Launch and manage stacks Use the Orchestration service to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications. This service supports use of both the AWS CloudFormation template format through a Query API and the OpenStack-native Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) format through a REST API. These flexible template languages enable application developers to describe and automate the deployment of infrastructure, services, and applications. The templates allow creation of most OpenStack resource types such as instances, floating IPs, volumes, security groups, and users. The template languages are described in the Template Guide in the Heat developer documentation.
Launch a stack Log in to the dashboard, choose a project, and click Stacks in the Orchestration category. Click Launch Stack. In the Select Template window, choose a template source option, URL, File, or Direct Input, from the drop-down list. Enter the URL, browse to the file location, or directly include the template based on your previous selection. In the Launch Stack window, specify the following values. Stack Name A name to identify the stack. Creation Timeout (minutes) Creation Timeout in minutes. Rollback On Failure Check this option if you want Heat to rollback on failure. Password for user "demo" Password for the user logged in. DBUsername Database user name. LinuxDistribution Linux Distribution used in the stacks. DBRootPassword Database root password. KeyName Name of the keypair. DBName Database name. DBPassword Database password. InstanceType Flavor of the instance. Click Launch to create a stack. The dashboard shows the stack in the Stacks category. After the stack is created, click on the stack name to see these details: Topology The topology of the stack created. Overview The parameters and details of the stack under the following headings: Info, Status, Outputs, Stack Parameters, and Launch Parameters. Resources The resources used by the stack. Events The events related to the stack.
Delete stacks Log in to the dashboard. On the Project tab, click the Stacks category. Select the stack that you want to delete. Click Delete Stack. In the Confirm Delete Stack window, click Delete Stack to confirm the deletion. You cannot undo this action.