Based on spec in openstack-helm repo, support-OCI-image-registry-with-authentication-turned-on.rst Each Helm chart can configure an OCI image registry and credentials to use. A Kubernetes secret is then created with these info. Service Accounts then specify an imagePullSecret specifying the Secret with creds for the registry. Then any pod using one of these ServiceAccounts may pull images from an authenticated container registry. Change-Id: Iebda4c7a861aa13db921328776b20c14ba346269
1387 lines
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1387 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
pull_policy: IfNotPresent
dep_check: quay.io/airshipit/kubernetes-entrypoint:v1.0.0
falco: docker.io/sysdig/falco:0.12.1
image_repo_sync: docker.io/library/docker:17.07.0
active: false
- dep_check
- image_repo_sync
falco: falco-oci-image-registry-key
cluster_domain_suffix: cluster.local
name: oci-image-registry
namespace: oci-image-registry
enabled: false
username: falco
password: password
default: localhost
default: null
default: null
enabled: false
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "20m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "30m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "20m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "30m"
pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate
enabled: true
min_ready_seconds: 0
max_unavailable: 1
- effect: NoSchedule
key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
# The location of the rules file(s). This can contain one or more paths to
# separate rules files.
- /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml
- /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml
- /etc/falco/rules.d
# Whether to output events in json or text
json_output: false
# When using json output, whether or not to include the "output" property
# itself (e.g. "File below a known binary directory opened for writing
# (user=root ....") in the json output.
json_include_output_property: true
# Send information logs to stderr and/or syslog Note these are *not* security
# notification logs! These are just Falco lifecycle (and possibly error) logs.
log_stderr: true
log_syslog: true
# Minimum log level to include in logs. Note: these levels are
# separate from the priority field of rules. This refers only to the
# log level of falco's internal logging. Can be one of "emergency",
# "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug".
log_level: info
# Minimum rule priority level to load and run. All rules having a
# priority more severe than this level will be loaded/run. Can be one
# of "emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice",
# "info", "debug".
priority: debug
# Whether or not output to any of the output channels below is
# buffered.
buffered_outputs: false
# A throttling mechanism implemented as a token bucket limits the
# rate of falco notifications. This throttling is controlled by the following configuration
# options:
# - rate: the number of tokens (i.e. right to send a notification)
# gained per second. Defaults to 1.
# - max_burst: the maximum number of tokens outstanding. Defaults to 1000.
# With these defaults, falco could send up to 1000 notifications after
# an initial quiet period, and then up to 1 notification per second
# afterward. It would gain the full burst back after 1000 seconds of
# no activity.
rate: 1
max_burst: 1000
# Where security notifications should go.
# Multiple outputs can be enabled.
enabled: true
# If keep_alive is set to true, the file will be opened once and
# continuously written to, with each output message on its own
# line. If keep_alive is set to false, the file will be re-opened
# for each output message.
# Also, the file will be closed and reopened if falco is signaled with
enabled: false
keep_alive: false
filename: ./events.txt
enabled: true
# Possible additional things you might want to do with program output:
# - send to a slack webhook:
# program: "jq '{text: .output}' | curl -d @- -X POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX"
# - logging (alternate method than syslog):
# program: logger -t falco-test
# - send over a network connection:
# program: nc host.example.com 80
# If keep_alive is set to true, the program will be started once and
# continuously written to, with each output message on its own
# line. If keep_alive is set to false, the program will be re-spawned
# for each output message.
# Also, the program will be closed and reopened if falco is signaled with
enabled: false
keep_alive: false
program: mail -s "Falco Notification" someone@example.com
falco_rules: |
- macro: open_write
condition: (evt.type=open or evt.type=openat) and evt.is_open_write=true and fd.typechar='f' and fd.num>=0
- macro: open_read
condition: (evt.type=open or evt.type=openat) and evt.is_open_read=true and fd.typechar='f' and fd.num>=0
- macro: never_true
condition: (evt.num=0)
- macro: always_true
condition: (evt.num=>0)
- macro: proc_name_exists
condition: (proc.name!="<NA>")
- macro: rename
condition: evt.type in (rename, renameat)
- macro: mkdir
condition: evt.type = mkdir
- macro: remove
condition: evt.type in (rmdir, unlink, unlinkat)
- macro: modify
condition: rename or remove
- macro: spawned_process
condition: evt.type = execve and evt.dir=<
- macro: bin_dir
condition: fd.directory in (/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin)
- macro: bin_dir_mkdir
condition: >
(evt.arg[1] startswith /bin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /sbin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /usr/bin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /usr/sbin/)
- macro: bin_dir_rename
condition: >
evt.arg[1] startswith /bin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /sbin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /usr/bin/ or
evt.arg[1] startswith /usr/sbin/
- macro: etc_dir
condition: fd.name startswith /etc/
- macro: root_dir
condition: ((fd.directory=/ or fd.name startswith /root) and fd.name contains "/")
- list: shell_binaries
items: [bash, csh, ksh, sh, tcsh, zsh, dash]
- list: shell_mgmt_binaries
items: [add-shell, remove-shell]
- macro: shell_procs
condition: (proc.name in (shell_binaries))
- list: coreutils_binaries
items: [
truncate, sha1sum, numfmt, fmt, fold, uniq, cut, who,
groups, csplit, sort, expand, printf, printenv, unlink, tee, chcon, stat,
basename, split, nice, "yes", whoami, sha224sum, hostid, users, stdbuf,
base64, unexpand, cksum, od, paste, nproc, pathchk, sha256sum, wc, test,
comm, arch, du, factor, sha512sum, md5sum, tr, runcon, env, dirname,
tsort, join, shuf, install, logname, pinky, nohup, expr, pr, tty, timeout,
tail, "[", seq, sha384sum, nl, head, id, mkfifo, sum, dircolors, ptx, shred,
tac, link, chroot, vdir, chown, touch, ls, dd, uname, "true", pwd, date,
chgrp, chmod, mktemp, cat, mknod, sync, ln, "false", rm, mv, cp, echo,
readlink, sleep, stty, mkdir, df, dir, rmdir, touch
- list: login_binaries
items: [
login, systemd, '"(systemd)"', systemd-logind, su,
nologin, faillog, lastlog, newgrp, sg
- list: passwd_binaries
items: [
shadowconfig, grpck, pwunconv, grpconv, pwck,
groupmod, vipw, pwconv, useradd, newusers, cppw, chpasswd, usermod,
groupadd, groupdel, grpunconv, chgpasswd, userdel, chage, chsh,
gpasswd, chfn, expiry, passwd, vigr, cpgr
- list: shadowutils_binaries
items: [
chage, gpasswd, lastlog, newgrp, sg, adduser, deluser, chpasswd,
groupadd, groupdel, addgroup, delgroup, groupmems, groupmod, grpck, grpconv, grpunconv,
newusers, pwck, pwconv, pwunconv, useradd, userdel, usermod, vigr, vipw, unix_chkpwd
- list: sysdigcloud_binaries
items: [setup-backend, dragent, sdchecks]
- list: docker_binaries
items: [docker, dockerd, exe, docker-compose, docker-entrypoi, docker-runc-cur, docker-current]
- list: k8s_binaries
items: [hyperkube, skydns, kube2sky, exechealthz]
- list: lxd_binaries
items: [lxd, lxcfs]
- list: http_server_binaries
items: [nginx, httpd, httpd-foregroun, lighttpd, apache, apache2]
- list: db_server_binaries
items: [mysqld, postgres, sqlplus]
- list: mysql_mgmt_binaries
items: [mysql_install_d, mysql_ssl_rsa_s]
- list: postgres_mgmt_binaries
items: [pg_dumpall, pg_ctl, pg_lsclusters, pg_ctlcluster]
- list: db_mgmt_binaries
items: [mysql_mgmt_binaries, postgres_mgmt_binaries]
- list: nosql_server_binaries
items: [couchdb, memcached, redis-server, rabbitmq-server, mongod]
- list: gitlab_binaries
items: [gitlab-shell, gitlab-mon, gitlab-runner-b, git]
- macro: server_procs
condition: proc.name in (http_server_binaries, db_server_binaries, docker_binaries, sshd)
- list: rpm_binaries
items: [dnf, rpm, rpmkey, yum, '"75-system-updat"', rhsmcertd-worke, subscription-ma,
repoquery, rpmkeys, rpmq, yum-cron, yum-config-mana, yum-debug-dump,
abrt-action-sav, rpmdb_stat, microdnf]
- macro: rpm_procs
condition: proc.name in (rpm_binaries) or proc.name in (salt-minion)
- list: deb_binaries
items: [dpkg, dpkg-preconfigu, dpkg-reconfigur, dpkg-divert, apt, apt-get, aptitude,
frontend, preinst, add-apt-reposit, apt-auto-remova, apt-key,
apt-listchanges, unattended-upgr, apt-add-reposit
- list: package_mgmt_binaries
items: [rpm_binaries, deb_binaries, update-alternat, gem, pip, pip3, sane-utils.post, alternatives, chef-client]
- macro: package_mgmt_procs
condition: proc.name in (package_mgmt_binaries)
- macro: coreos_write_ssh_dir
condition: (proc.name=update-ssh-keys and fd.name startswith /home/core/.ssh)
- macro: run_by_package_mgmt_binaries
condition: proc.aname in (package_mgmt_binaries, needrestart)
- list: ssl_mgmt_binaries
items: [ca-certificates]
- list: dhcp_binaries
items: [dhclient, dhclient-script]
- list: userexec_binaries
items: [sudo, su, suexec]
- list: known_setuid_binaries
items: [
sshd, dbus-daemon-lau, ping, ping6, critical-stack-, pmmcli,
filemng, PassengerAgent, bwrap, osdetect, nginxmng, sw-engine-fpm,
- list: user_mgmt_binaries
items: [login_binaries, passwd_binaries, shadowutils_binaries]
- list: dev_creation_binaries
items: [blkid, rename_device, update_engine, sgdisk]
- list: hids_binaries
items: [aide]
- list: vpn_binaries
items: [openvpn]
- list: nomachine_binaries
items: [nxexec, nxnode.bin, nxserver.bin, nxclient.bin]
- macro: system_procs
condition: proc.name in (coreutils_binaries, user_mgmt_binaries)
- list: mail_binaries
items: [
sendmail, sendmail-msp, postfix, procmail, exim4,
pickup, showq, mailq, dovecot, imap-login, imap,
mailmng-core, pop3-login, dovecot-lda, pop3
- list: mail_config_binaries
items: [
update_conf, parse_mc, makemap_hash, newaliases, update_mk, update_tlsm4,
update_db, update_mc, ssmtp.postinst, mailq, postalias, postfix.config.,
postfix.config, postfix-script
- list: sensitive_file_names
items: [/etc/shadow, /etc/sudoers, /etc/pam.conf]
- macro: sensitive_files
condition: >
fd.name startswith /etc and
(fd.name in (sensitive_file_names)
or fd.directory in (/etc/sudoers.d, /etc/pam.d))
- macro: proc_is_new
condition: proc.duration <= 5000000000
- macro: inbound
condition: >
(((evt.type in (accept,listen) and evt.dir=<)) or
(fd.typechar = 4 or fd.typechar = 6) and
(fd.ip != "" and fd.net != "") and
(evt.rawres >= 0 or evt.res = EINPROGRESS))
- macro: outbound
condition: >
(((evt.type = connect and evt.dir=<)) or
(fd.typechar = 4 or fd.typechar = 6) and
(fd.ip != "" and fd.net != "") and
(evt.rawres >= 0 or evt.res = EINPROGRESS))
- macro: inbound_outbound
condition: >
(((evt.type in (accept,listen,connect) and evt.dir=<)) or
(fd.typechar = 4 or fd.typechar = 6) and
(fd.ip != "" and fd.net != "") and
(evt.rawres >= 0 or evt.res = EINPROGRESS))
- macro: ssh_port
condition: fd.sport=22
- macro: allowed_ssh_hosts
condition: ssh_port
- rule: Disallowed SSH Connection
desc: Detect any new ssh connection to a host other than those in an allowed group of hosts
condition: (inbound_outbound) and ssh_port and not allowed_ssh_hosts
output: Disallowed SSH Connection (command=%proc.cmdline connection=%fd.name user=%user.name)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network]
- macro: container
condition: container.id != host
- macro: interactive
condition: >
((proc.aname=sshd and proc.name != sshd) or
proc.name=systemd-logind or proc.name=login)
- list: cron_binaries
items: [anacron, cron, crond, crontab]
- list: needrestart_binaries
items: [needrestart, 10-dpkg, 20-rpm, 30-pacman]
- list: sshkit_script_binaries
items: [10_etc_sudoers., 10_passwd_group]
- list: plesk_binaries
items: [sw-engine, sw-engine-fpm, sw-engine-kv, filemng, f2bmng]
- macro: system_users
condition: user.name in (bin, daemon, games, lp, mail, nobody, sshd, sync, uucp, www-data)
- macro: parent_ansible_running_python
condition: (proc.pname in (python, pypy) and proc.pcmdline contains ansible)
- macro: parent_bro_running_python
condition: (proc.pname=python and proc.cmdline contains /usr/share/broctl)
- macro: parent_python_running_denyhosts
condition: >
(proc.cmdline startswith "denyhosts.py /usr/bin/denyhosts.py" or
(proc.pname=python and
(proc.pcmdline contains /usr/sbin/denyhosts or
proc.pcmdline contains /usr/local/bin/denyhosts.py)))
- macro: parent_python_running_sdchecks
condition: >
(proc.pname in (python, python2.7) and
(proc.pcmdline contains /opt/draios/bin/sdchecks))
- macro: parent_linux_image_upgrade_script
condition: proc.pname startswith linux-image-
- macro: parent_java_running_echo
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c echo")
- macro: parent_scripting_running_builds
condition: >
(proc.pname in (php,php5-fpm,php-fpm7.1,python,ruby,ruby2.3,ruby2.1,node,conda) and (
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c git" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c date" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /usr/bin/g++" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /usr/bin/gcc" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c gcc" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c if type gcc" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c cd '/var/www/edi/';LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 git" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /var/www/edi/bin/sftp.sh" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /usr/src/app/crxlsx/bin/linux/crxlsx" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c make parent" or
proc.cmdline startswith "node /jenkins/tools" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c '/usr/bin/node'" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c stty -a |" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /opt/nodejs/bin/yarn" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /usr/local/bin/yarn" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /root/.config/yarn" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /opt/yarn/bin/yarn.js"))
- macro: httpd_writing_ssl_conf
condition: >
(proc.pname=run-httpd and
(proc.cmdline startswith "sed -ri" or proc.cmdline startswith "sed -i") and
(fd.name startswith /etc/httpd/conf.d/ or fd.name startswith /etc/httpd/conf))
- macro: userhelper_writing_etc_security
condition: (proc.name=userhelper and fd.name startswith /etc/security)
- macro: parent_Xvfb_running_xkbcomp
condition: (proc.pname=Xvfb and proc.cmdline startswith 'sh -c "/usr/bin/xkbcomp"')
- macro: parent_nginx_running_serf
condition: (proc.pname=nginx and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c serf")
- macro: parent_node_running_npm
condition: (proc.pcmdline startswith "node /usr/local/bin/npm" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /usr/local/nodejs/bin/npm" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "node /opt/rh/rh-nodejs6/root/usr/bin/npm")
- macro: parent_java_running_sbt
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains sbt-launch.jar)
- list: known_container_shell_spawn_cmdlines
items: []
- list: known_shell_spawn_binaries
items: []
- macro: ansible_running_python
condition: (proc.name in (python, pypy) and proc.cmdline contains ansible)
- macro: python_running_chef
condition: (proc.name=python and (proc.cmdline contains yum-dump.py or proc.cmdline="python /usr/bin/chef-monitor.py"))
- macro: python_running_denyhosts
condition: >
(proc.name=python and
(proc.cmdline contains /usr/sbin/denyhosts or
proc.cmdline contains /usr/local/bin/denyhosts.py))
- macro: run_by_qualys
condition: >
(proc.pname=qualys-cloud-ag or
proc.aname[2]=qualys-cloud-ag or
proc.aname[3]=qualys-cloud-ag or
- macro: run_by_sumologic_securefiles
condition: >
((proc.cmdline="usermod -a -G sumologic_collector" or
proc.cmdline="groupadd sumologic_collector") and
(proc.pname=secureFiles.sh and proc.aname[2]=java))
- macro: run_by_yum
condition: ((proc.pname=sh and proc.aname[2]=yum) or
(proc.aname[2]=sh and proc.aname[3]=yum))
- macro: run_by_ms_oms
condition: >
(proc.aname[3] startswith omsagent- or
proc.aname[3] startswith scx-)
- macro: run_by_google_accounts_daemon
condition: >
(proc.aname[1] startswith google_accounts or
proc.aname[2] startswith google_accounts)
- macro: run_by_chef
condition: (proc.aname[2]=chef_command_wr or proc.aname[3]=chef_command_wr or
proc.aname[2]=chef-client or proc.aname[3]=chef-client or
- macro: run_by_adclient
condition: (proc.aname[2]=adclient or proc.aname[3]=adclient or proc.aname[4]=adclient)
- macro: run_by_centrify
condition: (proc.aname[2]=centrify or proc.aname[3]=centrify or proc.aname[4]=centrify)
- macro: run_by_puppet
condition: (proc.aname[2]=puppet or proc.aname[3]=puppet)
- macro: run_by_foreman
condition: >
(user.name=foreman and
(proc.pname in (rake, ruby, scl) and proc.aname[5] in (tfm-rake,tfm-ruby)) or
(proc.pname=scl and proc.aname[2] in (tfm-rake,tfm-ruby)))
- macro: java_running_sdjagent
condition: proc.name=java and proc.cmdline contains sdjagent.jar
- macro: kubelet_running_loopback
condition: (proc.pname=kubelet and proc.name=loopback)
- macro: python_mesos_marathon_scripting
condition: (proc.pcmdline startswith "python3 /marathon-lb/marathon_lb.py")
- macro: splunk_running_forwarder
condition: (proc.pname=splunkd and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /opt/splunkforwarder")
- macro: parent_supervise_running_multilog
condition: (proc.name=multilog and proc.pname=supervise)
- macro: supervise_writing_status
condition: (proc.name in (supervise,svc) and fd.name startswith "/etc/sb/")
- macro: pki_realm_writing_realms
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "bash /usr/local/lib/pki/pki-realm" and fd.name startswith /etc/pki/realms)
- macro: htpasswd_writing_passwd
condition: (proc.name=htpasswd and fd.name=/etc/nginx/.htpasswd)
- macro: lvprogs_writing_conf
condition: >
(proc.name in (dmeventd,lvcreate,pvscan) and
(fd.name startswith /etc/lvm/archive or
fd.name startswith /etc/lvm/backup or
fd.name startswith /etc/lvm/cache))
- macro: ovsdb_writing_openvswitch
condition: (proc.name=ovsdb-server and fd.directory=/etc/openvswitch)
- macro: perl_running_plesk
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "perl /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager" or
proc.pcmdline startswith "perl /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager")
- macro: perl_running_updmap
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "perl /usr/bin/updmap")
- macro: perl_running_centrifydc
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "perl /usr/share/centrifydc")
- macro: parent_ucf_writing_conf
condition: (proc.pname=ucf and proc.aname[2]=frontend)
- macro: consul_template_writing_conf
condition: >
((proc.name=consul-template and fd.name startswith /etc/haproxy) or
(proc.name=reload.sh and proc.aname[2]=consul-template and fd.name startswith /etc/ssl))
- macro: countly_writing_nginx_conf
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "nodejs /opt/countly/bin" and fd.name startswith /etc/nginx)
- list: ms_oms_binaries
items: [omi.postinst, omsconfig.posti, scx.postinst, omsadmin.sh, omiagent]
- macro: ms_oms_writing_conf
condition: >
((proc.name in (omiagent,omsagent,in_heartbeat_r*,omsadmin.sh,PerformInventor)
or proc.pname in (ms_oms_binaries)
or proc.aname[2] in (ms_oms_binaries))
and (fd.name startswith /etc/opt/omi or fd.name startswith /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent))
- macro: ms_scx_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name in (GetLinuxOS.sh) and fd.name startswith /etc/opt/microsoft/scx)
- macro: azure_scripts_writing_conf
condition: (proc.pname startswith "bash /var/lib/waagent/" and fd.name startswith /etc/azure)
- macro: azure_networkwatcher_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name in (NetworkWatcherA) and fd.name=/etc/init.d/AzureNetworkWatcherAgent)
- macro: couchdb_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=beam.smp and proc.cmdline contains couchdb and fd.name startswith /etc/couchdb)
- macro: update_texmf_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=update-texmf and fd.name startswith /etc/texmf)
- macro: slapadd_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=slapadd and fd.name startswith /etc/ldap)
- macro: openldap_writing_conf
condition: (proc.pname=run-openldap.sh and fd.name startswith /etc/openldap)
- macro: ucpagent_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=apiserver and container.image startswith docker/ucp-agent and fd.name=/etc/authorization_config.cfg)
- macro: iscsi_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=iscsiadm and fd.name startswith /etc/iscsi)
- macro: symantec_writing_conf
condition: >
((proc.name=symcfgd and fd.name startswith /etc/symantec) or
(proc.name=navdefutil and fd.name=/etc/symc-defutils.conf))
- macro: liveupdate_writing_conf
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "java LiveUpdate" and fd.name in (/etc/liveupdate.conf, /etc/Product.Catalog.JavaLiveUpdate))
- macro: sosreport_writing_files
condition: >
(proc.name=urlgrabber-ext- and proc.aname[3]=sosreport and
(fd.name startswith /etc/pkt/nssdb or fd.name startswith /etc/pki/nssdb))
- macro: pkgmgmt_progs_writing_pki
condition: >
(proc.name=urlgrabber-ext- and proc.pname in (yum, yum-cron, repoquery) and
(fd.name startswith /etc/pkt/nssdb or fd.name startswith /etc/pki/nssdb))
- macro: update_ca_trust_writing_pki
condition: (proc.pname=update-ca-trust and proc.name=trust and fd.name startswith /etc/pki)
- macro: brandbot_writing_os_release
condition: proc.name=brandbot and fd.name=/etc/os-release
- macro: selinux_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name in (semodule,genhomedircon,sefcontext_comp) and fd.name startswith /etc/selinux)
- list: veritas_binaries
items: [vxconfigd, sfcache, vxclustadm, vxdctl, vxprint, vxdmpadm, vxdisk, vxdg, vxassist, vxtune]
- macro: veritas_driver_script
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "perl /opt/VRTSsfmh/bin/mh_driver.pl")
- macro: veritas_progs
condition: (proc.name in (veritas_binaries) or veritas_driver_script)
- macro: veritas_writing_config
condition: (veritas_progs and (fd.name startswith /etc/vx or fd.name startswith /etc/opt/VRTS or fd.name startswith /etc/vom))
- macro: nginx_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=nginx and fd.name startswith /etc/nginx)
- macro: nginx_writing_certs
condition: >
(((proc.name=openssl and proc.pname=nginx-launch.sh) or proc.name=nginx-launch.sh) and fd.name startswith /etc/nginx/certs)
- macro: chef_client_writing_conf
condition: (proc.pcmdline startswith "chef-client /opt/gitlab" and fd.name startswith /etc/gitlab)
- macro: centrify_writing_krb
condition: (proc.name in (adjoin,addns) and fd.name startswith /etc/krb5)
- macro: cockpit_writing_conf
condition: >
((proc.pname=cockpit-kube-la or proc.aname[2]=cockpit-kube-la)
and fd.name startswith /etc/cockpit)
- macro: ipsec_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=start-ipsec.sh and fd.directory=/etc/ipsec)
- macro: exe_running_docker_save
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "exe /var/lib/docker" and proc.pname in (dockerd, docker))
- macro: sed_temporary_file
condition: (proc.name=sed and fd.name startswith "/etc/sed")
- macro: python_running_get_pip
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "python get-pip.py")
- macro: python_running_ms_oms
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "python /var/lib/waagent/")
- macro: gugent_writing_guestagent_log
condition: (proc.name=gugent and fd.name=GuestAgent.log)
- macro: dse_writing_tmp
condition: (proc.name=dse-entrypoint and fd.name=/root/tmp__)
- macro: zap_writing_state
condition: (proc.name=java and proc.cmdline contains "jar /zap" and fd.name startswith /root/.ZAP)
- macro: airflow_writing_state
condition: (proc.name=airflow and fd.name startswith /root/airflow)
- macro: rpm_writing_root_rpmdb
condition: (proc.name=rpm and fd.directory=/root/.rpmdb)
- macro: maven_writing_groovy
condition: (proc.name=java and proc.cmdline contains "classpath /usr/local/apache-maven" and fd.name startswith /root/.groovy)
- rule: Write below binary dir
desc: an attempt to write to any file below a set of binary directories
condition: >
bin_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write
and not package_mgmt_procs
and not exe_running_docker_save
and not python_running_get_pip
and not python_running_ms_oms
output: >
File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user=%user.name
command=%proc.cmdline file=%fd.name parent=%proc.pname pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline gparent=%proc.aname[2])
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- list: monitored_directories
items: [/boot, /lib, /lib64, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /root/.ssh, /etc/cardserver]
- macro: user_ssh_directory
condition: (fd.name startswith '/home' and fd.name contains '.ssh')
- macro: mkinitramfs_writing_boot
condition: (proc.pname in (mkinitramfs, update-initramf) and fd.directory=/boot)
- macro: monitored_dir
condition: >
(fd.directory in (monitored_directories)
or user_ssh_directory)
and not mkinitramfs_writing_boot
- rule: Write below monitored dir
desc: an attempt to write to any file below a set of binary directories
condition: >
evt.dir = < and open_write and monitored_dir
and not package_mgmt_procs
and not coreos_write_ssh_dir
and not exe_running_docker_save
and not python_running_get_pip
and not python_running_ms_oms
output: >
File below a monitored directory opened for writing (user=%user.name
command=%proc.cmdline file=%fd.name parent=%proc.pname pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline gparent=%proc.aname[2])
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- list: safe_etc_dirs
items: [/etc/cassandra, /etc/ssl/certs/java, /etc/logstash, /etc/nginx/conf.d, /etc/container_environment, /etc/hrmconfig]
- macro: fluentd_writing_conf_files
condition: (proc.name=start-fluentd and fd.name in (/etc/fluent/fluent.conf, /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf))
- macro: qualys_writing_conf_files
condition: (proc.name=qualys-cloud-ag and fd.name=/etc/qualys/cloud-agent/qagent-log.conf)
- macro: git_writing_nssdb
condition: (proc.name=git-remote-http and fd.directory=/etc/pki/nssdb)
- macro: plesk_writing_keys
condition: (proc.name in (plesk_binaries) and fd.name startswith /etc/sw/keys)
- macro: plesk_install_writing_apache_conf
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "bash -hB /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/services/webserver.apache configure"
and fd.name="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf.tmp")
- macro: plesk_running_mktemp
condition: (proc.name=mktemp and proc.aname[3] in (plesk_binaries))
- macro: networkmanager_writing_resolv_conf
condition: proc.aname[2]=nm-dispatcher and fd.name=/etc/resolv.conf
- macro: add_shell_writing_shells_tmp
condition: (proc.name=add-shell and fd.name=/etc/shells.tmp)
- macro: duply_writing_exclude_files
condition: (proc.name=touch and proc.pcmdline startswith "bash /usr/bin/duply" and fd.name startswith "/etc/duply")
- macro: xmlcatalog_writing_files
condition: (proc.name=update-xmlcatal and fd.directory=/etc/xml)
- macro: datadog_writing_conf
condition: ((proc.cmdline startswith "python /opt/datadog-agent" or
proc.cmdline startswith "entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh datadog start" or
proc.cmdline startswith "agent.py /opt/datadog-agent")
and fd.name startswith "/etc/dd-agent")
- macro: curl_writing_pki_db
condition: (proc.name=curl and fd.directory=/etc/pki/nssdb)
- macro: haproxy_writing_conf
condition: ((proc.name in (update-haproxy-,haproxy_reload.) or proc.pname in (update-haproxy-,haproxy_reload,haproxy_reload.))
and (fd.name=/etc/openvpn/client.map or fd.name startswith /etc/haproxy))
- macro: java_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=java and fd.name=/etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock)
- macro: rabbitmq_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=rabbitmq-server and fd.directory=/etc/rabbitmq)
- macro: rook_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=toolbox.sh and container.image startswith rook/toolbox
and fd.directory=/etc/ceph)
- macro: httpd_writing_conf_logs
condition: (proc.name=httpd and fd.name startswith /etc/httpd/)
- macro: mysql_writing_conf
condition: >
((proc.name in (start-mysql.sh, run-mysqld) or proc.pname=start-mysql.sh) and
(fd.name startswith /etc/mysql or fd.directory=/etc/my.cnf.d))
- macro: redis_writing_conf
condition: >
(proc.name in (run-redis, redis-launcher.) and fd.name=/etc/redis.conf or fd.name startswith /etc/redis)
- macro: openvpn_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name in (openvpn,openvpn-entrypo) and fd.name startswith /etc/openvpn)
- macro: php_handlers_writing_conf
condition: (proc.name=php_handlers_co and fd.name=/etc/psa/php_versions.json)
- macro: sed_writing_temp_file
condition: >
((proc.aname[3]=cron_start.sh and fd.name startswith /etc/security/sed) or
(proc.name=sed and (fd.name startswith /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sed or
fd.name startswith /etc/apt/sed or
fd.name startswith /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/sed)))
- macro: cron_start_writing_pam_env
condition: (proc.cmdline="bash /usr/sbin/start-cron" and fd.name=/etc/security/pam_env.conf)
- macro: dpkg_scripting
condition: (proc.aname[2] in (dpkg-reconfigur, dpkg-preconfigu))
- macro: user_known_write_etc_conditions
condition: proc.name=confd
- macro: write_etc_common
condition: >
etc_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write
and proc_name_exists
and not proc.name in (passwd_binaries, shadowutils_binaries, sysdigcloud_binaries,
package_mgmt_binaries, ssl_mgmt_binaries, dhcp_binaries,
dev_creation_binaries, shell_mgmt_binaries,
ldconfig.real, ldconfig, confd, gpg, insserv,
apparmor_parser, update-mime, tzdata.config, tzdata.postinst,
systemd, systemd-machine, systemd-sysuser,
debconf-show, rollerd, bind9.postinst, sv,
gen_resolvconf., update-ca-certi, certbot, runsv,
qualys-cloud-ag, locales.postins, nomachine_binaries,
adclient, certutil, crlutil, pam-auth-update, parallels_insta,
openshift-launc, update-rc.d)
and not proc.pname in (sysdigcloud_binaries, mail_config_binaries, hddtemp.postins, sshkit_script_binaries, locales.postins, deb_binaries, dhcp_binaries)
and not fd.name pmatch (safe_etc_dirs)
and not fd.name in (/etc/container_environment.sh, /etc/container_environment.json, /etc/motd, /etc/motd.svc)
and not sed_temporary_file
and not exe_running_docker_save
and not ansible_running_python
and not python_running_denyhosts
and not fluentd_writing_conf_files
and not user_known_write_etc_conditions
and not run_by_centrify
and not run_by_adclient
and not qualys_writing_conf_files
and not git_writing_nssdb
and not plesk_writing_keys
and not plesk_install_writing_apache_conf
and not plesk_running_mktemp
and not networkmanager_writing_resolv_conf
and not run_by_chef
and not add_shell_writing_shells_tmp
and not duply_writing_exclude_files
and not xmlcatalog_writing_files
and not parent_supervise_running_multilog
and not supervise_writing_status
and not pki_realm_writing_realms
and not htpasswd_writing_passwd
and not lvprogs_writing_conf
and not ovsdb_writing_openvswitch
and not datadog_writing_conf
and not curl_writing_pki_db
and not haproxy_writing_conf
and not java_writing_conf
and not dpkg_scripting
and not parent_ucf_writing_conf
and not rabbitmq_writing_conf
and not rook_writing_conf
and not php_handlers_writing_conf
and not sed_writing_temp_file
and not cron_start_writing_pam_env
and not httpd_writing_conf_logs
and not mysql_writing_conf
and not openvpn_writing_conf
and not consul_template_writing_conf
and not countly_writing_nginx_conf
and not ms_oms_writing_conf
and not ms_scx_writing_conf
and not azure_scripts_writing_conf
and not azure_networkwatcher_writing_conf
and not couchdb_writing_conf
and not update_texmf_writing_conf
and not slapadd_writing_conf
and not symantec_writing_conf
and not liveupdate_writing_conf
and not sosreport_writing_files
and not selinux_writing_conf
and not veritas_writing_config
and not nginx_writing_conf
and not nginx_writing_certs
and not chef_client_writing_conf
and not centrify_writing_krb
and not cockpit_writing_conf
and not ipsec_writing_conf
and not httpd_writing_ssl_conf
and not userhelper_writing_etc_security
and not pkgmgmt_progs_writing_pki
and not update_ca_trust_writing_pki
and not brandbot_writing_os_release
and not redis_writing_conf
and not openldap_writing_conf
and not ucpagent_writing_conf
and not iscsi_writing_conf
- rule: Write below etc
desc: an attempt to write to any file below /etc
condition: write_etc_common
output: "File below /etc opened for writing (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline file=%fd.name program=%proc.name gparent=%proc.aname[2] ggparent=%proc.aname[3] gggparent=%proc.aname[4])"
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- list: known_root_files
items: [/root/.monit.state, /root/.auth_tokens, /root/.bash_history, /root/.ash_history, /root/.aws/credentials,
/root/.viminfo.tmp, /root/.lesshst, /root/.bzr.log, /root/.gitconfig.lock, /root/.babel.json, /root/.localstack,
/root/.node_repl_history, /root/.mongorc.js, /root/.dbshell, /root/.augeas/history, /root/.rnd, /root/.wget-hsts]
- list: known_root_directories
items: [/root/.oracle_jre_usage, /root/.ssh, /root/.subversion, /root/.nami]
- macro: known_root_conditions
condition: (fd.name startswith /root/orcexec.
or fd.name startswith /root/.m2
or fd.name startswith /root/.npm
or fd.name startswith /root/.pki
or fd.name startswith /root/.ivy2
or fd.name startswith /root/.config/Cypress
or fd.name startswith /root/.config/pulse
or fd.name startswith /root/.config/configstore
or fd.name startswith /root/jenkins/workspace
or fd.name startswith /root/.jenkins
or fd.name startswith /root/.cache
or fd.name startswith /root/.sbt
or fd.name startswith /root/.java
or fd.name startswith /root/.glide
or fd.name startswith /root/.sonar
or fd.name startswith /root/.v8flag
or fd.name startswith /root/infaagent
or fd.name startswith /root/.local/lib/python
or fd.name startswith /root/.pm2
or fd.name startswith /root/.gnupg
or fd.name startswith /root/.pgpass
or fd.name startswith /root/.theano
or fd.name startswith /root/.gradle
or fd.name startswith /root/.android
or fd.name startswith /root/.ansible
or fd.name startswith /root/.crashlytics
or fd.name startswith /root/.dbus
or fd.name startswith /root/.composer
or fd.name startswith /root/.gconf
or fd.name startswith /root/.nv
or fd.name startswith /root/.local/share/jupyter
or fd.name startswith /root/oradiag_root
or fd.name startswith /root/workspace
or fd.name startswith /root/jvm
or fd.name startswith /root/.node-gyp)
- rule: Write below root
desc: an attempt to write to any file directly below / or /root
condition: >
root_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write
and not fd.name in (known_root_files)
and not fd.directory in (known_root_directories)
and not exe_running_docker_save
and not gugent_writing_guestagent_log
and not dse_writing_tmp
and not zap_writing_state
and not airflow_writing_state
and not rpm_writing_root_rpmdb
and not maven_writing_groovy
and not known_root_conditions
output: "File below / or /root opened for writing (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname file=%fd.name program=%proc.name)"
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- macro: cmp_cp_by_passwd
condition: proc.name in (cmp, cp) and proc.pname in (passwd, run-parts)
- rule: Read sensitive file trusted after startup
desc: >
an attempt to read any sensitive file (e.g. files containing user/password/authentication
information) by a trusted program after startup. Trusted programs might read these files
at startup to load initial state, but not afterwards.
condition: sensitive_files and open_read and server_procs and not proc_is_new and proc.name!="sshd"
output: >
Sensitive file opened for reading by trusted program after startup (user=%user.name
command=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname file=%fd.name parent=%proc.pname gparent=%proc.aname[2])
priority: WARNING
tags: [filesystem]
- list: read_sensitive_file_binaries
items: [
iptables, ps, lsb_release, check-new-relea, dumpe2fs, accounts-daemon, sshd,
vsftpd, systemd, mysql_install_d, psql, screen, debconf-show, sa-update,
pam-auth-update, pam-config, /usr/sbin/spamd, polkit-agent-he, lsattr, file, sosreport,
scxcimservera, adclient, rtvscand, cockpit-session, userhelper, ossec-syscheckd
- macro: user_read_sensitive_file_conditions
condition: cmp_cp_by_passwd
- rule: Read sensitive file untrusted
desc: >
an attempt to read any sensitive file (e.g. files containing user/password/authentication
information). Exceptions are made for known trusted programs.
condition: >
sensitive_files and open_read
and proc_name_exists
and not proc.name in (user_mgmt_binaries, userexec_binaries, package_mgmt_binaries,
cron_binaries, read_sensitive_file_binaries, shell_binaries, hids_binaries,
vpn_binaries, mail_config_binaries, nomachine_binaries, sshkit_script_binaries,
in.proftpd, mandb, salt-minion, postgres_mgmt_binaries)
and not cmp_cp_by_passwd
and not ansible_running_python
and not proc.cmdline contains /usr/bin/mandb
and not run_by_qualys
and not run_by_chef
and not user_read_sensitive_file_conditions
and not perl_running_plesk
and not perl_running_updmap
and not veritas_driver_script
and not perl_running_centrifydc
output: >
Sensitive file opened for reading by non-trusted program (user=%user.name program=%proc.name
command=%proc.cmdline file=%fd.name parent=%proc.pname gparent=%proc.aname[2] ggparent=%proc.aname[3] gggparent=%proc.aname[4])
priority: WARNING
tags: [filesystem]
- rule: Write below rpm database
desc: an attempt to write to the rpm database by any non-rpm related program
condition: fd.name startswith /var/lib/rpm and open_write and not rpm_procs and not ansible_running_python and not python_running_chef
output: "Rpm database opened for writing by a non-rpm program (command=%proc.cmdline file=%fd.name parent=%proc.pname pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline)"
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem, software_mgmt]
- macro: postgres_running_wal_e
condition: (proc.pname=postgres and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /usr/local/bin/wal-e")
- macro: redis_running_prepost_scripts
condition: (proc.aname[2]=redis-server and (proc.cmdline contains "redis-server.post-up.d" or proc.cmdline contains "redis-server.pre-up.d"))
- macro: rabbitmq_running_scripts
condition: >
(proc.pname=beam.smp and
(proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c exec ps" or
proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c exec inet_gethost" or
proc.cmdline= "sh -s unix:cmd" or
proc.cmdline= "sh -c exec /bin/sh -s unix:cmd 2>&1"))
- macro: rabbitmqctl_running_scripts
condition: (proc.aname[2]=rabbitmqctl and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c ")
- macro: run_by_appdynamics
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline startswith "java -jar -Dappdynamics")
- rule: DB program spawned process
desc: >
a database-server related program spawned a new process other than itself.
This shouldn\'t occur and is a follow on from some SQL injection attacks.
condition: >
proc.pname in (db_server_binaries)
and spawned_process
and not proc.name in (db_server_binaries)
and not postgres_running_wal_e
output: >
Database-related program spawned process other than itself (user=%user.name
program=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [process, database]
- rule: Modify binary dirs
desc: an attempt to modify any file below a set of binary directories.
condition: (bin_dir_rename) and modify and not package_mgmt_procs and not exe_running_docker_save
output: >
File below known binary directory renamed/removed (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline
pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline operation=%evt.type file=%fd.name %evt.args)
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- rule: Mkdir binary dirs
desc: an attempt to create a directory below a set of binary directories.
condition: mkdir and bin_dir_mkdir and not package_mgmt_procs
output: >
Directory below known binary directory created (user=%user.name
command=%proc.cmdline directory=%evt.arg.path)
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- list: user_known_change_thread_namespace_binaries
items: []
- rule: Change thread namespace
desc: >
an attempt to change a program/thread\'s namespace (commonly done
as a part of creating a container) by calling setns.
condition: >
evt.type = setns
and not proc.name in (docker_binaries, k8s_binaries, lxd_binaries, sysdigcloud_binaries, sysdig, nsenter)
and not proc.name in (user_known_change_thread_namespace_binaries)
and not proc.name startswith "runc:"
and not proc.pname in (sysdigcloud_binaries)
and not java_running_sdjagent
and not kubelet_running_loopback
output: >
Namespace change (setns) by unexpected program (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline
parent=%proc.pname %container.info)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [process]
- list: protected_shell_spawning_binaries
items: [
http_server_binaries, db_server_binaries, nosql_server_binaries, mail_binaries,
fluentd, flanneld, splunkd, consul, smbd, runsv, PM2
- macro: parent_java_running_elasticsearch
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch)
- macro: parent_java_running_activemq
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains activemq.jar)
- macro: parent_java_running_cassandra
condition: (proc.pname=java and (proc.pcmdline contains "-Dcassandra.config.loader" or proc.pcmdline contains org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon))
- macro: parent_java_running_jboss_wildfly
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains org.jboss)
- macro: parent_java_running_glassfish
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains com.sun.enterprise.glassfish)
- macro: parent_java_running_hadoop
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains org.apache.hadoop)
- macro: parent_java_running_datastax
condition: (proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains com.datastax)
- macro: nginx_starting_nginx
condition: (proc.pname=nginx and proc.cmdline contains "/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
- macro: nginx_running_aws_s3_cp
condition: (proc.pname=nginx and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp")
- macro: consul_running_net_scripts
condition: (proc.pname=consul and (proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c curl" or proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c nc"))
- macro: consul_running_alert_checks
condition: (proc.pname=consul and proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c /bin/consul-alerts")
- macro: serf_script
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c serf")
- macro: check_process_status
condition: (proc.cmdline startswith "sh -c kill -0 ")
- macro: possibly_node_in_container
condition: (never_true and (proc.pname=node and proc.aname[3]=docker-containe))
- macro: possibly_parent_java_running_tomcat
condition: (never_true and proc.pname=java and proc.pcmdline contains org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap)
- macro: protected_shell_spawner
condition: >
(proc.aname in (protected_shell_spawning_binaries)
or parent_java_running_elasticsearch
or parent_java_running_activemq
or parent_java_running_cassandra
or parent_java_running_jboss_wildfly
or parent_java_running_glassfish
or parent_java_running_hadoop
or parent_java_running_datastax
or possibly_parent_java_running_tomcat
or possibly_node_in_container)
- list: mesos_shell_binaries
items: [mesos-docker-ex, mesos-slave, mesos-health-ch]
- rule: Run shell untrusted
desc: an attempt to spawn a shell below a non-shell application. Specific applications are monitored.
condition: >
and shell_procs
and proc.pname exists
and protected_shell_spawner
and not proc.pname in (shell_binaries, gitlab_binaries, cron_binaries, user_known_shell_spawn_binaries,
erl_child_setup, exechealthz,
PM2, PassengerWatchd, c_rehash, svlogd, logrotate, hhvm, serf,
lb-controller, nvidia-installe, runsv, statsite, erlexec)
and not proc.cmdline in (known_shell_spawn_cmdlines)
and not proc.aname in (unicorn_launche)
and not consul_running_net_scripts
and not consul_running_alert_checks
and not nginx_starting_nginx
and not nginx_running_aws_s3_cp
and not run_by_package_mgmt_binaries
and not serf_script
and not check_process_status
and not run_by_foreman
and not python_mesos_marathon_scripting
and not splunk_running_forwarder
and not postgres_running_wal_e
and not redis_running_prepost_scripts
and not rabbitmq_running_scripts
and not rabbitmqctl_running_scripts
and not run_by_appdynamics
and not user_shell_container_exclusions
output: >
Shell spawned by untrusted binary (user=%user.name shell=%proc.name parent=%proc.pname
cmdline=%proc.cmdline pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline gparent=%proc.aname[2] ggparent=%proc.aname[3]
aname[4]=%proc.aname[4] aname[5]=%proc.aname[5] aname[6]=%proc.aname[6] aname[7]=%proc.aname[7])
priority: DEBUG
tags: [shell]
- macro: trusted_containers
condition: (container.image startswith sysdig/agent or
(container.image startswith sysdig/falco and
not container.image startswith sysdig/falco-event-generator) or
container.image startswith quay.io/sysdig or
container.image startswith sysdig/sysdig or
container.image startswith k8s.gcr.io/hyperkube or
container.image startswith quay.io/coreos/flannel or
container.image startswith k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy or
container.image startswith calico/node or
container.image startswith rook/toolbox or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/logging-fluentd or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/logging-elasticsearch or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/metrics-cassandra or
container.image startswith openshift3/ose-sti-builder or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-sti-builder or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-docker-builder or
container.image startswith registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/image-inspector or
container.image startswith cloudnativelabs/kube-router or
container.image startswith "consul:" or
container.image startswith mesosphere/mesos-slave or
container.image startswith istio/proxy_ or
container.image startswith datadog/docker-dd-agent or
container.image startswith datadog/agent or
container.image startswith docker/ucp-agent or
container.image startswith gliderlabs/logspout)
- macro: user_trusted_containers
condition: (container.image startswith sysdig/agent)
- macro: user_sensitive_mount_containers
condition: (container.image startswith sysdig/agent)
- rule: Launch Privileged Container
desc: Detect the initial process started in a privileged container. Exceptions are made for known trusted images.
condition: >
evt.type=execve and proc.vpid=1 and container
and container.privileged=true
and not trusted_containers
and not user_trusted_containers
output: Privileged container started (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline %container.info image=%container.image)
priority: INFO
tags: [container, cis]
- macro: sensitive_mount
condition: (container.mount.dest[/proc*] != "N/A" or
container.mount.dest[/var/run/docker.sock] != "N/A" or
container.mount.dest[/] != "N/A" or
container.mount.dest[/etc] != "N/A" or
container.mount.dest[/root*] != "N/A")
- macro: container_entrypoint
condition: (not proc.pname exists or proc.pname in (runc:[0:PARENT], runc:[1:CHILD], docker-runc, exe))
- rule: Launch Sensitive Mount Container
desc: >
Detect the initial process started by a container that has a mount from a sensitive host directory
(i.e. /proc). Exceptions are made for known trusted images.
condition: >
evt.type=execve and proc.vpid=1 and container
and sensitive_mount
and not trusted_containers
and not user_sensitive_mount_containers
output: Container with sensitive mount started (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline %container.info image=%container.image mounts=%container.mounts)
priority: INFO
tags: [container, cis]
- macro: allowed_containers
condition: (proc.vpid=1)
- rule: Launch Disallowed Container
desc: >
Detect the initial process started by a container that is not in a list of allowed containers.
condition: evt.type=execve and proc.vpid=1 and container and not allowed_containers
output: Container started and not in allowed list (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline %container.info image=%container.image)
priority: WARNING
tags: [container]
- rule: System user interactive
desc: an attempt to run interactive commands by a system (i.e. non-login) user
condition: spawned_process and system_users and interactive
output: "System user ran an interactive command (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline)"
priority: INFO
tags: [users]
- rule: Terminal shell in container
desc: A shell was used as the entrypoint/exec point into a container with an attached terminal.
condition: >
spawned_process and container
and shell_procs and proc.tty != 0
and container_entrypoint
output: >
A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal (user=%user.name %container.info
shell=%proc.name parent=%proc.pname cmdline=%proc.cmdline terminal=%proc.tty)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [container, shell]
- list: known_shell_spawn_cmdlines
items: [
'"sh -c uname -p 2> /dev/null"',
'"sh -c uname -s 2>&1"',
'"sh -c uname -r 2>&1"',
'"sh -c uname -v 2>&1"',
'"sh -c uname -a 2>&1"',
'"sh -c ruby -v 2>&1"',
'"sh -c getconf CLK_TCK"',
'"sh -c getconf PAGESIZE"',
'"sh -c LC_ALL=C LANG=C /sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null"',
'"sh -c LANG=C /sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null"',
'"sh -c /sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null"',
'"sh -c stty -a 2>/dev/null"',
'"sh -c stty -a < /dev/tty"',
'"sh -c stty -g < /dev/tty"',
'"sh -c node index.js"',
'"sh -c node index"',
'"sh -c node ./src/start.js"',
'"sh -c node app.js"',
'"sh -c node -e \"require(''nan'')\""',
'"sh -c node -e \"require(''nan'')\")"',
'"sh -c node $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION index.js "',
'"sh -c crontab -l 2"',
'"sh -c lsb_release -a"',
'"sh -c lsb_release -is 2>/dev/null"',
'"sh -c whoami"',
'"sh -c node_modules/.bin/bower-installer"',
'"sh -c /bin/hostname -f 2> /dev/null"',
'"sh -c locale -a"',
'"sh -c -t -i"',
'"sh -c openssl version"',
'"bash -c id -Gn kafadmin"',
'"sh -c /bin/sh -c ''date +%%s''"'
- list: user_known_shell_spawn_binaries
items: []
- macro: user_shell_container_exclusions
condition: (never_true)
- macro: login_doing_dns_lookup
condition: (proc.name=login and fd.l4proto=udp and fd.sport=53)
- rule: System procs network activity
desc: any network activity performed by system binaries that are not expected to send or receive any network traffic
condition: >
(fd.sockfamily = ip and system_procs)
and (inbound_outbound)
and not proc.name in (systemd, hostid, id)
and not login_doing_dns_lookup
output: >
Known system binary sent/received network traffic
(user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline connection=%fd.name)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network]
- list: openvpn_udp_ports
items: [1194, 1197, 1198, 8080, 9201]
- list: l2tp_udp_ports
items: [500, 1701, 4500, 10000]
- list: statsd_ports
items: [8125]
- list: ntp_ports
items: [123]
- list: test_connect_ports
items: [0, 9, 80, 3306]
- macro: do_unexpected_udp_check
condition: (never_true)
- list: expected_udp_ports
items: [53, openvpn_udp_ports, l2tp_udp_ports, statsd_ports, ntp_ports, test_connect_ports]
- macro: expected_udp_traffic
condition: fd.port in (expected_udp_ports)
- rule: Unexpected UDP Traffic
desc: UDP traffic not on port 53 (DNS) or other commonly used ports
condition: (inbound_outbound) and do_unexpected_udp_check and fd.l4proto=udp and not expected_udp_traffic
output: >
Unexpected UDP Traffic Seen
(user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline connection=%fd.name proto=%fd.l4proto evt=%evt.type %evt.args)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network]
- macro: somebody_becoming_themself
condition: ((user.name=nobody and evt.arg.uid=nobody) or
(user.name=www-data and evt.arg.uid=www-data) or
(user.name=_apt and evt.arg.uid=_apt) or
(user.name=postfix and evt.arg.uid=postfix) or
(user.name=pki-agent and evt.arg.uid=pki-agent) or
(user.name=pki-acme and evt.arg.uid=pki-acme) or
(user.name=nfsnobody and evt.arg.uid=nfsnobody) or
(user.name=postgres and evt.arg.uid=postgres))
- macro: nrpe_becoming_nagios
condition: (proc.name=nrpe and evt.arg.uid=nagios)
- macro: known_user_in_container
condition: (container and user.name != "N/A")
- rule: Non sudo setuid
desc: >
an attempt to change users by calling setuid. sudo/su are excluded. users "root" and "nobody"
suing to itself are also excluded, as setuid calls typically involve dropping privileges.
condition: >
evt.type=setuid and evt.dir=>
and (known_user_in_container or not container)
and not user.name=root and not somebody_becoming_themself
and not proc.name in (known_setuid_binaries, userexec_binaries, mail_binaries, docker_binaries,
and not java_running_sdjagent
and not nrpe_becoming_nagios
output: >
Unexpected setuid call by non-sudo, non-root program (user=%user.name cur_uid=%user.uid parent=%proc.pname
command=%proc.cmdline uid=%evt.arg.uid)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [users]
- rule: User mgmt binaries
desc: >
activity by any programs that can manage users, passwords, or permissions. sudo and su are excluded.
Activity in containers is also excluded--some containers create custom users on top
of a base linux distribution at startup.
Some innocuous commandlines that don't actually change anything are excluded.
condition: >
spawned_process and proc.name in (user_mgmt_binaries) and
not proc.name in (su, sudo, lastlog, nologin, unix_chkpwd) and not container and
not proc.pname in (cron_binaries, systemd, systemd.postins, udev.postinst, run-parts) and
not proc.cmdline startswith "passwd -S" and
not proc.cmdline startswith "useradd -D" and
not proc.cmdline startswith "systemd --version" and
not run_by_qualys and
not run_by_sumologic_securefiles and
not run_by_yum and
not run_by_ms_oms and
not run_by_google_accounts_daemon
output: >
User management binary command run outside of container
(user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname gparent=%proc.aname[2] ggparent=%proc.aname[3] gggparent=%proc.aname[4])
priority: NOTICE
tags: [host, users]
- list: allowed_dev_files
items: [
/dev/null, /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr,
/dev/random, /dev/urandom, /dev/console, /dev/kmsg
- rule: Create files below dev
desc: creating any files below /dev other than known programs that manage devices. Some rootkits hide files in /dev.
condition: >
fd.directory = /dev and
(evt.type = creat or (evt.type = open and evt.arg.flags contains O_CREAT))
and not proc.name in (dev_creation_binaries)
and not fd.name in (allowed_dev_files)
and not fd.name startswith /dev/tty
output: "File created below /dev by untrusted program (user=%user.name command=%proc.cmdline file=%fd.name)"
priority: ERROR
tags: [filesystem]
- macro: ec2_metadata_containers
condition: container
- rule: Contact EC2 Instance Metadata Service From Container
desc: Detect attempts to contact the EC2 Instance Metadata Service from a container
condition: outbound and fd.sip="" and container and not ec2_metadata_containers
output: Outbound connection to EC2 instance metadata service (command=%proc.cmdline connection=%fd.name %container.info image=%container.image)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network, aws, container]
- macro: k8s_api_server
condition: (fd.sip="" and fd.sport=8080)
- macro: k8s_containers
condition: >
(container.image startswith k8s.gcr.io/hyperkube-amd64 or
container.image startswith k8s.gcr.io/kube2sky or
container.image startswith sysdig/agent or
container.image startswith sysdig/falco or
container.image startswith sysdig/sysdig)
- rule: Contact K8S API Server From Container
desc: Detect attempts to contact the K8S API Server from a container
condition: outbound and k8s_api_server and container and not k8s_containers
output: Unexpected connection to K8s API Server from container (command=%proc.cmdline %container.info image=%container.image connection=%fd.name)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network, k8s, container]
- macro: nodeport_containers
condition: container
- rule: Unexpected K8s NodePort Connection
desc: Detect attempts to use K8s NodePorts from a container
condition: (inbound_outbound) and fd.sport >= 30000 and fd.sport <= 32767 and container and not nodeport_containers
output: Unexpected K8s NodePort Connection (command=%proc.cmdline connection=%fd.name)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network, k8s, container]
falco_rules_local: |
# Your custom rules!
# Add new rules, like this one
# - rule: The program "sudo" is run in a container
# desc: An event will trigger every time you run sudo in a container
# condition: evt.type = execve and evt.dir=< and container.id != host and proc.name = sudo
# output: "Sudo run in container (user=%user.name %container.info parent=%proc.pname cmdline=%proc.cmdline)"
# priority: ERROR
# tags: [users, container]
# Or override/append to any rule, macro, or list from the Default Rules
custom_rules: {}
# Although Falco comes with a nice default rule set for detecting weird
# behavior in containers, our users are going to customize the run-time
# security rule sets or policies for the specific container images and
# applications they run. This feature can be handled in this section.
# Example:
# rules-traefik.yaml: |-
# [ rule body ]
- k8sksauth-image-repo-sync
- endpoint: node
service: local_image_registry
services: null
- endpoint: internal
service: local_image_registry
daemonset: true
configmap_etc: true
configmap_custom_rules: false
configmap_bin: true
secret_registry: true