Cleanup files and templates using smart sources
The files and templates we carry are almost always in a state of maintenance. The upstream services are maintaining these files and there's really no reason we need to carry duplicate copies of them. This change removes all of the files we expect to get from the upstream service. while the focus of this change is to remove configuration file maintenance burdens it also allows the role to execute faster. * Source installs have the configuration files within the venv at "<<VENV_PATH>>/etc/<<SERVICE_NAME>>". The role will now link the default configuration path to this directory. When the service is upgraded the link will move to the new venv path. * Distro installs package all of the required configuration files. To maintain our current capabilities to override configuration the role will fetch files from the disk whenever an override is provided and then push the fetched file back to the target using `config_template`. Depends-On: Change-Id: Ib7d8039513bc2581cf7bc0e2e73aa8ab5da82235 Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# nova-rootwrap command filters for api-metadata nodes
# This is needed on nova-api hosts running with "metadata" in enabled_apis
# or when running nova-api-metadata
# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-save' % (cmd, '-t', ...
iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root
ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-restore' % (cmd,)
iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root
ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
# nova-rootwrap command filters for compute nodes
# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'blockdev', '--getsize64', path
# nova/virt/disk/mount/ 'blockdev', '--flushbufs', device
blockdev: RegExpFilter, blockdev, root, blockdev, (--getsize64|--flushbufs), /dev/.*
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'tuntap', 'add', dev, 'mode', 'tap'
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'up'
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'link', 'delete', dev
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', str(floating_ip)+'/32'i..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del', str(floating_ip)+'/32'..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', '',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', dev, 'scope',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del/add', ip_params, dev)
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del', params, fields[-1]
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', params, bridge
# nova/network/ 'ip', '-f', 'inet6', 'addr', 'change', ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', dev, 'promisc',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'add', 'link', bridge_if ...
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', interface, address,..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', bridge, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', interface, ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, address, ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'add', ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'del', .
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'show', 'dev', dev
ip: CommandFilter, ip, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'tunctl', '-b', '-t', dev
# nova/network/ 'tunctl', '-b', '-t', dev
tunctl: CommandFilter, tunctl, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ovs-vsctl', ...
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ovs-vsctl', 'del-port', ...
# nova/network/ 'ovs-vsctl', ....
ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
# nova/network/ 'ivs-ctl', ....
ivs-ctl: CommandFilter, ivs-ctl, root
# nova/network/ 'ovs-ofctl', ....
ovs-ofctl: CommandFilter, ovs-ofctl, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ 'iscsiadm', '-m', ...
iscsiadm: CommandFilter, iscsiadm, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/volume/ 'aoe-revalidate', aoedev
# nova/virt/libvirt/volume/ 'aoe-discover'
aoe-revalidate: CommandFilter, aoe-revalidate, root
aoe-discover: CommandFilter, aoe-discover, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ 'pygrub', '-qn', dev_path
pygrub: CommandFilter, pygrub, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ fdisk %(dev_path)s
fdisk: CommandFilter, fdisk, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ e2fsck, -f, -p, partition_path
# nova/virt/disk/ e2fsck, -f, -p, image
e2fsck: CommandFilter, e2fsck, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ resize2fs, partition_path
# nova/virt/disk/ resize2fs, image
resize2fs: CommandFilter, resize2fs, root
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-save' % (cmd, '-t', ...
iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root
ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-restore' % (cmd,)
iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root
ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root
# nova/network/ 'arping', '-U', floating_ip, '-A', '-I', ...
# nova/network/ 'arping', '-U', network_ref['dhcp_server'],..
arping: CommandFilter, arping, root
# nova/network/ 'dhcp_release', dev, address, mac_address
dhcp_release: CommandFilter, dhcp_release, root
# nova/network/ 'kill', '-9', pid
# nova/network/ 'kill', '-HUP', pid
kill_dnsmasq: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP
# nova/network/ 'kill', pid
kill_radvd: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/radvd
# nova/network/ dnsmasq call
dnsmasq: EnvFilter, env, root, CONFIG_FILE=, NETWORK_ID=, dnsmasq
# nova/network/ 'radvd', '-C', '%s' % _ra_file(dev, 'conf'..
radvd: CommandFilter, radvd, root
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'addbr', bridge
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'setfd', bridge, 0
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'stp', bridge, 'off'
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'addif', bridge, interface
brctl: CommandFilter, brctl, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'mkswap'
# nova/virt/xenapi/ 'mkswap'
mkswap: CommandFilter, mkswap, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/ 'mkfs'
# nova/ 'mkfs', fs, path, label
mkfs: CommandFilter, mkfs, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'qemu-img'
qemu-img: CommandFilter, qemu-img, root
# nova/virt/disk/
mkfs.ext3: CommandFilter, mkfs.ext3, root
mkfs.ext4: CommandFilter, mkfs.ext4, root
mkfs.ntfs: CommandFilter, mkfs.ntfs, root
# os-brick needed commands
read_initiator: ReadFileFilter, /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
multipath: CommandFilter, multipath, root
# multipathd show status
multipathd: CommandFilter, multipathd, root
systool: CommandFilter, systool, root
vgc-cluster: CommandFilter, vgc-cluster, root
# os_brick/initiator/
drv_cfg: CommandFilter, /opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg, root, /opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg, --query_guid
# TODO(smcginnis) Temporary fix.
# Need to pull in os-brick os-brick.filters file instead and clean
# out stale brick values from this file.
scsi_id: CommandFilter, /lib/udev/scsi_id, root
# os_brick.privileged.default oslo.privsep context
# This line ties the superuser privs with the config files, context name,
# and (implicitly) the actual python code invoked.
privsep-rootwrap-os_brick: RegExpFilter, privsep-helper, root, privsep-helper, --config-file, /etc/(?!\.\.).*, --privsep_context, os_brick.privileged.default, --privsep_sock_path, /tmp/.*
privsep-rootwrap-sys_admin: RegExpFilter, privsep-helper, root, privsep-helper, --config-file, /etc/(?!\.\.).*, --privsep_context, nova.privsep.sys_admin_pctxt, --privsep_sock_path, /tmp/.*
# nova/virt/libvirt/storage/
cryptsetup: CommandFilter, cryptsetup, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/
xenstore-read: CommandFilter, xenstore-read, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/
rbd: CommandFilter, rbd, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/volume/ 'cp', '/dev/stdin', delete_control..
cp: CommandFilter, cp, root
# nova/virt/xenapi/
sync: CommandFilter, sync, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/volume/
pstorage-mount: CommandFilter, pstorage-mount, root
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
# nova-rootwrap command filters for network nodes
# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'tuntap', 'add', dev, 'mode', 'tap'
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'up'
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ip', 'link', 'delete', dev
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', str(floating_ip)+'/32'i..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del', str(floating_ip)+'/32'..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', '',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', dev, 'scope',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del/add', ip_params, dev)
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'del', params, fields[-1]
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', params, bridge
# nova/network/ 'ip', '-f', 'inet6', 'addr', 'change', ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', dev, 'promisc',..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'add', 'link', bridge_if ...
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', interface, address,..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', bridge, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', interface, ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, address, ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'up'
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'add', ..
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'del', .
# nova/network/ 'ip', 'route', 'show', 'dev', dev
ip: CommandFilter, ip, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ovs-vsctl', ...
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ovs-vsctl', 'del-port', ...
# nova/network/ 'ovs-vsctl', ....
ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
# nova/network/ 'ovs-ofctl', ....
ovs-ofctl: CommandFilter, ovs-ofctl, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ivs-ctl', ...
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ivs-ctl', 'del-port', ...
# nova/network/ 'ivs-ctl', ....
ivs-ctl: CommandFilter, ivs-ctl, root
# nova/virt/libvirt/ 'ifc_ctl', ...
ifc_ctl: CommandFilter, /opt/pg/bin/ifc_ctl, root
# nova/network/ 'ebtables', '-D' ...
# nova/network/ 'ebtables', '-I' ...
ebtables: CommandFilter, ebtables, root
ebtables_usr: CommandFilter, ebtables, root
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-save' % (cmd, '-t', ...
iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root
ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root
# nova/network/ 'ip[6]tables-restore' % (cmd,)
iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root
ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root
# nova/network/ 'arping', '-U', floating_ip, '-A', '-I', ...
# nova/network/ 'arping', '-U', network_ref['dhcp_server'],..
arping: CommandFilter, arping, root
# nova/network/ 'dhcp_release', dev, address, mac_address
dhcp_release: CommandFilter, dhcp_release, root
# nova/network/ 'kill', '-9', pid
# nova/network/ 'kill', '-HUP', pid
kill_dnsmasq: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP
# nova/network/ 'kill', pid
kill_radvd: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/radvd
# nova/network/ dnsmasq call
dnsmasq: EnvFilter, env, root, CONFIG_FILE=, NETWORK_ID=, dnsmasq
# nova/network/ 'radvd', '-C', '%s' % _ra_file(dev, 'conf'..
radvd: CommandFilter, radvd, root
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'addbr', bridge
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'setfd', bridge, 0
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'stp', bridge, 'off'
# nova/network/ 'brctl', 'addif', bridge, interface
brctl: CommandFilter, brctl, root
# nova/network/ 'sysctl', ....
sysctl: CommandFilter, sysctl, root
# nova/network/ 'conntrack'
conntrack: CommandFilter, conntrack, root
# nova/network/ 'fp-vdev'
fp-vdev: CommandFilter, fp-vdev, root
@ -35,26 +35,6 @@
- "Restart nova services"
- "venv changed"
# Note (odyssey4me):
# The policy.json file is currently read continually by the services
# and is not only read on service start. We therefore cannot template
# directly to the file read by the service because the new policies
# may not be valid until the service restarts. This is particularly
# important during a major upgrade. We therefore only put the policy
# file in place after the service has been stopped.
- name: Copy new policy file into place
src: "/etc/nova/policy.json-{{ nova_venv_tag }}"
dest: "/etc/nova/policy.json"
owner: "root"
group: "{{ nova_system_group_name }}"
mode: "0640"
remote_src: yes
- "Restart nova services"
- "venv changed"
- name: Start services
name: "{{ item.service_name }}"
@ -25,42 +25,19 @@
- nova-config
- nova-post-install
- name: Generate nova config
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
owner: "root"
# NOTE(cloudnull): This task is required to copy rootwrap filters that we need
# and nova does not provide by default.
- name: Create aux nova dir
path: "{{ item.path | default(omit) }}"
state: "directory"
owner: "{{ item.owner|default(nova_system_user_name) }}"
group: "{{|default(nova_system_group_name) }}"
mode: "0640"
config_overrides: "{{ item.config_overrides }}"
config_type: "{{ item.config_type }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode | default(omit) }}"
- src: "nova.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/nova.conf"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_nova_conf_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- src: "rootwrap.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_rootwrap_conf_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- src: "api-paste.ini.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/api-paste.ini"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_api_paste_ini_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- src: "vendor_data.json.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/vendor_data.json"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_vendor_data_overrides }}"
config_type: "json"
- src: "policy.json.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/policy.json-{{ nova_venv_tag }}"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_policy_overrides }}"
config_type: "json"
- Manage LB
- Restart nova services
- nova-config
- nova-post-install
- path: "/etc/nova/rootwrap.d"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
- name: Copy nova rootwrap filter config
@ -77,6 +54,78 @@
- nova-config
- nova-post-install
- name: Generate nova config
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
owner: "root"
group: "{{|default(nova_system_group_name) }}"
mode: "0640"
config_overrides: "{{ item.config_overrides }}"
config_type: "{{ item.config_type }}"
- src: "nova.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/nova.conf"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_nova_conf_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- src: "vendor_data.json.j2"
dest: "/etc/nova/vendor_data.json"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_vendor_data_overrides }}"
config_type: "json"
- Manage LB
- Restart nova services
- nova-config
- nova-post-install
- name: Implement policy.json if there are overrides configured
content: "{{ nova_policy_overrides | to_nice_json }}"
dest: "/etc/nova/policy.json"
- nova_policy_overrides != {}
# NOTE(cloudnull): This is using "cp" instead of copy with a remote_source
# because we only want to copy the original files once. and we
# don't want to need multiple tasks.
- name: Preserve original configuration file(s)
command: "cp {{ item.target_f }} {{ item.target_f }}.original"
creates: "{{ item.target_f }}.original"
with_items: "{{ nova_core_files }}"
- name: Fetch override files
src: "{{ item.target_f }}"
dest: "{{ item.tmp_f }}"
flat: yes
changed_when: false
run_once: true
with_items: "{{ nova_core_files }}"
- name: Copy common config
src: "{{ item.tmp_f }}"
dest: "{{ item.target_f }}"
owner: "root"
group: "{{ | default(nova_system_group_name) }}"
mode: "0640"
config_overrides: "{{ item.config_overrides }}"
config_type: "{{ item.config_type }}"
with_items: "{{ nova_core_files }}"
- Restart nova services
- name: Cleanup fetched temp files
path: "{{ item.tmp_f }}"
state: absent
changed_when: false
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
with_items: "{{ nova_core_files }}"
- name: Remove nova-compute config
path: /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf
@ -61,28 +61,68 @@
- nova-dirs
# NOTE(cloudnull): During an upgrade the local directory may exist on a source
# install. If the directory does exist it will need to be
# removed. This is required on source installs because the
# config directory is a link.
- name: Source config block
- name: Stat config directory
path: "/etc/nova"
register: nova_conf_dir_stat
- name: Remove the config directory
path: "/etc/nova"
state: absent
- nova_conf_dir_stat.stat.isdir is defined and
- nova_install_method == 'source'
- name: Create nova dir
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: directory
path: "{{ item.path | default(omit) }}"
src: "{{ item.src | default(omit) }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest | default(omit) }}"
state: "{{ item.state | default('directory') }}"
owner: "{{ item.owner|default(nova_system_user_name) }}"
group: "{{|default(nova_system_group_name) }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode|default('0755') }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode | default('0755') }}"
force: "{{ item.force | default(omit) }}"
- "item.path not in nova_mount_points"
- (item.condition | default(true)) | bool
- item.path not in nova_mount_points
- { path: "/openstack", owner: "root", group: "root" }
- { path: "/etc/nova", mode: "0750" }
- { path: "/etc/nova/rootwrap.d", owner: "root", group: "root" }
- { path: "/etc/sudoers.d", mode: "0750", owner: "root", group: "root" }
- { path: "/var/cache/nova" }
- { path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}" }
- { path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/.ssh", mode: "0700" }
- { path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/cache/api" }
- { path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/instances" }
- { path: "{{ nova_libvirt_save_path }}", mode: "0750" }
- { path: "{{ nova_lock_path }}" }
- { path: "/var/run/nova" }
- path: "/openstack"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
- path: "{{ (nova_install_method == 'distro') | ternary('/etc/nova', (nova_bin | dirname) + '/etc/nova') }}"
mode: "0755"
# NOTE(cloudnull): The "src" path is relative. This ensures all files remain
# within the host/container confines when connecting to
# them using the connection plugin or the root filesystem.
- dest: "/etc/nova"
src: "{{ nova_bin | dirname | regex_replace('^/', '../') }}/etc/nova"
state: link
force: true
condition: "{{ nova_install_method == 'source' }}"
- path: "/etc/sudoers.d"
mode: "0750"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
- path: "/var/cache/nova"
- path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}"
- path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/.ssh"
mode: "0700"
- path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/cache/api"
- path: "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}/instances"
- path: "{{ nova_libvirt_save_path }}"
mode: "0750"
- path: "{{ nova_lock_path }}"
- path: "/var/run/nova"
- nova-dirs
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# Metadata #
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/: meta
pipeline = cors metaapp
paste.app_factory = nova.api.metadata.handler:MetadataRequestHandler.factory
# OpenStack #
use = call:nova.api.openstack.urlmap:urlmap_factory
/: oscomputeversions
# v21 is an exactly feature match for v2, except it has more stringent
# input validation on the wsgi surface (prevents fuzzing early on the
# API). It also provides new features via API microversions which are
# opt into for clients. Unaware clients will receive the same frozen
# v2 API feature set, but with some relaxed validation
/v2: openstack_compute_api_v21_legacy_v2_compatible
/v2.1: openstack_compute_api_v21
use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory_v21
noauth2 = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi compute_req_id faultwrap request_log sizelimit osprofiler noauth2 osapi_compute_app_v21
keystone = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi compute_req_id faultwrap request_log sizelimit osprofiler authtoken keystonecontext osapi_compute_app_v21
use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory_v21
noauth2 = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi compute_req_id faultwrap request_log sizelimit osprofiler noauth2 legacy_v2_compatible osapi_compute_app_v21
keystone = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi compute_req_id faultwrap request_log sizelimit osprofiler authtoken keystonecontext legacy_v2_compatible osapi_compute_app_v21
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack.requestlog:RequestLog.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.compute_req_id:ComputeReqIdMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack:FaultWrapper.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack.auth:NoAuthMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.profiler:WsgiMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestBodySizeLimiter.factory
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.http_proxy_to_wsgi:HTTPProxyToWSGI.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack:LegacyV2CompatibleWrapper.factory
paste.app_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute:APIRouterV21.factory
pipeline = cors faultwrap request_log http_proxy_to_wsgi oscomputeversionapp
paste.app_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute.versions:Versions.factory
# Shared #
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = nova
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.auth:NovaKeystoneContext.factory
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# Configuration for nova-rootwrap
# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
# List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ',').
# These directories MUST all be only writeable by root !
# List of directories to search executables in, in case filters do not
# explicitly specify a full path (separated by ',')
# If not specified, defaults to system PATH environment variable.
# These directories MUST all be only writeable by root !
exec_dirs={{ nova_bin }},/sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/sbin,/usr/local/bin
# Enable logging to syslog
# Default value is False
# Which syslog facility to use.
# Valid values include auth, authpriv, syslog, local0, local1...
# Default value is 'syslog'
# Which messages to log.
# INFO means log all usage
# ERROR means only log unsuccessful attempts
@ -38,3 +38,21 @@ nova_mount_points: |-
{% set _ = mps.append(mp.local_path) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ mps }}
filters_path: "/etc/nova/rootwrap.d,/usr/share/nova/rootwrap"
exec_dirs: "{{ nova_bin }},/sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/local/sbin"
- tmp_f: "/tmp/api-paste.ini"
target_f: "/etc/nova/api-paste.ini"
config_overrides: "{{ nova_api_paste_ini_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- tmp_f: "/tmp/rootwrap.conf"
target_f: "/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf"
config_overrides: "{{ _nova_rootwrap_conf_overrides | combine(nova_rootwrap_conf_overrides, recursive=True) }}"
config_type: "ini"
owner: "root"
group: "{{ nova_system_group_name }}"
mode: "0640"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user