Description of Barbican configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
= key-manager:barbican:public (StrOpt) Info to match when looking for barbican in the service catalog. Format is: separated values of the form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>
= None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
= None (StrOpt) Override service catalog lookup with template for barbican endpoint e.g. http://localhost:9311/v1/%(project_id)s
= False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
= None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
= None (StrOpt) Region name of this node
= None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests