Markos Chandras 5922aa0525 Collect networkd information
The LXC containers are now using networkd to configure the network
interfaces so we should collect the appropriate files. Moreover, we
also need to collect the resolv.conf file so we know how the DNS
resolution is configured.

Change-Id: I797fb2ca013c8cc9f2c7a9871187f2a67be9276f
2018-03-06 15:11:31 +00:00

214 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2016, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file is use by all OpenStack-Ansible roles for testing purposes.
# Any changes here will affect all OpenStack-Ansible role repositories
# with immediate effect.
# This script collects, renames and compresses the logs produced in
# a role test if the host is in OpenStack-CI.
## Vars ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export WORKING_DIR=${WORKING_DIR:-$(pwd)}
export RSYNC_CMD="rsync --archive --safe-links --ignore-errors --quiet --no-perms --no-owner --no-group"
# NOTE(cloudnull): This is a very simple list of common directories in /etc we
# wish to search for when storing gate artifacts. When adding
# things to this list please alphabetize the entries so it's
# easy for folks to find and adjust items as needed.
aodh \
barbican \
ceilometer \
cinder \
designate \
glance \
gnocchi \
haproxy \
heat \
horizon \
ironic \
keystone \
magnum \
memcached \
molteniron \
my.cnf \
mysql \
network \
nginx \
neutron \
nova \
octavia \
pip.conf \
rabbitmq \
rally \
repo \
resolv.conf \
rsyslog \
sahara \
swift \
sysconfig/network-scripts \
sysconfig/network \
systemd/network \
tacker \
tempest \
trove \
yum \
## Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------
function repo_information {
[[ "${1}" != "host" ]] && lxc_cmd="lxc-attach --name ${1} --"
echo "Collecting list of installed packages and enabled repositories for \"${1}\""
# Redhat package debugging
if eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which yum &>/dev/null || eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which dnf &>/dev/null; then
# Prefer dnf over yum for CentOS.
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which dnf &>/dev/null && RHT_PKG_MGR='dnf' || RHT_PKG_MGR='yum'
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} $RHT_PKG_MGR repolist -v > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/redhat-rpm-repolist-${1}.txt" || true
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} $RHT_PKG_MGR list installed > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/redhat-rpm-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true
# SUSE package debugging
elif eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which zypper &>/dev/null; then
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} zypper lr -d > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/suse-zypper-repolist-${1}.txt" || true
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} zypper pa -i > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/suse-zypper-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true
# Ubuntu package debugging
elif eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} which apt-get &> /dev/null; then
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} apt-cache policy | grep http | awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3}' | sort -u > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ubuntu-apt-repolist-${1}.txt" || true
eval sudo ${lxc_cmd} apt list --installed > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ubuntu-apt-list-installed-${1}.txt" || true
function store_artifacts {
# Store known artifacts only if they exist. If the target directory does
# exist, it will be created.
# USAGE: store_artifacts /src/to/artifacts /path/to/store
if sudo test -e "${1}"; then
if [[ ! -d "${2}" ]]; then
mkdir -vp "${2}"
echo "Running artifact sync for \"${1}\" to \"${2}\""
sudo ${RSYNC_CMD} ${1} ${2} || true
## Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "#### BEGIN LOG COLLECTION ###"
mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs"
# Gather basic logs
store_artifacts /openstack/log/ansible-logging/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ansible"
store_artifacts /openstack/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack"
store_artifacts /var/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host"
# Get the ara sqlite database
store_artifacts "${TESTING_HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara/"
# Gather host etc artifacts
for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do
store_artifacts "/etc/${service}" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/host/"
# Gather container etc artifacts
if which lxc-ls &> /dev/null; then
for CONTAINER_NAME in $(sudo lxc-ls -1); do
CONTAINER_PID=$(sudo lxc-info -p -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk '{print $2}')
repo_information ${CONTAINER_NAME}
for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do
store_artifacts ${ETC_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/"
store_artifacts ${LOG_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/"
# NOTE(mhayden): All of the files must be world-readable so that the log
# pickup jobs will work properly. Without this, you get a "File not found"
# when trying to read the files in the job results.
# NOTE(odyssey4me): Using '--chown $(whoami) --chmod=ugo+rX' in the rsync
# CMD to achieve this would be optimal, but the CentOS version of rsync
# (3.0.x) does not support that option.
sudo chmod -R ugo+rX "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/"
sudo chown -R $(whoami) "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/"
# Rename all files gathered to have a .txt suffix so that the compressed
# files are viewable via a web browser in OpenStack-CI.
find "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" -type f ! -name '*.html' -exec mv {} {}.txt \;
# Figure out the correct path for ARA
# As this script is not run through tox, and the tox envs are all
# different names, we need to try and find the right path to execute
# ARA from.
ARA_CMD="$(find ${WORKING_DIR}/.tox -path "*/bin/ara" -type f | head -n 1)"
# If we could not find ARA, assume it was not installed
# and skip all the related activities.
if [[ "${ARA_CMD}" != "" ]]; then
# Generate the ARA report
# In order to reduce the quantity of unnecessary log content
# being kept in OpenStack-Infra we only generate the ARA report
# when the test result is a failure. The ARA sqlite database is
# still available for self generation if desired for successful
# tests.
mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara"
if [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" != "0" ]] && [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" != "true" ]]; then
echo "Generating ARA report."
${ARA_CMD} generate html "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara" || true
echo "Not generating ARA report."
# We still want the subunit report though, as that reflects
# success/failure in OpenStack Health
${ARA_CMD} generate subunit "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara/testrepository.subunit" || true
# Get a dmesg output so we can look for kernel failures
dmesg > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/dmesg.log.txt" || true
# Collect job environment
env > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/environment.txt" || true
# output ram usage
free -m > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/memory-available.txt" || true
repo_information host
# Record the active interface configs
for interface in $(ip -o link | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do
if which ethtool &> /dev/null; then
ethtool -k ${interface} > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ethtool-${interface}-cfg.txt" || true
echo "No ethtool available" | tee -a "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ethtool-${interface}-cfg.txt"
# Compress the files gathered so that they do not take up too much space.
# We use 'command' to ensure that we're not executing with some sort of alias.
command gzip --force --best --recursive "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" || echo 'Note: gzip log files failed'
echo "#### END LOG COLLECTION ###"