.. ## WARNING ##################################### .. This file is tool-generated. Do not edit manually. .. ################################################## =============================================================== Container Infrastructure Management service command-line client =============================================================== The magnum client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Container Infrastructure Management service API and its extensions. This chapter documents :command:`magnum` version ``2.1.0``. For help on a specific :command:`magnum` command, enter: .. code-block:: console $ magnum help COMMAND .. _magnum_command_usage: magnum usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: magnum [--version] [--debug] [--os-cache] [--os-region-name ] [--os-tenant-id ] [--os-user-domain-id ] [--os-user-domain-name ] [--os-project-domain-id ] [--os-project-domain-name ] [--service-type ] [--endpoint-type ] [--magnum-api-version ] [--os-cacert ] [--bypass-url ] [--insecure] [--os-auth-system ] [--os-username ] [--os-password ] [--os-tenant-name ] [--os-token ] [--os-auth-url ] ... **Subcommands:** ``baymodel-create`` Create a baymodel. ``baymodel-delete`` Delete specified baymodel. ``baymodel-list`` Print a list of bay models. ``baymodel-show`` Show details about the given baymodel. ``baymodel-update`` Updates one or more baymodel attributes. ``bay-create`` Create a bay. ``bay-delete`` Delete specified bay. ``bay-list`` Print a list of available bays. ``bay-show`` Show details about the given bay. ``bay-update`` Update information about the given bay. ``ca-show`` Show details about the CA certificate for a bay. ``ca-sign`` Generate the CA certificate for a bay. ``container-create`` Create a container. ``container-delete`` Delete specified containers. ``container-exec`` Execute command in a container. ``container-list`` Print a list of available containers. ``container-logs`` Get logs of a container. ``container-pause`` Pause specified containers. ``container-reboot`` Reboot specified containers. ``container-show`` Show details of a container. ``container-start`` Start specified containers. ``container-stop`` Stop specified containers. ``container-unpause`` Unpause specified containers. ``service-list`` Print a list of magnum services. ``pod-create`` Create a pod. ``pod-delete`` Delete specified pod. ``pod-list`` Print a list of registered pods. ``pod-show`` Show details about the given pod. ``pod-update`` Update information about the given pod. ``rc-create`` Create a replication controller. ``rc-delete`` Delete specified replication controller. ``rc-list`` Print a list of registered replication controllers. ``rc-show`` Show details about the given replication controller. ``rc-update`` Update information about the given replication controller. ``coe-service-create`` Create a coe service. ``coe-service-delete`` Delete specified coe service. ``coe-service-list`` Print a list of coe services. ``coe-service-show`` Show details about the given coe service. ``coe-service-update`` Update information about the given coe service. ``bash-completion`` Prints arguments for bash-completion. Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so that the magnum.bash_completion script doesn't have to hard code them. ``help`` Display help about this program or one of its subcommands. .. _magnum_command_options: magnum optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``--version`` show program's version number and exit ``--debug`` Print debugging output. ``--os-cache`` Use the auth token cache. Defaults to False if ``env[OS_CACHE]`` is not set. ``--os-region-name `` Region name. Default= ``env[OS_REGION_NAME]``. ``--os-tenant-id `` Defaults to ``env[OS_TENANT_ID]``. ``--os-user-domain-id `` Defaults to ``env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]``. ``--os-user-domain-name `` Defaults to ``env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]``. ``--os-project-domain-id `` Defaults to ``env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]``. ``--os-project-domain-name `` Defaults to ``env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]``. ``--service-type `` Defaults to container for all actions. ``--endpoint-type `` Defaults to ``env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE]`` or publicURL. ``--magnum-api-version `` Accepts "api", defaults to ``env[MAGNUM_API_VERSION]``. ``--os-cacert `` Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to ``env[OS_CACERT]``. ``--bypass-url `` Use this API endpoint instead of the Service Catalog. ``--insecure`` Do not verify https connections magnum.. _magnum_common_auth: magnum common authentication arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``--os-auth-system `` Defaults to ``env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM]``. ``--os-username `` Defaults to ``env[OS_USERNAME]``. ``--os-password `` Defaults to ``env[OS_PASSWORD]``. ``--os-tenant-name `` Defaults to ``env[OS_TENANT_NAME]``. ``--os-token `` Defaults to ``env[OS_TOKEN]``. ``--os-auth-url `` Defaults to ``env[OS_AUTH_URL]``. .. _magnum_bay-create: magnum bay-create ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum bay-create [--name ] --baymodel [--node-count ] [--master-count ] [--discovery-url ] [--timeout ] Create a bay. **Optional arguments:** ``--name `` Name of the bay to create. ``--baymodel `` ID or name of the baymodel. ``--node-count `` The bay node count. ``--master-count `` The number of master nodes for the bay. ``--discovery-url `` Specifies custom discovery url for node discovery. ``--timeout `` The timeout for bay creation in minutes. Set to 0 for no timeout. The default is no timeout. .. _magnum_bay-delete: magnum bay-delete ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum bay-delete [ ...] Delete specified bay. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (bay)s to delete. .. _magnum_bay-list: magnum bay-list --------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum bay-list [--marker ] [--limit ] [--sort-key ] [--sort-dir ] Print a list of available bays. **Optional arguments:** ``--marker `` The last bay UUID of the previous page; displays list of bays after "marker". ``--limit `` Maximum number of bays to return. ``--sort-key `` Column to sort results by. ``--sort-dir `` Direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". .. _magnum_bay-show: magnum bay-show --------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum bay-show Show details about the given bay. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the bay to show. .. _magnum_bay-update: magnum bay-update ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum bay-update [ ...] Update information about the given bay. **Positional arguments:** ```` UUID or name of bay ```` Operations: 'add', 'replace' or 'remove' ```` Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove) .. _magnum_baymodel-create: magnum baymodel-create ---------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum baymodel-create [--name ] --image-id --keypair-id --external-network-id --coe [--fixed-network ] [--network-driver ] [--volume-driver ] [--dns-nameserver ] [--flavor-id ] [--master-flavor-id ] [--docker-volume-size ] [--http-proxy ] [--https-proxy ] [--no-proxy ] [--labels ] [--tls-disabled] [--public] [--registry-enabled] Create a baymodel. **Optional arguments:** ``--name `` Name of the baymodel to create. ``--image-id `` The name or UUID of the base image to customize for the bay. ``--keypair-id `` The name or UUID of the SSH keypair to load into the Bay nodes. ``--external-network-id `` The external Neutron network ID to connect to this bay model. ``--coe `` Specify the Container Orchestration Engine to use. ``--fixed-network `` The private Neutron network name to connect to this bay model. ``--network-driver `` The network driver name for instantiating container networks. ``--volume-driver `` The volume driver name for instantiating container volume. ``--dns-nameserver `` The DNS nameserver to use for this Bay. ``--flavor-id `` The nova flavor id to use when launching the bay. ``--master-flavor-id `` The nova flavor id to use when launching the master node of the bay. ``--docker-volume-size `` Specify the number of size in GB for the docker volume to use. ``--http-proxy `` The http_proxy address to use for nodes in bay. ``--https-proxy `` The https_proxy address to use for nodes in bay. ``--no-proxy `` The no_proxy address to use for nodes in bay. ``--labels `` Arbitrary labels in the form of key=value pairs to associate with a baymodel. May be used multiple times. ``--tls-disabled`` Disable TLS in the Bay. ``--public`` Make baymodel public. ``--registry-enabled`` Enable docker registry in the Bay .. _magnum_baymodel-delete: magnum baymodel-delete ---------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum baymodel-delete [ ...] Delete specified baymodel. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (baymodel)s to delete. .. _magnum_baymodel-list: magnum baymodel-list -------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum baymodel-list [--limit ] [--sort-key ] [--sort-dir ] Print a list of bay models. **Optional arguments:** ``--limit `` Maximum number of baymodels to return ``--sort-key `` Column to sort results by ``--sort-dir `` Direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". .. _magnum_baymodel-show: magnum baymodel-show -------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum baymodel-show Show details about the given baymodel. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID of the baymodel to show. .. _magnum_baymodel-update: magnum baymodel-update ---------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum baymodel-update [ ...] Updates one or more baymodel attributes. **Positional arguments:** ```` UUID or name of baymodel ```` Operations: 'add', 'replace' or 'remove' ```` Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove) .. _magnum_ca-show: magnum ca-show -------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum ca-show --bay Show details about the CA certificate for a bay. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` ID or name of the bay. .. _magnum_ca-sign: magnum ca-sign -------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum ca-sign [--csr ] --bay Generate the CA certificate for a bay. **Optional arguments:** ``--csr `` File path of the csr file to send to Magnum to get signed. ``--bay `` ID or name of the bay. .. _magnum_coe-service-create: magnum coe-service-create ------------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum coe-service-create [--manifest-url ] [--manifest ] --bay Create a coe service. **Optional arguments:** ``--manifest-url `` Name/URL of the service file to use for creating services. ``--manifest `` File path of the service file to use for creating services. ``--bay `` Id or name of the bay. .. _magnum_coe-service-delete: magnum coe-service-delete ------------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum coe-service-delete --bay [ ...] Delete specified coe service. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the service to delete. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_coe-service-list: magnum coe-service-list ----------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum coe-service-list --bay Print a list of coe services. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_coe-service-show: magnum coe-service-show ----------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum coe-service-show --bay Show details about the given coe service. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the service to show. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_coe-service-update: magnum coe-service-update ------------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum coe-service-update --bay [ ...] Update information about the given coe service. **Positional arguments:** ```` UUID or name of service ```` Operations: 'add', 'replace' or 'remove' ```` Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove) **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_container-create: magnum container-create ----------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-create [--name ] --image --bay [--command ] [--memory ] Create a container. **Optional arguments:** ``--name `` name of the container ``--image `` name or ID of the image ``--bay `` ID or name of the bay. ``--command `` Send command to the container ``--memory `` The container memory size (format: , where unit = b, k, m or g) .. _magnum_container-delete: magnum container-delete ----------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-delete [ ...] Delete specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (container)s to delete. .. _magnum_container-exec: magnum container-exec --------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-exec --command Execute command in a container. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the container to execute command in. **Optional arguments:** ``--command `` The command to execute .. _magnum_container-list: magnum container-list --------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-list [--marker ] [--limit ] [--sort-key ] [--sort-dir ] [--bay ] Print a list of available containers. **Optional arguments:** ``--marker `` The last bay UUID of the previous page; displays list of bays after "marker". ``--limit `` Maximum number of containers to return ``--sort-key `` Column to sort results by ``--sort-dir `` Direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_container-logs: magnum container-logs --------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-logs Get logs of a container. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the container to get logs for. .. _magnum_container-pause: magnum container-pause ---------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-pause [ ...] Pause specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (container)s to pause. .. _magnum_container-reboot: magnum container-reboot ----------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-reboot [ ...] Reboot specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (container)s to reboot. .. _magnum_container-show: magnum container-show --------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-show [--json] Show details of a container. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the container to show. **Optional arguments:** ``--json`` Print JSON representation of the container. .. _magnum_container-start: magnum container-start ---------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-start [ ...] Start specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID of the (container)s to start. .. _magnum_container-stop: magnum container-stop --------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-stop [ ...] Stop specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (container)s to stop. .. _magnum_container-unpause: magnum container-unpause ------------------------ .. code-block:: console usage: magnum container-unpause [ ...] Unpause specified containers. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (container)s to unpause. .. _magnum_pod-create: magnum pod-create ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum pod-create [--manifest-url ] [--manifest ] --bay Create a pod. **Optional arguments:** ``--manifest-url `` Name/URL of the pod file to use for creating PODs. ``--manifest `` File path of the pod file to use for creating PODs. ``--bay `` ID or name of the bay. .. _magnum_pod-delete: magnum pod-delete ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum pod-delete --bay [ ...] Delete specified pod. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the (pod)s to delete. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_pod-list: magnum pod-list --------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum pod-list --bay Print a list of registered pods. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_pod-show: magnum pod-show --------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum pod-show --bay Show details about the given pod. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the pod to show. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_pod-update: magnum pod-update ----------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum pod-update --bay [ ...] Update information about the given pod. **Positional arguments:** ```` UUID or name of pod ```` Operations: 'add', 'replace' or 'remove' ```` Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove) **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_rc-create: magnum rc-create ---------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum rc-create [--manifest-url ] [--manifest ] --bay Create a replication controller. **Optional arguments:** ``--manifest-url `` Name/URL of the replication controller file to use for creating replication controllers. ``--manifest `` File path of the replication controller file to use for creating replication controllers. ``--bay `` ID or name of the bay. .. _magnum_rc-delete: magnum rc-delete ---------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum rc-delete --bay [ ...] Delete specified replication controller. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the replication (controller)s to delete. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_rc-list: magnum rc-list -------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum rc-list --bay Print a list of registered replication controllers. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_rc-show: magnum rc-show -------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum rc-show --bay Show details about the given replication controller. **Positional arguments:** ```` ID or name of the replication controller to show. **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_rc-update: magnum rc-update ---------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum rc-update --bay [ ...] Update information about the given replication controller. **Positional arguments:** ```` UUID or name of replication controller ```` Operations: 'add', 'replace' or 'remove' ```` Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove) **Optional arguments:** ``--bay `` UUID or Name of Bay .. _magnum_service-list: magnum service-list ------------------- .. code-block:: console usage: magnum service-list Print a list of magnum services.