The quay.io/airshipit/kubernetes-entrypoint:v1.0.0 image format is deprecated and not supported any more by the docker registry. This is temporary fix to download the image from third party repo until we update the quay.io/airshipit/kubernetes-entrypoint:v1.0.0. The deprecation message is as follows: [DEPRECATION NOTICE] Docker Image Format v1 and Docker Image manifest version 2, schema 1 support is disabled by default and will be removed in an upcoming release. Suggest the author of quay.io/airshipit/kubernetes-entrypoint:v1.0.0 to upgrade the image to the OCI Format or Docker Image manifest v2, schema 2. More information at https://docs.docker.com/go/deprecated-image-specs/ The docker-registry container must start not earlier than docker-images PVC is bound. Change-Id: I6bff98aa7d0b23e13a17a038f3039b7956703d40