This updates the TLS secret templates to include the backend
service in the dict supplied to the manifest template, as it is
required for the TLS secret to render correctly.
This also removes the readiness probe from the nagios container in
the deployment for the nagios chart, as it wasn't functioning as
intended due to the port not being available for the probe
Change-Id: Iabcfd40c74938e0497d08ffeeebc98ab722fa660
Adds support for TLS on overriden fqdns for public endpoints for
the services that have them in openstack-helm-infra. Currently this
implementation is limited, in that it does not provide support for
dynamically loading CAs into the containers, or specifying them manually
via configuration. As a result only well known or CA's added manually
to containers will be recognised.
Change-Id: I4ab4bbe24b6544b64cd365467e8efb2a421ac3f4
This adds missing readiness probes to the following charts in
openstack-helm-infra: elasticsearch, fluent-logging, kibana,
nagios, prometheus-kube-state-metrics, prometheus-node-exporter,
and prometheus-openstack-exporter
Change-Id: I6a2635b08667c31eadb1b05ba848c658935a17e5
This PS moves to use the current ga version for kubernetes daemonsets,
additionally any remaining deployments that were using the
`extensions/v1beta1` have been updated to `apps/v1`.
Story: 2002205
Task: 21735
Change-Id: If9703162dc472af1e6096bf2b9062802fd5ce8ab
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <>
This adds the entry for resources for the apache proxy running in
the elasticsearch client and kibana pods. This also fixes an
incorrect enabled flag for resources in the kibana chart
Change-Id: Ifcd33a680167d7debfae2c4d71bdcb693632fce9
This adds required configuration for enabling LDAP through
the apache proxy in the elasticsearch and kibana charts by
Change-Id: Iaff8f328ff50944ddad94ec86b1134ca73750176
Move to v0.3.1 of kubernetes-entrypoint which has 2 breaking changes to
pod dependencies, and also adds support for depending on jobs via
Change-Id: I2bafc2153ddd46b3833b253a2e7950bccbccf8ed
This ps proposes adding a common template for the image_repo_sync
jobs for consumption by the charts
Change-Id: I48476d1e4fd94bd1b08b13b46983e3d999f8d8ca
The Kibana username and password needs to match the Elasticsearch
username and password, as Kibana requires an authorized elasticsearch
user to make queries against the elasticsearch backend to display
its dashboards and set up the initial .kibana index. This changes
the apache proxy running in front of kibana to consume the
elasticsearch username and password via the elasticsearch secret in
the chart to ensure kibana has proper access
Change-Id: Ife3fd916e8d9a3f8877d01a9048a892f92e412d8
This moves all relevant charts in osh-infra to use the htk manifest
template for ingresses, bringing them in line with the charts in
Change-Id: Ic9c3cc6f0051fa66b6f88ec2b2725698b36ce824
This ps adds more granular node selectors for the charts in osh
infra to match what is currently done in osh
Change-Id: I8957a95053b9fb3ea329fd37ff049cd223a7695d
This PS simplify the logic for dyanmicly merging the image management
depenencies into pod deps when active.
Change-Id: I0cf6c93173bc5fbce697ac15be8697d3b1326d0a
Adds support for a new feature of kubernetes-entrypoint, pod
dependencies, that was added in v0.3.0.
Change-Id: I78d9e0545ca3b837cd2386783386a253f7f5a2d6
This reverts the changes made to Elasticsearch, Kibana and fluent
logging charts in
Specifically, this moves the images back to previous used versions
and makes the required changes to the fluent-logging elasticsearch
template job to include the correct mapping directives for the
elasticsearch template.
This change was made to give more time for evaluating a more
robust solution for switching to the official upstream images that
will not cause intermittent gate failures as seen since 550229 was
Change-Id: I9f70b3412a8edc5cb1d80937b158aa2fe7b1ec82
This moves Elasticsearch and Kibana to use the latest version
(6.2.2), as the images we were using are no longer supported with
the 6.x release. There was a change in the doc reference in the
log entries that prevented the previous ES version from indexing
those entries, resulting in a busted gate. Moving Kibana to 6.2.2
was required to match major/minor versions with Elasticsearch
The Elasticsearch version change also required changing config file
locations, changing the entrypoint used for launching the service,
changing the running user for the elasticsearch service, and
updated the ES tests as some of the API responses changed between
This also required updating the elasticsearch template job as the
mapping definition entries changed between versions
Change-Id: Ia4cd9a66851754a1bb8f225c7e24513c43568e93
This PS moves existing dynamic common dependencies under a
'dynamic.common' key to simplify the yaml tree.
Change-Id: I4332bcfdf11197488e7bd5d8cf4c25565ea1c7b6
This PS moves static dependencies unser a 'static' key to allow
expansion to cover dynamic dependencies.
Change-Id: Ia0e853564955e0fbbe5a9e91a8b8924c703b1b02
Adds "helm-toolkit.utils.merge" which is a replacement for the
upstream sprig "merge" function which didn't quite do what we
wanted, specifically it didn't merge slices, it just overrode
one with the other. This PS also updates existing callsites
of the sprig merge with "helm-toolkit.utils.merge".
Change-Id: I456349558d4cf941d1bcb07fc76d0688b0a10782
There was a change in the upstream reference httpd image for
apache that changed how modules were built for apache.
This change adds the required fix to accomodate the change.
See isssue here
The Elasticsearch image tag was updated to accomodate the kernel
versions used in the gate as part of the kernel update playbook
The openstack-exporter binary was changed to reflect changes made
to the openstack-exporter image
Change-Id: I1deb9e7cde794421dd33fade566c2a9fdb5007e6
Run kibana behind apache as a reverse proxy to supply basic auth
for kibana, as xpack requires a suscription to support security
for kibana
Change-Id: I82168fc47fad29e26bcb02964709a04200dac467
Run elasticsearch behind apache as a reverse proxy to supply basic
auth for elasticsearch, as xpack requires a suscription to support
security for elasticsearch
Change-Id: I72d06ed9cd2179ead86ddc67db33c68a1e40c437
Kibana was missing entries for enabling the ingress and ingress
service. This adds the entries in the manifests key for kibana
Change-Id: I12bdf0f2f82f7e666c8c058aacb798dbd22c3ff7
This moves the Kibana chart to OSH infra, which finalizes moving
the logging components to OSH infra
Change-Id: Iacbfde8d5d7099fcb4dde8a437e030c2d4936de6