code-block:: ini core_plugin = vmware rabbit_host = allow_overlapping_ips = True #. To configure the NSX-mh controller cluster for OpenStack Networking, locate the ``[default]`` section in the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini`` file and add the following entries: - To establish and configure the connection with the controller cluster you must set some parameters, including NSX-mh API endpoints, access credentials, and optionally specify settings for HTTP timeouts, redirects and retries in case of connection failures: .. code-block:: ini nsx_user = ADMIN_USER_NAME nsx_password = NSX_USER_PASSWORD http_timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT # (seconds) default 75 seconds retries = HTTP_REQUEST_RETRIES # default 2 redirects = HTTP_REQUEST_MAX_REDIRECTS # default 2 nsx_controllers = API_ENDPOINT_LIST # comma-separated list To ensure correct operations, the ``nsx_user`` user must have administrator credentials on the NSX-mh platform. A controller API endpoint consists of the IP address and port for the controller; if you omit the port, port 443 is used. If multiple API endpoints are specified, it is up to the user to ensure that all these endpoints belong to the same controller cluster. The OpenStack Networking VMware NSX-mh plug-in does not perform this check, and results might be unpredictable. When you specify multiple API endpoints, the plug-in takes care of load balancing requests on the various API endpoints. - The UUID of the NSX-mh transport zone that should be used by default when a project creates a network. You can get this value from the Transport Zones page for the NSX-mh manager: Alternatively the transport zone identifier can be retrieved by query the NSX-mh API: ``/ws.v1/transport-zone`` .. code-block:: ini default_tz_uuid = TRANSPORT_ZONE_UUID - .. code-block:: ini default_l3_gw_service_uuid = GATEWAY_SERVICE_UUID .. warning:: Ubuntu packaging currently does not update the neutron init script to point to the NSX-mh configuration file. Instead, you must manually update ``/etc/default/neutron-server`` to add this line: .. code-block:: ini NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG = /etc/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini For database configuration, see `Install Networking Services `__ in the Installation Tutorials and Guides. #. Restart ``neutron-server`` to apply settings: .. code-block:: console # service neutron-server restart .. warning:: The neutron NSX-mh plug-in does not implement initial re-synchronization of Neutron resources. Therefore resources that might already exist in the database when Neutron is switched to the NSX-mh plug-in will not be created on the NSX-mh backend upon restart. Example ``nsx.ini`` file: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] default_tz_uuid = d3afb164-b263-4aaa-a3e4-48e0e09bb33c default_l3_gw_service_uuid=5c8622cc-240a-40a1-9693-e6a5fca4e3cf nsx_user=admin nsx_password=changeme nsx_controllers=, .. note:: To debug :file:`nsx.ini` configuration issues, run this command from the host that runs neutron-server: .. code-block:: console # neutron-check-nsx-config PATH_TO_NSX.INI This command tests whether ``neutron-server`` can log into all of the NSX-mh controllers and the SQL server, and whether all UUID values are correct. Configure PLUMgrid plug-in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and set this line: .. code-block:: ini core_plugin = plumgrid #. Edit the [PLUMgridDirector] section in the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/plumgrid/plumgrid.ini`` file and specify the IP address, port, admin user name, and password of the PLUMgrid Director: .. code-block:: ini [PLUMgridDirector] director_server = "PLUMgrid-director-ip-address" director_server_port = "PLUMgrid-director-port" username = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-username" password = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-password" For database configuration, see `Install Networking Services `__ in the Installation Tutorials and Guides. #. Restart the ``neutron-server`` service to apply the settings: .. code-block:: console # service neutron-server restart