Configure tenant-specific image locations with Object
StorageFor some deployers, it is not ideal to store all images in
one place to enable all tenants and users to access them. You
can configure the Image Service to store image data in
tenant-specific image locations. Then, only the following
tenants can use the Image Service to access the created image:The tenant who owns the imageTenants that are defined in
that have admin-level accountsTo configure tenant-specific image locationsConfigure swift as your
in the
glance-api.conf file.Set these configuration options in the
glance-api.conf file: .
Set to True to enable
tenant-specific storage locations. Default
is False..
Specify a list of tenant IDs that can
grant read and write access to all Object
Storage containers that are created by the
Image Service.With this configuration, images are stored in an
Object Storage service (swift) endpoint that is pulled
from the service catalog for the authenticated