The new task format was introduced recently. It unifies different sections and tries to make the things a bit simpler. Rally task consists of subtasks. Their amount should be at least one. The subtask is a group of workloads. Soon, it will be possible to define a single SLA for all workloads in a subtask and even more - use once executed contexts for workloads (i.e. create temporary users, network not for each workload but for a group of them). The workload is a combination of different plugins to be executed for a test. The most important are Scenario plugin (what will be executed in each iteration), runner (how the load should be generated) and contexts (what resources should be precreated before the workload). One scenario with different runners/contexts can create different load. To distinguish them the new section "description" of workload was introduced. It allows to add a custom description for a workload which will be dispayed in the report files. In case of missing "description" section, the description of scenario will be taken. Also, I need to mention that "failure_rate: 0" SLA is a default now, so there is no need to specify it. Change-Id: If99e8c722d9ccb18b8b9d7e12214e76e483a2016
Rally job related files
This directory contains rally tasks and plugins that are run by OpenStack CI.
- plugins - directory where you can add rally plugins. Almost everything in Rally is a plugin. Benchmark context, Benchmark scenario, SLA checks, Generic cleanup resources, ....
- extra - all files from this directory will be copy pasted to gates, so you are able to use absolute paths in rally tasks. Files will be located in ~/.rally/extra/*
- neutron-neutron.yaml is a task that is run in gates against OpenStack with Neutron Service deployed by DevStack
Useful links
- More about Rally: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Rally release notes: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/project_info/release_notes/archive.html
- How to add rally-gates: http://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start/gates.html
- About plugins: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/index.html
- Plugin samples: https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/samples/plugins