Description of configuration options for rpc
Configuration option = Default value Description
amqp_auto_delete = False (BoolOpt) Auto-delete queues in amqp.
amqp_durable_queues = False (BoolOpt) Use durable queues in amqp.
control_exchange = neutron (StrOpt) AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or Qpid
host = (StrOpt) Host to locate redis
matchmaker_heartbeat_freq = 300 (IntOpt) Heartbeat frequency
matchmaker_heartbeat_ttl = 600 (IntOpt) Heartbeat time-to-live.
password = None (StrOpt) HTTP password for authentication
port = 6379 (IntOpt) Use this port to connect to redis host.
ringfile = /etc/oslo/matchmaker_ring.json (StrOpt) Matchmaker ring file (JSON)
rpc_backend = neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu (StrOpt) The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
rpc_cast_timeout = 30 (IntOpt) Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported by impl_zmq.
rpc_conn_pool_size = 30 (IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool
rpc_response_timeout = 60 (IntOpt) Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall
rpc_support_old_agents = False (BoolOpt) Enable server RPC compatibility with old agents
rpc_thread_pool_size = 64 (IntOpt) Size of RPC thread pool
topics = notifications (ListOpt) AMQP topic(s) used for openstack notifications