Make more sections in daemonset overridable.

The work of enable dpdk in starlingx needs to achieve the overrides
of parameters such as images, tags, labels, and pods. This function
is being implemented through the support of ovs per-host overrides.
In order to transfer the parameters such as images after overrides
to the daemonset file to achieve the corresponding functions, the
functions of overrides need to be upgraded. Move the $daemonset_yaml
parameter in the daemonset file to the overrides file, so that
daemonset file uses parameters after overrides.This patch and depend on each other.

Change-Id: I210e54b28e32ba1b8e281659fee8e6eda38d79d0
Story: 2007291
Task: 38754
Signed-off-by: songgongjun <>
This commit is contained in:
songgongjun 2020-02-14 13:15:41 +08:00 committed by Gongjun Song
parent 26982ca705
commit d74e937726
3 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ limitations under the License.
{{- define "helm-toolkit.utils.daemonset_overrides" }}
{{- $daemonset := index . 0 }}
{{- $daemonset_yaml := index . 1 }}
{{- $daemonset_include := index . 1 }}
{{- $configmap_include := index . 2 }}
{{- $configmap_name := index . 3 }}
{{- $context := index . 4 }}
{{- $serviceAccountName := index . 5 }}
{{- $_ := unset $context ".Files" }}
{{- $daemonset_root_name := printf (print $context.Chart.Name "_" $daemonset) }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_list" list }}
@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ limitations under the License.
{{- $merged_dict := mergeOverwrite $context_novalues $current_dict.nodeData }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "nodeData" $merged_dict }}
{{/* Deep copy original daemonset_yaml */}}
{{- $daemonset_yaml := list $daemonset $configmap_name $serviceAccountName $current_dict.nodeData | include $daemonset_include | toString | fromYaml }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_yaml" ($daemonset_yaml | toYaml | fromYaml) }}
{{/* name needs to be a DNS-1123 compliant name. Ensure lower case */}}

View File

@ -271,8 +271,7 @@ spec:
{{- $_ := include "helm-toolkit.utils.dependency_resolver" $dependencyOpts | toString | fromYaml }}
{{ tuple $envAll "pod_dependency" $serviceAccountName | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount" }}
{{- $daemonset_yaml := list $daemonset $configMapName $serviceAccountName . | include "libvirt.daemonset" | toString | fromYaml }}
{{- $daemonset_include := "libvirt.daemonset" }}
{{- $configmap_yaml := "libvirt.configmap.etc" }}
{{- list $daemonset $daemonset_yaml $configmap_yaml $configMapName . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.daemonset_overrides" }}
{{- list $daemonset $daemonset_include $configmap_yaml $configMapName . $serviceAccountName | include "helm-toolkit.utils.daemonset_overrides" }}
{{- end }}

View File

@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ helm upgrade --install ldap ./ldap \
helm status ldap
# Install Keystone
cd ${OSH_PATH}
make keystone
cd -
helm upgrade --install keystone ${OSH_PATH}/keystone \
--namespace=openstack \
--values=${OSH_PATH}/keystone/values_overrides/ldap.yaml \