Description of configuration options for gpfs_volume
Configuration option=Default value Description
gpfs_images_dir=None (StrOpt) Path to GPFS Glance repository as mounted on Nova nodes
gpfs_images_share_mode=None (StrOpt) Set this if Glance image repo is on GPFS as well so that the image bits can be transferred efficiently between Glance and Cinder. Valid values are copy or copy_on_write. copy performs a full copy of the image, copy_on_write efficiently shares unmodified blocks of the image.
gpfs_max_clone_depth=0 (IntOpt) A lengthy chain of copy-on-write snapshots or clones could have impact on performance. This option limits the number of indirections required to reach a specific block. 0 indicates unlimited.
gpfs_mount_point_base=None (StrOpt) Path to the directory on GPFS mount point where volumes are stored
gpfs_sparse_volumes=True (BoolOpt) Create volumes as sparse files which take no space. If set to False volume is created as regular file. In this case volume creation may take a significantly longer time.