This PS simplifys the helm release log gathering, to collect logs
from all charts released into the cluster, and also adds a `logs`
sub-target to the dev-deploy target in the Makefile.
Change-Id: I016a5e08163eaccf13331db6faa45fab1e9cf4f2
This brings the elasticsearch configmaps, volume and mount names
inline with other charts by naming them after the service.
This also moves the configuration for elasticsearch to the values
file to bring it inline with other charts that do the same
Change-Id: I61f7c740d830a9a0567f8b72a0f815a09407b90c
This provides an example action in the curator config for taking
snapshots of the elasticsearch indexes. As the snapshot action
requires a repository registered with Elasticsearch, this also
adds a PVC for a filesystem repository backed with NFS and a job
for registering the repository with Elasticsearch.
Change-Id: I26b788c58f52844e997bde5002459bddc1bb685e
Defines configuration files for fluentbit and fluentd via the
values.yaml file for fluent-logging. This provides flexibility in
defining parsers and routes for log gathering and routing
This functionality is added via helm-toolkit helper functions for
both fluentd and fluentbit to make the values configuration
Change-Id: I8a43f36e487e651561bec8abf7752c8fac68aefc
Currently, the rbac logic would allow for ``jobs`` or ``daemonsets``
if it is specified in the dependencies, even if they may just be empty
or null. This patch set addresses this by checking the jobs or
daemonsets map in the value.yaml is non-empty before including it
in the Role.
Change-Id: I67f940e1e71c371b63d8d1e9b4f47af633a6bfa4
This moves the Kibana chart to OSH infra, which finalizes moving
the logging components to OSH infra
Change-Id: Iacbfde8d5d7099fcb4dde8a437e030c2d4936de6
This adds the prometheus annotations to the calico-node daemonset
to allow prometheus to create a scrape config for calico metrics.
This requires adding a annotation tree in the chart's values.yaml
Change-Id: I0e62fce34ea8de6d0241ea00aaae66187b808c81
This patch set does a minor correction so it is consistent with the
RBAC code in other charts.
Change-Id: I8c28af48a1d5a540fbc67b2dbcf4873081fc04bd
implements: bp/rbac-refactor
This PS udpates the Prometheus values to use yaml rather than text.
It also consolates all configuration into a single `etc` configmap,
inline with other OSH charts.
Change-Id: I162d4817a2b1b842499ef27d754707f8fce23bf3
This PS splits the `prometheus_pod_annotations.tpl` into seperate
files for each definition contained within it to be consistent
with other funstions in Helm-Toolkit, which can be located by path
from their name.
Change-Id: Ief9e31ead7eb1028cedd8e608d6b11e53e63e515
Currently, services have two serviceaccounts: one specified in the
chart that cannot read anything, and one injected via helm-toolkit
that can read everything. This patch set refactors the logic to:
- cleanup the roles and their binding automatically when the helm
chart is deleted;
- remove the need to separately mount a serviceaccount with secret;
- better handling of namespaces resource restriction.
Co-Authored-By: portdirect <>
Change-Id: I47d41e0cad9b5b002f59fc9652bad2cc025538dc
This adds the ability to define custom alert template via the
values.yaml file for Alertmanager. This will provide the ability
for an operator to define actions to be taken upon an alert firing
such as sending Slack alerts, email alerts, or any other
organization-specific action
Change-Id: I78a40e43cfeb7391699908a1f73b57846fedbcbb
Adds additional flags to Alertmanager for the peer meshing. This
also adds a headless discovery service so each instance can
calculate the DNS names of its mesh peers on startup.
Change-Id: I2ba7f4aec88f73e6bc3ff31117973ebb4e85ceba
This ps adds the ability for the NFS-provisioner to use a volume
claim for providing storage for other services. This provides the
ability to provide read-write-many access backed by a
read-write-once storage class, in situations where such a
requirement exists.
Change-Id: I7dcf79b871fd4fa699ee4e3a50151a654f27761f
Fixes an issue preventing the elastic curator configuration being
populated via elasticsearch's values.yaml
Change-Id: I74901c1aa99abc56a06ea95ca9ea9d818761d79b
This adds the prometheus- prefix to the alertmanager,
kube-state-metrics and node exporter charts to reflect their
intended usage as part of a prometheus centric monitoring solution
This will imply a logical grouping of these components, similar to
their deployment in the osh-infra gates
Change-Id: I4f391a10b64389022f01a94ea3704c110f8f9bb5
This patch sets fixes the make clean target as it currently attempts
to delete the generated */charts up the parents, where the directory
is guaranteed to be non-empty.
Change-Id: Id1327998cc1cdc73bdf0113d5ec68330d9fc70f0
This PS moves the default storage access-mode to ReadWriteOnce, as
the PVC is created inline with the statefulset. So ReadWriteMany will
have no effect, as a volume is created per pod.
Change-Id: I2a6a28832c0b1beedeb3e280572b3717628f7b88
Updates the Prometheus chart to use version 2.0 by default. This
introduces a change in the rules format (to yaml), and changes the
flags required for the storage layer.
Change-Id: Icb06a6570683b7accebc142f75901530c6359180
This PS updates the fluent-logging chart to use the same entrypoint
pattern as other OSH components.
Change-Id: I3bf9baf9824e1b7f7e46c4fcae292240566d9153
The current fluent-bit implementation only supports the json-file
log driver for docker, this PS moves CentOS and Fedora to use that
until we can support Journald.
Change-Id: I8aa876aa96119d9a1a0e06c28873e3c4c1e3ace5
This PS fixes pip and jq installation on CentOS. It also removes
some duplicate code in the gate playbooks.
Co-Authored-By: portdirect <>
This patch set should fix an issue where centos cannot find
python-pip in the EPEL.
Change-Id: If3a437e0756a363b8cefaa9a8bdd1c3498fedbfd
This introduces an initial helm chart for fluent logging.
It provides a functional fluent-bit and fluentd deployment to
use in conjunction with elasticsearch and kibana to consume
and aggregate logs from all resource types in a cluster.
It can deliver logs to kafka for external tools to consume.
This PS moves fluent-logging chart from osh-addons, osh to
osh-infra repo.
previous ps(addon):
previous ps(osh):
Partially implements: blueprint osh-logging-framework
Change-Id: I72e580aa3a197550060fc07af8396a7c8368d40b
This allows the keystone endpoint uri lookup function to
avoid adding a FQDN suffix to an IP address based host
Change-Id: I016e6512fb21182a8be9e3de1e4a2da59a20fb36