The openstack service uris protocol variables were not being used to set the Trove specific uris. This resulted in 'http' always being used for the public, admin, and internal uris even when 'https' was intended. Change-Id: I8a1fd0a851b932f8ee853866155e968824ed5fb8
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171 lines
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# Copyright 2016 Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# (c) 2016 Donovan Francesco <donovan.francesco@is.co.za>
# (c) 2016 Paul Stevens <paul.stevens@is.co.za>
trove_package_state: "latest"
trove_pip_package_state: "latest"
debug: false
trove_system_group_name: trove
trove_system_user_name: trove
trove_system_user_comment: Trove System User
trove_system_user_shell: /bin/false
trove_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ trove_system_user_name }}"
trove_log_directory: /var/log/trove
trove_etc_directory: /etc/trove
trove_api_program_name: trove-api
trove_conductor_program_name: trove-conductor
trove_taskmanager_program_name: trove-taskmanager
trove_regular_user_name: regular_trove_user
trove_admin_user_name: admin_trove_user
trove_service_name: trove
trove_service_user_name: "{{ trove_admin_user_name }}"
trove_service_tenant_name: trove_for_trove_usage
trove_service_type: database
trove_service_description: "OpenStack DBaaS (Trove)"
trove_service_project_name: "{{ trove_service_tenant_name }}"
- admin
trove_service_region: RegionOne
trove_service_host: ""
trove_service_port: 8779
trove_service_proto: http
trove_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(trove_service_proto) }}"
trove_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(trove_service_proto) }}"
trove_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(trove_service_proto) }}"
trove_service_publicurl: "{{ trove_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ trove_service_port }}/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s"
trove_service_internalurl: "{{ trove_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ trove_service_port }}/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s"
trove_service_adminurl: "{{ trove_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ trove_service_port }}/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s"
trove_auth_url: "{{ keystone_service_internalurl }}"
trove_nova_compute_url: "{{ trove_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ nova_service_port }}/v2.1"
trove_cinder_url: "{{ trove_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ cinder_service_port }}/v1"
trove_swift_url: "{{ trove_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ swift_proxy_port }}/v1/AUTH_"
trove_neutron_url: "{{ trove_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}/"
trove_profiler_enabled: false
## Cap the maximum number of threads / workers when a user value is unspecified.
trove_api_workers_max: 16
trove_api_workers: "{{ [[ansible_processor_vcpus|default(2) // 2, 1] | max, trove_api_workers_max] | min }}"
## Cap the maximum number of threads / workers when a user value is unspecified.
trove_conductor_workers_max: 16
trove_conductor_workers: "{{ [[ansible_processor_vcpus|default(2) // 2, 1] | max, trove_conductor_workers_max] | min }}"
# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
trove_venv_tag: untagged
trove_bin: "/openstack/venvs/trove-{{ trove_venv_tag }}/bin"
# venv_download, even when true, will use the fallback method of building the
# venv from scratch if the venv download fails.
trove_venv_download: "{{ not trove_developer_mode | bool }}"
trove_git_repo: "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/trove"
trove_git_install_branch: master
trove_developer_mode: false
- "git+{{ trove_git_repo }}@{{ trove_git_install_branch }}#egg=trove"
#: Set this to false to disable API service through Apache + mod_wsgi
trove_use_mod_wsgi: false
## Apache setup
trove_apache_log_level: info
trove_apache_servertokens: "Prod"
trove_apache_serversignature: "Off"
trove_wsgi_threads: 1
## Cap the maximum number of processes when a user value is unspecified.
trove_wsgi_processes_max: 32
trove_wsgi_processes: "{{ [[ansible_processor_vcpus|default(1), 1] | max * 2, trove_wsgi_processes_max] | min }}"
# set trove_ssl to true to enable SSL configuration on the trove containers
trove_ssl: false
trove_ssl_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/trove.pem
trove_ssl_key: /etc/ssl/private/trove.key
trove_ssl_ca_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/trove-ca.pem
trove_ssl_protocol: "{{ ssl_protocol | default('ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3') }}"
trove_ssl_cipher_suite: "{{ ssl_cipher_suite | default('ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS') }}"
# if using a self-signed certificate, set this to true to regenerate it
trove_ssl_self_signed_regen: false
trove_ssl_self_signed_subject: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=San Antonio/O=IT/CN={{ internal_lb_vip_address }}/subjectAltName=IP.1={{ external_lb_vip_address }}"
# Database vars
trove_galera_database_name: trove
trove_galera_user: trove
trove_galera_address: "{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}"
trove_galera_connection_string: "mysql+pymysql://{{ trove_galera_user}}:{{ trove_galera_password }}@{{ trove_galera_address }}/{{ trove_galera_database_name }}?charset=utf8"
# Rabbit vars
trove_rpc_backend: rabbit
trove_control_exchange: trove
trove_rabbit_notification_topic: notification
trove_rabbitmq_userid: trove
trove_rabbitmq_vhost: /trove
trove_rabbitmq_use_ssl: False
trove_rabbitmq_port: 5672
trove_rabbitmq_servers: "{{ rabbitmq_servers }}"
# Keystone AuthToken/Middleware
trove_keystone_auth_plugin: password
trove_service_project_domain_name: Default
trove_service_user_domain_name: default
trove_service_project_domain_id: default
trove_service_user_domain_id: default
trove_conductor_service_name: "{{ trove_conductor_program_name }}"
trove_taskmanager_service_name: "{{ trove_taskmanager_program_name }}"
#Glance images
trove_glance_images: []
- httplib2
- python-glanceclient
- python-keystoneclient
- virtualenv
- virtualenv-tools
- MySQL-python
- pexpect
- pycrypto
- trove
- python-troveclient
- python-memcached
# This variable is used by the repo_build process to determine
# which host group to check for members of before building the
# pip packages required by this role. The value is picked up
# by the py_pkgs lookup.
trove_role_project_group: trove_all
## Tunable overrides
trove_config_overrides: {}
trove_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
trove_conductor_config_overrides: {}
trove_taskmanager_config_overrides: {}
trove_guestagent_config_overrides: {}
trove_policy_overrides: {}