Michael Krotscheck 3d7ef0400e Added Keystone and RequestID headers to CORS middleware
CORS middleware's latent configuration feature, new in 3.0.0,
allows adding headers that apply to all valid origins.
This patch adds headers commonly used in openstack to neutron's paste
pipeline, so that operators do not have to be aware of additional
configuration magic to ensure that browsers can talk to the API.

For more information:

Change-Id: Ic08fcb7833563bbeca3e0ba2d03438d4be594418
2016-01-14 09:32:48 -08:00

38 lines
1.3 KiB

use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/: neutronversions
/v2.0: neutronapi_v2_0
use = call:neutron.auth:pipeline_factory
noauth = cors request_id catch_errors extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0
keystone = cors request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestId.factory
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:CatchErrors.factory
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = neutron
latent_allow_headers = X-Auth-Token, X-Identity-Status, X-Roles, X-Service-Catalog, X-User-Id, X-Tenant-Id, X-OpenStack-Request-ID
latent_expose_headers = X-Auth-Token, X-Subject-Token, X-Service-Token, X-OpenStack-Request-ID
latent_allow_methods = GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH
paste.filter_factory = neutron.auth:NeutronKeystoneContext.factory
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = neutron.api.extensions:plugin_aware_extension_middleware_factory
paste.app_factory = neutron.api.versions:Versions.factory
paste.app_factory = neutron.api.v2.router:APIRouter.factory