Description of configuration options for s3
Configuration option = Default value Description
s3_store_access_key = None (StrOpt) The S3 query token access key.
s3_store_bucket = None (StrOpt) The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.
s3_store_bucket_url_format = subdomain (StrOpt) The S3 calling format used to determine the bucket. Either subdomain or path can be used.
s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False (BoolOpt) A boolean to determine if the S3 bucket should be created on upload if it does not exist or if an error should be returned to the user.
s3_store_host = None (StrOpt) The host where the S3 server is listening.
s3_store_object_buffer_dir = None (StrOpt) The local directory where uploads will be staged before they are transferred into S3.
s3_store_secret_key = None (StrOpt) The S3 query token secret key.