Revises RHEL installation and scripted installation in Compute Admin manual
Change-Id: Ie05e8b9f0699e8c2af46b3bccf77a098c99086be
This commit is contained in:
@ -170,63 +170,32 @@
<link xlink:href=""></link>.</para></section>
<section xml:id="scripted-ubuntu-installation">
<title>Scripted Installation</title>
<para>You can download a script from GitHub at <link
<para>Copy the file to the servers where you want to install OpenStack Compute services
- with multiple servers, you could install a cloud controller node and multiple
compute nodes. The compute nodes manage the virtual machines through the
nova-compute service. The cloud controller node contains all other nova-
<para>Ensure you can execute the script by modifying the permissions on the script
<literallayout class="monospaced">wget --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod 755 nova-install</literallayout><para>You
must run the script with root permissions. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo bash nova-install -t cloud</literallayout>
<para>The way this script is designed, you can have multiple servers for the cloud
controller, the messaging service, and the database server, or run it all on one
server. The -t or -type parameter has two options: <code>nova-install -t
cloud</code> installs the cloud controller and <code>nova-install -t
compute</code> installs a compute node for an existing cloud controller.</para>
<para>These are the parameters you enter using the script:</para>
<para>Enter the Cloud Controller Host IP address.</para>
<para>Enter the S3 IP, or use the default address as the current server's IP
<para>Enter the RabbitMQ Host IP. Again, you can use the default to install
it to the local server. RabbitMQ will be installed. </para>
<para>Enter the MySQL host IP address.</para>
<para>Enter the MySQL root password and verify it.</para>
<para>Enter a network range for all projects in CIDR format.</para>
<para>The script uses all these values entered for the configuration information to
create the nova.conf configuration file. The script also walks you through creating
a user and project. Enter a user name and project name when prompted. After the script is finished, you also need to create the project zip file. Credentials are generated after you create the project zip file with <code>nova-manage project zipfile projname username</code></para>
<para>After configuring OpenStack Compute and creating a project zip file using the nova-manage project create command, be sure to unizp the project zip file and then source the novarc
credential file that you extracted. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">source /root/creds/novarc </literallayout>
<para>Now all the necessary nova services are started up and you can begin to issue
nova-manage commands. If you configured it to all run from one server, you're done.
If you have a second server that you intend to use as a compute node (a node that
does not contain the database), install the nova services on the second node using
the -t compute parameters using the same nova-install script.</para>
<para>To run from two or more servers, copy the nova.conf from the cloud controller node to the compute node. </para>
<para>You can download a script for a standalone install for proof-of-concept, learning, or for development purposes for Ubuntu 11.04 at <link
<listitem><para>Install Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty):</para> <para>In order to correctly install all the dependencies, we assume a specific version of Ubuntu to
make it as easy as possible. OpenStack works on other flavors of Linux (and
some folks even run it on Windows!) We recommend using a minimal install of
Ubuntu server in a VM if this is your first time.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Download DevStack:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">git clone git://</literallayout>
<para>The devstack repo contains a script that installs OpenStack Compute, the Image
Service and the Identity Service and offers templates for configuration
files plus data scripts. </para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Start the install:</para><literallayout class="monospaced">cd devstack; ./</literallayout><para>It takes a few minutes, we recommend <link xlink:href=""
>reading the well-documented script</link> while it is building to learn
more about what is going on. </para>
<section xml:id="manual-ubuntu-installation">
<title>Manual Installation</title>
@ -365,43 +334,8 @@ sudo service mysql restart</literallayout></para>
Your installation can run any nova- services anywhere, so long as the service
can access nova.conf so it knows where the rabbitmq server is installed.</para>
<para>The Compute Node is where you configure the Compute network, the networking
between your instances. There are three options: flat, flatDHCP, and
<para>If you use FlatManager as your network manager, there are some additional
networking changes to ensure connectivity between your nodes and VMs. If you
chose VlanManager or FlatDHCP, you may skip this section because they are set up
for you automatically. </para>
<para>Compute defaults to a bridge device named ‘br100’. This needs to be created
and somehow integrated into your network. To keep things as simple as possible,
have all the VM guests on the same network as the VM hosts (the compute nodes).
To do so, set the compute node’s external IP address to be on the bridge and add
eth0 to that bridge. To do this, edit your network interfaces configuration to
look like the following example: </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">
< begin /etc/network/interfaces >
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# Networking for OpenStack Compute
auto br100
iface br100 inet dhcp
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_stp off
bridge_maxwait 0
bridge_fd 0
< end /etc/network/interfaces >
<para>Next, restart networking to apply the changes: </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart</literallayout>
<para>If you use flat networking, you must manually insert the IP address into the
'fixed_ips' table in the nova database. Also ensure that the database lists the
bridge name correctly that matches the network configuration you are working
within. Flat networking should insert this automatically but you may need to
check it.</para>
between your instances. There are three options: flat, flatDHCP, and VLAN. Read
more about specific configurations in the <xref linkend="ch_networking">Networking chapter</xref>. </para>
<para>Because you may need to query the database from the Compute node and learn
more information about instances, euca2ools and mysql-client packages should be
installed on any additional Compute nodes.</para>
@ -414,19 +348,37 @@ bridge_fd 0
<literallayout class="monospaced">restart libvirt-bin; restart nova-network; restart nova-compute;
restart nova-api; restart nova-objectstore; restart nova-scheduler</literallayout>
<para>All nova services are now installed, the rest of your steps involve specific configuration steps. Please refer to <xref linkend="configuring-openstack-compute-basics">Configuring Compute</xref> for additional information. </para>
<section xml:id="installing-openstack-compute-on-rhel6">
<title>Installing OpenStack Compute on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 </title>
<para>This section documents a multi-node installation using RHEL 6. RPM repos for the Bexar
release, the Cactus release, and also per-commit trunk builds for OpenStack Nova are
available at <link xlink:href=""
></link>. </para>
release, the Cactus release, milestone releases of Diablo, and also per-commit trunk
builds for OpenStack Nova are available at <link
xlink:href=""></link>. The
final release of Diablo is available at <link
></link>, but is not yet tested completely
(as of Oct 4, 2011). Check this page for updates: <link
<para>Known limitations for RHEL version 6 installations: </para>
<para>Known considerations for RHEL version 6 installations: </para>
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>iSCSI LUN not supported due to tgtadm vs ietadm differences</para></listitem>
<para>iSCSI LUN not supported due to tgtadm versus ietadm differences</para>
<para>GuestFS is used for files injection</para>
<para>Files injection works with libvirt</para>
<para>Static network configuration can detect OS type for RHEL and Ubuntu</para>
<listitem><para>Only KVM hypervisor has been tested with this installation</para></listitem></itemizedlist>
<para>To install Nova on RHEL v.6 you need access to two repositories, one available on the
|||| website and the RHEL DVD image connected as repo. </para>
@ -443,17 +395,17 @@ baseurl=file:///mnt/cdrom/Server
<para>Download and install repo config and key.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">wget
sudo rpm -i openstack-repo-2011.1-2.noarch.rpm</literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced">wget
sudo rpm -i openstack-repo-2011.1-3.noarch.rpm</literallayout>
<para>Install the libvirt package (these instructions are tested only on KVM). </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo yum install libvirt
sudo chkconfig libvirtd on
sudo service libvirtd start</literallayout>
<para>Repeat the basic installation steps to put the pre-requisites on all cloud controller and compute nodes. Nova has many different possible configurations. You can install Nova services on separate servers as needed but these are the basic pre-reqs.</para>
<para>These are the basic packages to install for a cloud controller node:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo yum install euca2ools openstack-nova-{api,compute,network,objectstore,scheduler,volume} openstack-nova-cc-config openstack-glance</literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo yum install euca2ools openstack-nova-node-full</literallayout>
<para>These are the basic packages to install compute nodes. Repeat for each compute node (the node that runs the VMs) that you want to install.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo yum install openstack-nova-compute openstack-nova-compute-config</literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo yum install openstack-nova-compute </literallayout>
<para>On the cloud controller node, create a MySQL database named nova. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">sudo service mysqld start
sudo chkconfig mysqld on
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DB_NAME.* TO root IDENTIFIED BY '$DB_PASS';" | mysql -uroot -p$DB_PASS mysql </literallayout>
<para>Now, ensure the database version matches the version of nova that you are installing:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage db sync</literallayout>
<para>On each node, set up the configuration file in /etc/nova/nova.conf.</para>
<para>For iptables configuration, update your firewall configuration to allow incoming
requests on ports 5672 (RabbitMQ), 3306 (MySQL DB), 9292 (Glance), 6080 (noVNC web
console), API (8773, 8774) and DHCP traffic from instances. For non-production
environments the easiest way to fix any firewall problems is removing final REJECT in
INPUT chain of filter table. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 5672 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 9292 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 6080 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 8773 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 8774 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT</literallayout>
<para>On every node when you have nova-compute running ensure that unencrypted VNC access is allowed only from Cloud Controller node:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -s <CLOUD_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS> --dport 5900:6400 -j ACCEPT
</literallayout><para>On each node, set up the configuration file in /etc/nova/nova.conf.</para>
<para>Start the Nova services after configuring and you then are running an OpenStack
<literallayout class="monospaced">for n in api compute network objectstore scheduler volume; do sudo service openstack-nova-$n start; done
sudo service openstack-glance start
for n in node1 node2 node3; do ssh $n sudo service openstack-nova-compute start; done</literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced">$ for n in api compute network objectstore scheduler vncproxy; do sudo service openstack-nova-$n start; done
$ sudo service openstack-glance-api start
$ sudo service openstack-glance-registry start
$ for n in node1 node2 node3; do ssh $n sudo service openstack-nova-compute start; done</literallayout>
<section xml:id="configuring-openstack-compute-basics">
<title>Post-Installation Configuration for OpenStack Compute</title>
@ -578,6 +546,10 @@ for n in node1 node2 node3; do ssh $n sudo service openstack-nova-compute start;
<td>Number value; Number of addresses in each private subnet.</td>
<td>--glance_api_servers </td>
<td>IP and port; Address for Image Service.</td>
@ -595,6 +567,7 @@ for n in node1 node2 node3; do ssh $n sudo service openstack-nova-compute start;
--sql_connection=mysql://nova:notnova@ </literallayout>
<para>Create a “nova” group, so you can set permissions on the configuration file: </para>
@ -606,17 +579,18 @@ chmod 640 /etc/nova/nova.conf</literallayout>
</section><section xml:id="setting-up-openstack-compute-environment-on-the-compute-node">
<title>Setting Up OpenStack Compute Environment on the Compute Node</title>
<para>These are the commands you run to ensure the database schema is current, and
then set up a user and project: </para>
then set up a user and project, if you are using built-in auth with the
--use_deprecated_auth flag rather than the Identity Service: </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync
/usr/bin/nova-manage user admin <user_name>
/usr/bin/nova-manage project create <project_name> <user_name>
/usr/bin/nova-manage network create <network-label> <project-network> <number-of-networks-in-project> <addresses-in-each-network></literallayout></para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage db sync
nova-manage user admin <user_name>
nova-manage project create <project_name> <user_name>
nova-manage network create <network-label> <project-network> <number-of-networks-in-project> <addresses-in-each-network></literallayout></para>
<para>Here is an example of what this looks like with real values entered: </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync
/usr/bin/nova-manage user admin dub
/usr/bin/nova-manage project create dubproject dub
/usr/bin/nova-manage network create novanet 1 256 </literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage db sync
nova-manage user admin dub
nova-manage project create dubproject dub
ova-manage network create novanet 1 256 </literallayout>
<para>For this example, the number of IPs is /24 since that falls inside the /16
range that was set in ‘fixed-range’ in nova.conf. Currently, there can only be
one network, and this set up would use the max IPs available in a /24. You can
@ -772,8 +746,9 @@ chmod g+rwx /dev/kvm</literallayout>
apt-get upgrade</literallayout>
<para>Next, update the database schema. </para><literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage db sync</literallayout>
<para>Restart all the nova- services. </para>
<para>A separate command is available to migrate users from the deprecated auth system to the Identity Service. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage shell export</literallayout>
<para>A separate command is available to migrate users from the deprecated auth system
to the Identity Service. </para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">nova-manage shell export textfilename.txt</literallayout>
<para>Within the Keystone project there is a keystone-import script that you can run to
import these users.</para>
<para>Make sure that you can launch images. You can convert images that were previously stored in the nova object store using this command: </para>
@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@
<text transform="translate(50.5791,249.1152)" id="text2733"><tspan x="0" y="0" font-size="39.6113" id="tspan2735" style="font-size: ;fill:#f2f2f2;font-family:CartoGothic Std;font-weight:bold;">OpenStack Compute</tspan></text>
<text id="text2749" style="text-align:end;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:end" sodipodi:linespacing="125%" x="528.53357" y="306.31589"><tspan x="528.53357" y="306.31589" font-size="10.3668" id="tspan2751" style="font-size:10.36680031px;text-align:end;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:end;fill:#333333;font-family:CartoGothic Std">trunk (Aug 19, 2011)</tspan></text>
<text id="text2749" style="text-align:end;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:end" sodipodi:linespacing="125%" x="528.53357" y="306.31589"><tspan x="528.53357" y="306.31589" font-size="10.3668" id="tspan2751" style="font-size:10.36680031px;text-align:end;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:end;fill:#333333;font-family:CartoGothic Std">Diablo (Sep 22, 2011)</tspan></text>
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ fil = new Array();
fil["0"]= "about-the-dashboard.html@@@About the Dashboard@@@null";
fil["1"]= "allocating-associating-ip-addresses.html@@@Allocating and Associating IP Addresses with Instances@@@null";
fil["2"]= "associating-public-ip.html@@@Associating a Public IP Address@@@null";
fil["3"]= "build-and-configure-openstack-dashboard.html@@@Build and Configure Openstack-Dashboard@@@null";
fil["3"]= "build-and-configure-openstack-dashboard.html@@@Configure Openstack-Dashboard@@@null";
fil["4"]= "certificates-and-revocation.html@@@Certificates and Revocation@@@null";
fil["5"]= "ch_configuring-openstack-compute.html@@@Chapter 4. Configuring OpenStack Compute@@@null";
fil["6"]= "ch_getting-started-with-openstack.html@@@Chapter 1. Getting Started with OpenStack@@@null";
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fil["36"]= "configuring-vlan-networking.html@@@Configuring VLAN Networking@@@nul
fil["37"]= "creating-a-cloudpipe-image.html@@@Creating a Cloudpipe Image@@@null";
fil["38"]= "creating-a-linux-image.html@@@Creating a Linux Image – Ubuntu & Fedora@@@null";
fil["39"]= "creating-a-windows-image.html@@@Creating a Windows Image@@@null";
fil["40"]= "creating-certifications.html@@@Creating Certifications@@@null";
fil["40"]= "creating-certifications.html@@@Creating Credentials@@@null";
fil["41"]= "creating-custom-images.html@@@Image management@@@null";
fil["42"]= "dashboard-system-requirements.html@@@System Requirements for the Dashboard@@@null";
fil["43"]= "deleting-instances.html@@@Deleting Instances@@@null";
@ -49,58 +49,61 @@ fil["46"]= "enabling-access-to-vms-on-the-compute-node.html@@@Enabling Access to
fil["47"]= "enabling-ping-and-ssh-on-vms.html@@@Enabling Ping and SSH on VMs@@@null";
fil["48"]= "enabling-vnc-consoles-in-nova.html@@@Enabling VNC Consoles in Nova@@@null";
fil["49"]= "example-installation-architecture.html@@@Example Installation Architectures@@@null";
fil["50"]= "general-compute-configuration-overview.html@@@General Compute Configuration Overview@@@null";
fil["51"]= "getting-an-instances-vnc-console.html@@@Getting an Instance s VNC Console@@@null";
fil["52"]= "getting-started-with-the-vnc-proxy.html@@@Getting Started with the VNC Proxy@@@null";
fil["53"]= "handling-drive-failure.html@@@Handling Drive Failure@@@null";
fil["54"]= "handling-server-failure.html@@@Handling Server Failure@@@null";
fil["55"]= "hypervisor-configuration-basics.html@@@Hypervisor Configuration Basics@@@null";
fil["56"]= "hypervisors.html@@@Hypervisors@@@null";
fil["57"]= "images-and-instances.html@@@Images and Instances@@@null";
fil["58"]= "installing-needed-software-for-web-scale.html@@@Part III: Installing the Needed Software for the Web-Scale Scenario@@@null";
fil["59"]= "installing-openstack-compute-on-rhel6.html@@@Installing OpenStack Compute on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6@@@null";
fil["60"]= "installing-openstack-compute-on-ubuntu.html@@@Installing OpenStack Compute on Ubuntu@@@null";
fil["61"]= "installing-openstack-dashboard.html@@@Installing the OpenStack Dashboard@@@null";
fil["62"]= "installing-the-cloud-controller.html@@@Installing the Cloud Controller@@@null";
fil["63"]= "installing-the-compute-node.html@@@Installing the Compute Node@@@null";
fil["64"]= "iso-ubuntu-installation.html@@@ISO Distribution Installation@@@null";
fil["65"]= "live-migration-usage.html@@@Using Live Migration@@@null";
fil["66"]= "log-files-for-openstack-compute.html@@@Log files for OpenStack Compute@@@null";
fil["67"]= "managing-compute-users.html@@@Managing Compute Users@@@null";
fil["68"]= "managing-the-cloud.html@@@Managing the Cloud@@@null";
fil["69"]= "managing-volumes.html@@@Managing Volumes@@@null";
fil["70"]= "manual-ubuntu-installation.html@@@Manual Installation@@@null";
fil["71"]= "migrating-from-bexar-to-cactus.html@@@Migrating from Bexar to Cactus@@@null";
fil["72"]= "networking-options.html@@@Networking Options@@@null";
fil["73"]= "nova-conceptual-mapping.html@@@Nova Conceptual Mapping@@@null";
fil["74"]= "openstack-architecture-overview.html@@@OpenStack Project Architecture Overview@@@null";
fil["75"]= "openstack-compute-deployment-tool-with-puppet.html@@@Deployment Tool for OpenStack using Puppet@@@null";
fil["76"]= "openstack-compute-installation-using-virtualbox-vagrant-and-chef.html@@@OpenStack Compute Installation Using VirtualBox, Vagrant, And Chef@@@null";
fil["77"]= "openstack-nova-logical-architecture.html@@@OpenStack Compute Logical Architecture@@@null";
fil["78"]= "outbound-traffic-flow-with-any-flat-networking.html@@@Outbound Traffic Flow with Any Flat Networking@@@null";
fil["79"]= "part-i-setting-up-cloud-infrastructure.html@@@Part I: Setting Up the Cloud Infrastructure@@@null";
fil["80"]= "part-ii-getting-virtual-machines.html@@@Part II: Getting Virtual Machines to Run the Virtual Servers@@@null";
fil["81"]= "reference-for-flags-in-nova-conf.html@@@Reference for Flags in nova.conf@@@null";
fil["82"]= "removing-network-from-project.html@@@Removing a Network from a Project@@@null";
fil["83"]= "restart-nova-services.html@@@Restart All Relevant Services on the Compute Node@@@null";
fil["84"]= "restarting-and-logging-into-cloudpipe-vpn.html@@@Restarting and Logging into the Cloudpipe VPN@@@null";
fil["85"]= "run-the-server.html@@@Run the Server@@@null";
fil["86"]= "running-a-blog-in-the-cloud.html@@@Running a Blog in the Cloud@@@null";
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