Georgina Shippey 68664a9dc1 Config updates for elk 7.x
Updated ELK config files to elk 7.x reference samples, bringing over
existing customisation from elk_metrics_6x.

Removed deprecated use of --pipeline in elastic_beat_setup/tasks/main.yml,
--pipeline is no longer a valid cli argument.

Updated logstash-pipelines and removed the dynamic insertion of the date into
index names. This function is now done with the new ILM feature in elasticsearch
rather than logstash.

Installation of each beat creates an ILM policy for that beat and this patch
does not change the default policy. It is possible that the default policy
will exhaust the available storage and future work needs to be done to address

The non-beat elements of the logstash pipeline (syslog, collectd and others)
are not yet updated to be compatible with ILM.

Change-Id: I735b64c2b7b93e23562f35266134a176a00af1b7
2019-08-05 07:47:35 +00:00

103 lines
4.2 KiB

# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
temp_dir: /var/lib/logstash/tmp
logstash_pipelines: "{{lookup('template', 'logstash-pipelines.yml.j2') }}"
# Set processor cores fact
q_storage: 1
# Set logstash facts
logstash_queue_size: "{{ ((((q_storage | int) >= 2) | ternary(q_storage, 2) | int) * 1024) // ((logstash_pipelines | from_yaml) | length) }}"
elastic_log_rotate_path: "/var/log/logstash"
# Enable direct syslog input into logstash. When this is enabled syslog messages
# can be sent directly to logstash via TCP or UDP.
logstash_syslog_input_enabled: false
# The typical syslog port is 514 however that is not available to logstash
# because it's a "privledged" port. For this reason 5140 is used as the default.
# Changing this port to 514 will require overrides to the service files making
# logstash run as root (not recommended).
logstash_syslog_input_port: 5140
# Protocol used when the syslog input is enabled. Modes are "tcp" or "udp".
logstash_syslog_input_mode: udp
logstash_beat_input_port: 5044
logstash_deploy_filters: true
## Logstash config showing a complete kafka setup using SSL for authentication.
# logstash_kafka_options:
# codec: json
# topic_id: "elk_kafka"
# ssl_key_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password }}"
# ssl_keystore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password }}"
# ssl_keystore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location | basename }}"
# ssl_truststore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location | basename }}"
# ssl_truststore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password }}"
# bootstrap_servers:
# - server1.local:9092
# - server2.local:9092
# - server3.local:9092
# client_id: "elk_metrics_7x"
# compression_type: "gzip"
# security_protocol: "SSL"
## The following variables are options that correspond to the
## `logstash_kafka_options` variable.
# logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location: "/root/kafka/keystore.jks"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location: "/root/kafka/truststore.jks"
## Setup servers that read events from the Smart Connector directly. This
## supports multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
## smart connector.
# logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors:
# - host:
# port: 5000
logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors: []
## Setup servers to read events from the Eevnt Broker Stream. This
## multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
## for the event brokers.
# logstash_arcsight_event_brokers:
# - host:
# port: 5000
logstash_arcsight_event_brokers: []
## The logstash queue type can be set to "memory" or "persisted". If the queue
## type is set to memory a ramdisk will be created limiting the in memory queue
## to 50% of the JVM heap size. When this option is undefined the playbook will
## detect the media type where the queue will exist. If the media type is
## "rotational" in memory queues will be used.
# logstash_queue_type:
# Set the logstash search heap size. If this option is undefined the value will
# be derived automatically using 1/4 of the available RAM for logstash and 1/2
# of the available RAM for elasticsearch. The value is expected to be in MiB.
# logstash_heap_size: 10240 # type `int`
# Collectd ingestion options
logstash_collectd_input_enabled: false
logstash_collectd_port: 25826
logstash_collectd_buffer_size: 1452
# Security level can be ["Sign", "Encrypt"].
logstash_collectd_security_level: Sign
# To enable security the auth file is required.
#logstash_collectd_authfile: /etc/collectd/passwd