.. _json: ================ JSON conventions ================ JSON formatting conventions --------------------------- * Format JSON files to be human readable. * Use four spaces for indentation (matching OpenStack conventions used in Python and shell scripts). Do not use tab characters in the code, always use spaces. * Use one space after the name-separator (colon). * Obey the formal JSON format; in particular, wrap strings in double (not single) quotes. * Sample files may have their keys ordered if that makes the file easier to understand. Automatic reformatting tools preserve the order of keys. Example: .. code-block:: json { "uuid": "d8e02d56-2648-49a3-bf97-6be8f1204f38", "availability_zone": "nova", "hostname": "test.novalocal", "launch_index": 0, "array0": [], "array1": [ "low" ], "array3": [ "low", "high", "mid" ], "object0": {}, "object1": { "value": "low", "role": "some" }, "name": "test" }