Manage apt repositores and keys using deb822_repository module

The apt-key module is deprecated so the code is refactored to allow
any of the deb822_repository features to used instead.

Change-Id: I96f1f23d6a1cca223ad4fc48a1caa21833a98b22
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Rosser 2024-02-05 16:19:12 +00:00
parent 5675552c74
commit e9de2b505d
3 changed files with 83 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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The apt repository setup for the rabbitmq_server role is migrated to use
the deb822_repository ansible module rather than the legacy apt_key and
apt_repository modules. The format of the `rabbitmq_repo` and
`rabbitmq_erlang_repo` ole default variables are changed to match the
requirements of the new module, and are now lists allowing multiple
repositories to be configured if required.
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The configuration of apt repositories for the rabbitmq_server role through
the `rabbitmq_repo` variable is changed to match the deb822_repository
ansible module. Any deployments that customise the repository
configuration should adjust their `rabbitmq_repo` and `rabbitmq_erlang_repo`
overrides to suit.

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@ -13,14 +13,20 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- name: Validate repo config is deb822 format
_repo_check: "{{ (rabbitmq_repo + rabbitmq_erlang_repo) | selectattr('repo', 'defined') | map(attribute='repo') }}"
that: _repo_check | length == 0
fail_msg: "The following repository definitions must be updated to deb822 format {{ _repo_check }}"
- name: Run the apt package pinning role
name: apt_package_pinning
- rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo'
apt_package_pinning_file_name: "rabbitmq.pref"
apt_package_pinning_priority: 999
apt_package_pinning_state: "{{ (rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo') | ternary('present', 'absent') }}"
- package: "*"
release: "cloudsmith/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang"
@ -31,70 +37,56 @@
version: "{{ rabbitmq_package_version }}"
priority: 1000
- name: Install GPG keys
data: "{{ lookup('file', item.file) }}"
- rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo'
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_gpg_keys | selectattr('file', 'defined') | list }}"
- rabbitmq-apt-keys
# NOTE(jrosser) remove this task for the 2025.2 release
- name: Clean up legacy repository config not in deb822 format
- RabbitMQ.list
- els_erlang.list
path: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/{{ item }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_apt_repo_cleanup }}"
register: apt_repo_removed
# When updating the cache in the apt_repository
# task, and the update fails, a retry does not
# detect a change the second attempt and therefore
# does not update the cache, resulting in a changed
# repo config, but no updated cache. To work around
# this bug we implement the change of repo config
# and the cache update as two separate tasks.
- name: Add rabbitmq repo
repo: "{{ rabbitmq_repo.repo }}"
state: "{{ rabbitmq_repo.state }}"
filename: "{{ rabbitmq_repo.filename | default(omit) }}"
update_cache: no
register: add_rabbitmq_repos
- rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo'
- rabbitmq-repos
- name: Ensure python3-debian package is available
name: python3-debian
# When updating the cache in the apt_repository
# task, and the update fails, a retry does not
# detect a change the second attempt and therefore
# does not update the cache, resulting in a changed
# repo config, but no updated cache. To work around
# this bug we implement the change of repo config
# and the cache update as two separate tasks.
- name: Add erlang repo
repo: "{{ rabbitmq_erlang_repo.repo }}"
state: "{{ rabbitmq_erlang_repo.state }}"
filename: "{{ rabbitmq_erlang_repo.filename | default(omit) }}"
update_cache: no
register: add_erlang_repos
- rabbitmq_erlang_install_method == 'external_repo'
- rabbitmq-repos
- name: Manage apt repositories
_a: "{{ item.architectures }}"
_architecture_fixup: "{{ ((_a | d([])) is iterable and (_a | d([])) is not string) | ternary(_a, [_a]) | map('replace', 'x86_64', 'amd64') }}"
allow_downgrade_to_insecure: "{{ item.allow_downgrade_to_insecure | default(omit) }}"
allow_insecure: "{{ item.allow_insecure | default(omit) }}"
allow_weak: "{{ item.allow_weak | default(omit) }}"
architectures: "{{ (_architecture_fixup | length > 0) | ternary(_architecture_fixup, omit) }}"
by_hash: "{{ item.by_hash | default(omit) }}"
check_date: "{{ item.check_date | default(omit) }}"
check_valid_until: "{{ item.check_valid_until | default(omit) }}"
components: "{{ item.components | default(omit) }}"
date_max_future: "{{ item.date_max_future | default(omit) }}"
enabled: "{{ item.enabled | default(omit) }}"
inrelease_path: "{{ item.inrelease_path | default(omit) }}"
languages: "{{ item.languages | default(omit) }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode | default(omit) }}"
name: "{{ }}"
pdiffs: "{{ item.pdiffs | default(omit) }}"
signed_by: "{{ item.signed_by | default(omit) }}"
state: "{{ item.state | default(omit) }}"
suites: "{{ item.suites | default(omit) }}"
targets: "{{ item.targets | default(omit) }}"
trusted: "{{ item.trusted | default(omit) }}"
types: "{{ item.types | default(omit) }}"
uris: "{{ item.uris | default(omit) }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_repo + rabbitmq_erlang_repo }}"
register: deb822_repos
# Due to our Ansible strategy, a skipped task does not
# have a dictionary result, so we have to cater to the
# situation where either of the apt_repository tasks
# may not have the results dict in the register. As
# such we validate that the register is a mapping (dict).
- name: Update Apt cache
- name: Update apt repositories when config is changed
update_cache: yes
- (add_rabbitmq_repos is mapping and add_rabbitmq_repos is changed) or
(add_erlang_repos is mapping and add_erlang_repos is changed)
register: update_apt_cache
until: update_apt_cache is success
retries: 5
delay: 2
- rabbitmq-repos
when: (apt_repo_removed is changed) or (deb822_repos is changed)
- name: Install RabbitMQ package dependencies

View File

@ -16,24 +16,25 @@
_rabbitmq_install_method: external_repo
_rabbitmq_package_version: "3.13.3-1"
- file: gpg/C072C960
- file: gpg/A16A4251 # Erlang Cloudsmith repo
- file: gpg/0A9AF211 # RabbitMQ Release Signing Key
# NOTE(noonedeadpunk): List of available packages can be searched here:
_rabbitmq_repo_url: "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}"
repo: "deb {{ rabbitmq_repo_url }} {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] | lower }} main"
state: "present"
filename: "RabbitMQ"
- name: "RabbitMQ"
suites: "{{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] | lower }}"
uris: "{{ rabbitmq_repo_url }}"
signed_by: "{{ lookup('file', 'gpg/C072C960') }}"
components: main
architectures: "{{ ansible_facts['architecture'] }}"
state: "{{ (rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo') | ternary('present', 'absent') }}"
# NOTE(noonedeadpunk): List of available packages can be searched here:
_rabbitmq_erlang_repo_url: "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}"
repo: "deb {{ rabbitmq_erlang_repo_url }} {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] | lower }} main"
state: "present"
filename: els_erlang
- name: "els_erlang"
suites: "{{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] | lower }}"
uris: "{{ rabbitmq_erlang_repo_url }}"
signed_by: "{{ lookup('file', 'gpg/A16A4251') }}"
components: main
architectures: "{{ ansible_facts['architecture'] }}"
state: "{{ (rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo') | ternary('present', 'absent') }}"
_rabbitmq_erlang_version_spec: "{{ (rabbitmq_install_method == 'external_repo') | ternary('1:26.2.*-1', '1:24.*') }}"