Description of extra specs options for NetApp Unified Driver with Clustered Data ONTAP
Extra spec Type Description
netapp:raid_type String Limit the candidate volume list based on one of the following raid types: raid4, raid_dp.
netapp:disk_type String Limit the candidate volume list based on one of the following disk types: ATA, BSAS, EATA, FCAL, FSAS, LUN, MSATA, SAS, SATA, SCSI, XATA, XSAS, or SSD.
netapp:qos_policy_group String Limit the candidate volume list based on the name of a QoS policy group, which defines measurable Service Level Objectives that apply to the storage objects with which the policy group is associated.
netapp_mirroredIf both the positive and negative specs for a pair are specified (for example, netapp_dedup and netapp_nodedup) and set to the same value within a single extra_specs list, then neither spec will be utilized by the driver. Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that are mirrored on the storage controller.
netapp_unmirrored Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that are not mirrored on the storage controller.
netapp_dedup Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that have deduplication enabled on the storage controller.
netapp_nodedup Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that have deduplication disabled on the storage controller.
netapp_compression Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that have compression enabled on the storage controller.
netapp_nocompression Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that have compression disabled on the storage controller.
netapp_thin_provisioned Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that support thin provisioning on the storage controller.
netapp_thick_provisioned Boolean Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that support thick provisioning on the storage controller.