Dell EqualLogic volume driverThe Dell EqualLogic volume driver interacts with configured
EqualLogic arrays and supports various operations, such as
volume creation and deletion, volume attachment and
detachment, snapshot creation and deletion, and clone
creation.To configure and use a Dell EqualLogic array with Block
Storage, modify your cinder.conf as
follows.Set the option to the Dell
EqualLogic volume driver:volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.eqlx.DellEQLSanISCSIDriverSet the option to the IP address to
reach the EqualLogic Group through SSH:san_ip= the option to the user name
to login to the Group manager:san_login=grpadminSet the option to the password
to login the Group manager with:san_password=passwordOptionally set the
option to false to disable creation of thin-provisioned
volumes:san_thin_provision=falseThe following table describes additional options that the
driver supports: