Jean-Philippe Evrard 8f691efaaa Add mq_setup common task file
This patch adds the common task file for the mq setup tasks
which will be replicated by the proposal bot between the roles.

It also updates the script that's useful for manual sync to
accommodate the ability to sync the task file. Some documentation
is also added.

This allows sharing of role files from a single location.
It will be used for sharing common tasks of many roles, like
the mq, the dabatase, or service setup.

Without this patch, roles implementing the same kind of files
would eventually drift and be different. This is a problem as
this increases the maintenance burden.

Co-Authored-By: Jesse Pretorius <>
Change-Id: Ib564450eb1f3d63bb5fdd3763046dd57df519d28
2018-07-06 16:45:08 +01:00

229 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2017, SUSE LINUX GmbH.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script will sync $files_to_sync files across all supported repositories as
# returned by the script. The goal here is to try and sync
# all these files at regular intervals so the code in the repositories is
# tested in the same way on both the OpenStack CI and the Vagrant platforms.
# This script will open reviews in the OpenStack gerrit so make sure your system is
# configured properly to submit upstream reviews. Use ./ -h
# to get more information on how to use this script. Bugs about this script
# should be submitted to the openstack-ansible project on launchpad as usual.
# This script has a partner which is executed by the proposal bot here:
# Changes made to this file should be mirrored there when applicable.
set -eu
usage() {
cat <<EOF
${0} [options]
Valid options are:
-h, --help: This message
-i, --interactive: Shows git diffs and requires user confirmation before
submitting reviews
-n, --dry-run: Shows git diffs and executes 'git-review -n' to show
what will happen on a normal run
exclude_project() {
excluded_projects+="${1} "
cleanup() {
[[ -d ${tempdir} ]] && { echo "Cleaning up ${tempdir}"; rm -rf ${tempdir}; }
process_changes() {
local project=${1}
local review=${2}
cd ${project}
# if nothing changed just return
git diff --quiet && echo "No new changes to commit" && return 0
${dry_run} || ${interactive} && git diff
if ${interactive}; then
read -p 'Submit review? [y/N] ' review
! [[ ${review} =~ ^(Y|y) ]] && return 0
# Prepare gerrit
git review -s
# Commit changes
git add .
git commit $([[ ${review} == "__no_review__" ]] || printf %s '--amend') -m 'Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests'
git review $(${dry_run} && printf %s '-n')
check_and_ignore() {
for z in $(echo ${excluded_projects} | tr ' ' '\n'); do
[[ ${1} == ${z} ]] && return 0
return 1
copy_files() {
local osa_project=${1}
# Copy files
for src_path in ${files_to_sync[@]}; do
# If the source repo does not have the file to copy
# then skip to the next file. This covers the situation
# where this script runs against old branches which
# do not have the same set of files. If the src_path
# is 'sync/tasks/*' because the folder does not exist
# then it will fail this test too.
[[ ! -e ${src_path} ]] && continue
# For the sync/* files in the array, the destination
# path is different to the source path. To work out
# the destination path we remove the 'sync/' prefix.
# If the target repo does not have such a file already
# then it's probably best to leave it alone.
[[ ! -e ${osa_project}/${dst_path} ]] && continue
# We don't preserve anything from the target repo.
# We simply assume that all OSA projects need the same
# $files_to_sync
cp ${src_path} ${osa_project}/${dst_path}
# Do not change these files unless you know what you are doing
declare -ra files_to_sync=( bindep.txt Vagrantfile tests/ .gitignore sync/tasks/*)
declare -r openstack_git_url="git://"
OPTS=$(getopt -o hin --long help,interactive,dry-run -n '$(basename ${0}' -- "$@")
eval set -- "${OPTS}"
while true; do
case "${1}" in
-i|--interactive) interactive=true; shift ;;
-n|--dry-run) dry_run=true; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
-h|--help) usage; exit 1 ;;
# Always exclude openstack-ansible-tests repository. This is not
# necessary because osa_projects should never include "openstack-ansible-tests"
# but it can serve as an example for users who may add more
# projects in the future.
exclude_project "openstack-ansible-tests"
############################# ZUUL SYNCING ###################################
# If we running in the OpenStack CI then the first argument is going to be the
# project directory and all we need to do is to simply copy files. The
# environment is already prepared.
if env | grep -q ^ZUUL; then
# Some debug information.
echo "Running in a Zuul environment"
echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"
echo "OSA project: '${1}'"
# Do we need to skip that repo?
check_and_ignore ${1} && exit 0
# This should never happen if Zuul is working properly
[[ ! -d ${1} ]] && { echo "${1} does not exit! Refusing to proceed"; exit 1; }
copy_files ${1}
# Return back to zuul. No furher processing is required.
exit 0
declare -ra osa_projects=($(./
# Make sure interactive and dry run can't be used together
${dry_run} && ${interactive} && \
echo "Can't use interactive and dry-run at the same time. Disabling interactive mode..." && \
# Create a temporary directory
tempdir=$(mktemp -d -q || { echo "Failed to create temporary directory"; exit 1; })
trap cleanup EXIT
# make sure this is brand new
echo "=> Temporary directory for OSA repositories: ${tempdir}"
mkdir ${tempdir}
pushd ${tempdir} &> /dev/null
echo "=> Cloning openstack-ansible-tests repository"
eval git clone ${openstack_git_url}/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests
echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
for proj in ${osa_projects[@]}; do
proj_dir=$(basename ${proj})
# Skip the project if it is in the excluded list
check_and_ignore ${proj_dir} && continue
echo "=> ##### ${proj} #####"
eval git clone ${openstack_git_url}/$proj
pushd $proj_dir &> /dev/null
git checkout -b openstack/openstack-ansible-tests/sync-tests
# if there an open review, re-use it
open_review=$(git review --no-color -l | \
grep -v "^Found" | \
grep "Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests" | \
tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}')
[[ -n ${open_review} ]] && \
echo "Using existing review #${open_review} for ${proj_dir}" && \
git review -x ${open_review}
popd &> /dev/null
# Copy files
pushd openstack-ansible-tests &> /dev/null
copy_files ${proj_dir}
popd &> /dev/null
process_changes ${proj_dir} ${open_review:="__no_review__"}
# Clean up the directory
rm -rf ${proj_dir}
echo -e "=> ##################################################\n"
popd &> /dev/null
echo "All OpenStack Ansible repositories have been synced successfully!"
echo "Happy testing ;-)"
exit 0