This PS moves to use the current API version for kubernetes rcs'
that were previously using `apps/v1beta1`.
Story: 2002205
Task: 21735
Change-Id: Icb4e7aa2392da6867427a58926be2da6f424bd56
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <>
This moves the charts in openstack-helm-infra closer towards a
standard structure. It addresses multiple deviations, including:
missing resources for init containers, incorrect indents for
disabled resources in some charts, incorrect indents for volumes
and volumemounts added via values, missing resources for some
helm test templates, missing helm-toolkit image functions, and
moving the resource template declarations to be under the image
template declarations
Change-Id: I4834a5d476ef7fc69c5583caacc0229050f20a76
This ps proposes adding a common template for the image_repo_sync
jobs for consumption by the charts
Change-Id: I48476d1e4fd94bd1b08b13b46983e3d999f8d8ca
This moves all relevant charts in osh-infra to use the htk manifest
template for ingresses, bringing them in line with the charts in
Change-Id: Ic9c3cc6f0051fa66b6f88ec2b2725698b36ce824
This ps adds more granular node selectors for the charts in osh
infra to match what is currently done in osh
Change-Id: I8957a95053b9fb3ea329fd37ff049cd223a7695d
This PS simplify the logic for dyanmicly merging the image management
depenencies into pod deps when active.
Change-Id: I0cf6c93173bc5fbce697ac15be8697d3b1326d0a
This proposes a means for generating the command line flags for
configuring the Prometheus service via the values file instead of
templating out the command line flags used for the service. This
allows flexibility in choosing which flags and values to use when
deploying Prometheus, without needing to modify the chart itself
Change-Id: I74845b96e213403ad743724137a82ce2c78fcd1f
This enables the dynamic generation of the list of rules files for
prometheus, driven by the rules added in the appropriate tree under
.Values.conf.prometheus.rules. This removes the necessity of adding
the file name manually in addition to defining the rules in the
rules tree, which should reduce overhead associated with adding
new rules for prometheus to evaluate
Change-Id: Ib768a252c5ea4f2d099df534c3ffcfb2949d7481
This PS moves existing dynamic common dependencies under a
'dynamic.common' key to simplify the yaml tree.
Change-Id: I4332bcfdf11197488e7bd5d8cf4c25565ea1c7b6
This PS moves static dependencies unser a 'static' key to allow
expansion to cover dynamic dependencies.
Change-Id: Ia0e853564955e0fbbe5a9e91a8b8924c703b1b02
The clusterrole name for prometheus wasn't referenced correctly in
the clusterrolebinding, resulting in issues with prometheus
operating correctly
Change-Id: I5b843d8a2b6829356098d71503ffce4a66d3198a
This PS includes the release name in the cluster role to prevent
colision if the chart is deployed multiple times in the same
Change-Id: I7166e5ee25b3d4c89879393c5f84c869585a2681
This dynamically adds the rules files for prometheus to the
prometheus-etc configmap, and also dynamically adds volume mounts
to the prometheus statefulset for each rules file
This also removes the empty rules file trees in the prometheus
values.yaml file
Change-Id: I9acbbe57d71a23f69e9e172b2f3ad66985e99574
Adds "helm-toolkit.utils.merge" which is a replacement for the
upstream sprig "merge" function which didn't quite do what we
wanted, specifically it didn't merge slices, it just overrode
one with the other. This PS also updates existing callsites
of the sprig merge with "helm-toolkit.utils.merge".
Change-Id: I456349558d4cf941d1bcb07fc76d0688b0a10782
This increases the default scrape and evaluation intervals to match
those of the prometheus service upstream with the aim to reduce
prometheus's resource consumption. It also adds configuration
parameters for the min and max block durations that series can
Change-Id: I7f9352413a273fbf680b892ba26e30cf27bae232
This PS uses volumeClaimTemplates to provide multiple
pvcs and pvs to prometheus statefulset's multiple pods.
This gives ability to provide read-write-many access
backend by a read-write-once storage class.
Change-Id: I53d1b866c0c87f0833941b612d3acfbe5742744f
This adds checks for the fields in the service annotations for
prometheus, similar to the checks made for the pod annotations.
It also moves prometheus annotations under a prometheus: key
under a top-level monitoring tree to allow for other monitoring
mechanisms independent of the endpoints tree
Change-Id: I4be6d6ad8e74e8ca52bd224ceddad785577bf6c7
Removes an unused context declaration from the prometheus service
annotation template in helm-toolkit, and removes all references to
Change-Id: I57612c1504cf046f367ee10d26ef3062ebe528d3
This PS udpates the Prometheus values to use yaml rather than text.
It also consolates all configuration into a single `etc` configmap,
inline with other OSH charts.
Change-Id: I162d4817a2b1b842499ef27d754707f8fce23bf3
Currently, services have two serviceaccounts: one specified in the
chart that cannot read anything, and one injected via helm-toolkit
that can read everything. This patch set refactors the logic to:
- cleanup the roles and their binding automatically when the helm
chart is deleted;
- remove the need to separately mount a serviceaccount with secret;
- better handling of namespaces resource restriction.
Co-Authored-By: portdirect <>
Change-Id: I47d41e0cad9b5b002f59fc9652bad2cc025538dc
Updates the Prometheus chart to use version 2.0 by default. This
introduces a change in the rules format (to yaml), and changes the
flags required for the storage layer.
Change-Id: Icb06a6570683b7accebc142f75901530c6359180
Adds tasks to gather descriptions of kubernetes objects, logs from
deployed pods, logs from helm test pods, the status of each
helm release, and metrics from endpoints exposed to prometheus
Change-Id: I606797c6a5d75ba446ed2c16a9710f7b0227f910
Alertmanager and prometheus were missing entries for job
resources in values.yaml. Also added resources to the prometheus
helm test template
Change-Id: I11dbad19d1f881c398a4b4dcd0c0eab23fccf278
This will move prometheus to OSH-infra to be included as part of
the basic infrastructure deploy for openstack-helm. It includes
charts for Prometheus, Node Exporter, Kube-State-Metrics, and
Alertmanager. It provides a base for monitoring and alerting
for the underlying infrastructure
Partially Implements: blueprint osh-monitoring
Change-Id: Ie453373b54c5f1825339ce0566e4b5d0f74abc20