--- # Schema: See schema.yaml and README.txt - name: keystone service: Identity service service_type: identity has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-keystoneclient service: Identity service Python Bindings type: service-client description: keystone client - name: keystoneauth type: cloud-client description: keystoneauth service: Common authentication library and REST client for OpenStack. - name: keystonemiddleware type: library service: Middleware provided for integrating with the OpenStack Identity API. - name: pycadf type: library service: Creates CADF events to capture cloud-related events. - name: glance service: Image service service_type: image has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true type: service has_user_guide: true has_in_tree_htaccess: true - name: python-glanceclient service: Image service Python Bindings type: service-client description: glance client - name: glance_store deliverable-name: glance-store service: glance backend abstraction library type: library has_user_guide: true - name: nova service: Compute service service_type: compute has_api_ref: true has_api_guide: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_in_tree_htaccess: true type: service - name: python-novaclient service: Compute service Python Bindings has_user_guide: true has_in_tree_htaccess: true type: service-client description: nova client - name: os-traits type: library service: Library containing standardized trait strings. - name: os-vif type: library service: Library for plugging and unplugging virtual interfaces. - name: placement type: service service: Placement service service_type: placement has_api_ref: true has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true # - name: osc-placement # type: service-client # service: OpenStackClient plugin for the Nova Placement service. # description: nova placement client - name: neutron service: Networking service service_type: network has_api_ref: true # currently published under neutron-lib has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-neutronclient service: Networking service Python Bindings type: service-client description: neutron client - name: neutron-lib type: library service: Library provided for integrating with the OpenStack Networking platform. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: networking-bagpipe service: BaGPipe backend type: networking has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: networking-bgpvpn service: BGP-MPLS VPN Networking service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: neutron-dynamic-routing service: Dynamic Routing service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true - name: neutron-fwaas service: Firewall-as-a-Service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true - name: neutron-vpnaas service: VPN-as-a-Service Plug-in type: networking - name: networking-midonet service: MidoNet Networking service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: networking-odl service: OpenDaylight(ODL) Networking service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: networking-ovn service: OVN Networking service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true - name: networking-sfc service: Service Function Chaining Networking service Plug-in type: networking has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true - name: horizon service: Dashboard has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: cinder service: Block Storage service service_type: block-storage has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-cinderclient service: Block Storage service Python Bindings type: service-client description: cinder client - name: os-brick service: library for managing local volume attaches type: library description: cinder backend abstraction library - name: python-brick-cinderclient-ext service: client for local volume attachement type: service-client description: cinder local client - name: ironic service: Bare Metal service service_type: baremetal has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-ironicclient service: Bare Metal service Python Bindings type: service-client description: ironic client - name: ironic-inspector service: Bare Metal Introspection service type: baremetal has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: python-ironic-inspector-client service: Bare Metal Introspection service Python Bindings type: service-client description: ironic-inspector client - name: bifrost service: Ansible roles and playbooks to enable a standalone Ironic install type: baremetal - name: sushy service: Python library to communicate with Redfish based systems type: baremetal - name: ironic-python-agent service: Python agent for provisioning and deprovisioning Bare Metal servers type: baremetal - name: magnum service: Container Infrastructure Management service service_type: container-infrastructure-management has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-magnumclient service: Container Infrastructure Management service Python Bindings type: service-client description: magnum client - name: trove service: Database service service_type: database has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_api_ref: true type: service - name: python-troveclient service: Database service Python Bindings type: service-client description: trove client has_user_guide: true - name: designate service: DNS service service_type: dns has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_user_guide: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-designateclient service: DNS service Python Bindings type: service-client description: designate client has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true # - name: ec2-api # service: EC2 API compatibility layer # service_type: ec2-api # has_api_ref: true # has_install_guide: true # has_config_ref: true # type: service - name: barbican service: Key Manager service service_type: key-manager has_api_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_in_tree_api_docs: true has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-barbicanclient service: Key Manager service Python Bindings type: service-client description: barbican client has_install_guide: true - name: zaqar service: Messaging service service_type: message has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-zaqarclient service: Messaging service Python Bindings type: service-client description: zaqar client - name: swift service: Object Storage service service_type: object-store has_admin_guide: true has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true type: service - name: python-swiftclient service: Object Storage service Python Bindings type: service-client description: swift client - name: heat service: Orchestration service service_type: orchestration has_in_tree_api_docs: true has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_in_tree_htaccess: true type: service - name: python-heatclient service: Orchestration service Python Bindings type: service-client description: heat client - name: heat-translator type: tool service: Translate non-heat templates to heat Orchestration Template - name: tosca-parser type: tool service: Parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML - name: manila service: Shared File Systems service service_type: shared-file-system has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-manilaclient service: Shared File Systems service Python Bindings type: service-client description: manila client - name: aodh service: Telemetry Alarming services service_type: alarm has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-aodhclient service: Telemetry Alarming service Python Bindings type: service-client description: aodh client - name: ceilometer service: Telemetry Data Collection service service_type: meter has_admin_guide: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service # - name: requirements # service: Global requirements for OpenStack # type: tool - name: sahara service: Data Processing service service_type: data-processing has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_in_tree_htaccess: true type: service - name: python-saharaclient service: Data Processing service Python Bindings type: service-client description: sahara client - name: congress service: Governance service service_type: operator-policy has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-congressclient service: Governance service Python Bindings has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true type: service-client description: congress client - name: watcher service: Infrastructure Optimization service service_type: resource-optimization type: service has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_api_ref: true - name: python-watcherclient service: Infrastructure Optimization service Python Bindings type: service-client description: watcher client - name: mistral service: Workflow service service_type: workflow type: service has_install_guide: true has_in_tree_api_docs: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: python-mistralclient service: Workflow service Python Bindings type: service-client description: mistral client - name: murano service: Application Catalog service service_type: application-catalog type: service has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true # - name: python-muranoclient # service: Application Catalog service Python Bindings # type: service-client # description: murano client - name: senlin service: Clustering service service_type: clustering type: service has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: python-senlinclient service: Clustering service Python Bindings type: service-client description: senlin client - name: storlets service: Compute inside Object Storage service type: other - name: zun service: Containers service service_type: application-container has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true type: service - name: python-zunclient service: Containers service Python Bindings has_install_guide: true type: service-client description: zun client - name: tacker service: NFV Orchestration service service_type: nfv-orchestration has_admin_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-tackerclient service: NFV Orchestration service Python Bindings type: service-client description: tacker client - name: cloudkitty service: Rating service service_type: rating type: service has_admin_guide: true - name: python-cloudkittyclient service: Rating service Python Bindings type: service-client description: cloudkitty client - name: vitrage service: RCA (Root Cause Analysis) service service_type: root-cause-analysis has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true type: service - name: python-vitrageclient service: RCA (Root Cause Analysis) service Python Bindings type: service-client description: vitrage client - name: panko service: Telemetry Event service service_type: event type: service has_install_guide: true has_in_tree_api_docs: true - name: python-pankoclient service: Telemetry Event service Python Bindings type: service-client description: panko client - name: automaton service: Friendly state machines for Python. type: library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: castellan service: Key Manager interface abstraction type: library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: debtcollector type: library service: A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies that help you collect your technical debt in a non-destructive manner. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: futurist type: library service: Asynchronous code from the future, helping you build out your applications to handle asynchronous and periodic work in a nice manner. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.cache type: library service: Cache management library. has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.concurrency type: library service: External process management and task synchronization. has_user_guide: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: oslo.config type: library service: Configuration option parsing from the command line or configuration files. has_config_ref: true - name: oslo.context type: library service: Helpers to maintain useful information about a request context. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.db type: library service: Database connectivity. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.i18n type: library service: Internationalization and translation. has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.log type: library service: A logging configuration library. has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.messaging type: library service: Inter-process communication. has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_config_ref: true - name: oslo.middleware type: library service: WSGI middleware library for web service development. has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true - name: oslo.policy type: library service: Common policy enforcement. has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.privsep type: library service: library for privilege separation has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.reports type: library service: Error report framework for projects. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.rootwrap type: library service: Fine filtering of shell commands to run as root. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.serialization type: library service: Serialization with special handling for some common types. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.service type: library service: Library for running and managing OpenStack services. has_config_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.upgradecheck type: library service: Library of common code for upgrade checks. - name: oslo.utils type: library service: Library of common low-level utility modules. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.versionedobjects type: library service: Database and RPC object schema versioning. has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslo.vmware type: library service: Common functionality required by VMware drivers in several projects. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: oslotest type: library service: Unit test and fixture framework. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: osprofiler type: library service: Cross-Project profiling library. has_user_guide: true - name: stevedore type: library service: Manages dynamic plug-ins for Python applications. has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: taskflow type: library service: Makes task execution easy, consistent, and reliable. has_user_guide: true - name: tooz type: library service: Distributed primitives like group membership protocol, lock service and leader elections. has_user_guide: true has_install_guide: true - name: octavia service: Load-balancer service service_type: load-balancer has_install_guide: true has_api_ref: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true type: service has_user_guide: true - name: python-octaviaclient service: Load-balancer service client type: service-client description: octavia client - name: karbor service: Data Protection Orchestration Service service_type: data-protection-orchestration has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true type: service - name: python-karborclient service: Data Protection Orchestration Service client has_user_guide: true type: service-client description: karbor client - name: blazar service: Resource reservation service service_type: reservation has_api_ref: true has_install_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: monasca-api service: Monitoring service type: service service_type: monitoring has_api_ref: false has_install_guide: false has_config_ref: false has_admin_guide: false has_user_guide: false - name: python-monascaclient service: Monitoring service client type: service-client description: monasca client - name: python-openstackclient service: Command line interface to OpenStack type: cloud-client description: OpenStack client has_config_ref: true - name: cliff service: Builds command-line programs in Python. type: library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: os-client-config service: Library for collecting client configuration for using an OpenStack cloud type: library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: shade service: Multi-cloud interoperability library type: cloud-client description: shade client library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: openstacksdk service: Client library for building applications to work with OpenStack clouds type: cloud-client description: openstacksdk client library has_install_guide: true has_user_guide: true - name: solum service: Software Development Lifecycle Automation service service_type: application-deployment has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-solumclient service: Software Development Lifecycle Automation client type: service-client description: solum client - name: tricircle service: Networking automation across Neutron service service_type: multi-region-network-automation has_install_guide: true has_admin_guide: true has_config_ref: true has_user_guide: true type: service - name: python-tricircleclient service: Networking automation client type: service-client description: tricircle client # - name: os-win # service: Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects. # type: library - name: qinling service: Function as a Service for OpenStack service_type: function-engine type: service has_admin_guide: true - name: devstack service: DevStack type: tool # - name: renderspec # service: RPM .spec template renderer # type: tool - name: grenade service: Test harness to exercise the upgrade process between releases. type: tool # - name: charm-guide # type: deployment # service: Understanding Juju Charms for deploying OpenStack - name: kolla type: deployment service: Providing production-ready containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds has_admin_guide: true - name: kolla-ansible service: Deploying OpenStack using Ansible in Docker Containers (kolla) type: deployment has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_deployment_guide: true - name: openstack-ansible type: deployment service: OpenStack-Ansible Deployment has_admin_guide: true has_user_guide: true has_deployment_guide: true # - name: tripleo-docs # type: deployment # service: Deploying OpenStack with TripleO # has_install_guide: true # - name: puppet-openstack-guide # type: deployment # service: Puppet modules for deployment # has_install_guide: true - name: kuryr service: Bridge between container framework and OpenStack abstractions type: service - name: charm-deployment-guide service: Deploying OpenStack using Juju Charms type: deployment has_deployment_guide: true has_project_guide: false # - name: openstack-chef # service: Chef OpenStack Deployment # type: deployment # has_deployment_guide: true # has_install_guide: true # Projects that do not appear in the service-types-authority list: # - kuryr # - dragonflow