Unrestrict octal values rule since benefits of file modes readability
exceed possible issues with yaml 1.2 adoption in future k8s versions.
These issues will be addressed when/if they occur.
Also ensure osh-infra is a required project for lint job, that matters
when running job against another project.
Change-Id: Ic5e327cf40c4b09c90738baff56419a6cef132da
Signed-off-by: Andrii Ostapenko <andrii.ostapenko@att.com>
This PS looks to make a few small tweaks to the rabbitmq probes so
that its health and readiness is more reflective of what is actually
happening inside the container. We were previously seeing instances
of the pod marked as ready before it actually was.
Change-Id: If48ec02d4050f7385e71c2e6fe0fff8f59667af4
By default erlang VM determines a number of scheduler threads equal to a
number of CPU cores it detects [0]. Running rabbitmq in container makes
Erlang VM to think it has all host CPU power, making extra scheduler
threads competing for CPU time and, depending on a difference between
a number host CPU cores and container limits, causing CPU throttling even
while idle.
This commit limits a number of schedulers to a value actually available
to container via k8s resource limits (min 1) emulating the default
[0] https://www.rabbitmq.com/runtime.html#scheduling
Change-Id: If36f63173de4c8035daf7aac4014c027c579b58f
The current copyright refers to a non-existent group
"openstack helm authors" with often out-of-date references that
are confusing when adding a new file to the repo.
This change removes all references to this copyright by the
non-existent group and any blank lines underneath.
Change-Id: I1882738cf9757c5350a8533876fd37b5920b5235
This patch set updates and tests the apiVersion for rbac.authorization.k8s.io
from v1beta1 to v1 in preparation for its removal in k8s 1.20.
Change-Id: I4e68db1f75ff72eee55ecec93bd59c68c179c627
Signed-off-by: Tin Lam <tin@irrational.io>
This PS updates the rabbitmq chart, to allow clients to connect directly
to backend servers, and also introduces a htk function to produce
the appropriate transport_url used by oslo.messaging to take advantage
of this functionaility.
Change-Id: I5150a64bd29fa062e30496c1f2127de138322863
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
In an Edge environment without a distributed storage environment, it
should be able to store rabbitmq data in the local path as well.
This patch added an option to use it in a more diverse environment.
Change-Id: Ia3c0dfaa58c237e424197f1406bd66fb991bea18
Story: 2005753
Task: 33455
This PS adds emptydirs backing the /tmp directory in pods, which
is required in most cases for full operation when using a read only
filesystem backing the container.
Additionally some yaml indent issues are resolved.
Change-Id: I8b7f1614da059783254aa6efc09facf23fca3cad
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
This PS updates the rabbitmq chart to make cluster formation
more robust, with the previous implementation it was possible
to form multiple descrete clusters within a single deployment
of the chart (eg if a network partition existed during formation)
Change-Id: Ie241d29230419ff829d9fbb22fa1a01275926903
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
This adds the release-annotation to the pod spec for the charts in
openstack-helm-infra. This also adds missing configmap annotations
to charts in openstack-helm-infra
Change-Id: Ie23f0c16a7a21d3929e98928db2bbcef69ae6490
This PS adds the ability to change the admin user credentials
and erlang session cookie. To do so requires `--recreate-pods` to
be passed to helm on a release upgrade.
Change-Id: Ib04ad43a7c303a8ddc31fd0de288a2f7f3294a12
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
This PS improves the robustnes of the RabbitMQ clustering logic
to support reforming the cluster following recreation of all pods,
and wait for the cluster to fully form before continuing in case
of an upgrade.
This ability was lost with the introduction of the following PS,
which prevented reformation of the cluster from scratch.
* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637337/
Change-Id: I99d32fbd3c56dde492717a7850b61001fa8f7fb5
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
This PS moves the readyness check to simply checking if the ampq
port is open, both simplifying it and also correctly indicating if
the process is ready to serve requests.
Change-Id: I38416c8bf3b242fa344875da13f81e5bbc1983c7
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
This PS adds the ability to attach a release uuid to pods and rc
objects as desired. A follow up ps will add the ability to add arbitary
annotations to the same objects.
Change-Id: Iceedba457a03387f6fc44eb763a00fd57f9d84a5
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>
In most cases, the ingress controller's nodeSelector key and value
are "node-role.kubernetes.io/ingress" and "true".
Using quote to treat the nodeSelector value as a string.
Change-Id: Ie1745629b90795e4d888d85f35565e6d6350e09b
This PS moves the RabbitMQ chart to OSH-Infra
Story: 2002204
Task: 585554
Change-Id: Ib94f7ea92aacfd35f0a13672d2a94335335575ad
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <pete@port.direct>