Release notes are version independent, so remove version/release values. We've found that projects now require the service package to be installed in order to build release notes, and this is entirely due to the current convention of pulling in the version information. Release notes should not need installation in order to build, so this unnecessary version setting needs to be removed. This is needed for new release notes publishing, see I56909152975f731a9d2c21b2825b972195e48ee8 and the discussion starting at http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-November/124480.html . Change-Id: I63745a207ba9123b34d2323d00b22e8cbdd253dd
Neutron Release Notes Howto
Release notes are a new feature for documenting new features in OpenStack projects. Background on the process, tooling, and methodology is documented in a mailing list post by Doug Hellmann.
Writing release notes
For information on how to create release notes, please consult the reno documentation.
Please keep the following in your mind when you write release notes.
- Avoid using "prelude" section for individual release notes. "prelude" section is for general comments about the release.
- Use one entry per section (like "feature" or "upgrade"). All entries which belong to a same release will be merged and rendered, so there is less meaning to use multiple entries by a single topic.
Maintaining release notes
Avoid modifying an existing release note file even though it is related to your change. If you modify a release note file of a past release, the whole content will be shown in a latest release. The only allowed case is to update a release note in a same release.
If you need to update a release note of a past release, edit a corresponding release note file in a stable branch directly.