#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2016, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # WARNING: # This file is use by all OpenStack-Ansible roles for testing purposes. # Any changes here will affect all OpenStack-Ansible role repositories # with immediate effect. # PURPOSE: # This script collects, renames and compresses the logs produced in # a role test if the host is in OpenStack-CI. ## Vars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- export WORKING_DIR=${WORKING_DIR:-$(pwd)} export TESTING_HOME=${TESTING_HOME:-$HOME} export RSYNC_CMD="rsync --archive --safe-links --ignore-errors --quiet --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --whole-file --inplace" # NOTE(cloudnull): This is a very simple list of common directories in /etc we # wish to search for when storing gate artifacts. When adding # things to this list please alphabetize the entries so it's # easy for folks to find and adjust items as needed. COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES="almanach \ apt \ aodh \ apache2 \ barbican \ blazar \ ceilometer \ cinder \ cloudkitty \ congress \ designate \ glance \ gnocchi \ haproxy \ heat \ horizon \ httpd \ ironic \ karbor \ keystone \ magnum \ memcached \ molteniron \ monasca \ mongodb \ my.cnf \ mysql \ netplan \ network \ nginx \ neutron \ nova \ octavia \ panko \ pip.conf \ qpid-dispatch \ rabbitmq \ rally \ repo \ resolv.conf \ rsyslog \ sahara \ searchlight \ sasl2 \ swift \ sysconfig/network-scripts \ sysconfig/network \ systemd/network \ tacker \ tempest \ trove \ watcher \ yum \ yum.repos.d \ zaqar \ zun \ zypp" ## Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- function repo_information { [[ "${1}" != "host" ]] && lxc_cmd="lxc-attach --name ${1} --" || lxc_cmd="" echo "Collecting list of installed packages and enabled repositories for \"${1}\"" # Redhat package debugging if eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which yum &>/dev/null || eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which dnf &>/dev/null; then # Prefer dnf over yum for CentOS. eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which dnf &>/dev/null && RHT_PKG_MGR='dnf' || RHT_PKG_MGR='yum' eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} $RHT_PKG_MGR repolist -v > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/redhat-rpm-repolist-${1}.txt" || true eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} $RHT_PKG_MGR list installed > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/redhat-rpm-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true # SUSE package debugging elif eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which zypper &>/dev/null; then eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} zypper lr -d > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/suse-zypper-repolist-${1}.txt" || true eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} zypper --disable-repositories pa -i > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/suse-zypper-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true # Ubuntu package debugging elif eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which apt-get &> /dev/null; then eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} apt-cache policy | grep http | awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3}' | sort -u > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ubuntu-apt-repolist-${1}.txt" || true eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} apt list --installed > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ubuntu-apt-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true fi } function store_artifacts { # Store known artifacts only if they exist. If the target directory does # exist, it will be created. # USAGE: store_artifacts /src/to/artifacts /path/to/store if sudo test -e "${1}"; then if [[ ! -d "${2}" ]]; then mkdir -vp "${2}" fi echo "Running artifact sync for \"${1}\" to \"${2}\"" sudo ${RSYNC_CMD} ${1} ${2} || true fi } function store_journal_artifacts { # Store lines from a known unit's journal as a plain-text log file. # USAGE: store_journal_artifacts UNIT_TO_MATCH /path/to/store if [ $? == 0 ]; then if [[ ! -d "${2}" ]]; then mkdir -vp "${2}" fi if [[ ${3:-false} != false ]]; then if [[ -f "/var/log/journal/${3}/system.journal" ]]; then SYSTEMD_UNITS=$(sudo journalctl --file="/var/log/journal/${3}/system.journal" \ --output=json-pretty | grep -w UNIT | sort -u | awk -F'"' '{print $4}' | grep "${1}") for service_unit in $(echo -e "${SYSTEMD_UNITS}"); do echo "Pulling journal for ${service_unit}" sudo journalctl --file="/var/log/journal/${3}/system.journal" \ --since="1 hour ago" \ --unit="${service_unit}" | sudo tee "${2}/${service_unit}.journal.log" &>/dev/null done fi else SYSTEMD_UNITS=$(sudo journalctl --output=json-pretty | grep -w UNIT | sort -u | awk -F'"' '{print $4}' | grep "${1}") for service_unit in $(echo -e "${SYSTEMD_UNITS}"); do echo "Pulling journal for ${service_unit}" sudo journalctl --since="1 hour ago" \ --unit="${service_unit}" | sudo tee "${2}/${service_unit}.journal.log" &>/dev/null done fi fi } function find_files { find "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" -type f \ ! -name "*.gz" \ ! -name '*.html' \ ! -name '*.subunit' \ ! -name "*.journal" \ ! -name 'ansible.sqlite' | grep -v 'stackviz' } function rename_files { find_files |\ while read filename; do \ mv ${filename} ${filename}.txt || echo "WARNING: Could not rename ${filename}"; \ done } function compress_files { # We use 'command' to ensure that we're not executing with an alias. GZIP_CMD="command gzip --force --best" find_files |\ while read filename; do \ ${GZIP_CMD} ${filename} || echo "WARNING: Could not gzip ${filename}"; \ done } ## Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "#### BEGIN LOG COLLECTION ###" mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs" # Gather basic logs store_artifacts /openstack/log/ansible-logging/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ansible" store_artifacts /openstack/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack" store_artifacts /var/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host" # Store the ara sqlite database in the openstack-ci expected path store_artifacts "${TESTING_HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara-report/" # Store netstat report store_artifacts /tmp/listening_port_report.txt "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host" # Verify the integrity of the journal files but do not fail if one of them is not usable echo "Verifying journal files consistency..." find /var/log/journal/ -type f -name "*.journal" -exec bash -c 'sudo journalctl --file={} --verify || true' \; # Gather host etc artifacts for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do store_artifacts "/etc/${service}" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/host/" store_journal_artifacts "${service}" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host" done # Gather container etc artifacts if which lxc-ls &> /dev/null; then for CONTAINER_NAME in $(sudo lxc-ls -1); do CONTAINER_PID=$(sudo lxc-info -p -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk '{print $2}') ETC_DIR="/proc/${CONTAINER_PID}/root/etc" MACHINE_ID="$(sudo cat ${ETC_DIR}/machine-id)" LOG_DIR="/proc/${CONTAINER_PID}/root/var/log" repo_information ${CONTAINER_NAME} for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do store_artifacts ${ETC_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/" store_artifacts ${LOG_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/" store_journal_artifacts ${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${MACHINE_ID}" done done fi # NOTE(mhayden): All of the files must be world-readable so that the log # pickup jobs will work properly. Without this, you get a "File not found" # when trying to read the files in the job results. # NOTE(odyssey4me): Using '--chown $(whoami) --chmod=ugo+rX' in the rsync # CMD to achieve this would be optimal, but the CentOS version of rsync # (3.0.x) does not support that option. sudo chmod -R ugo+rX "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" sudo chown -R $(whoami) "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" # Rename all files gathered to have a .txt suffix so that the compressed # files are viewable via a web browser in OpenStack-CI. rename_files # Figure out the correct path for ARA # As this script is not run through tox, and the tox envs are all # different names, we need to try and find the right path to execute # ARA from. ARA_CMD="$(find ${WORKING_DIR}/.tox -path "*/bin/ara" -type f | head -n 1)" # If we could not find ARA, assume it was not installed # and skip all the related activities. if [[ "${ARA_CMD}" != "" ]]; then # Generate the ARA subunit report so that the # results reflect in OpenStack-Health mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara-data" echo "Generating ARA report subunit report." ${ARA_CMD} generate subunit "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara-data/testrepository.subunit" || true fi # Get a dmesg output so we can look for kernel failures dmesg > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/dmesg.log.txt" || true # Collect job environment env > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/environment.txt" || true # output ram usage free -m > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/memory-available.txt" || true # iptables sudo iptables -nvL > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/iptables.txt" || true sudo iptables -t nat -nvL > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/iptables-nat.txt" || true repo_information host # Record the active interface configs for interface in $(ip -o link | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do if which ethtool &> /dev/null; then ethtool -k ${interface} > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ethtool-${interface}-cfg.txt" || true else echo "No ethtool available" | tee -a "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ethtool-${interface}-cfg.txt" fi done # Compress the files gathered so that they do not take up too much space. compress_files echo "#### END LOG COLLECTION ###"