.. _baremetal_multitenancy: ======================================== Use multitenancy with Bare Metal service ======================================== Multitenancy allows creating a dedicated project network that extends the current Bare Metal (ironic) service capabilities of providing ``flat`` networks. Multitenancy works in conjunction with Networking (neutron) service to allow provisioning of a bare metal server onto the project network. Therefore, multiple projects can get isolated instances after deployment. Bare Metal service provides the ``local_link_connection`` information to the Networking service ML2 driver. The ML2 driver uses that information to plug the specified port to the project network. .. list-table:: ``local_link_connection`` fields :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - ``switch_id`` - Required. Identifies a switch and can be an LLDP-based MAC address or an OpenFlow-based ``datapath_id``. * - ``port_id`` - Required. Port ID on the switch, for example, Gig0/1. * - ``switch_info`` - Optional. Used to distinguish different switch models or other vendor specific-identifier. Configure Networking service ML2 driver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To enable the Networking service ML2 driver, edit the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file: #. Add the name of your ML2 driver. #. Add the vendor ML2 plugin configuration options. .. code-block:: ini [ml2] ... mechanism_drivers = my_mechanism_driver [my_vendor] param_1 = ... param_2 = ... param_3 = ... For more details, see `Networking service mechanism drivers <http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/networking-guide/config-ml2-plug-in.html#mechanism-drivers>`__. Configure Bare Metal service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you configure the Networking service ML2 driver, configure Bare Metal service: #. Edit the ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf`` for the ``ironic-conductor`` service. Set the ``network_interface`` node field to a valid network driver that is used to switch, clean, and provision networks. .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] ... enabled_network_interfaces=flat,neutron [neutron] ... cleaning_network_uuid=$UUID provisioning_network_uuid=$UUID .. warning:: The ``cleaning_network_uuid`` and ``provisioning_network_uuid`` parameters are required for the ``neutron`` network interface. If they are not set, ``ironic-conductor`` fails to start. #. Set ``neutron`` to use Networking service ML2 driver: .. code-block:: console $ ironic node-create -n $NAME --network-interface neutron --driver agent_ipmitool #. Create a port with appropriate ``local_link_connection`` information. Set the ``pxe_enabled`` port attribute to ``True`` to create network ports for for the ``pxe_enabled`` ports only: .. code-block:: console $ ironic --ironic-api-version latest port-create -a $HW_MAC_ADDRESS \ -n $NODE_UUID -l switch_id=$SWITCH_MAC_ADDRESS \ -l switch_info=$SWITCH_HOSTNAME -l port_id=$SWITCH_PORT --pxe-enabled true