Templates for the beat config files have been updated to allow more configuration options to be passed through to the associated Elasticsearch index templates. In particular, one can optionally specify values of index_template_max_docvalue_search to be set at the creation of the beat index template. This can prevent shard failure errors when viewing output in Kibana relating to "Trying to retrieve too many docvalue_fields". Any similar config options can in future be passed into the template via the elastic_beat_settings object. Change-Id: Ic9136c8e063bbd231ed280bb446661b251879407
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146 lines
6.6 KiB
{% import 'templates/_macros.j2' as elk_macros %}
######################## APM Server Configuration #############################
############################# APM Server ######################################
# Defines the host and port the server is listening on
host: "{{ apm_interface }}:{{ apm_port }}"
# Maximum permitted size in bytes of an unzipped request accepted by the server to be processed.
#max_unzipped_size: 52428800
# Maximum permitted size in bytes of a request's header accepted by the server to be processed.
#max_header_size: 1048576
# Maximum permitted duration in seconds for reading an entire request.
#read_timeout: 2s
# Maximum permitted duration in seconds for writing a response.
#write_timeout: 2s
# Maximum duration in seconds before releasing resources when shutting down the server.
#shutdown_timeout: 5s
# Maximum number of requests permitted to be sent to the server concurrently.
#concurrent_requests: 40
# Authorization token to be checked. If a token is set here the agents must
# send their token in the following format: Authorization: Bearer <secret-token>.
# It is recommended to use an authorization token in combination with SSL enabled.
secret_token: {{ apm_token }}
#ssl.enabled: false
#ssl.certificate : "path/to/cert"
#ssl.key : "path/to/private_key"
# Please be aware that frontend support is an experimental feature at the moment!
# To enable experimental frontend support set this to true.
enabled: true
# Rate limit per second and IP address for requests sent to the frontend endpoint.
#rate_limit: 10
# Comma separated list of permitted origins for frontend. User-agents will send
# a origin header that will be validated against this list.
# An origin is made of a protocol scheme, host and port, without the url path.
# Allowed origins in this setting can have * to match anything (eg.: http://*.example.com)
# If an item in the list is a single '*', everything will be allowed
#allow_origins : ['*']
# Regexp to be matched against a stacktrace frame's `file_name` and `abs_path` attributes.
# If the regexp matches, the stacktrace frame is considered to be a library frame.
#library_pattern: "node_modules|bower_components|~"
# Regexp to be matched against a stacktrace frame's `file_name`.
# If the regexp matches, the stacktrace frame is not used for calculating error groups.
# The default pattern excludes stacktrace frames that have
# - a filename starting with '/webpack'
#exclude_from_grouping: "^/webpack"
# If a source map has previously been uploaded, source mapping is automatically applied
# to all error and transaction documents sent to the frontend endpoint.
# Source maps are are fetched from Elasticsearch and then kept in an in-memory cache for a certain time.
# The `cache.expiration` determines how long a source map should be cached before fetching it again from Elasticsearch.
# Note that values configured without a time unit will be interpreted as seconds.
#expiration: 5m
# Source maps are stored in the same index as transaction and error documents.
# If the default index pattern at 'outputs.elasticsearch.index' is changed,
# a matching index pattern needs to be specified here.
#index_pattern: "apm-*"
#================================ General ======================================
# Internal queue configuration for buffering events to be published.
# Queue type by name (default 'mem')
# The memory queue will present all available events (up to the outputs
# bulk_max_size) to the output, the moment the output is ready to server
# another batch of events.
# Max number of events the queue can buffer.
#events: 4096
# Hints the minimum number of events stored in the queue,
# before providing a batch of events to the outputs.
# A value of 0 (the default) ensures events are immediately available
# to be sent to the outputs.
#flush.min_events: 2048
# Maximum duration after which events are available to the outputs,
# if the number of events stored in the queue is < min_flush_events.
#flush.timeout: 1s
# Sets the maximum number of CPUs that can be executing simultaneously. The
# default is the number of logical CPUs available in the system.
#================================ Outputs ======================================
# Configure what output to use when sending the data collected by the beat.
#----------------------------- Logstash output ---------------------------------
{{ elk_macros.output_elasticsearch(inventory_hostname, elasticsearch_data_hosts) }}
#================================= Paths ======================================
# The home path for the apm-server installation. This is the default base path
# for all other path settings and for miscellaneous files that come with the
# distribution (for example, the sample dashboards).
# If not set by a CLI flag or in the configuration file, the default for the
# home path is the location of the binary.
# The configuration path for the apm-server installation. This is the default
# base path for configuration files, including the main YAML configuration file
# and the Elasticsearch template file. If not set by a CLI flag or in the
# configuration file, the default for the configuration path is the home path.
#path.config: ${path.home}
# The data path for the apm-server installation. This is the default base path
# for all the files in which apm-server needs to store its data. If not set by a
# CLI flag or in the configuration file, the default for the data path is a data
# subdirectory inside the home path.
#path.data: ${path.home}/data
# The logs path for a apm-server installation. This is the default location for
# the Beat's log files. If not set by a CLI flag or in the configuration file,
# the default for the logs path is a logs subdirectory inside the home path.
#path.logs: ${path.home}/logs
#============================== Dashboards =====================================
{{ elk_macros.setup_dashboards('apm') }}
#=============================== Template ======================================
{{ elk_macros.setup_template('apm', inventory_hostname, data_nodes, elasticsearch_beat_settings) }}
#============================== Kibana =====================================
{% if (groups['kibana'] | length) > 0 %}
{{ elk_macros.setup_kibana(hostvars[groups['kibana'][0]]['ansible_host'] ~ ':' ~ kibana_port) }}
{% endif %}
#================================ Logging ======================================
{{ elk_macros.beat_logging('apm-server') }}